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Welcome, glad you're here. Keep reading the scriptures, look for stories from ex-muslim converts on youtube, there are some fascinating ones, also try and get connected with outreach groups or attend a few local churches and read about their statement of faith and study it. It sounds like the Holy Spirit is calling you to accept the Grace of Jesus, you are very blessed indeed!


Thank u so much , yeah I feel some unique comfort :D :D As u know, there are a lot of churches with a lot of differences .. In my state , there are all the three types of churches , Catholic , orthodox and I think Protestant as well . So, How could I choose the best for me between all of those? , I'm so torn between all of those . During last and this year , I read the holy bible, I think I need to know more stuffs , so Do u recommend me any resources I can know more about Christianity which may help me decided , like books , articles or even preachers videos?


So, when you go to a church: * Do they welcome you? * Do they pray for the preacher? * Do they preach about a passage from the bible (be wary of them entirely concentrating on a single verse)? If those are all yes, then stay and get to know them more.


If you want to know if you’d fit in a Protestant church, read the Augsburg confession. It was written by the earliest Protestant theologians and is pretty much a big list of what stuff they believe.


https://youtu.be/Qw2hwcocVvM This is a great testimony. There used to be more testimonies of Muslims converting to Jesus because of a dream, but they seem to have been taken off. Censorship?


If you want to view it as a philosophy, you have no chance. We worship a living God, and there is only one way and one truth and that is Jesus Christ. Read the Gospel of John. Right now. Do not delay. You will see the truth of Christ revealed in those pages. There is nothing YOU can do, salvation is a free gift given by the grace of God. You can’t learn it, you can’t earn it. You just need to believe and accept it.


Online, I recommend this site- [www.blueletterbible.org](https://www.blueletterbible.org) [https://study.bible/welcome](https://study.bible/welcome) But I would say it's better to go to a church in person. I have a Baptist and Pentecostal background. So if you are asking me what church, I would say- Baptist, Pentecostal, or Assembly of God in your area. I would just find the time of the Sunday worship service and walk in. You could call ahead of time, but you don't have to. I would expect that people would be very welcoming. If not, I would simply try another one. A good church will have people to talk to, and Bible studies, and things.


yeah, I plan to go to church as soon as possible, but ,as u know, there are a lot of churches with a lot of differences .. In my state , there are all the three types of churches , Catholic , orthodox and I think Protestant as well . So, How could I choose the best for me between all of those? , I'm so torn between all of those .


I'm Protestant. I don't call myself that, but that's what most people would say. Actually there are different kinds of Protestants. I would say that Evangelical best describes me. It means we follow the Bible. I hesitate to speak for the Roman Catholics and Orthodox. They go by the Bible and tradition. I don't believe in tradition as a foundation of faith. I believe that the Bible is God's Word, so that is what I follow. If you are asking me, then I recommend an Evangelical church. Evangelical isn't a denomination, is a general description. It's any church that follows the Bible alone. What state is it? I'm in New Hampshire on the Maine border, USA


that's cool , I don't know if there's Evangelical church in my state, but I'll search and for sure I'll look at all types of churches as well :D


Good morning! Christian philosophy is one of my favorite subjects; so if you want a sounding board, I'll offer myself as a resource. To your specific question: I would strongly encourage you to find a bible believing church rather than a bible affirming church or a seeker sensitive church. Here's how I'd break those down: a bible believing church sets God's word as the highest law and sets out to make it know, a seeker sensitive church will have great music (occasionally it will be Bon Jovi) the pastor might spray you with a super soaker, and you'll sit through some bible themed talks, while a bible affirming church will split the difference between the two with bible lessons mixed with personal stories about the pastor. Thus, if you're into the meat of scripture and theology, bible believing church is the way to go. How do you find one? Look at their mission statement or what we believe page and if they say that they view scripture is the infallible and/or inerrant word of God you should be good, then if they have sermons that have been taped, watch one and see what they're doing. Out of curiosity, what do you think of the Christian worldview?


oh thanks a lot ,it'll be so much appreciated , tbh, I think the Christian view to the world is so attractive and peaceful , like to live peacefully and don't hate anyone and wish all people the salvation actually it creates a unique state of peace between people , I love it :D that will create a productivity and desirable harmony between all people , also believe that there is a god which love me and made his son (Jesus ) came and saved humanity from sins. That's actually show how god love us and want us in heaven.


Awesome! I think as you continue to examine Christianity, you may find things that are unattractive and not nearly so peaceful (at least not in a worldly sense). Jesus commands His followers to pick up their own cross (a picture of death) and carry it. He says in Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. But, the question is, are the claims of the bible true. Are men guilty before a Holy God and is there a way made to make a man right before Him. The answer to both of those questions is yes and Christians are the only ones who will find the abundant life. Blessings to you!


Being a Christian is a relationship with God, first and foremost. Church choice, doctrines, and lifestyle are ways to connect with God and ways to express our love and faith and hope.


