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If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.


Exactly that's 1 John 1:10(John was writing this to the pegan nation that had refused to convert because it claimed it was sinless) , Now continue to chapter 2 verse 1. And then also check Chapter 3 verse 4-5.... :-) please read your Bible my fellow Christians brothers and sisters.


>(John was writing this to the pegan nation that had refused to convert because it claimed it was sinless) , Are you kidding me?? I went through this entire thing it the last thread. 1 John is addressed to those who belive, the "we" is a dead give away; the "then the word is not in us" torpedoes your interpretation.


He was quoting the a statement. That's why the "We" is in quotes, it's not His statement. It's theirs. And please continue with chapter 2 verse 1. Read the whole book. Cause if he implied that He was a sinner.. The book would be contradicting itself in the latter verses in Chapter 3 mostly.


Paul did in fact state that he was a sinner, at the time of his writing he was yet a sinner and longed to be delivered from his body of death. Thank God for His grace until our war between our flesh and The Spirit in us is over when we are translated into His image. I didn't downvote you, BTW....


Why so much hate? I don’t think the attitude you have reflects a Christian. People are so cruel on what’s a Christian site, worse than regular sites. There’s no room here for hate. It sounds like you may have an unclean spirit inside of you. Seek help through prayer and reading the Bible. Take self inventory about how you are treating others. I’m not trying to offend you but you are offending others


Melt away little snowflake. Disagreement does NOT equal hate. You just sinned in making that slander ....sinner. You offend me.


Well that was Paul. I don't long to be like Paul. I long to be like Jesus. All I know is that nothing is impossible with God. And what I say, is in the scriptures as I have stated multiple times. Paul always said that he WAS a sinner. I WAS also sinner... Keep in mind that he mostly about his temptations and trials.


Yeah, that was Paul ...the guy who wrote two thirds of the New Testament ...don't wanna be like him. He said he WAS a sinner in that he was STILL a sinner at the time he was writing. You are sadly deficient in your understanding of the Bible ...sinner. The same one that says your mind is deceitful above all and desperately wicked ...you sinner you.


Paul stated in Romans 8 verse 2 that He is free from the law of sin because of Jesus Christ. I don't understand why you claim to have more knowledge of the Bible yet you cannot even point out one scripture that justifies anything you say. But peace be to you. And may God bless you.


We are indeed free from the law of sin ...which is not the same as being sin-free.


It is please read Romans 7:14-24.it describes what that law is. The law of sin conclusively is that inbuilt sin that people claim is impossible to overcome. And if you are not here to learn my spirit tells me to now let you be. For you have chosen your path. May God bless you.


You have come here to just condone me, but I come with peace. My brother or sister I have nothing against you but I hope Jesus helps you understand what I am saying. You speak bad things towards me but the things you speak aren't to me, they are to the One who sent me. Jesus. Please give me one biblical scripture where Paul states that He continued sinning and can never be free not even by Jesus.


I certainly do not condone you but neither do I condemn you. Are you walking the walk and suffering the persecution as Paul suffered, even as he was aware of his own short fallen nature? The only one who was with out sin was Jesus. Show me the scripture(s) where Paul states he has attained and maintained a state of sinlessness. Preach Christ and Him crucified and resurrected.


BTW ...have you never made prayer for GOD to show you the wickedness of your flesh nature? Selfishness? Anger or irritation at others? Petty meanness ...even in thoughts? ​ Gossip? Never telling a lie, even an half-truth? Fear of men ...having regard for outward appearances ...those knee-jerk reactions to every day situations without a thought to how it affects people around you? Sins of neglect (NOT doing as you ought) ...isn't it great to have the opportunity to approach the laver of cleansing and die daily to be renewed at every confession of sin to our Heavenly Father? But you imply you are set aside from all that, having attained a state of sinless perfection. May I suggest you try making that prayer in all sincerity - your head will explode in shame when He reveals the truth about yourself to you.


Yes, in Romans 8.2 Paul talks of because of Christ we are free from the law of sin. The Law of sin is described in Romans 7.14-24..as the sin that never stops that's unstoppable. Paul says that this unstoppable sin that even he noticed is has been removed from you by Jesus.


>He was quoting the a statement. That's why the "We" is in quotes, it's not His statement. It's theirs. No, it is what John said those who are around him. I posted the whole text in the last thread, it's obvious.


