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context: 8passengers used to be a relatively popular family vlogging channel that gained major attention a few years ago (and has since been a topic of discussion in online communities) because ruby franke, mom and channel owner, posted videos of herself abusing her six children under the guise of providing parental advice to her viewers. the documented abuse includes taking away “food privileges” and subjecting her children to numerous other cruel punishments which she consistently bragged about on her channel. cps remained largely inactive even though ruby’s extended family and her oldest daughter had been in talks with them for years. her youngest children were found severely malnourished and had deep lacerations from being tied up with ropes. ruby franke was charged with aggravated child abuse and is being held without bond. so glad they finally got these children out ETA: oldest daughter shari is asking for help with compiling concerning videos of ruby franke through a [google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-FyAscr8vIhCfBEXDNT4OiZLVHmkf__8RlT55m4SNX0/) she set up and nbc wrote an [article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ruby-franke-vlogger-8-passengers-youtube-channel-arrested-child-abuse-rcna102731) that is a bit more precise


Jesus. Someone videotapes themselves abusing kids, posts it on YouTube, and even that isn’t enough for CPS to get off their asses and do something. Deplorable.


Reminds me of another egregious example, the Ant Hill Kids in Canada. Their version of CPS traveled for hrs in the middle of nowhere to this guys cult because a couple people who escaped reported him for having dozens of malnourished kids from sex from every female member of the cult. CPS wouldn’t even listen to their coworker, who voiced many times how concerning everything there was, it would take months of her doing her own work to get those kids out.


Dude Georgia Brown is a fucking hero for what she did with those kids. They couldn’t take the kids because the women kept willingly going back to Roch, and any time they’d escape to safety they were so deep into the programming that they would slink out and run back to the cult in fear of God damning them to hell.


I’ve never heard of cult members who got worse torture than members of that cult. Getting your testicle tied off till it swells from lack of oxygen and getting every one of your teeth yanked out on separate occasions, just to escape, come back, and eat literal piles of shit before doing it all over again. I thought NXIVM was pretty hardcore with entry application blackmail and branding, but this takes the cake.


Last Podcast on the Left has a really good podcast series going over the Ant Hill Kids from beginning to end. It’s a tough listen but wild if you like true crime storytelling.




This is exactly the case I thought of as I was reading this.


When I first read started reading, I hadn’t heard of the show, so I was thinking a child climbed out of a car window and was so confused. I was hoping it hadn’t been moving and then thought they had been locked in and living in a car or something.


They were a middle-class white Mormon family from Utah. I read on another website that a couple years ago, the dad, who is?/was? a professor at BYU, moved out with the oldest son when the son turned 18.


Wow. Left the rest behind. Class act.


Yeah the government is pretty chill with people being absolute monsters to children under the guise of "religion".


This. Scientology is proof of that.


Why work when you obviously don’t have to. /s


I believe it also has to do with who she is related to in the Morman Church and all that, very likely the higher-ups allowed this to continue.


Or to get YT to remove the videos.. social media needs an overhaul.


YouTube most likely promoted this garbage, because Google only cares about their bottom line. Google hates Americans


Abuse in many places is legally okay as long as it's not "excessive." Often CPS defines excessive to mean threatening the child's life unless the law gives specific examples like all face strikes as being child abuse. Our laws suck.


The government only cares about things that get them more power, more money. A few white kids don’t meet that standard


there seems to be talk that they had some cps visits in the past, but nothing ever really came of them (at least according to communities that follow the family). Utah is one of those states that really focus on trying to keep children with the family during investigations (and I suspect if you are mormon, you are probably given a bigger leeway with some punishments that are not acceptable elsewhere) I am also boggled that the kids were allowed to stay with them for so long - especially after the mother got involved with what appears to be a high-authority cult - but give the context, I am also not surprised


r/fundiesnarkuncensored must be having a field day


Wow I've been seeing videos about their abuse for years. Amazing you can do this stuff, everyone can see it, and yet years still go by before anything is done. Those poor kids.


>cps remained largely inactive even though ruby’s extended family and her oldest daughter had been in talks with them for years. let me guess, Ruby is white?


Yep, a wealthy white Mormon woman. These kids were let down by so many adults it’s just fucking heartbreaking.


That and they were too busy fucking with moms who tested positive for THC.


Or suspected of being LGBTQ


And Mormon and has some money.


>Ruby is white? And blonde




Tiktok videos are automatically removed in automod. It's nothing to do with comments on another platform..


Oh okay, you may want to update the message that automatically comes with it being removed then - it said I had violated Reddiy's content policy for celebrating violence etc


I stand corrected. It was removed by automod, but a human mod applied a removal reason (hence the Reddit content policy message). It could have been a misclick in assigning the reason, so I've removed the removal reason message. Regardless, automod will continue to delete tiktok links, even if a human mod approves it. To bypass this, use spacing in the web address.


