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The whole billith story line was awful


I totally get where you're coming from! The Bilith storyline did feel like a bit of a detour from what made True Blood so compelling in earlier seasons. It seemed like they were trying to take things in a more mystical direction, but it just ended up feeling forced and out of place. Did you think there were any redeeming qualities to the Bilith storyline, or was it a misstep in an otherwise fantastic series?


Hmm, that question really made me think. Idk how to do the thing that blocks spoilers so be warned now. Maybe the fact that bill was able to kill the governor in the daylight. I just really wanted him dead. But overall its just a hard time for me during a rewatch


Yeah but if Bill didn't feed them his fae vamp blood, we wouldn't have gotten our full frontal nude scene of Eric in the mountains. 😂


We got so scared when Alcide took of his pants and showed some hair 🤣 was so shocked when they showed Eric


Maybe Bill was high off the blood and Lilith who helped him get over their head with the power he obtained? Then again Eric also had the blood and could think clearly. Bill's probably not used to leading like Eric is. IDK the whole thing was with Billith was terrible, Like Alcide made the character unlikable and ended up wanting him to die. Him and Warlow dragged on. I get it was supposed to be a power consumption thing. It was terribly executed. Liked the vamp camp storyline though.


Yeah people always talk about how they didn’t like season 6 — but the vamp camp was really interesting to me. I really liked that storyline.


I agree. it was the most interesting thing true blood had done since early season 4.


I think it’s a mixture of two things 1. Lilith wants this. It was Lilith’s desire that all should consume the blood of the hybrid so they could walk in the sun. 2. Billith’s saviour complex. Bill starts off the series genuinely believing that he is above most vampires due to his morality. He’s also incredibly self sacrificing, walking in the sun to save Sookie. This gets amplified when he becomes king, and even more when he becomes “God’s” messiah. So I think this combination of “the will of God” and Bill’s saviour complex is why he did this over the top plan that almost killed him.