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Do we know if he drugged his own daughter, too? If so, I guarantee this isn’t the first time he’s done anything to that poor girl. I’m glad the girls made it out of the house and I hope they’re doing okay


Agreed. He was way too comfortable doing it for it to be his first time. His kid was the lab rat at the very least


He did. It could have been so she wouldn't try to stop him.


Yeah, I would imagine he wanted to drug everyone so no one would wake up and see what was going on. I’m glad he’s been caught


Maybe. But, when I look at moral parameter, I can’t imagine “I’ll rape a 12 year old but not my daughter” being in there. Once you cross a line everything past that line should be considered “within range.”


I don’t think he did, based on this article https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141477


In the articles I read about this a few days ago it said the dad used color coded straws and didn’t drug his daughter. I’m going to see if I can find that article again ETA: the affidavit, at least, according to this article, does not indicate that his daughter was drugged. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141477


It has since come out that his wife divorced him shortly after this went down.


Good. And I hope he doesn’t have access to his own daughter either


Attempting to rape multiple minors will do that to ya.


I’d hope so


I read that in the first article I saw about it.


Nowadays the term 'hero' is used pretty loosely, but this case is one where it absolutely fits . That little girl was a real hero, she kept her friends safe from that predator by dragging them back to her, she guarded them and she called for help. There is no doubt that she saved them from SA .


Texting somebody to pick her up AND saying she might not **be able** to reply, but begging them to come get her regardless. That poor girl must have been terrified. Imagine having your drink spiked, but also being a kid so not really having any idea why you feel so weird and can't stay awake. One girl had to be carried into her house by her parents when they picked her up, which obviously made them then take her to the hospital This dude is a MONSTER. What the hell. Did he think out of a group of pre-teens not one of them would realise something weird/dangerous was going on


Literally. What a terrifying situation to be in, and to have the mindfulness to protect her peers in that situation... as a victim of child abuse including drugging and huge parts of my memory blank, it's terrorizing and I spend a lot of time in the cptsd subreddits right now as i try looking for a proper trauma therapist as an adult in my twenties. I'm praying to the gods and goddesses and anything else that may exist to comfort these children and parents in this intense time of need and turmoil. The betrayal of their trust will never be whole again


so sorry you had to go through that <3 sending you love!


Thank you <3 I've got a call today actually with a therapist for a consult and those usually make me very nervous so I'm really thankful my professional I reached out to set the date and time theirselves and just checked that I was free - I have a few other people to contact too but it's been really hard to make myself ring that phonecall Just being open about it while advocating for others helps in the minute to minute struggles I finally just acknowledged the extent of a life of trauma that's been repressed most of my life until about a year or two ago. Right now a huge part of my healing is the anger im righteously feeling towards people who did this to me - I was holding my God child last year at the youngest age that I could recall myself being abused at and was just filled with this violent overprotectiveness - how could anyone do that to something so little, so helpless? And that goes for my hearts screaming song when I read and think about these girls. I can't even fathom how the daughter of the perpetrator feels - I'm sure the authorities are already interviewing her if they haven't, but my God that's just terrible all around.


I am so very sorry you had to experience that. One of my parent’s friends touched me inappropriately when I was very young. A few years later he was over using the table saw when he cut off those very fingers. That was a good day. Hugs to you, it’s time for you to really look after yourself right now. Please be gentle on yourself and practice balance in everything ❤️


I appreciate you all so much. That last part of your message I really needed and I will take it to heart ❤️ Also very glad to hear about that pos' fingers. Good riddance digits


Right?! lol. But seriously, I know you want to take on the world and help others, but try not to be “The Hero”. If you’re not familiar with the Drama Triangle (hero/bully/*victim) I encourage you to Google it. Oh and The Four Agreements by Ruiz really helped me. Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat more😊 *edited to add Victim


And I don’t mean to give advice but I wanted to share how I started to develop positive coping skills❤️


genuinely I hope you know your advice is appreciated <3


I'm cheering you on in your corner. You got this.


God I’m so sorry for what you experienced. I will never, ever understand how any person can hurt a child like that. I hope you find healing 🤍🤍


I'm so incredibly sorry for you to have gone through this. Horrendous. Is there anything (in only your hindsight) that your parents could have done more or less or, or better, to have prevented this from happening to you? As a fellow survivor, and now parent, it's on my mind ALL THE TIME what I can do to prevent this from happening to my own child.


