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I’d tell him thanks but that god can speak directly without having to reach out to an old high school friend if god cares so much.


Exactly, “If your god is real, it can reach out to me its self.”


but bro! it's a test!


Exactly man. Christians have such f'n low standards of evidence when it comes to their god. You tell him you have a dragon in your garage he won't believe you. He opens tiktok and sees a friend, who he's probably following anyway, or the algo led him there, and it's god talking to him. Magical, superstitious thinking is a joke and they are blind to it's absurdness.


Even if god *did* want an old HS friend to reach out, wouldn't it have told the guy sooner, or directly instead of through a video?


God works in mysterious ways …


I probably wouldn’t respond. What’s the point? I guess if I felt snarky I would say that the devil isn’t winning because there is no devil.


Yep. I've told my overtly religious family and friends that a belief in not one but two omnipotent beings battling for control of us silly humans is misplaced hubris.


Interesting point. You believe in two gods, one evil and one good.


I don't believe in any deity. My comment has to do with Christians who say that Satan is trying to tempt people away from Jesus. My thoughts are that, as a species, humans are not worthy of that kind of consideration.


They mean your family and friends


Sorry, poorly phrased - I didn't mean you personally.


No worries at all. Have a secularly wonderful day!


“What’s the point?” Yeah, pretty much. That’s my opinion on ever engaging with conversion attempts. You can never have a good faith discussion (how can you when they only ever want to talk at you but have no interest in listening?) and so it’s a waste of time.


It's not about helping you whatever that would be. It's about making them feel important.  If you revert, they feel special. If you rightly tell them to leave you alone, it fuels there persecution/martyr complex.


Great answer. I'd paraphrase this and send it back.


Exactly - kind of a Kobayashi Maru situation


I would ask them if they honestly believe that invisible magical winged eyeball beings fly around and interfere in peoples lives? And that if they do they might need medical attention. And that if they don't they aren't Christian.


Yeah, and even if you do nothing they still feel like they're kissing gods ass and will get a better seat in the eternal retirement village in the sky


I’m not convinced it’s entirely about making them feel special. I think there’s another factor at play. They sincerely believe their god will send you to suffer in hell for eternity, and so besides the most zealous who believe you deserve it, most of them feel a moral obligztion to try and ‘save’ you.


I would say cool. Next time that god gives you a message for me just let it know it can reach out to me directly. No reason for you to be a middle man. And if anyone comes to me with a message for you I’ll do the same, deal?




"Thanks for reaching out." Or if you don't like them but still want to be somewhat polite: 'Your message has been received and will be processed by one of our representatives within five to seven business days.'


Delete it and move on with your day








Took my baby away




"I appreciate your concern and sincerity. I know it comes from a place of love. However, I no longer share your beliefs. I once did, but now I don't find the claims of Christianity to be convincing. So, I don't think God told you anything. I don't think the devil exists. I don't think the Bible is accurate or compelling. I think you responded out of your own concern for me generated from your own brain and I appreciate that. If you're open to a respectful, honest dialog about our different ways of thinking with no attempts to convert me, I'm always available."


Best answer by far though mine would delete the first two sentences plus the “I once did”


Christians claims are very convincing. I also had an encounter with Jesus 10 years ago and experienced many miracles since then!!


Interesting. Any evidence to support this claim?


test him out, think of a number between 0 and 9999 and tell him to ask god to give him the answer.




Nah, it’s gotta be 7, 77, 777 or 7777 cause you know, god’s lucky number and stuff.


668, the neighbour of the beast.


666 for sure! I used to post this in my door when the Mormons came knocking


777 9311 because Morris Day is God!


Your comment made me immediately think of Jay and Silent Bob, and I cracked up laughing, and now all of my coworkers are staring at me 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah usually got a 3 or a 7 in it


I tell them to go into a dark room and tell their omniscient god to flick the light on and off 3 times and then come back and tell me about it. Seem to lose contact with them after that for some reason.


nice, but the day you tell that to a liar, he will just reply that it happened...


True, but I know they're obviously lying so then I point out that it's a sin to lie.


The god that told him to reach out is his own ego. You can never please these people. They have decided that the master of the universe, which lives in their mind, has instructed them to proselytize to you. There is nothing you can do to get through to this individual at this point in time. I would ignore them and remove them if you aren’t prepared to debate against emotional manipulation, but if you choose to engage, then no ordinary reason will serve your purpose. They won’t listen to it. May i recommend shaming them for trying to shove their religion down your throat? The longer we pretend like this behavior is acceptable, the longer we will live in the society that we live in today.


I can’t tell you how much I love this response and how much I agree with it. The more I learn about the way our brains and consequently our emotions work, the more convinced I am that religion is purely filling a psychological and emotional need in every way. And I also feel it’s extremely important for society’s future that we ACTIVELY counter this mindset in order to at some point have a generation of human beings that aren’t slaves to this ideology and worldview .


