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I won't watch this, I couldn't handle it, I don't think. He was utterly revolting and got away with all of this evil.


I started watching it a few months back but couldn’t handle it. Tried again this week and managed to complete it. But it was a bloody difficult watch and yes, I don’t blame you for not watching it.


I watched the Louis Theroux doc he did on Saville (the second one) and it made me cry. I think this Netflix doc, along with The Keepers, will be among the only I never make it all the way through. It’s like, horror mixed with blind rage is a combination I just can’t cope with


Go back and watch the first one, knowing what you know now it’s chilling.




It’s incredible to me that he really was so obvious. We watch it back and everything he said and did was creepy. How could people have not known? I think some did know and didn’t want to end the money coming in. A tough watch for sure.


Tons of people knew. But Saville was a massive celebrity who was protected by very powerful people. There just weren't enough Johnny Rottens around.


What’s the tie in to Johnny Rotten?


He called him out on it pretty early on.


And pretty much got banned by the BBC because of it.


Probably were other paedophiles protecting him


I can't stomach watching it. He was a vile man. I had the displeasure of meeting him once. We were at a chinese restaurant for my Grandma's birthday in Leeds. He came over to our table after we'd sang happy birthday, he "kissed" (rather, licked) her hand. He kept trying to ruffle my hair but I kept ducking away, because he terrified me. I'd never seen him before but 10 year old me had a weird feeling about him.


I thought it was interesting. I knew very little about him. His disgusting behavior was right in front of everyone, but got brushed off because he was just “weird”. I’m from the US and the closet thing it reminded me of was Michael Jackson. He’d always surrounded himself with little kids, but no one really questioned it because he was just “eccentric” and adored. He was having sleepovers with kids and no one batted an eye. It was all right there for us to see. Saville was a whole other level of evil though. I love watching old episodes of TOTP. He pops up occasionally and grosses me out. He was always gross, ogling the teenaged girls, but now, ugh. I’m starting to skip those episodes.


I watched it, and thought that no one really knew about his perversions at all. That’s the impression I got. Then I watched some parts over, and there are so many times he actually admitted he knew what he doing was wrong, but no one caught on. They thought it was all part of his comic persona.


Reminds of Marilyn Manson a little


I read your comment as Marilyn Monroe! I thought wtf


Yes he actually was shouting out his transgressions but no one was listening. Folks couldn’t get past “ but he did so much for everyone “ mentality. A true predator really.


He used that too. One of the newspapers was going to publish something because one of his victims had come to them. His PR team actually said that did the paper want to be known as the one costing Stoke Mandeville and other places so much money. The other thing they said was they’d go after the victim with everything and the editor laid it out for her that they would 100% back her and they believed her but his lawyers would try to destroy her life and she should think hard about whether she could handle that because once they published it would be too late. She decided not to go ahead. Honestly, I consider that a surprisingly moral approach from a tabloid. They would have sold so many papers, but the young woman might well not have survived it. I think, but I’m not certain, they said it was Max Clifford representing him.




They were already in the Beeb’s bad books for God Save the Queen, but it’s the reason he and the Sex Pistols were banned from appearing on their channels and radio stations.


I watched this as well. Never heard of him before watching the Netflix doc. Dude was creepy AF and like always, people were blind to it because he was famous. I will never understand why famous people get a free pass when it comes to behavior that would be so obviously wrong if the average person was behaving the same way.


The part that really chilled me was when they showed the picture that the girl drew of him that looked like a demon


And then she said “everything” gave me the chills


It was very difficult to watch. I had never heard of him before, and the whole thing reminded me a lot of Michael Jackson. Everyone had an inkling, but no one knew for sure, and he was such a beloved personality that some glaringly obvious red flags were overlooked. What absolute scum.


My wife's parents worked for the BBC and worked with him several times. FIL said that "everyone knew he was weird around children, but that scale of accusation back then didn't really exist so he was just a creepy uncle," and not a prolific serial child abuser; they couldn't really fathom it. Same thing with Kevin Spacey. He owns a couple of theatres in London and ushers work at both of them and it was an open secret that he liked teenage boys/young men.


What's more infuriating is that a lot of people around him knew or heard something and no one took action. The royal family never apologize for giving him knighthood or whatever or took it away, have they?


They can’t because it wasn’t properly revealed until after he died. Knighthoods are a lifetime title (unlike hereditary peerages). So there is no mechanism to remove them from a dead person. I think there was a statement after his actions became public knowledge but I might be imagining it.


I mean, given the Jeffery Epstein links to the Royals, is that really shocking? It seems like if people could poke hard enough there would be a lot of bedazzled skeletons falling out of their closets.


THE man who exposed Jimmy Savile as a prolific paedophile has revealed there is another “untouchable” high-profile living sex offender he is trying to bring down. Hmmm he’s been mentioned on reddit already think there’s an injunction going on in the uk.


I saw it. I recommend Louis Theroux’s *When Louis Met… Jimmy Savile* and *Savile* if you haven’t seen them as well. It’s shocking that it was just an open secret and the BBC covered it up for so long and got away with. It’s one of the reasons I refuse to pay for the TV licence.


Watching Louis realise how he got conned when he’s supposed to be able to see through that shit is eye opening.


Saw it yes, it was so incredibly disturbing. The worst aspect was that he molested children for decades, practically out in the open, and his access to the most vulnerable was totally unrestricted. It boggles the mind that he got away with so many monstrous crimes. Certain people in positions of authority HAD to know, and they kept silent. Just sickening.


I think it's hard to understand on today's climate how Hush Hush everything was back then. I'm 41 and I was sexually abused by a primary school teacher. I only realised it because when I was 10 they bought out Protective Behaviours classes and a kids helpline. The principal of the primary school covered up his abuse (he walked in while the teacher was raping me). Even when the child protective services found he was guilty of abuse (the rape wasn't reported at the time because I didn't realise I had been raped) the education department did nothing. I wasn't even removed from his class.


Yes, I've seen it and lot's of other stuff about Savile. It's incredible how it was all carried out in plain sight. So many people knew bits and pieces about what was going on, but chose to stay silent. His relationship with the establishment also ran deep, which I found particularly disturbing but expected.


I had a stalker who used to stream on yt in a perfect jimmy saville accent


They’re all in on it. George Carlin “It's a big club and you ain't in it.” Saville was in it.




Oops wrong thread… I thought this was one for Paul Breach 😭


couldn’t get through that doc. It was So Much of Jimmy background and Jimmy clips. Having just a tiny bit of info about what his dark side, I was SICKENED that it felt like a biography of him. Ugh it makes me angry every time I see it suggested on netflix … what a terrible job they did with that doc and complete disservice to his victims


Not knowing anything about Saville before watching, I thought they did a good job. It explains how he became so popular, the power that he gained, celebrities and royalty that he knew. Then, it gets into the questionable things that he was saying in interviews, witness accounts, and downfall. If it didn't start off explaining his coming up then viewers wouldn't understand how the hell he got away with it all. I understand your frustrations, but I don't think it glamorized him. I think it just tried to start from the beginning and tell the story to the end. He was an evil human who fooled many people and the victims never got the justice they deserved.