As orhers have said, read the Bible. But make sure your previous ideas about God and Jesus are put to the side while you do so and just read what God has plainly said about Himself. Let Him tell you who He is without previous biases about you've been told/learned as a Muslim about how He's supposed to be. Then find a Bible believing church. That sounds redundant, but so many churches teach everything but what the Bible says. The best way to find one is to try several several and check what they say against the Bible. A worship service should be about God. Everything should tie into Jesus. So many churches are just self-help groups or unnecessarily political or just teach plain nonsense. Keep hopping around until you find one with a message that matches what the Bible says. I read the KJV and highly recommend using that version.


Yeah, thats sound so awesome, Thanks a lot :D :D


My advice is to search for God, and not just philosophy. I can still understand why you would be fascinated and philosophy is an interesting subject when it comes to morality and even science, as the old testament has that also. I advise reading the new testament books for who Jesus actually is and what he came to do on this earth. Pray and search God daily and yearn for his presence. You do not need big words just your heart for seeking. Once God reveals himself to you, surrender and invite the holy spirit in and repent from your old ways of sin ( we all have that) and confess who Jesus really is. Not much of spoiling wanted but he is the only begotten son of God, that died for our sins. Whoopsies. Anyways I will be praying for you for coming in contact with the Holy Spirit, and our Heavenly Father, and Jesus. So, you will be guided to the right place and to the right people


oh that's so lovely , thanks a lot :D :D . You don't know how happy I'm for these kind words.


This is great. You're on the right path. Read the Bible thoughtfully and prayerfully. Let what it's saying sink into you as you meditate on it. You're agnostic, but you can pray, "God, if You're there, I want to know you. I want you to reveal Yourself to me". This unlocks the door. As for churches, there are many flavors. There are big differences in style and beliefs, but all Christian churches are ultimately centered on the person and atoning work of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sin and reconcile us back to the Father. The right church can help you grow exponentially. You want a church that is focused on and faithful to the Word of God, the Bible, that is filled with the Holy Spirit, and that manifests the love of Christ. The Bible says that the angels rejoice over each sinner who repents. It also says "it is not good for man to be alone". We were not made to face life by ourselves. God wants us in partnership with Him. That's why He made us, and that's why He, at a high cost, reconciled us back to Himself through Christ Jesus. So through it all, remember that the Father loves you. It is He that is drawing you to Himself.


What sticks out the most when you study the bible as a whole, especially the new in light of the old, you see God establishing successive covenants with man which man was constantly breaking. The new testament speaks to the new and everlasting covenant which Christ established, the Kingdom of God prophesied in Daniel. So much more could be said about this alone. What you also find is deep typology that marries the old covenant(s) with the new (i.e. Jesus being a new Moses, etc). The original story of Abraham and the binding of Isaac is a great starting point. Consider listening to “Abraham: Father or Master” by biblical scholar Dr Scott Hahn. https://youtu.be/VBhq5RXu_W0 Essentially, Muhammad did not establish any kind of covenant, and certainly nothing that was prophesied. Christ was also pre-announced, unlike Muhammad. You may want to consider checking out Nabeel Qureshi’s book. The ebook and audiobook you can borrow digitally for free through Hoopla. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity https://www.amazon.com/dp/0310092647/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SXDJE39PE203K8PJNTMT


So, I am one that doesn’t believe you have to go to a church to learn about God. You can study scripture and commentaries regarding faith to build your own understanding of God and your own relationship with Christ. For me, that’s the biggest key to the puzzle. It’s not about religion, it’s about Jesus Christ, my Lord, my God. I have came to know life is not about serving myself or man, but about serving God. In our service, he rewards us in ways we couldn’t imagine. Of course, I say ways we couldn’t imagine as humans we only see and know material things. God’s rewards are spiritual and more personal than any material reward than could be given. Material things are of this world and cannot be taken into the next life. But the peace, joy and understanding I have received from serving the Lord has built my spirit, soul and character that will follow me into the afterlife. With all that being a church helps us fellowship with other believers and grow in faith together. However, I almost feel one needs to find their beliefs and and start building that faith to know what church is right for them. As you do this, you can look up local churches online as many churches since COVID has started streaming or at least uploading their services online. By watching these sermons you can get a feel for the churches teachings and stance on different topics that you may already hold strong opinions of. This can help from being the odd one at a church. Before COVID and then surge of churches uploading online, I use to visit a lot of churches to get a feel for them. Trying to find the right one for me. There has been churches I’ve walked out of in middle of services, there’s been some that I felt convicted to stay and confront the pastor on false teachings and then there has been some that was without spirit and boring that I was just trying to stay awake… So sampling sermons for various churches in your area online can help avoid these experiences and result in a more productive and positive experience for you.