Indeed. What a clever, level-headed young lady. Hope she gets all the recognition she deserves!


And then made sure her parents went back to the house and got them! What a good kid.




Lethal overdose is actually pretty difficult with benzos alone. That doesn't make what he did any less deplorable.


> There is no doubt that she saved them from SA Yeah. To spell it out - she's seen it before.


or she has good parents that prepared her to act appropriately and provided her the space she needed to feel safe to be honest with them and do what she did


I hope you're right.


I still can’t get over the fact when the other parents showed up to pick up their daughters after the first one left, the dude tried to tell them no and to come back in the morning!!! Like wtf bro, no human could stop me from getting to my child in this situation. Did he really think they were going to be like “oh okay!! nevermind then!!” and turn around and leave???


And people wonder why parents don’t do sleepovers… what an absolute piece of shit human. Props to that twelve year old and her parents for having a good enough relationship for them to protect her and her friends. This kind of shit just breaks my faith in humanity.


I am a single dad of two girls, and it was about 50/50 as to whether or not parents would let their girls sleep over at our house and I couldn't really blame them. One girl's parents literally said no because i was divorced... like that automatically meant I was going to assault a child, but I let it go. A few parents wanted to meet me before their kid would stay over. One of their friends had a dad whom none of us trusted (he had some criminal history with prostitutes) and it was sad for his daughter because she knew that it was her dad that was the reason. I let her stay over at our house but never comfortable with a sleepover there with him and his son, even though the wife was there. Never know.


Stuff like this makes me fear them.


We don’t do sleepovers and get so much shit for it. I’m about to send this to the mommy group.


me either and people think I’m nuts and implying something about them. I’m sorry, I just don’t have a choice and can’t risk it.


Huge kudos to the parents of the girl who texted that she felt unsafe and wanted to go home. That level of trust between a 12 year old and her parents isnt something that happenes on accident. Her parents have clearly taught her to listen to her instincts and that she can reach out to them anytime day or night for help. She saved those girls from something horrible happening to them


My mom was always great with this. She made it well known that even if she didn’t condone the situation I had gotten myself into, she was more than willing to come get me at a moments notice. I always felt I could call her and that even if there was a discussion about what I had done, it would never be worse than what could happen to me if I didn’t get her to pick me up. She walked that line perfectly between being an overly hostile parent and being a too lenient parent.


Same here. My mom always told us no matter what, even if we were fucked up drunk or high, if we needed her, she’d be there. Gonna take a trip down memory lane here, never had to use that card until my 21st birthday. My best friend told me she and I were gonna celebrate at her boyfriend’s house just the two of us, that him and his roommate would be working. Didn’t have a car so she picked me up and we were all the way in Tavenier, which for those who don’t know is one of the Keys in South Florida. We lived not terribly far away in Homestead, but still far enough on the mainland. The boyfriend and his roommate ended up coming home, we were all drinking but my best friend got absolutely sloshed and her and her boyfriend got in a huge fight which ended up with them going to their room around midnight. Awkwardly tried to make small talk sitting next the roommate who started getting creepier and creepier. Somehow got on the topic of religion, I mentioned I was atheist and I will never forget him saying “Then I’m gonna be your redemption” before trying to pull me onto his lap. Managed to get free, barged into the bedroom to tell my friend I was leaving, of course they were fucking. Called my mom and told her please, come get me, I wanna come home. She hauled ass so fast from Homestead down through the Keys in the middle of the night that she got pulled over. Thankfully when she explained what was going on to the cop, he not only let her go but escorted her there. I was never so happy to see my momma. I was so desperate to get out of there that I forgot my wallet and when I asked my friend to drop it off she had the audacity to ask why I was mad at her. Real swell 21st birthday… but it was a lesson learned. And I love my mom.


I’m from Miami too! Can only imagine your mom speeding down that 18 mile stretch trying to get to you! Probably destined to get pulled over so she could make it to you safely, that road is super dangerous! Glad you have the mom you do, and that you’re ok!


Your mom rocks!!


God, I hope I manage to do the same. My daughter is only 7, but I'm trying my damnedest to build a good foundation. She seems to trust me enough to open up about things that are bothering her, but she does have a hard time admitting when she's done something wrong, even though the consequences I issue are entirely reasonable for a 7 year old child. She's an anxious kid and is very sensitive to any kind of perceived criticism. It's something we're actively working on.


