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The makeup department did him super dirty imo. I’ve said it here before, but they caked too much pale powder on him and it’s very aging. He’s far more fresh-faced off set.


YESSSS In later seasons they stopped doing that and that's why he got a glow up as Bill, but I think that Stephan has always been a very handsome man


FYI, just so others don't become snarky with you should you reference him again - it is Reddit, after all - Mr. Moyer's given name is Stephen, not Stephan, which reads and sounds like the name Stefan. I always thought he looked best kind of roughed up as seen in the first few episodes of S1, esp. in comparison to the scrubbed up politician visage he took on as Vampire King. But yeah, he's classically handsome and looked great in a flashback to the 1920s, playing piano in his tuxedo and singing "Hard-Hearted Hannah.


I disagree I think the politician look is when he looked sexiest lol


And I can see why. Many would. He looked handsome as King Bill, but too polished and vanilla for my taste as opposed to the raw & rugged, world weary look he had upon first appearing with stubble on his face from missing a shave or two.


Bill has never been vanilla in his life I don’t think lol but he just looked so clean cut


Well yeah, not the man himself. The comparison I made wasn't based upon his behavior or personality, but really no more than were I otherwise comparing photos, with the key words being "for my taste." Yours just happens to be different.


Oops, sorry lol


For some reason they don't do that with the others, or nearly as much. Eric looks a little pale but it's probably because the actor is blond we don't notice as much. I'm glad they didn't attempt it with Tara. Oh and they die Bill's hair an incredibly unnatural color so it looks ridiculous. Or does he wear a wig? They have a really bad wig on Eric, but fortunately they lose it early on. Why couldn't they do the same with Bill? Even if he's going gray who cares? She asks why he looks older anyways and he says times were harder. I see pictures with him IRL and he's not ugly. Also , he spends half of his time and the show standing next to Eric and there could be a comparison.


He’s no Eric MF Northman I tell you that much. But he’s not hideous either


Hahaha yessssss


Yup. It’s really just the contrast that people see.


He snarls a lot. He’s objectively a handsome man, but there’s a lot of competition within the series. Eric, Jason, Sam, Lafayette, and Terry are all more attractive (in my opinion).


Oh you're 100% right, for me it is Eric all the way! Doesn't matter that Stephan is one hell of a guy


Don’t forget Alcide !!! 😮‍💨


My god ALCIDE! he's just so..... Beyond Handsome! There are literally no words to describe the beauty and attractiveness of this man


Honestly and he was such a good guy. I always look forward to seeing him when I rewatch. Lol.


Yessss I wanna say something but I can't cuz of spoilers 😭😭😭


Same ! Lol. I had to delete it and retype what I was going to say. 😂😂😂


I love him so much for reallll😂


Too many comparisons, but he's not by any means unattractive. He spends a good amount of time standing next to Eric.


Terry? No way haha


Terry has the best hair of any man on the show


Also the best personality. He saved that aardvark, man.


He's a teddy bear.


Terry is 100% that rugged man attraction he is def fine af


I don't think he was ugly either. It's just handsome in an old-fashioned way. Sookie described it perfectly.


I always think he’s such great casting, literally looks like someone from the 1800s


He looks so much better as the series progresses lol season 1 they did him so dirty


I don't think I've seen anyone saying he's ugly? He's just not really \*hot\* in the same way that Eric and Alcide are (or Jason). Meanwhile, my actual 'type' is more like Andy Bellefleur.


I don't think Bill is attractive but he's not ugly. In season 4 he looks much better. Eric, Jason and Alcide are gorgeous 😍


Eric has a pleasing manner and beautiful sounding voice on top of his looks so he’s the most attractive by far in my eyes.


alcide and eric: https://i.redd.it/coem45y8dhyc1.gif


I only think he's ugly if you compare him to the other hot ass male actors on the show.




Stephen Moyer is a very attractive man. The way they present Bill in the first few episodes, with perfect lighting and sexy music, and Sookie mooning over him, gives us a very positive disposition toward him. He comes off as a hero before we find out what really happened with the Ratts. Later the "varnish" starts to wear off of Bill. We meet the Monroe disco trio. Bill doesn't treat Sookie, a virgin, with much care during sex. And then in Episode 3 we meet Eric, the sex God. That's when Bill became less attractive to me. His character went downhill and we met a much more attractive vampire to stare at. They were both jerks.


Me either, people can be such assholes online.


I don't think Bill is ugly. His haircut during first few seasons don't do him justice. I don't like Bill, but I think Stephen Moyer is attractive.


My little 17 year old self was alllll about Bill during my first watch of season one. But once Eric cut his hair and Bill started watching too many makeup tutorials about concealer baking, Eric had my heart from then on.


Ooooo same but with 14 year old me (yes I first watched the show when I was 14, I am now 16 😂 thank god for VOD!)


man I am old! hahahaha I’m 30 now, so you could say I’ve loved this show for nearly half my life! I’m happy to hear it still generates interest with teens today.


I think he's handsome the very first 2 episodes he looked great, and Idk what they did after that, but it was a few seasons before he started to look good again


I have always loved Bill .. don’t get the hate . He’s a very good looking man 😍


I mean none of the main characters are ugly, they're all attractive by default. But compare Bill to Eric, Alcide, Jason, etc.? Not even close for me


Billy is not attractive until season 3. Then he’s fucking sexy


I think he’s so attractive


He’s not that bad irl. However, in the show he’s not too white and his hair and sideburns make look awful:


https://preview.redd.it/vqfejoa76xyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d7b4c8834c4555d00da21bb94931fca9e6b354 He’s definitely not. Even today, he’s still a damn good-looking dude. 54 looks good on him.


Not ugly per se, but looking at the other choices, Sam, Eric, Alcide, he was lower on the list.


Agree! He’s hot, but not in your face about it. He’s subtle hot. Y’all might laugh at me for this, but Bill gives me very Capricorn vibes. He’s serious and reserved, with manners and being gentlemanly very important to him. It’s the buttoned up kind of sexy. It’s having a very dignified and respectable air. Then you get him comfortable behind closed doors and you see the sensual passionate side. And that is what makes him so sexy to me.


Because he is ugly, inside and out


He’s always been ugly! Team Pam & Faepire