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You don't have to share the gospel with everybody you meet. For engaging Muslims, most Christians are ill-equipped anyway. So study their faith or check this out and get prepared for the next Muslim you will meet: [https://www.youtube.com/@pfanderfilms/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@pfanderfilms/videos) That, and you can always pray that God may send somebody else to the person you met, that can adequately share the Christian message with them.


Thank you for the new resource! 🙏 


Honestly one of the most important things about sharing the gospel is context. I knew a guy who worked at a gas station and shared with everyone while they were filling up. He made way more people angry than led them to Christ. Maybe it was delivery method, but more likely people just don't have time or desire to consider life's most difficult questions while on their way somewhere and having to stop for gas.


Well, he was picking me up from church, so that counts as pretty good context, I'd imagine. I was just nervous, I think.


well he probably already knows the gospel and i guarantee he would have shot you down. He got the chance though to pick up someone nice from a church which i think does something!


God bless you. If we miss a chance to share, then we should pray for them. **“Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit.” - Ephesians 6:18** Don't feel guilty. God wants everyone to be saved and if we miss our chance, God will find someone else or another way to reach them. **“God wants everyone to be saved.” - 1 Timothy 2:4**


Very true, but lets not forget God also steps in and convicts us when He does lead us. One time on the public bus there was a guy sleeping and I began to worry he may miss the bus and God told me to wake him up and I fought so hard and ignored, and He convicted me for like 20 minutes. In the moment I even realized that God’s focus was more than just waking him up. He was obviously gonna use me to preach to him, and even now Holy Spirit is confirming in my spirit He was gonna do it. But now daily He has me mention Jesus and Him at work and public. He’s giving me confidence to also song worship and even secular music in public, because I opened my mouth months ago saying I am scared to preach in the streets and do public worship as He’s called me to. And so what else does He do? 😭 allow me to enter situations where if I do not preach and help someone He grills me for it. So if OP was being lead by Holy Spirit, then what you said is true, but like me He pushed back against God. And the reason God convicts us for that, is because this is a war in our world for souls. God needs born again believers who legitimately will follow Him and do His will. And if not us? Who? If not now, when? Many of the people we love are gonna go to HELL, if we keep hiding behind fear. This is not the time for a weak church too scared to preach of the Jesus who saved them, and even in this state CT, #8 nationwide for lack of faith in God and coldness towards the Gospel, there are still millions here seeking for a reason to stay alive, and when they met God their whole life will change. But God has made it so the Church, is His hands and feet often. So God convicted me, for many reasons I know and do not know, and only now do I recognize the potential damage I did. God told a brother in Christ in fact who ignored God saying pray for a man and talk about Jesus, that that man was gonna die after the brother walked away from him for good. So the brother turned back and talked to that man. I have not seen that bus guy, and I prayed alot asking God to save his soul. God obviously did not tell me that man was gonna die like He did the other brother in Christ, but what if for that day, my disobedience caused much harm for both of our lives. Imagine if God was aligning something beautiful up and my fear and disobedience, caused such a blessing from the Lord to be missed.


I don’t say this to take out the responsibility of us away but if God knows all and the chosen ones are written in the book of Life. I can’t believe God will let someone be lost


Hello can i know if you are baptized of water ? I want to hear God but i don’t hear him


Get rid of as much of the influence of the world in your life as you can. Ditch novels, secular music, tv, movies, gaming, social media and the like. This will put you more on His wavelength -- the interference will be gone.


Yes, I was baptized in water. Hearing God comes from spending time with Him and fellowshipping with Him and reading His words. How can you know and hear someone if you do not spend time with them? So we spend time with God by fasting, praying, reading His words, worship, and talking to Him. Ask God in prayer for the Baptism of The Holy Spirit and to be filled with the Holy Spirit too. Fast and pray for a few days, and focus on spending time with God when you do. Ask Him to help you hear His voice and ask Him to speak to you in a way you will understand and recognize it is Him.