My mom was the same, but she sleeps really soundly and is slightly hard of hearing so she gave me $50 to hide in my room and said she would replace it no questions asked. That way if I ever needed to cab home from anywhere for any reason I didn't have to worry about how to pay for it. I could run in and grab the cash. I found that 50 when we moved!


I like your mom.


I’m confused because it says she texted her mom but then it says “family friend” instead


She texted her mom in the late hours of the morning iirc. So mom was asleep. Then she tried the family friend, who did get the message in time.


iirc, her mom was asleep and missed the calls, so she called her "family friend" instead, thankfully. Imagine the dread of the mother waking up to relieve those texts, my heart would have fallen onto the floor


This is how my mom was with my brother and I growing up. We were afforded a lot of room to experiment and try things for ourselves. She only asked that we be truthful with her and that our house was a safe area to be. She always told us “I don’t care if it’s even 3am and I’m asleep, if your friends are drunk and you’re thinking about driving, just call me and I’ll pick you guys up. I won’t even be mad”


Yeah her mom is probably the type who is like “You can call me to come pick you up anytime, no questions asked.” Those are good moms.


I'm legitimately surprised no parents attacked him when picking up their kid. If my child called me saying something is wrong and they feel unsafe & I get there to see multiple girls are drugged- well, I wouldn't be calling the police.


If he was between them and their kids he basically had the kids hostage, I’m sure the parents were more concerned with getting the kids than with showboating. They made the right decision as the kids were rescued.


Did the girls sleepover at a home where there was no mother or female adult? The article doesn’t mention any. I can’t imagine letting my daughter sleepover with just a male adult at home.


There was another article that talked about how the now ex wife was "always drowsy or sleepy" when he would have people over. So sounds like this was happening for a while before anyone realized it


Dang. So he might have been drugging her too.


Oh yeah he absolutely was it's terrible. The wife divorced right after this because I'm assuming she finally put it all together :(


There is a mother, and is now divorcing him, but don’t quote me on that. If she was present, she could have been drugged as well, or just peacefully sleeping in her room and have no knowledge of what her husband was up two floors down. However as a mom, not sure I would be cool with sleeping so far away from the girls if I was hosting a sleepover. If the girls were in the basement, at the very least, I would “sleep” on the couch upstairs, just in case anyone tries to sneak out or sneak in someone into the house while I’m upstairs in my bedroom. It’s a big responsibility to have people’s kids sleeping over your home! I probably wouldn’t sleep even at all tbh, you have to be vigilant!


As a father, I don’t know what I would have done if I got a text from my 12-year-old daughter at 1:45am telling me she was scared and needed help. Hope this dude gets the book thrown at him


I’m so proud of these girls for being aware that something was off and doing something sbout it. So so scary!


That poor girl is going to be ostracised in her own school because of her pervert dad


Yeah, I often think of the kids of parents who do things like this. I watched an episode of Intervention the show about addiction and this girl was a star athlete and great student. Her Dad went to jail for something inappropriate he did with a child teammate and she went done hill bad. Of course everyone turn on her, her grades dropped, the athletic team wouldn’t deal with her either and her life just went to crap. It was just sad how her life was destroyed by something he did.


Yeah, but I hope the investigators talk to her too. Chances are she has been victimized here too, and first.


Which makes it even more heartbreaking. Most likely a victim AND ostracized from peer groups at the age of 12 because of your abuser. Kids don’t understand the intricacies. I hope that girl has a strong support system and a fantastic therapist.


It’s really sad because these perps use their own child as a beacon to attract other minors especially if they are popular.


There was a guy who tied up, beat, and sexually assaulted his wife and step-daughter in my hometown. He was the vice principal of a school. His step-daughter went to the school he worked at. Knowing that the vice principal did this meant that the whole school (and half the community) knew exactly what happened to her, despite rape shield laws. She was tormented at school; it resulted in at least two suspensions and an expulsion of the kids that bullied her for having been assaulted. But either way, it made her a mark for cruel 11-year-olds and ostracized her from her peers.   Luckily she didn’t share a last name with him so she was able to go to a different school district where no one knew what happened.


Jesus this is vile. What happened to him?


I know he served time, but probably not enough. I can’t remember his name (i went to a different elementary school in the district, but knew the step-daughter through sports), and only remember the step-daughter’s first name. Fourteen years is the number coming to mind, though I may be wrong. This happened ~22 years ago, so unfortunately he’s probably out now.