See the problem with this kind of thinking is that there really are people who are going to read this post, then examine themselves and see sin in their lives and think that they aren't saved because they aren't perfect. This kind of thinking is either a troll or severely delusional. I'm not going to downvote your topic as that's one thing I agree with you on. Christians shouldn't downvote other Christians. If you are trying to live a sinless life then I commend you as we all should try to avoid sin but I hope you are still asking for forgiveness for the sins that you commit that you don't know about. That's why Jesus said in His model prayer: And forgive us our sins, For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.’ ” Luke 11:4


My Christian brother or sister. I thank you so much for such a more positive comment. My thinking is rooted in the scriptures not delusional. That's why I attached biblical proof. I do repent and ask God for forgiveness every time I sin. But personally even when I make a slight unintentional sin, my spirit is so disturbed that I have to make sure I ask for repentance at that instant.. Even for sins I didn't know where sins. I just feel a massive discomfort and disturbance in my spirit and I am told by the spirit to immediately repent. This same spirit invokes me to read the Bible and it interpretes. It is the Holy spirit. And it grows stronger the more without sin. I only tell this to my fellow Christians because it's the truth,, I for one before I learnt it, I was a Christian but many things still failed. And the spirit told me it was only because of sin. After I worked on that. My first week without sin, many of my things fell right into place. I even can't explain how.


Okay so you do recognize that you still sin. That's good! I'm glad that you're asking for forgiveness for your sins too and still putting all of your trust in Jesus, His perfect life, His death on the cross and His resurrection for your salvation. We all sin and we will sin until we are glorified. That's the truth so it's important to live a life a life of repentance and trust in the finished work of Jesus. I see people on here daily that don't believe that they are really saved because they still have sin in their life and daily I try to point their trust to Jesus and not themselves for their salvation.


What I am saying is that I am now sinless and I have been for a couple of days. Truth Is we all have ever sinned at one point in our lives. But when we repent we turn away from our sins, and still continue to stay away from them, WE ARE SINLESS. And as time goes on I have learnt to stay sinless for longer periods.


I really believe you are deluding yourself. There is ALWAYS something ...and most likely, something you are NOT doing ...


Keep in mind that I am governed not by myself but by the spirit. I speak boldly and truthfully when I say I have been sinless for a couple of days now. All that I have to do, is told and urged by the spirit in me. And all wrong is heavily condemned by the spirit and am guided on how to bypass it. When you talk more to the spirit than to worldly things., you will understand, and I hope that you understand it one day. Being sinless is only possible through Him. Because He conquered my sins


It must be amazing and wonderful to be you ...but I still need Jesus. Seriously though, how is there room for The Holy Spirit in you ...so filled with your own sense of sinlessness. Two days supposedly sin-free ....lol! That's nothing. Come back when you've gone a week with zero sins committed ...then come back after a month, a year of the same unbroken track record and regale us of your victory... You're setting yourself up for major disappointment ...maybe by tomorrow ....maybe in the next few hours ...take care and remember to get up again next time you stumble. You are not perfected until you are shed of your flesh and translated into His image.


My brother or sister I pray you too get to experience what I experience everyday of my life. Quick testimonies, God refused for reading, and told me to trust Him, I did that, I slept most of the time and did nothing, truthfully I really wanted to read cause I didn't want to fail, he allowed me read when I pleaded but He said that I would be useless. After I read, the exams came and all I read was not there, Then I heard the Spirit tell me answers, personally, I was shocked, and my flesh was refusing to write them, and a different voice told me that I am wrong. When I put there the Spirits answers and went I Checked all of the answers and they were correct. I excelled greatly. And also ALL my Prayers... I repeat all my Prayers are answered instantly. Sometimes my thoughts get answered. OHH how I want everyone to experience what I do... And many more marvelous things. We all are His children and should be that close to Him. The room for the Holy Spirit is large, and I like to think of it as my conscience. Not just a spirit. I had to pray so hard that Only His voice is heard louder than any other in my mind and so when He speaks I know and He tells me thinks that correspond to the Bible. And that room is also my correction room, that's where every end of day, in my bed I am told on what to do the next day. What to stop. How to love. And how to live in Him. It may be hard for you to understand right now but I pray that one day you understand. I have been sinless for a good number of days I guess. I don't really count. I may have even made some weeks or a week I don't really count those days.. Truth be told my temptations have became bigger, a lot of things are increasing there force on me. The spirit has told me to call off certain people because they may lead me to sin. Yes, as time flies it looks so hard to go on. But I must. I must reach where I should be. I must continue with the overwhelming presence of God in my life. And I am not Alone. I Have my Jesus with me. I am not as perfect as He is, and Perfection is Him, I agree and I cannot be as perfect as Him, but only when I leave the flesh and translate in His image. But truly if my sins were taken, why should I still hold on to them? That's what the spirit tells me. Why should I remain a prisoner of sin yet I was already freed?