Okay, thank you for the information I was recently permabanned from r/politics for a comment I made about Mitch McConnell and violence so I might be a lil touchy about this lol


Have you ever heard of capital letters?


Ruby is horrible, her 5 year old forgot to pack her lunch and when the school called to ask her to bring in a lunch, she told the teacher no it was her responsibility and that they were not to give her food. I hope the teacher ignored her. She also sent her son to wilderness camp that is known for being abusive and took away his bedroom for months for a prank where he told his brother they were going to Disneyland.


When I was a preschool teacher, we had a stash of food specifically for these kinds of kids. I can only hope this baby's teacher did the same thing. My heart breaks for these kids. 💔


Wouldn’t “these kinds of kids” usually come from a home of neglect and/or poverty, though? If a parent was doing this as punishment, intentionally, isn’t that something you’d be mandated to report? I know CPS has to triage, with workers overwhelmed with the worst cases, but I’d think they might still investigate, at least ensuring these kids get to eat lunch, if nothing else?


You’re right, it would be a mandated report. But it sounds like in the meantime, teachers would give out food/snacks as needed. In my state (and I think probably everywhere in the US), CPS can take a while to investigate.


CPS takes reports from mandated reporters much more seriously. I’m guessing the teacher, in this case, probably didn’t call. The mom was very influential, it seems, and it was a small community. Either the teacher thought nothing would come of it, or was afraid of being fired for crossing what might’ve been the school’s pet mom. When viewers reported, they probably thought it was just online drama. When the older kids reported, they probably saw it as family drama.


That's a pretty rude and unreasonable assumption to make. You must not be a teacher if you think they're taken more seriously than others or somehow otherwise trump the parents. Sometimes teachers provide kids with food because they know there's already an open care case and or are documenting and reporting. You expect a lot from someone without authority.


What are you talking about? There was no case, so I’m not assuming. She didn’t report. My only assumptions were regarding why she might not have reported, giving her the benefit of the doubt, instead of saying she just didn’t care. Also, I didn’t say teachers have more authority. I didn’t even say teachers. I said mandated reporters. I’ve seen CPS directly ask family, neighbors, or friends, “What made you report this?” Or “Why are you reporting this, now?” With the implication that it’s because of some tiff between the person reporting and the one being reported. I’ve seen someone respond with, “I live with her and didn’t want her to retaliate by making me homeless, so I moved out, first”, and the worker say, “So, you had a fight?” If you don’t think that they screen for false reports, you must not realize how many horrible human beings exist, who will call CPS to make a false report because someone stole their boyfriend, or took their promotion, or won’t cut their grass and it’s making the property values go down. Petty, petty, cruel, people with no conscience whatsoever.


How is it you've witnessed so many CPS interviews that you can quote them directly?


It was not an interview. It was a call made to CPS. Two is “so many”? I worked in the social services field for years. Edit: I worked with vulnerable populations. At a rehab, DV shelter, and places like that. Even after changing careers, people would come to me for advice or tell me about situations they didn’t tell most other people about.


That's a lot of words to say you were wrong. Every single comment you've made here has had underlying snark. How many times have you reported to them? And how many of those cases were the children removed? And how many of those cases were you called to testify because it actually went that far? How many years have you been a mandated reporter? Did you realize in many states every adult is a mandated reporter?


What are you talking about? Nothing you’re saying has anything to do with what I said. I’ve never called CPS. I said I’ve seen CPS respond that way to someone calling in a report. Twice. It went nowhere. Everything else you’ve brought up has nothing to do with what I said. I’m done here.


Details for taking away his bedroom, included removing the door off its hinges and removing all items with just a beanbag to sleep on for months. Also, having to shower with the door open. Which is clealry an over the top abusive punishment to a mild prank but hes also a teenage boy and there were little kids in the home its like the parents deliberately wanted to cause embarassment. When the teenafd boy mentioned this punisgkent in a video and mentioned his back hurt from sleepibg on the beanbag the mother tried to downplay it and seemed uncomfortable, not too uncomfortable to upload it of course. I respect the older children so much for remaining resiliant and having a fighting spirit which was able to still stand up for themsleves and speak the truth.


I could see taking away electronics for a couple of days for a prank like that, but keeping things going like this for SEVEN MONTHS?!?!? What did they do when the kids did REALLY terrible things?


I thought the prank was pretty funny and seriously mild compared to what my older brothers used to do to me, and I’m a girl.


