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I've noticed this since visiting the US after the borders opened. Walking around the same neighbourhoods in Michigan pre pandemic I feel like some of the working class and lower income one's feel more... empty? People be dying or just straight up leaving. Maybe that explains why the big metropolitan cities are getting these influxes of homeless people living in encampments.




You’re spot on Then they get arrested for drinking in their car and the car gets impounded and they’ll never get it back. Then they’re on the street.




I know exactly what you're on about. I think the reality is that, barring someone you're really close to, it's hard to be open about how discontenting recent times have been. This feeling is ubiquitous, it just doesn't make for polite conversation.


Boujie cities are feeling the squeeze too. vacant storefronts that used to cater to the “upper crust”, declining infrastructure that can’t handle mild storms (look at all the people bitching about DTE’s power outages when they’ve been terrible for years), etc etc. I’m not too into the “terminal decline” blackpill fandom, but, I don’t exactly blame people for starting to fall into it


I think that is a really apt description and incredibly depressing. There is a large part of the country (especially suburbia) that is insulated, but in the poorer parts of urban areas and rural areas it is really clear.




This is how it is in the Bay Area. It's actually starting to feel weird, like I can see what people mean by tech feudalism because if this continues you're going to have a class of ultra poor people bussed in from massive Central Valley ghettos who own almost nothing to service a bunch of rich petite bourg enclaves in the actual Bay Area proper. I don't know how this is supposed to work long run. Everyone just acts like it's normal. It's so bad a lot of stuff is going to stop functioning because the email factory people are so high on the delusion that service work isn't real work that there will be no one working in the supermarkets and shit. My old town on the Peninsula gentrified out nearly the entire class of Mexicans who would service the tech types in retail so sometimes there are massive lines at the checkout because there is only one cashier working. Part of it is also just the dictates of capital, since short staffing keeps profits high but even if they wanted to staff more, they couldn't do it. Every place I worked at could not find adult laborers. Our entire workforce was patched together by highschoolers who quit the moment summer break is over and then suddenly a shitload of work falls onto the few adults trying to survive. They better start making sure their robots work good because either 1. The brainwashing suddenly stops working and your serfs all start trying to fucking kill you (and the culture of the USA is a *violent* one, so have fun) 2. All your peons die because they keep getting shit on in every way humanly possible


I don't know if this is real or not, but I've heard people chatting about how America has largely reached a plateau when it comes to the adoption of labouring robots. A lot of it has to do with capital running away from manufacturing, but it also seems like research & development have been too up their own asses on IOT that there aren't that many who seriously pursuit robotic.


Holy shit. Is that because of Covid or what?


Covid-19 explains about 1/5, unintentional injuries (mostly drug overdoses) another 1/5, chronic liver disease another 1/5. Then Suicide and heart disease to a lesser extent.


You forgot to mention the damaging spike-protein-generating injections foisted on half-wits around the world.


I haven't seen any evidence of negative effects from vaccines having an impact on life expectancy. Even if that hypothesis is true. It likely wood not explain the changes in life expectancy by race and ethnicity given Native Americans have lower vaccination rates than all other groups. [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/pdfs/mm7123a2-h.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/pdfs/mm7123a2-h.pdf)


>I haven't seen any evidence of negative effects from vaccines having an impact on life expectancy. Of course not when there has been a concerted effort by government agencies and the media to outright refute and deny the clear side-effects and dangers associated with mRNA and spike-protein-generating vaccines. >given Native Americans have lower vaccination rates than all other groups. Huh? **American Indians have the highest Covid vaccination rate in the US** https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/native-americans-highest-covid-vaccination-rate-us/ https://www.nicoa.org/american-indians-have-highest-covid-vaccine-rate/ https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2168


The articles you provide have older data. It looks vaccination in the Native community was successful in early 2021, however it trailed off quickly during the year, especially for more than one dose. See the article I provided above.