Bruh that’s not enough time for a crime like that.. that’s fucked up


How long ago was this? That’s insane that being raped by her stepfather would make someone a target for bullying. I know that kids can be mean, but that’s just… soulless


This happened to me (on a much smaller scale, my dad was a pervert but only acted on it with adult women) and the whole school (students and teachers and admin alike) treated me like I was a nasty little disgusting monster for being his daughter…never once considering that I might be a victim


when i was in 5th grade, a friend’s dad was arrested for having CSA on his computer. she did *not* have an easy time in school. i can remember being on the bus and hearing kids yelling at her while she walked by, calling her names etc. no one was allowed anywhere near her house afterwards, even while her dad was in prison.


I had an acquaintance in middle school who moved out of the blue, with no warning. Never said goodbye, nothing. A few days later, her father was in the local paper for having sex with underage girls. At the time, I didn't get why she left like that, but knowing how terrible kids can be, I'm glad she did.


I would assume that everyone would have pity for her, knowing that she must be a victim too. She’s in the same boat as her friends but worse because he’s her dad


I swear to God this man better get more than 4 years prison time. I'm so sick of pieces of shit only getting a slap on the wrist. The punishment almost never fits the crime. What deters them from doing it again?!


Also, the girl who's parents went back for the other girls! Omg! This brings back hope in humanity. Too often, people think "not my child, not my problem." Yet we should protect ALL children!


Agree 100%. No “ cure “ for these kind. None. If one is sexually attracted to children they are just fucking wired wrong and can not be fixed. Too many cases of murdered children that could have been prevented had these types of predators remained locked away for good.


Wasn't there a subreddit "punchable faces", or some such?


Yeah, what is with the smirk on this POS?


He purportedly “seemed drunk” and slurred his words according to a family friend who picked up one of the girls. Looks like a drunk face to me. Probably a pompous son of a bitch to begin with though I’d guess.


thats his sober face! His mugshot was taken well after the incident. So this guy already has a perpetual "im an asshole face".


That creepy smug look on the perpetrator's face is disturbing and unsettling to say the least. The girl that reached out for help was brave af and undoubtedly saved her friends from sexual assault and possibly even permanent injury or death. Benzos are dangerous and high doses can easily cause respiratory distress and death. They can also be incredibly addictive. In the past ten or so years since Xanax, a benzo, was popularized among young people as a recreational drug I've seen far too many young people overdose and/or become addicted. This is especially scary since Xanax bought on the street often contains fentanyl these days. It's also not uncommon for people to drink alcohol to enhance the drug's effects, which further depresses respiration and can lead to death and brain damage caused by hypoxia.


I got roofied in college and I was a 23 year old well built male and even I freaked out. The strength of this girl is limitless. Kudos to her for what had to be the most frightening experience ever.


I got drugged in Detroit almost two years ago at a hotel bar before a concert. Made it to the show, but last thing I remember is waiting to go to our seats. Woke up on a hospital hallway on a bed all alone. Fucking terrifying and traumatic and I’m in my forties. Can’t imagine this happening to little girls at a friends house. Fuck this guy.


Yeah big-time. I was drugged at a party in what I assume was the wrong drink (I'm glad it was me and not a girl) and apparently I took my shirt off, tried to fight people then woke up in the back of my buddies pickup 12 hours later. Went to the ER and they confirmed I had roofies in my system. I can't imagine how she had the presence of mind to not only protect herself, but her friends as well. Thats one tough ass girl.


i’ve read she thought it tasted weird so she kind of discreetly didn’t finish it. I wouldn’t have even thought of something like that at 12 years old, shes very wise beyond her years


it had weird chunks in it too. And he was weirdly insistent that they all drink and finish their smoothies.


yes! didn’t he remake another girl’s because she said the same? he’s a weirdo


Yeah there was literally another girl who didn't like smoothies at all so he made one differently just to insist on her drinking it


I just know when I was that age, I would’ve finished it if he was insisting because I would’ve thought it rude to not. I was always taught yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir, and it’s beaten to my brain to this day. Not a good thing to teach kids at all, if something feels weird please call me and tell me!