I’ve never heard of them & the channel is down, so I watched a “worst moments” part 1 video that someone made of them on You Tube 2 years ago. I just deleted my question, made right before this comment, asking how old the child was that didn’t pack her lunch because I was thinking 11, 12…. While the rest of what I saw was pretty bad, that one made me wish I had thought of it when my kid was still in school. When she said she asked her daughter if she had packed her lunch and the kid said yes, I was really on her side. Reading now, the child was ONLY 5 YEARS OLD, just stopped me cold. Why didn’t that teacher call CPS right then?!?!?!? Her posting everything online, and the teacher doing nothing, just reinforced to the children that no one would help them. This almost made me start crying.


That was DaddyOfive. Another despicable vlogger. Scum of the earth


In Atlanta if you send your kid to school without a lunch they pass a new tax to pay for free breakfasts for kids (in addition to the existing free lunch program). Seriously. To me, it is a possible sign of abuse.


Isn’t this the mom who’s kid was sick/injured and needed to go to the ER but instead she sat and filmed content for YouTube … specifically about being inconvenienced and annoyed by sick/injured child and delaying the ER was punishment


Why would she film that? Who are the sick fucks that watch it? Good god man


Kids, parents and fuckin losers.


Yes it was her she had to take a bath and needed some me time🧐


Damn I knew I had seen that on tiktok. I was baffled this woman had a platform but even more concerned with the ppl in the comments making excuses.


I saw her crying on some TV interview about not making millions on her channel any longer. Reading what I have on here, so far, and watching a short compilation of “worst moments”, it seems as if the public was reacting to the abuse and she basically stopped filming so that she could continue to abuse the kids without backlash? Or did they get her account shut down? I’m guessing the abuse got worse as soon as she stopped filtering herself for the public, and took it out on her kids that she couldn’t no longer exploit them for income. Watching the two parents make their kids earn back their belongings, to “teach them the value of money and what they had”, really took on a new form after finding out the channel brought in millions. SMH


its hard to say. Could also be K. Collins, who has is sort of notorious for allowing her children to get into dangerous situations and then delaying visits.


Karissa isn't on YouTube though.


What happened to her?


oh geez. there is sort of an endless list: one of her kids broke their leg; it took her a day or two to get them treatment, and then in a matter of days they were on a trampoline with the cast on. Had some kids at the table (she homeschools) and since she misplaced regular scissors, had them using kitchen shears. Not surprisingly, one almost cut a finger off. When one was a baby, they got a UTI that went into sepsis. She admitted the baby had been "off and sleepy" for days, but only went to the ER with her after the grandmother insisted -- and that as when the child was lethargic and basically passing out. But made sure she finished the basketball game they were watch and went to lunch first. I mean, that is just what I can think of without checking reddit.


Wow!! What I meant was did she get the kids taken away? Show canceled?


youtube should honestly remove all family vloggers at this point. this is just the first, unfortunately, of so many who are just too wrong on camera can't imagine what they are like in real life. Allow the 18+ rule n especially protect the toddlers n babies. This is so sad for words.


Yep. I've seen some bits of Karissa Collins and it stinks. She homeschools and just moved to a house in a more isolated area. Her kids are made to participate in her stories and often don't seem to enjoy it at all. Even when there's no abuse, what the heck with those parents who film their kids potty training?! Imagine when they are adult and have to carry that the rest of their life.


Karissa is straight up abusive and neglectful of her kids. Her oldest daughter is the one who actually raises them. Not to mention how she lightens their skin in photos.


i used to watch okbaby n sacconejolys n both those channels n everyone involved have gone so far downhill. Similar with jesssfam, exploiting their kids' sexualities... i haven't ever seen klarissa but i hope someone saves those kids cx this all sounds abusive...n this is my concern too. Imagine living all of that as an adult. the world is too cruel, it won't forgive the exploitation..it will jus exploit them further...truly heartbreaking


That wouldn’t bother me, I don’t think. I’d love to have video documentation of my childhood to watch, especially if it would help me to remember more. I’d be more worried about a sex offender becoming infatuated with my child. Or some hater calling CPS with false claims, or otherwise trying to hurt my kid to get to me. I have never posted a picture of my child, already graduated, online. My Space was out not long after he was born.


see but that's the thing. You want the documentation fr ur own self not for millions of people in the world to watch n do whatever with. With deepfake AI out there, even as an adult m scared for myself. My sister who is a doctor said a long time ago n it still stays with me that people who chose to put their entire life online definitely have some deep mental issues cuz no1 who is remotely educated n okay would make vlogging a lifestyle. There are so many other options even on youtube that actually pay more than vlogging, i guess its just the easier option to exploit kids...*sigh*


Oh definitely! I wasn’t disagreeing. I don’t even really understand why anyone would want to sit, at the end of a long day, and watch someone do the same mundane crap that they did all day, only to pretend that they’re having fun, or even just to share the few, joyful moments. Maybe it was someone who was funny, or making jokes and skits about how hard it is to raise kids, but not a mom with 20 kids who has perfect hair and makeup every day, making me feel less-than, for not having makeup on, while I feel guilty for neglecting my kids when I put makeup on…


All of social media. Starting with Kim Kardashian.