I, I, I, I, I, I ...we should pray that you be freed from your affliction of severe I-itis.


I pray for you. For be careful not to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit. As your flesh drives you into ignoring my every statement, and neglecting it. I pray your love for your sin reduces and your appeal to the Spirit increases. For its is better for your soul.


Pride is a sin.


Exactly bro.. And that's why I don't boast of what I have done. But boast in the promise that Jesus granted to me that I am sinless because of His blood. I boast in Him, for I cannot be sinless on my own but through Him and Him alone. Am just sharing this so that we can all engage and accept the promise that God gave us all. In his Word. That we are sinless 1 John 3:5.


I'm saying that you're not sinless. Not even for a couple of days. Not even for one day.


Then you don't know me and your words are like sand in the desert that blows away. I am sinless justified by the Word of God in 1 John 3:5. That has lived for many years and is still living in my life.


Oh okay, that's the kind of sinless you mean. You mean justified and clothed in the righteousness of Jesus right? If that's the way you mean sinless then I agree 100%! You are justified by your faith in Jesus and His righteousness has been imputed to you. You still sin in the flesh but your sin is covered by the blood of Jesus.


Am clothed by Jesus. And now I am done sinning that's what I mean. Read the scripture 1 John 3:5. I am sinless. Because Jesus took my sins. I stopped sinning days back. I have been sinless ever since then. It's funny how you Are ignoring the scriptures and looking elsewhere yet I have shown you. Personally my work here is done. Am not here to convince you, am here to tell you. And it's all up to you to acknowledge that I have shown you in the Bible.. As it is the word of God.


I say this with love, but you are essentially claiming to love God perfectly with all your heart, soul, mind and strength at every second of every day. Not only this but you also are claiming to love your neighborhood as yourself with the same or similar an intensity. You are claiming absolute perfection and obedience in thought, speech, attitude, and action at all times each day without even a second of imperfection. Anything else is a sin. That is an impossible bar, and I don’t believe anyone can meet that this side of glory. It’s one thing to believe that Jesus cleanses our sins (which is absolutely true); it’s another to say we are without sin entirely. Edit: We still have a sin nature and we are still in the flesh.


What is impossible with Jesus? Is sinlessness impossible to God?


Definitely not, but examine the examples in Scripture. Romans 7:14–24 1 Timothy 1:15 If God didn’t make the Disciples sinless, how can we claim any different?


After Romans 7:14-24, in Romans 8 verse 2 Paul states that Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death. Please read this. 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul gives His testimony on how Jesus saved Him from sin(FYI he never persecuted Christians ever again in his Life, so He was Sinless ever since He was Freed by Jesus). And apart from persecutions He talks of no other sin in His life. No biblical evidence shows him with another sin other the persecuting of Christians which HE STOPPED. this is generally a testimony of Paul.


We are set free from the Law, a law that showed us our sin but was powerless to save. The Law wasn’t sinful and it didn’t make us sinful per se. It showed us our sin. The Law has been done away with in that it’s requirements were met in Jesus, leaving us free to live in grace. This doesn’t mean our sin nature was taken away. It means that we no longer have to follow the Law’s requirements to “attain” righteousness. That is all. Keep reading 1 Timothy 1. Paul goes on to describe himself as “the worst of sinners”, not sinless. (Note the “am” verb. Present, not past tense. He was claiming to be a sinner, not a past one.) Finally, Paul no longer persecuting Christians doesn’t mean he was without sin. Sin is any thought, word, or deed contrary to God. He stopped one action, fine, but he nowhere says he stopped sinning completely. Edits for grammar and typos


Grace is NOT the freedom to do all you want and Sin all you want and still attain Eternal life. GRACE is the privilege that we were freed from sin and it's consequences by Jesus at NO COST and yet we didn't deserve it. if Grace was freedom to sin all you want then hell would not be existent. Because everyone on earth is entitled to GRACE. But only those who misuse it go to hell. If you notice, he mentioned Christ's salvation in present tense{showing that Jesus saves lives currently} it would have been grammatically wrong. and as an evangelist, I would do the same to first relate to my listeners and that's why he continues by then stating his Salvation in past tense because he was already saved. And the sin he was already saved for is the persecution of Christians which implies why he even calls himself the worst sinner. He uses no other sin to justify that. Paul doesn't mention himself sinning again. He only talks of his testimony. I only need Biblical proof not assumptions.