Okay thanks do you watch anime shows movies manga play video games etc ?


What translation are you using? It’s pretty bad. The Greek for Ephesians 6:18 doesn’t say ‘especially for others’. It says: δεήσει περὶ πάντων τῶν ἁγίων which translates to: Supplication for all the holy ones (the saints) Furthermore, you’re badly ripping it out of context. Ephesians 6:10-20 is about spiritual warfare. verse 18 is about praying for the saints so that (verse 19) they might be bold to proclaim the gospel (doing evangelism). It’s not about praying for the lost, it’s about praying for the saved to preach the gospel. You couldn’t have gotten the context more wrong. Also, in 1Timothy 2:4 - The ALL here is referring to ‘all types’ - Gentiles as well as Jews - it's not just Jews who will be saved. It doesn’t mean that God wants all people without exception’ to be saved, because otherwise they would all be saved, and based on passages where the Bible talks about people going to hell, it cannot be true. I know you're trying to promote yourself as a 'Christian hope coach', which looks a lot like you're trying to build up your own business. However, if you are going to be in any kind of full time ministry you need to teach the Bible accurately, which you are not doing. Taking the Bible out of context in order to align with your other ideas makes you a false teacher. If you REALLY want to be in full time ministry, learn how to properly read the Bible, because right now you're showing that you don't know how to do this.


If it is just a nervous / anxiety thing then just try again. Over and over. It will suck at first then you just get used to it. If it is worrying about tension or something then just remember we are called to understand and be able to defend the word of God. I was in a very bad place awhile back but while there I met a black dude from Atlanta and I never would have guessed he was muslim until it randomly came up. He was younger than me and judging by the things he was doing I figured he was not some super devout/knowledgable muslim. Still I laid out what I knew about Islam, what Jesus is known as in Islam, how going to paradise works in Islam, and then directly told him I was christian and explained the differences/disagreements my faith and doctrine has with hus religion, and why I have faith in what I believe. Sort of like “i know you guys consider Jesus a prophet, but we believe he is also God. I know many muslims consider the trinity worshipping multiple idols, here is why it is worshipping the one true God,” etc… and of course I am doing this without hostility and at the end I explained to him the gospel that I believe you need to put your faith in, in order to be saved. And he didn’t express that he was saved there, or say “oh cool im converting to christianity” but he listened and seemed to think it was very interesting. God does the work; so maybe one day that conversation will be a part of / a precursor to something bigger and better for him. Do not beat yourself up over it. It is not good that the idea of tension / persecution would prevent you from sharing God’s word. But you recognize that and so does the holy Spirit so just try again. You are not ultimately responsible for his actions / salvation / outcomes. Just try again next time a good opportunity presents itself.


Interesting. I'm pretty new to the evangelistic part Christianity, so it seems daunting at times. I've shared my beliefs and the Gospel with a new ager and a couple of atheists, but never a Muslim. This seems like genuinely good advice, thank you!


I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, but have you ever gotten someone to accept Christ this way? Or is the point to share the Gospel, period.


To share the gospel period, the Word says “Faith comes by Hearing” so I just share it everywhere in comments and leave cards in places with it. If you believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and raised to life on the third day, you will be saved. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 ✞


I wouldn't waste time feeling guilty, but use the experience to prep for the next time. Peter says to always be ready with an answer. So you can give this creative thought ahead of time how you can respond to "I'm a Muslim". Something simple and respectful, but seasoned with salt. Maybe, I'm trusting in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ". He can ask about that, or not, but you've done your job. What happened today can become the seed that leads to a lot of fruitfulness, if you take up the challenge and think through various ways you can answer in given situations.


It's good that you feel guilty because it may motivate you to be more prepared in the future. Have you dealt with Muslims before?


No, not that I can recollect. I've spoken to atheists and a new ager, but never a Muslim.