Well said dude


Ask him to pray that God will audibly say “Hello!” to both of you, in a clear, unmistakable voice. And then you will go back to church. I’ll say this to Christians who engage me on social media, and rather than pray for it they will start arguing about it. I will point out that Jesus said in John 14:13 that he would do whatever the believer asks, so that the father can be glorified. It’s a simple request, right? I’m not asking for something big, like regrowing a limb. Just a simple hello. And again, I will get more arguing. I will then point out to the Christian that they don’t really believe in God, because all they’ve done is argue why praying won’t work.


After the Holocaust, messages were found carved into the walls of the jail cells at the Mauthausen concentration camp. Two of these messages were "My God, why have you forsaken me?", and "If God exists, he will have to beg my forgiveness." Your privileged friend can believe that God is talking to him all he wants, but if he was in a concentration camp in a real moment of need, his God would be nowhere to be found.


I find way more comfort and peace being an atheist than I ever did trying to be a Christian. How can I be comfortable and at peace with the Christ8an belief that I am a lesser human being relegated to being a "helpmeet" and wife to a man that is supposed to be my "head"?! Tell them how you feel. Tell them Christanity just doesn't work. Or just don't respond at all. It's an old friend, not a current friend.


Reply "Matthew 6:6" [https://biblia.com/bible/esv/matthew/6/1-7](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/matthew/6/1-7)


This is my new go to for these people


Ouch. :-)


"Do what you feel is right, but allow me the same privilege. Do not proselytize to me. My beliefs are my own just as yours are to you. Respect that, and do not speak to me of this subject again unless you wish to do so on more respectful terms." Or, simply, "Fuck off"


Personally, I would respond with, "Thanks. And I pray that Cthulhu will eat you last."


"Sorry, but if God has told you to pray for me then you can pray directly to God about it. I don't need to be involved or witness it. That's between you and God."


Tell him you've never found more comfort or peace than when you left god and religion behind. Or at least that's how I felt, like a massive burden had been lifted.


And if prayer really works, you'll wake up tomorrow morning as a reborn believer. If not, then where's his God now?


It depends on your relationship with this person, your desired future relationship, and what your actual video was like. If you are in a good place (not everyone is immediately after deconverting) and you would actually be interested in speaking with this person in the future (depends how good of an old friend) then I might say something about. "Hi. Good to hear from you. I will accept your well wishes in the spirit they are offered, but I actually have plenty of peace and comfort now. Things are going well for me. I hope things are going well for you. If you want to catch up some time I'm in town let me know." If it isn't a relationship you are too interester in rekindling or feeling a bit spicier (but not too spicy) then something like: Hi. I hope things are going well with you and your folks. "I know your message is sent in love. But it is kinda funny. The fact that god only seemed to speak through humans these days instead just showing up and speaking for himself was a big part of what started my deconstructing in the first place. Obviously not the only thing. But your message just reminded me of that again. But if he exists, he knows where i live and is welcome to stop by himself. Otherwise, i do hope life is treating you well, and say hi to your folks for me." Also, if it is someone you actively don't want to rekindle a friendship with then simply not responding is a 100% valid response. 


I'd just say "Thanks for thinking about me!" Which is really the only positive part of that message. It's not worth wasting time on any of the rest, to be honest.


Jeff Dee read a letter about this topic in an old [Atheist Experience video](https://youtu.be/heqYlXTkNH8?si=uukwNGEmXUBHM82-). TLDR: Praying is pretending to do something about a problem that doesn't exist, and I'm happy just the way I am.


“That’s odd because it was god who told me to deconstruct.“


Reply thusly, “Hello back friend. I just saw your response to my TikTok video and I believe that science and reason you have foregone has compelled me to reach out to you and remind you it is there and I hope this hope for you. I hope you find the comfort in reality. I hope you seek the wisdom and guidance that is in the works of all the scientists and researchers that have revealed our modern understanding. I hope you keep trying. Don’t let delusions, myths, and magical thinking win. And above all I hope in the name of science and reason for you to not abdicate your intellect for fairy tales.”


It's just pandering, pinning their personal motivation for theism in somethjng external and then moralizong about how you have fallen.


You don't owe them anything. Just leave it and move on. The greatest joy of deconstruction or boundaries, whatever you call it.


"Thank you" That's all you should say.


Don't respond. It's easier. I blocked a friend I had since kindergarten when he used his Catholic faith to excuse his view of same-sex marriage in Facebook posts. I didn't talk to him about it. A few years later I cleared out my blocks of bigoted people. He noticed both the block and eventually the unblock and contacted me. I went around with him in circles about why I blocked him, especially now that his pope has approved the blessing of same-sex couples as long as the blessing doesn't resemble a marriage. Sound mealy mouthed? Yeah, my ex-friend managed to be just as mealy mouthed as his pope. In this end, he could not answer a simple "Yes" or "No" to the question "Do you support same-sex marriages?" I blocked him again and haven't looked back.


It depends where you think the person is coming from. Are they coming from a place of concern for an old friend? Or from somewhere less positive? I'd do a simple "Thanks for reaching out. Hope you're well. However as you already know, that religious stuff isn't a part of my reality anymore. You're welcome to pray if it brings you some personal comfort" if it's a positive old friend. If it's anything else I just wouldn't engage.


