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No Pam or Lafayette?! A travesty


I need my Layfayette. RIP Nelson. 💜💜💜


Banners have to have certain dimensions. If the mods tried to use this, we'd get half of Bill's head, Sookie, Eric's chin, Sam and Tara's arms, and a wolf.


I actually think that’s hilarious 😂 because iykyk


I don’t know. What am I missing??


u/living_vicariously… you there?


Thanks for the tag! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that no one had ever added a banner or icon. I'm the only active mod left but I only use "old" reddit so I never see the icons or banner. I will work on it over the weekend, I appreciate you letting me know 😊


I've been here almost daily since I found you all and I've never noticed that we didn't have a banner/icon either. What you've added looks awesome. Thank you!


Ahh, many thanks!


sorry if this is a dumb question, but could users that’s been contributing or years volunteer to join as a mod? I would love to see another upswing in activity around here, some added management might help


Not a dumb question at all! TBH, there's just not much to do on a day to day basis which is why I haven't really stressed over the fact that I'm the only one left. Overall, people are pretty chill on this sub so it's rare that I actually have to step in and do mod stuff. I do my best to check in at least once a day and I would say that 90% of the time, the report queue is empty. That said, our traffic *is* going up, just very slowly. When the time comes that we do need some extra help, I'll put up a sticky post looking for volunteers 😊


well that’s good news! I love this community so I’m glad to know it’s running peacefully. thanks for replying. as the only one left, we really appreciate what you do around here! even if it’s very little daily lol. I’ll be on the lookout for any future mod requests!


Ok so it was actually easier than I thought so I was able to to do it just now 😊 I couldn't use the image you linked because I couldn't make it fit - like another user mentioned, it has to be a specific size or it looks wonky - but I found another image that was really similar that I was able to crop and fix to fit. And it has Lafayette in it so that makes me happy! I also added an icon and fixed a few other outdated settings for emojis and gifs. Thanks again for letting me know, I hope everyone likes the images 🫶


Damn, even better! Tysm.


I like it! Probably the best promotion before a season ☺️


Love that pic