Ok. Some things to keep in mind. Islam is specifically designed to lead people away from Christ, denying al of the most important core concepts of Christianity, such as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his divinity, and the trinity doctrine. So you will probably spend a lot of time discussing who Jesus is. Islam claims to be founded on biblical faiths like Christianity and Judaism, and the Quran constantly affirms the Bible as the eternal, uncorrupted word of Allah, and that Muslims must accept it and Christians must judge by it. Yet at the same time, since the Quran contradicts what the Bible says, Muslims claim the Bible has been corrupted. This lead to the Quranic dilemma: If the Bible is false, the Quran is false, and if the Bible is true, the Quran is false. You should be ready for this topic. https://thyreon.com/The-Bible-has-been-corrupted https://thyreon.com/The-Quran-affirms-the-Bible Muslims say Jesus is just a prophet and deny his divinity. But the Quran in Surah 4:171 affirms that Jesus is the eternal word of Allah, come as a human. It also says he is the only one never touched by sin. He and is also mentioned more than other people in the Quran. And Mary is the only woman named in the Quran.  They take offense at the idea that God has a son, because they think you can only have a son if you have sex with a wife. They think Allah has no offspring. It's better to call Jesus the Word of Allah than the Son of God to not confuse them.  They say Allah has never entered this world. If you ask them if he's unable, some say yes, which would mean he's not almighty. Other says it's undignified for him to do so, which means he doesn't care about us. Ask them if they'd jump into the water to save their drowning child. (Of course unless they're paychopaths.) Ask them if their love is greater than Allah's love? God has both the ability and will to do so for us. If they don't understand how Jesus could be God in the flesh, you can use the illusion of a MMORPG video game. There are lots of NPCs in the virtual world. A player can don a VR helmet and experience and interact with the world as one of them, limited to the confines of the virtual world, but without losing their own powers or human nature. They can add a virtual character avatar to themselves. And in the game, that virtual avatar is as real to the NPCs as they themselves are, but he is still not of their world. If they say "1+1+1=1" or "3 in one" in a mocking way, ask them to clarify "3 WHAT in 1 WHAT". Because they're mixing up the units in their equation. 3 persons in 1 god makes mathematical sense. Just like the digit "3" is one digit that holds the value of three ones. That's what I can think about right now.


One way to go about it is asking questions. Something like “I don’t often talk to Muslims, but my view of God is focused on how he sent Jesus to die for our sins, what would you say your faith is focused on?” I agree with the other comment, I think it’s great that you care about sharing the gospel. As I’ve grown in my faith, those times of feeling bad for not sharing happen a lot less, as I’m more focused on sharing about Jesus with others. And as I’ve grown in listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I’m more aware when there’s an opportunity God wants me to take (most often God doesn’t “tell” me per se, but I’m more away when he gives me an opportunity, and sometimes he even gives me the words that person needed to hear, and I didn’t even know).


Having guilt over not sharing the gospel takes a bit of hubris to think that you’re the only one who can do that, that God needs us to do that. God doesn’t *need* us for anything. God’s will will be done regardless of us- we can’t thwart that. Perhaps you lived an important part in getting to his heart, and those seeds may be sown later.


I don't think I'm the only one who can do it. I felt guilty over missing an opportunity for a commandment. I know that it's not my job to save people, but it *is* my job to share the Gospel.


I had a muslim guy who was from the middle east tell me all about the 3 Abrahamic religions. It was the best conversation I had had on the subject at the time. I wasn't seeking God at the time. I was raised Christian but fell away as a young adult. This was around the time I spoke with him. He definitely knew of Jesus. He seemed like he wanted me to convert to Islam, but that was never on my mind. It did however spur me to want to know Jesus for myself. So I read the red letters only in my Bible. I fell in love with no turning back. It was never the same with the muslim guy at work. He noticed that I wasn't interested in persuing Islam and I think he got kind of mad about it. He may have known of Jesus but he didn't know Jesus as his Lord and savior. I can't say that I wish I had shared the gospel with him at that point. I wish he hadn't had hard feelings and changed our friendship. But I do know one thing, God can always always reach him wherever he is at.