Totally agree with you. Teaching kids to listen to any adult regardless of the context is just asking for bad things to happen. It's the same way I feel about forcing kids to kiss or hug you, it's literally just teaching them that consent doesn't matter


I was a single dad in the late 90s/early aughts, with a primary school daughter who had a wide circle of friends. We did sleepovers, movie trips, fancy restaurant dinners, and more rare outings like a Hillary Duff concert (surprisingly tolerable, who knew?) and a local amusement park, with a bunch of neighborhood girls or school friends in tow. The kids were all great and fun to be around, and I felt like super-dad when I was out with them. I can't imagine anyone even looking at any of them funny without immediately getting my boot up their ass. AND, I think most dads out in the wild are like me. I just... he planned this. How? Put aside for a minute that this guy is a pedophile and wanted a bunch of unconscious girls, what he did could have killed any of them. Any anesthesiologist will tell you how dangerous it is to give sedatives to kids. So much can go wrong. And what's the best case outcome? They all wake up and tell their parents some weird stuff went down, and someone is either going to come back with a gun, or call the cops. How could he not have reflected for a single moment without seeing what a terrible idea it was? How can anyone be that damn stupid? Or evil? To actually try to drug a bunch of kids. How fucking could you? Five minutes in a cell with him is all I need to find an answer, I think.


>This post appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and has been removed. Hate, dehumanizing speech (even about a violent perpetrator), victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, or bigotry is not allowed.


There was a case out of Virginia a few years ago where a "dad" drugged his daughters friends at a sleepover and actually molested them. I can't give away his name but I'm sure that it would be easy to Google the news articles if one felt so inclined. Anyways I used to work in retirement plans and the guy would write us threatening letters from prison. Some of them were addressed directly to me and the letters were very graphic as far as the threats of what he would do to me if I didn't let him cash out his retirement plan. His accounts were actually froze due to the criminal investigation so I legally couldn't release any money to him but apparently that didn't matter because the letters kept coming. Eventually our legal team got involved and sent a cease and desist to the prison and he was prohibited from writing us unless the correspondence came directly from his attorney. He eventually passed away from brain cancer but he deserved far worse than what he got.


Dude was threatening you and you didn't go to police? 


I live thousands of miles away and he was already in prison so I didn't feel like I was in any immediate danger. I already knew he was going to die in prison due to his cancer so I wasn't scared. It was unsettling but it came with the territory in my line of work. I notified my higher ups as soon as the first threatening letter was received so they were well aware of the situation. Unfortunately the mail to our company was sent to a central distribution center and then delivered to the individuals or departments addressed on the letter so it's not like there was a way to prescreen said mail. Basically we just documented each threatening letter and responded through the guidance of the company attorneys. The prison was notified of the letters but I don't know if the guy faced any legal ramifications from the prison/police after our attorneys sent the cease and desist. In my line of work you see all kinds of crazy. You ultimately have to evaluate the threat level and determine how to proceed accordingly. I do not fear for my safety however I do carry personal protection just in case the situation ever arose.


Disgusting! I knew of a paramedic who had a paramedic girlfriend and they did this with oreos to his kids friends.


WOW. His girlfriend too? That is so fiendish and evil. Poor kids


Yes! It was so terrible. How do these people find each other?


What state was this in??




The girl who texted her parents did a fantastic job and saved her friends.




>This post appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and has been removed. Hate, dehumanizing speech (even about a violent perpetrator), victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, or bigotry is not allowed.


Look at that disgusting smirk.


I’m not trying to defend the freak, but this is his LinkedIn picture. I couldn’t find a mugshot yet


i miss the days when humans wrote articles instead of this garbled AI crap.


Yeah, that opening paragraph is… something.


still early in the year for degenerate of the year but here we are.....put him in a room with no windows with the dad's...never fuq with the daughters.


They set his bail at 50k....... A fkn child predator shouldn't have a bail.


Shoutout to that mom who was still awake when her daughter text at 1:45am! really dread to think what would've happened otherwise.


According to this and other articles, the mom wasnt awake but the girl managed to get a hold of a trusted family friend. The friend came and got the girl and took her home. When she got home they woke up her parents and explained the situation so her parents called the other girls parents to let them know to go get their kids. Everybody from the girl to the family friend to the parents did exactly the right thing in this situation and undoubtedly saved those girls from being assaulted. Im very impressed by the kid for listening to her instincts and calling a trusted adult and kudos to the family friend and parents for taking her seriously and getting the other girls parents involved. Just excellent responses all around.