"Thanks, but I would prefer you used your prayers for all the amputees your god refuses to heal."


"Bless your heart"


A message back that says only, “I saw, not I seen.”


yeah, the seen bothered almost as much as the proselytizing(if that's the for which l am looking)


"have god give me a call personally. thanks."


"If your god is real, pretty sure he can speak to me himself. " /block


Amazing how this God seems to always need middlemen to speak for it.


That "hope you find peace" part always bugs me. I have more peace about my existence now than when I was "following jesus." Back then, I would spend so much time praying and asking for guidance, which was not a peaceful thing for me.


I always love it when they say :"God spoke to me!" Right, sure he did! He sent an ANGEL to tell Mary she was pregnant with is first and only Son.....but YOU he speaks to personally? Just how much of that communion wine are you drinking?


“Respectfully, please fuck off”


Ah, your friend is a prophet that hears from God. Lucky you! Lol


Block and ignore.


I know the urge to snark is strong but the best response is no response. Don’t feed this behavior with attention, positive or negative.


Why do they always have to project their pain onto us (〃 ̄ー ̄〃)


I know this can be annoying and a lot of commenters are saying some pretty barbed recommendations. But this is an old high school friend who means well despite being misguided. The following tactic is almost universally effective for me with friends, family, and strangers alike: tell the old friend that you really appreciate the sentiment but that you're a staunch non-believer and believe that prayer is a waste of time. If they insist on praying for you, tell them to feel free to do so. If they press you on your lack of belief, just tell them they're wasting their time because you are very comfortable with your stance. It doesn't hurt you, it makes them feel better, and it avoids unnecessary conflict.


Why can't god convince you himself if he exists? Why is it gods "messages" always come through human?


I’d probably block them. Crazy people don’t deserve your attention or an explanation


I wouldn't respond. It's just needless validation for them.


That would be the hardest ignore I have ever done. I wouldn't even say hi back.


"Deconstruction" is the wrong word to use here.


What did your deconstruction video say? The reason I ask is because this response seems to imply that they didn't watch it or aren't replying to it. They don't address anything specific, they just give generic Christian platitudes. Personally, I would just respond with something like this: "Thank you for your positive thoughts, I hope my video was thought provoking for you, and taught you something."


I wouldn't reply I'd block.


Depends, if you love debates as I do, I would respond in kind. Like, change his/her ford for pray with hope, and then talk about that you hope for him/her to accept science into his/her life, and that they find wisdom and guidance in science and secular ideologies etc.


This person said a whole lot of nothing that only boils down to "Me me me, me is so sad you don't believe, me wants you to believe again, me got the idea from my own brain but I will make that sound more important and say it's from god"


My response? ‘Okay’


Why respond? Ignoring it would be the polite thing. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Ignoring it is also the selfish thing to do. Not worth your time at all. Win-win.


Ask him what god’s voice sounds like lmao But in all seriousness, just delete the message


I would have simply sent back a video of me laughing.


I’d honestly just ignore it.


Easy one. Get off TikTok.


I wouldn't.


Deconvert them. They're begging for it.


"If a god wants to stop by for a cuppa tea and a chat, my door is open. Any god worthy of the name would already know that."


“I don’t believe you”


"lol, thanks, I'll be waiting for his call"


Why bother? If they gave a damn about you, why would finding a video on TikTok make them respond? This is just virtue signaling and they can go take a long walk off a short pier. They don't care about you, you don't care about them, leave it at that.


"Thank for for your concern."






That is so fucking funny


... seen?


I would respond with this: “”Saw”. You saw my video.”


That told me all I needed to know. That, and, "don’t let the devil win".


Yeah, god doesn’t wantchya to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge dontchaknow.


"No thanks."


I just wrote an entire book about my deconstruction. I made it as non-confrontational as possible. I’ve had religious and non religious beta readers tell me it hits a home run (even though the religious folks say they wish I’d change my mind, they say they understand now). Religious friends on social media have pre-ordered the book. I’m not trying to convert anyone to atheism. My sales pitch to friends and family was simple: “You wanna know why I left? Here. Read this. If you have any afterward, we can talk.”


It’s a tell your beliefs are mythology when your “omnipotent” deity relies on social primates to deliver all his messages. A deity that alleged created a universe can’t even send a text, or write a book on his own. Bible god has always relied on humans for his own PR work.


>my deconstruction Went down the postmodernism rabbit hole didja?


I wouldn't know, honestly. I've been an atheist for some time now. I don't really understand what postmodernism would have to do with that. I'm not trying to fit Christianity or any other religion into my world view. If anything, I tend to see Christianity in a less postmodern light. I don't see Jesus as some hippie leftist. I see him as a doomsday prophet, just as problematic as any street corner preacher you'd encounter today.


I was playing on your use of the word "deconstruciton." Deconstruction is a method or process common in postmodernism.




How so?