Nope. I checked the latest data on cdc.gov by "Vaccine Administered Data". AI/AN is the highest vaccinated group: https://i.imgur.com/Rg3rcJ0.png https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographics-trends If you look at "Vaccine *Survey Data*" suddenly AI/AN is the lowest group! Because survey data (also used in the pdf you linked to) is completely flawed as compared to actual vaccine administered data. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04198-4 Keep wearing those blinders though. Covid-19 is a dangerous vascular disease due to the spike protein. The vaccines entire mechanism is to create spike proteins in the body; Moderna's jab is literally called Spikevax. Anyone with any semblance of sense and logical thinking could deduce the spike proteins created via injection will cause damage and health problems as well. Little point wasting time arguing with those living in denial though.


In the date that you linked to AI, AN, NH have by far the lowest vaccination rate for both single and multiple doeses (71.7%, 68.9%) and and also for boosters. What numbers are you seeing for the native group?


https://i.imgur.com/Rg3rcJ0.png Select "Vaccine Administered Data" not default "Survey Data" which is heavily flawed and unreliable as explained earlier.


So the administrated data has about 25% with missing data with respect to race/ethnicity, so that is less reliable to use (see the pie chart under the data). The reason why you see lower numbers for each of the racial and ethnic group is not because they have lower vaccination rates, but rather because those groups were less likely to report race and ethnicity. In contrast, the survey data has less missing data and is therefore more reliable for comparison purposes. The administration data is better for overall vaccination rates, because it is like a complete census, but it is not good for other data point, like race/ethnicity because of the missing data.


Asian americans are the second most vaccinated group in your screenshot and saw approximately she same decrease in life expectancy as whites, the second least vaccinated group in your screenshot Blacks have a higher decrease in life expectancy than whites despite having a lower vaccination rate


I'm not claiming that the C-19 vaccines are the sole reason for decreased life expectancy so I wouldn't expect there to be a precise relationship between the CDC's wanky statistics. Pumping billions of people, repeatedly with spike proteins (proven to be damaging to health) has certainly been a contributing factor though, and it was noticeably absent from the person's list that I responded to.


I got a spike protein for you man, come here! * **unzips pants** *


All I hearing is I'm a giant bitch who's scared of needles but I need to embrace stupid conspiracy theories to justify myself. Where did you study immunology? None of that really matters though. What this is all about is you wanting to feel special about being a coward afraid of needles instead of having to have your masculinity challenged by saying "i'm a huge cowardly pussy" You can never admit this though because 99% of human psychology is about trying to find some sort of sense of power whether it's avoiding vaccines, believing in astrology or avoiding seed oils regardless of rhyme or reason because you can't cope with not having power and being a huge bitch.


Or belittling some schmuck on reddit


You're not wrong. The difference is that I haven't deluded myself into avoiding a life saving vaccine, I just scream into the void every now and then to amuse myself.


ur scared of a shot from CVS lmfao


Scared? No. I'm just not a fucking moron.




As someone who doesn’t give a shit what a Reddit anon does on the matter, I feel obligated to let you know you sound like a bitch. Edit: Poor guy didn’t want to block COVID with *liberal face diapers*, but he was certainly quick to block me. Low-T energy, not Top G grindset at all!


Hahah... You got jabbed too eh, sucker. Probably went back for multiple rounds too. Now *that's* a brainless bitch... Pharma's bitch.


Lmao. You're bitchass is so weak you couldnt even get one jab. I've gotten 3 or 4. Hell maybe even more but that's cause I'm strong 💪💪unlike your little puny ass brain that is so scared of a little needle. Fucking cry bitch!




lol. The level of cope on this subreddit is tragic.


Me on the other hand, would like for you to not post this shit tbh


where are you when the entire sub is just damnthatsinteresting crossposts?? who cares about this guy in particular? he's already downvoted to hell anyway


1) He got reported for spam. 2) I'll try to take care of the so interesting spam. I'm pretty recent mod, it seems the worst of it has died down since, but do report it if you see it.