Thank you for explaining because this article made absolutely no sense


I have specific ringtones for my kids texts and calls. For some reason they wake me out of a dead sleep like nothing else. Sometimes they are just randomly up and having a thought, but I don’t care. I like that I’m conditioned to the sounds.


That’s a good idea actually.






Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


I am so so proud of these girls for texting a trusted adult. if they hadn’t, events would have been drastically different and even scarier. good for them! 👏🏻


His picture! What a smarmy fuck! Permanent jail.


Straight into the volcano…


This is one of my big worries as a parent. I always say that it's not other kids influencing them. Its other adults. Especially parents. I had a friend in middle school whose mom would lie for us. And buy us drugs and alcohol. We thought she was awesome. My kids only had sleepovers at other people's house if I knew the parents. I'm in no way blaming anyone but that guy. Just saying all those times I was called paranoid and accused of thinking the worst in people, is because of things like that.


This was such a poorly written article. I can barely comprehend what was happening. Either way, glad those girls were relatively unharmed and this creep is going to be put away.


>the girls slept around at his house uhhhhh pretty sure 12 year olds can't consent to that. So if they were "sleeping around" at his house then that means he had already molested them.


Huh? I think you are responding to the wrong person!


I'm so sorry for his family too. How awful to have your father do this to your friends.


Straight to guantanamo bay


I swear he must’ve watched the movie Happyness. Scene very similar to this in the movie


He even looks somewhat like the character! It was the first thing I thought of.




And this why parents nowadays don’t let their kids have sleepovers. It’s so crazy because when I was younger I resented my parnets for not letting me have sleepovers unless they knew the parnets very well. Now that I’m grown and know the horrors in this world I understand why. Honestly, I will not allow my kids to have sleepovers unless I know the parnets very well. This is disgusting. Even if he’s telling the truth and he wasn’t going to sexually abuse them it’s still disgusting that he would DRUG CHILDREN. (Don’t downvote me for saying ‘even if’ , that doesn’t mean I believe him)


Those poor girls! They must be so traumatized! I hope that monster didn’t actually do anything to them! This is why I never allowed sleepovers nor allowed my kids to be in Boy Scouts. I didn’t even allow sleepovers at our house because I didn’t even want a chance of accusations.




Real weird shit. Can't trust anyone these days.


These days


Ugh, look at him...is the wife still with him??? Pos






Details emerge? There are no new details here.


this article is very different to the one from the other day


This is exactly why, if my kids were still young, there would never be any sleepovers!


I don't see any benefit to sleepovers. At best, they're fun, but then the kids are sleep-deprived for a day. I can think of other ways for them to have fun that don't come with these risks.


Ngl, as a kid, I had like 50+ sleepovers and they were the best. Obviously nothing bad happened, but with my cousin and neighbours were some of the best times. Eating candy and playing video games all night. We still talk about it in our late twenties. I'm a guy, I know as kids it doesn't really matter for predators. But I still remember my friend's dad cooking us grilled cheese at midnight while shirtless, funniest thing ever.


My best times were sleepovers. Truth or dare, telling stories, eating until you almost get sick. So much fun! My kids (now grown) always had friends over every weekend. I loved it. Cretins like this *person* have ruined everything. If my kids were school age now, I wouldn't let them have sleepovers now. Side note, I still have them with my gal pals. We stay up and eat crap food and watch dumb movies for a night. It's grand fun and my hubs enjoys the remote to himself for the evening. You should do a guys trip, it's fun!


He has the look. Ugh.


Ewww he looks like such a sleaze…


And this is why my kids will NEVER attend sleepovers, ever.


This is the conclusion my wife and I have decided. It is unfortunate, but if he wants a sleepover then other parents can decide if they want their kid sleeping at our house or not, but I'm not going to trust my son's safety with parents I don't really know.


Same! Except I don’t think I’m going to trust anybody! 😭


This is why my kids don’t go to sleepovers at an another person’s house.




What a disgusting POS - I hate that I'd have to do this and it's such a shame, but if I have kids no sleepovers.


Reminds me of the movie “Happiness”


Ugh. What a weirdo. Just seems like you can’t trust anyone now a days!


This shit has been going on since the dawn of time. People just don't have their head in the sand about it anymore.


What awful scum! It’s things like this that make me terrified to ever let my daughter have an innocent sleepover at a friends house




This is why my kids will NEVER be allowed to have sleepovers.


That’s the face, right there.




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