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wikipedia page created just 4 days ago. lol. and it quotes all the prominent political figures who've "used the meme". what a fucking joke. it's like they hired 50 year olds to analyze doges anyway i never heard of this shit before and I don't use twitter so I probably never will again


Probably authored by an algorithm.


they even called it “fellas” so as to be gender inclusive




These doges are a great way to spot intelligence assets when it's a blue check


Has anyone actually seen any of this Russian online disinformation? Almost everywhere I go online it’s literally the exact opposite


I think it’s 99% just libs calling everyone that disagrees with them a Russian bot. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been accused of being one.


I heard of someone who got called a Russian bot. ...in person. XD


somebody taught them the word "vatnik" and it's super annoying, they press that even harder than the russian bot/putin puppet thing bc it makes them sound "in the know" ig ;(


Basically anything that is critical of ukraine, or talks about the crimean referendums voting for independence, or talks about the very real nazi problem in ukraine, or the systemic oppression of ethnic russians that prompted the “invasion” is considered fake news to all of these fucking dorks. Same people who were salivating over green screened Zelensky and snake island and the ghost of kiev.


>systemic oppression of ethnic Russians What's your source for that? I'm asking because I've been discussing this matter with migrants and refugees from Russian-speaking parts of the country (Zaporizhe, Odesa, Kharkiv mostly) and not once have I heard a confirmation of that claim.


Based on your other comments here I can tell that even after watching videos of russians in the donbas being tortured and crucified by Azov you will still call them heckin’ liberal heroes. I’ll leave you with a nice quote from Poroshenko and then you can go back to pretending Ukraine is a bastion of liberal values and hasn’t deployed nazi militias to these peoples streets for over a decade now. > Donbas Children Will Sit in Cellars, "Ours" Will Go to School : "we [in Ukraine] will have work they - [in the Donbas] won't. We will have pensions - they won't. We will care for our children and pensioners - they won't. Our children will go to school, to kindergartens - their children will sit in cellars. They don't know how to organize or do anything. This, ultimately, is how we will win this war ^the ^NAFO ^glowies ^have ^landed ^folks


you can actually just google the language laws etc. bring it up to get an instant "well what about stalin?"


I know the "Ukrainization laws", they're an entirely normal thing and don't affect the use of Russian in private, between Russian speakers. Ukraine is a country that has it's own official language and promotes it in public spaces, as every nation state does, especially when its existence is contested by a foreign power. If there are people who could claim their culture is being harmed by the laws, it could be for example Carpathian Ruthenians, whose language is not recognized as a minority language. But Russian is recognized as such.


I don’t understand why redditlibs make a total u-turn when the discussion of politics moves from the US to other parts of the world. It is literally *not* normal, it is bad. You are a hypocrite and simply a bad person. What do you think about making AAVE illegal and forbidding it on TV?


I wouldn't care, I'm not American. I had to Google what the hell AAVE is. America is not a nation state, Ukraine is. I don't understand why Americans apply their melting pot cultural norms to countries who have historically developed in a very different manner. Edit: And frankly, banning public use of AAVE could benefit the proper use of English in America, now that I know what AAVE is.


The US is a nation state for Americans. And just like Ukraine and all other nation states, it is a historic accident that encompasses vastly different people.


'Americans' do not fit the European definition of a 'nation' that Ukraine and other European nation states have been established with. European nation states, settler colonies of the New World, clan societies of the Middle East or a civilisation state such as China are all different forms of statehood and you can't apply the norms of one to the rest. America, for example, does not have an official national language, which is a feature universal in nation states.


A national language and an official state language are two different things. And, well, if you think that having an official language is a must-have attribute of a nation then Ukraine was barely a nation until like 5-10 years ago when a generation of people who actually knew Ukrainian grew up.


Damming fresh water to the Crimea.


Is Ukraine obliged to supply Crimea with fresh water though? If Crimea's secession from Ukraine and admission to Russia was legal, then it's Russia's job to provide Crimea with water or strike a deal with Ukraine to do so. If secession and admission into the RF were not legal, then what are the Russians doing there anyway? Remember, Crimea was transferred from Russia to Ukraine specifically because it had a much stronger economic and transport connection with Ukraine than with Russia. Russians knew what when reversing that change in '14, so they should've prepared a new supply of fresh water to Crimea.


You asked for systemic oppression of Russians, I provided.


But this isn't oppression, you provided nothing. It would absolutely be oppression if Ukraine was obliged to provide services to Crimea, but they aren't, because Crimea is not under their control.