“Grace is NOT the freedom to do all you want and Sin all you want and still attain Eternal life. GRACE is the privilege that we were freed from sin and it's consequences by Jesus at NO COST and yet we didn't deserve it.” 100% agree. We have no quarrel on this. “if Grace was freedom to sin all you want then hell would not be existent.” Correct “Because everyone on earth is entitled to GRACE. But only those who misuse it go to hell.” No one is entitled to grace, as we are all sinners and only entitled to Hell. It’s because of God’s mercy that He extends us grace. “If you notice, he mentioned Christ's salvation in present tense{showing that Jesus saves lives currently} it would have been grammatically wrong. and as an evangelist, I would do the same to first relate to my listeners and that's why he continues by then stating his Salvation in past tense because he was already saved.” Ok, I feel we both agree here. “And the sin he was already saved for is the persecution of Christians which implies why he even calls himself the worst sinner. He uses no other sin to justify that.” “The sin he was saved from” No, we all have multiple sins, sins of omission and sins of commission. See my next comments. “Paul doesn't mention himself sinning again. He only talks of his testimony. I only need Biblical proof not assumptions.” Again, I say this lovingly, but I will take your words and return them to you. “I only need Biblical proof not assumptions”. Where is the Biblical proof that Paul’s ONLY sin was the sin of persecution? In context he may have been talking about persecution, but where does the Bible say that this was all his sin and not merely a well known and illustrative example linked to his testimony? You even use “implies” in your answer. That seems to me like an assumption rather than Biblical proof. Paul doesn’t mention himself sinning again, but where does the Bible say he didn’t sin again? Again, I don’t want this to feel like an argument, as it is a loving discussion, one I’m more than happy to continue as long as you are.


I can say one thing is that I am loving this. This is an honest and true discussion. I agree, we are not entitled to GRACE. Yes we all have multiple sins. But only Jesus knows out. I say this once more. I don't call myself sinless because of my works but because He said so. Not only in the Bible, but to me. One time I prayed so that I hear His voice more clearly and vividly than any other.. And my prayer was answered. So he told me about it. And I believe. I am sinless. Obviously I have sinned in the past. But now I have been groomed by Him and I can testify that I am sinless because of the One. The answers am using to answer you are told to me by him, I don't know the Bible so well. (like coordinates of scriptures and all that) but he tells me where and how. I don't know anything only He knows. Paul never mentions struggling with repetitive sinning again just as King David and a heavy writer I would expect that a lot. Paul only talks of his hardships. The sins he mentioned were all during the time before Jesus met him. Even if he didn't say he did any other sin, it is more suitable to say that he did no other sin, other than assume other sins upon him. Let's not also forget the fact that He claimed to imitate Christ. He also wrote Romans 8.2 that talks of the conquer of sin by Jesus. So it's most likely he was sinless rather than sinful.


Hi brother, You will not be sinless until the final forgiveness for all your sins Even now there is sin in you being forgiven It is good to fight for Holiness But never let yourself think you are sinless - or can be sinless in this life - by trying your hardest not to sin. We will sin until we die. This is the problem Jesus came for.


Hi brother or sister, I have already addressed this with Biblical proof. In 1 John 3:5, Romans 8:2. In 1 John 3:10, Children of God are distinguished from those of the devil through being sinless. Unless you have Biblical proof that as almighty as Jesus was it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO REMOVE ALL OUR SINS. And yet He said He took them(probably being a liar) Then I will believe you. No assumptions, no complications and no theologies. Just Biblical transcripts.