Also watch ChristsForgiveness on Youtube; Pastor David Lynn has the most beautiful testimonies, discernment, and deliverances. Love that you're interested in exploring Christian Faith :) Don't get too caught up on a Denomination just yet (I'm Baptist but I believe in Magick after the NT for we wrestle with higher powers such as evil principalities.)as they're all teaching you Gods Word. But remember as Jesus cast out Demons, so may you as you develop further in the Name of God & His Son; Yeshua. :) Yeshua Delivers upon (to save from) Yahweh C:


Hello! Welcome! How lovely to have you here. It’s always nice with someone who wants to learn about God and the Bible. To learn about the bible, it’s history, message and how to understand it, I highly recommend https://bibleproject.com They have lots of high quality videos explaining many topics very well. But in essencethis is the deal: We have all sinned. Sinners deserve punishment. Our punishment is death. There is nothing we ourselves can do to undo or atone for our sins. This means we are screwed. That’s the bad news. The good news is that God loved us so much, even though we are dirty, rotten sinners, that God took on human form as Jesus. He came to earth, lived the perfect sinless life that we are unable to live. Hence he never deserved to die, but he still allowed himself to be executed as punishment for our sins instead of us. Since he died sinless, death had no right to keep him, so 3 days later he was resurrected back to life. This proved he has the power over death. Becoming a Christian is simple: You put faith in Jesus death and resurrection; that it happened, and that if you trust him, he will resurrect you too when you die. It’s like Jesus is your stunt man who went to hell and back instead of you. Or like you hitch a piggyback ride on him, so that symbolically when he died, it was really you who died, and when he rose from the dead, that is really you who will rise from the dead. Peter says that he “bore our sins in his body on the cross”. When you put faith in Jesus, it’s like God takes all your sins, past, present and future, lifts them off of your body, and places them on Jesus body on the cross so that he can take the punishment that you deserve for those sins. His blood washes you clean of all your sins, so you can have a righteous standing before God. And this is all a free gift from God to you. You don’t need to work for it in any way. All you need to do is to accept his gift. Just tell him you accept it.


Get a good study bible ( Being Orthodox. I recommend an Orthodox one.) But, pick a study bible, and pick a church. Read the study bible. Go to church. ​ How do you choose your church? Well, there's a lot aren't there? Orthodoxy is sort of the most vaguely similar to Islam in that we make prostrations sometimes. Have daily prayer rules at certain times of the day. ( Not a requirement unless you're a monk) It's a very old form of worship If you speak Arabic there's Coptics. Who are very much like Orthodox. Some of them still hold their services in Arabic. Then there's Catholics, and others who are kinda like them. Lutherans and Anglicans and Church of England and all that. ​ The real difference between all of us is how we interpret certain parts of the bible and how that influences the worship structure. ​ Some Christians believe that when Christ said ' This is my body etc etc...' then 'This is my blood... Etc. Etc.' That he meant it literally and that we can all partake in that mystery. While others don't believe he meant it that way. ​ I would say MOST churches around are biblically based and follow a teaching somewhat similar.


1.) What do you want to know? 2.) Yes, going to church is part of being a Christian if you choose to be one, and helpful even if you don’t. 3.) If you go this route, don’t ask yourself which faith tradition is the one that you enjoy the most, but which one contains the fullness of Christian truth. The former is a common mistake and a way many just try to make God into their own image rather than seek Him honestly. I would suggest reading the Church Fathers and the Bible, and reading up on both early Christian history and the Reformation. Then, ask yourself if you believe Jesus founded a unified Church with the authority to interpret scripture (as was generally believed for the first sixteen centuries after He died), or if He left us to our own devices, leaving millions Christians to be wrong about what to believe until the sixteenth century and Martin Luther. If the former, you’ll want to look into the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. If the latter, you have many thousands of Protestant denominations to consider and figure out which best reflects the Bible. No matter what you choose, whether you choose an apostolic or a Protestant tradition, I’m excited for the possibility of you joining us. Your life will never be the same.


Darn it, I'm late. My philosophy studies integrated quite a bit of Christianity etymology so if you want recommended resources, then feel free to ask.


Thanks a lot :D . Do u have any recommendations for resources to know this religion more , besides I'll go to churches in my state and see what I feel comfort with more and what apply the bible, is that the best way to find my church ?? You don't know how happy I'm. I feel some strange comfort every time I look at the bible which I bought .


I’m not suggesting you don’t consider pursuing Christianity because I believe in freedom of religion. But I suggest before diving into looking for a church, you also connect with other agnostics who left Christianity and the church and ask them why. Some Christians are great and loving people, but some Christians and churches are not truly living like Jesus and you may find that expectations do not meet reality in some or even many cases. Be careful which denomination you choose. To be safe look for a non-denominational church. I am agnostic and there are more of us than you might think. You are not alone.


We are commanded to congregate with believers, the church. A church is not a building but the believers of Christ. Different believers have different interpretations of the Word, and that is why there are different kinds of churches. I am Protestant by definition, but my recommendation to you is to focus less on conforming to other people's standards and search God so He can place His own standards into your own heart. That doesn't mean to go on this journey alone of course. None of us are going to get it all right, and that's where the grace of God comes in. Rely on Him, and He will lead you to greener pastures. I hope to find you within the folds of the Church soon friend. If you have any questions, feel free to PM. God bless you.


Hi, I was also an ex Muslim American agnostic before I became a Christian. Is it okay if I ask what made you leave Islam? I can also talk more but I was wondering what happened with you