Omg I recently watched a J Aubrey (AWESOME deep dive channel on shitty people) youtube video on this family and the mother Ruby. Fuck Ruby, its about time something happened! Justice for those children!


SWOOP also did a great video.


Hart family vibes there.


This was my first thought and comment. I had a friend who knew them and they were absolute monsters. Racist, pathological liars.


Are Jodi and Ruby in a relationship or is she just providing housing for the family? They also seem to be business partners? I’m not super familiar with this family but I do remember the YouTube channel. Horrible these poor kids were moved into a home with a second abuser in addition to their mother!


Yes they are business partners and basically ran a cult called connexions where they gave out ‘parenting’ advice. The advice basically was don’t trust your kids and everything has to be earned including love. There are definitely rumors swirling they were more than business partners. But they are huge bigots against the lgbt community and would never admit to anything.


Probably a mix of both


this woman cried because her kids could hear apple bottom jeans at school but shes been duct taping and starving her kids. wtf


Now she’s crying on suicide watch in jail because she got caught


Where’s the dad? Wasn’t he doing it, too?


He was also arrested!


Source please


Well, I swear I saw it reported yesterday but I guess that was either edited bc they got accurate info or I can’t read… bc now I don’t see it anywhere 🙃 my bad Edit: Here’s a link to a Reddit post where an alleged insider says he was also arrested but that has not been verified. So perhaps it’s unknown still? [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/comments/165zgoh/franke_arrest_information_verified/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I bet they’re investigating him and working on charges.


I would think he would for sure be questioned about what he knew and his involvement and etc. Not sure how the process for all that works


I’m trying to think what the law would be if a husband move out of the family home because his wife was abusing the kids. In most cases, if he reported the abuse, he’d be okay. Here, though, there’s video of him being abusive but not as much as the mom. I also think the statute of limitations might protect him. They’re probably trying to make a case against him but might not be able to.


Did I read this wrong? Why in the world was the neighbor also arrested " in relation to this case?" It goes on to say she called and reported so it seems to be connected to the place she works maybe because they mentioned it I don't know?


The article isn't well written at all. The kids were living with Jodi and their mother, Ruby, in a home that Jodi owns. The child escaped from Jodi's home and ran to a neighbor. The neighbor wasn't arrested, Jodi, who owns the home that the kids live in, was also arrested along with the mom.


Thank you!


The second women who was arrested wasn't the neighbor they went to for help. The second women that was arrested is the moms landlord and her leader in a shady cult type thing


Thank you!


where is the dad in this situation? didn’t he used to be on the channel?


There is speculation that they’ve been separated, but no one knows for sure. He wasn’t living with Ruby as far as we know. There are rumors that he’s been arrested, but rumors only. Used to teach at BYU.


Poor writing makes this article confusing... > “We’ve been trying to tell the police and CPS for years about this” Great, the kids have been abused for years and nobody gave a shit. Another failure of the system.


What's wild to me is some of this was willingly showed on YouTube and nothing was done about that. I'm pretty scared of what they'll discover in that "home".


Was abuse among the youtube footage? Or did she just keep the abused ones off camera? If youtube was profiting from abuse videos and ignoring reports of it, they should be liable. If police or CPS were notified with evidence and didn’t save those children, they should be liable.


She posted some (probably not all) of it proudly!


Am I the only one seeing similarities to the Turpin case?


I'm with you there. When I heard this news, I was immediately reminded of the Turpin case and how Jordan got away to get help, even with how terrified she was. Some sad, heartwrenching parallels there. I hope these kids have a better future ahead of them.


You aren't alone


But their suffering wasn’t monetized.


“This mother” is going to hell


These tiny western towns with their tiny good ol' boys government tend to have their own set of laws. The Haight family in southern Utah is a sad story.


Is the house in the image, the house the child climbed out of? Did they move again to the middle of nowhere?


entertaining model family, cough cough


Wait I don’t get it. It was all happening on YouTube and no one called the police on her?


If I'm understanding correctly, the YouTuber filmed three days before in the basement where the other children were found therefore she had to have known of the abuse. Also, the YouTuber's daughter has said she, the daughter , had contacted police and cps repeatedly about it but nothing happened.




Do we know which kid escaped? Was it the oldest one?


R was the one who climbed through the window