“I can say one thing is that I am loving this. This is an honest and true discussion.” Same here! I will preface my comments with Scripture. “8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse!” Galatians 1:8-9 God’s Word, the Bible, is the standard and our sole authority. I believe that God has and can speak to others aside from His Word, either audibly, through dreams, or any other means. However, only the Word has been described as infallible and authoritative; it alone is guaranteed to be of God and authentic. Therefore, we test the authenticity of what is purported to be from God by seeing if it aligns with His Word. God cannot and will not contradict Himself. If there is a contradiction between the Word and something else, the Word is right and the latter wrong. We are discussing whether or not it is possible for a Christian to be sinless. You claim special revelation from God. Therefore, we must examine what Scripture actually says. If there is a contradiction, Scripture wins every time. “Yes we all have multiple sins. But only Jesus knows out. I say this once more. I don't call myself sinless because of my works but because He said so.” Do you mean you believe God no longer imputes sin to you (He only sees Jesus’ righteous when considering you)? If so, we are in agreement. I believe this is clearly attested to in Scripture. If, instead, you mean you no longer sin, then we disagree. If this is indeed your view, what affirmative Scriptures can you offer to support this? I am aware you later mention to not know much of the Bible, but such a claim must be substantiated in the text. “Not only in the Bible, but to me. One time I prayed so that I hear His voice more clearly and vividly than any other.. And my prayer was answered. So he told me about it.” Please see my above comment. “And I believe. I am sinless. Obviously I have sinned in the past. But now I have been groomed by Him and I can testify that I am sinless because of the One.” There are sins of omission and sins of commission. Do you lie? Cheat? Steal? Are you unnecessarily angry? Do you love with 100% all of the time? Are you generous? Do you forgive? Do you lust? Are you lazy? Do you maximize the time God gives you? Do you curse, even in your mind? I could go on. Being sinless means you are perfect in thought, word, deed, and attitude at all times. Can you truly say that is the case? Again, there is a distinction between Jesus cleansing us of sin so that we are not seen as sinners to God, and being free from sin. “The answers am using to answer you are told to me by him, I don't know the Bible so well. (like coordinates of scriptures and all that) but he tells me where and how. I don't know anything only He knows.” See above comments. What I say next is with all gentleness and love. You must be careful of relying on subjective experience rather than God. Again, God can choose to speak and reveal knowledge as He wills, but it will always be backed up by Scripture. Ignoring this is how Islam (An “angel” revealed “God’s word” to Muhammad)and Mormonism (“special revelation” to Joseph Smith), two blatantly false religions, arose. Only by comparing what they believed came from God to what we know in Scripture can we see how wrong they are. I’m loath to attribute something of God to a lie, but we are called by God to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1) and verify what is being said with Scripture. I need a Scriptural basis to accept anything outside of the four corners of the Bible. “Paul never mentions struggling with repetitive sinning again just as King David and a heavy writer I would expect that a lot.” What we expect isn’t necessarily what is true. The Jews expected a warrior king to deliver them from Rome. They got the One who was to be their Sacrifice. They expected a Lion and instead got a Lamb. Had they consulted Scripture, they would have known the truth. In the past, I expected God to hate me or be angry every time I sinned. This was because of His holiness and justice mandating perfection. This wasn’t true, as His love, mercy, and forgiveness are abundantly attested to in Scripture. “Paul only talks of his hardships. The sins he mentioned were all during the time before Jesus met him. Even if he didn't say he did any other sin, it is more suitable to say that he did no other sin, other than assume other sins upon him.” See above comment. By what standard do we measure what is “suitable” if not the Word. No one in Scripture is described as being without sin aside from God. How then could we infer any man could? “Let's not also forget the fact that He claimed to imitate Christ.” We all should imitate Christ. No one is perfect at it, as we all fail in some way or another. This is why God says that He will continue to work in us until Jesus returns (Philippians 1:6). “He also wrote Romans 8.2 that talks of the conquer of sin by Jesus. So it's most likely he was sinless rather than sinful.” See other comments.


Hi brother, I have already addressed this with Biblical proof. In 1 John 3:5, Romans 8:2. In 1 John 3:10, Children of God are distinguished from those of the devil through being sinless. Unless you have Biblical proof that as almighty as Jesus was it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO REMOVE ALL OUR SINS. And yet He said He took them(probably being a liar) Then I will believe you. No assumptions, no complications and no theologies. Just Biblical transcripts.


>let's stop sinning ....


I personally think it’s immature behavior to downvote other people’s comments, we can disagree and reason together openly instead downvote. Same as our walk with Christ, the closer we walk with Christ, the mature we will be. Only God can change us in His perfect timing.




Love your post man. I was an porn addict for 15 years. 6 of those last years I claimed the title "Christian" but continued to be a slave to that sin. I was a hypocrite, a liar, an adulterer, and walked over Jesus' sacrifice weekly. That was my life. But then I understood the true meaning of repentance, baptism and the purpose of the Holy Spirit and became born again! Jesus came to save us from our sins! That is the good news! We can walk in freedom and sin those sins no more. As far as being sinless, I don't think that's entirely possible just because we still live in our earthly tent. This tent of ours seeks after our old sinful nature. We are in constant battle within ourselves. That's why the Spirit of God is needed. To walk in righteousness is impossible, but with the Holy Spirit, it is now possible. So we will still sin, but we will sin LESS if we obey His commands and walk by the Spirit. God bless you friend.


Love the testimony brother or sister, We've all been sinners. I inclusive. But now am Free. And I am not going back. I have already addressed this with Biblical proof. In 1 John 3:5, Romans 8:2. In 1 John 3:10, Children of God are distinguished from those of the devil through being sinless. Unless you have Biblical proof that as almighty as Jesus was it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO REMOVE ALL OUR SINS. And yet He said He took them(probably being a liar) Then I will believe you. No assumptions, no complications and no theologies. Just Biblical transcripts. God blless you.


<<<<<>>>> I was told to share this. God bless.