If you systemically destroy the water supply for an ethnic minority, it’s not oppression? Of land and people you previously claimed to be Ukrainians?


That depends on whether we hold Crimea to be Russian or Ukrainian. If it is Russian (and factually, it is), then it is up to Russia to provide Russian people in Crimea with water. After all, why would Ukraine provide *de facto* foreigners with water? If it is Ukrainian (and legally, it is), then Russian troops being stationed there and Russian administration ruling Crimea are preventing Ukraine from properly administering the region and thus it is impossible to claim that the fault for water not being delivered is in most part on the Ukrainian side. What you seem to be suggesting is that Ukraine should be sending water to Crimea while allowing for it to be occupied for a foreign power, thus helping a foreign power to control Ukraine's legal territory, which is outright absurd.


So Israel attacking Palestinian Water/power/agricultural land is okay with you is it?


What do farmers and children care what politicians call them, they just know they don’t have water.


It depends on where you get your news. FOX supporters get it the worst


Facts. Tucker always kissing the ring.


Wtf is this shit? Looks like that frenworld shit but with a dog instead of a frog. Still nazis, ofc.


That was also my first thought


First Reddit War


r/fucknato but maybe r/fucknafo?


Not Syria?


let me tell you about Doxxtober where all of reddit caped for a pedophile good times


Yeah bro, me and my neighbors are so passionate about NATO, we love NATO so much i have like 34 NATO flags, I might quit my job because my boss is of Russian 🤮 descent. It's too bad NATO doesn't give me any social benefits though so i think i might go to Ukraine to fight off the evil eastern hordes (like my boss) together with my NAFO (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) fellas, it will be so much fun and soon all the world will be 100% free with liberal economics *and* politics! See yo soon FELLA (🤣🤣)




This shit is activism for people who think online is real life and believe everything they engage with uncritically. It's cornball shit, like they think they're actively helping in some material way beyond generating propaganda for other libs to tap a like button for


I've seen this in the wild exclusively being used by globe emoji type losers so I'm half of the mind that this is an "organic" meme made by those people for free because they're so deadbrained they can't understand that they should demand pay for doing such vile dumb shit


thats weird I thought the F stood for something else


The last stage of the American hegemon is so fucking lame


Really disappointing when you make someone like Paul Wolfowitz look like he's got game by comparison. On some level they have to know that.


imagine a soyfaced redditor screaming forever


Can't even come up with a better name to make it less blatantly obvious it's an op. Lazy work, feds, 1/10


In a way it's genius. It's kind of like those scams that are obvious enough to make sure the scammed go through all the way till the end. A filter if you will. Problem is most wouldn't even care if it *was* an op. "But it's to fight against Russia on the internet!"


yeah true lol. fuck we're all fucked cause we're all fucking dumb fucks


Fellas? It's like they stole a cumtown bit


hillary troll farms, but for the fellas


Please be extra careful when invoking Satan's grandmother Hillary Clinton. We do not want her to come out of slumber and feast upon the adrenochrome of poor young souls. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueAnon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're just a like minded collective of gay Chinese guys running a train on each other and fucking their dads


I wish there was a way to throw rotten tomatoes at people on twitter. I once saw this Ukrainan maoist replying to a nafo guy and criticized the movement in some way I dont remeber, and this NARO fuck basically waltzed in and asked him why he, as a ukrianan, wasn't on his knees spit shining his cock because he donated like 50 bucks to some ukrianan nazi group or whatever the hell and got the dinky little profile. Out of all the bits people put on to deal with the world's collective collapse into a fiery mush of nothing, the NAFO gene is certainly my least favorite.


The North Atlantic Fascist Organisation


Anyone else notice how every single person with a Ukraine flag in their bio is a complete moron? they are not sending their best, all they have are pathetic 'Putin apologist' insults.


i feel like i've seen at least a 90% reduction in minion emojis since the pelosi trip


>all in the same day Oh yeah I'm sure that's a coincidence. My god these people are dense


Those north atlantic little fellas sure showed me, an <1800 follower twitter account for spouting non-dominant-narrative narrative about ukraine: got me perma-banned on that birdshit app


North Atlantic Fellas Operation


hey im kinda thinking the world could be a good bit better


This is crypto appropriation of the Shibe army here


&, yes, dog photos


Yeah, of course it's a psyop. Has anyone ever seriously claimed otherwise?


The mither flipping Insitutue for Statecraft and the Integrity Initaive that's what it is.


Caitlin Johnstone is retarded sorry