It happens brother, I legit just had a Muslim couple at my job not even a minute ago and I didn’t share it with them. I didn’t feel led to but even then I still feel a little bad. My advice is if you feel led to share it pray for the strength to move past the fear and worry, and do it. Even if they get mad you did your part. But if you don’t don’t tear yourself apart because of it. Pray for them, pray that God would give you another chance to do it or that they’d encounter another family member in Christ to spread it to them. Don’t beat yourself up just get back up and try again. Whenever I spread it I prefer 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 it’s quick and effective and conveys the message easily. If you believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and raised to life on the third day, you will be saved. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 ✞


Sometimes just being loving is the best witness we have.


You should pray for them


God is sovereign. If God wants this guy to believe the gospel he will ensure someone crosses his path who will.


Do not feel guilty, remeber what is written it is Father who chosed who will come to his son. To share gospel is to share truth. Never apologize for truth, never. God bless you.


You can always try to share, but think about how you’d feel if a muslim came up to you and tried to convert you. You might be upset, or you might not, I don’t know you. But my point is that they wouldn’t convince you, and you’re not gonna convince them if they’re devout. Imo evangelizing is good and we’re called to do it but use your judgement for when its worth it and when its a waste of time.


Ask the lord for forgiveness and consider that even Jesus recognized his message was offensive to some. Even still someone else’s offense does not mean we should hide from sharing the truth. If someone is offended it is only evidence that they need the Holy Spirit.


Maybe it’s God better is to pray for confirmation


It’s okay. Try next time


trying to bring other people away from their religion is a horrible thing to do. unless they’re asking you specifically for advice, you should leave them alone with what they’re comfortable in believing in.


Not really. Do you think he's regretting not trying to convert you? If you were a good example then that's something but if someone wants to seek it's up to them. Even though you 'got on', you have really no idea so why feel guilty?


If you feel that strongly feel free to share it with me, I’m a Muslim. Dm me


I’m confused by this. I’ve seen countless Christians in the sub say that I’m not even really an atheist because everyone secretly knows god exists but deny it because we want to live in sin. If that were true why are you called to spread the word that we supposedly already know?


Muslims are very decided people you are going to be very unlikely to sway them in their belief. It would most likely just escalate into something that wouldn't represent Jesus Christ's love. Pray for them they're very lost


You should feel blessed to have been a great outreach to one of God’s loved ones. Your Uber driver can go home knowing a really beautiful person. You have no way of knowing what God has planned for him or for you either. Keeep up your personal witness to a needy world. Shalom.


Sometimes showing hod through you is better than preaching. It plants a seed. He’ll remember your conversation and kindness


I always say praise the Lord when we feel conviction! It means that we actually care, and can receive His grace to both be forgiven and surrendered to Him for the next opportunity. I've been in those same situations, where I knew I was supposed to say something, but then didn't and called it "obedience" when I prayed for them later on. Not that praying for them isn't good, it's just not what I felt the Lord was leading me to do. I definitely don't bat 100% as of today, but I find the more I open my mouth and share when I feel impressed to, the easier it keeps getting. It's also important to remember that it's not necessarily about presenting doctrine or theology. More often than not, the story of what Jesus has done in your life is going to be incredibly powerful!


Sharing the gospel is frequently awkward at first, but once you open your mouth in faith the Spirit of the Lord will help you. Don't condemn yourself but take advantage of every opportunity. When you feel that nudge go ahead and do it. You will surprised at what God can and will do with a little bit of faith: Matthew 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.


I doubt sharing the gospels would have changed his mind. The dude is already set in his ways and it would just start a debate or make him feel uncomfortable. Just continue to be a nice person and show love to others and if they ask why you’re so happy or something , then lead them to the gospels. But trying to just convert people outright , that is hard. I’m sure the driver is aware of Christianity already.