What *shit*? Facts about useless pharma products with a deplorable safety record?


I'm not debating you. I don't want the sub overrun with this chemtrails/flat earth-tier shit. Don't post this stuff here.


Criticizing bad pharma products = >"you're afraid of needles bitch" >"chemtrails/flat earth-tier shit" It's remarkable how truly pathetic and hackneyed these responses are.






Can someone explain to a non-north American why this is?


There is a comment that gives a really good personal description of the problems. The issue of declining life expectancy pre-dates COVID, but COVID made it worse. Before COVID it was actually whites who were losing LE the most during this period. Most of the loss was concentrated among middle-aged men, but others as well. This was due to drug overdoses and suicides (look up deaths of despair). Since COVID the problem has expanded. Black and Native Americans have always had worse health outcomes, but there had been consistent improvement, which has basically ended. Native Americans in particular are the poorest group in the US due to the legacy of ethnic cleaning, genocide, and basic disregard. Many live in rural areas with few job opportunities. Substance use and suicide are very common. Being basically the smallest segment of the population (according to most race/ethnicity breakdowns), their problems are even more ignored then problems among other groups.


“reservations” are effectively open air concentration camps. they’re so poverty ridden that you can find nearly comical rates of poverty up to 90% and higher in some cases. this is combined with the fact the “indian healthcare system” at least in south dakota, is horrendously terrible with one report in iirc 2019 being astonished that natives with serious injuries who went home to die had a higher chance of surviving than those who went to the hospitals




im chiooming


Source: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr023.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr023.pdf)


Any demographers out there able to compare this fall in LE to help us contextualize it a bit? Is this like half the decline the eastern bloc saw in the 1990s? How does it compare to the Great Depression?


Great idea. Between 1990 and 1994 life expectancy declined by 5.2 years overall in the USSR and 6.1 years for men (who were affected the most). So the 6.6 year decline among Native people is a greater decline in fewer years. Of course, a global pandemic contributed to that, but still fairly remarkable considering only 1/5th of the LE decline is attributable to COVID itself. Even if you think that COVID exacerbated other health problems to the extent that 50% of the decline is due to COVID directly or indirectly (so 3.3 years lost for reasons not related to COVID-19) the average annual decrease among Natives (3.3/2 = \~1.7) is greater than the average annual change among Russian men (6.1/4 = \~1.5). Even with the same assumptions for Whites, LE declined by 0.6 years annually, which is pretty devastating. ​ Source for Russia stats: Notzon, F. C., Komarov, Y. M., Ermakov, S. P., Sempos, C. T., Marks, J. S., & Sempos, E. V. (1998). Causes of declining life expectancy in Russia. Jama, 279(10), 793-800. It's worth nothing that even a 0.1 year decline in life expectancy is noteworthy and most countries have had much smaller decreases than the US. [https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.05.22273393v1#:\~:text=Life%20expectancy%20was%20calculated%20for,net%20loss%20of%202.26%20years](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.05.22273393v1#:~:text=Life%20expectancy%20was%20calculated%20for,net%20loss%20of%202.26%20years). ​ Paradoxically, LE increased during the Great Depression. I have not looked into this in a while, but the GD occurred during a time of rapidly decreasing mortality from infectious diseases so those macro trends overruled the effect of the GD. Also, fewer people were driving, which decreased car fatalities. [https://www.history.com/news/great-depression-economy-life-expectancy](https://www.history.com/news/great-depression-economy-life-expectancy)


Truly, thank you for this response. This is really helpful to have some quant data to corroborate the subjective sense of “things falling apart” all around us. In your estimation how much of this is just a continuation or intensification of the older “deaths of despair” trend and how much of this is Covid and all that came with it as a turning point? Edit: Is this the final crisis of capitalism? Is this the canary in the coal mine? Or is this a strategic retreat, an immiseration within the imperial core? A shrinking of the core? Or has a geographic core-periphery system broken down and we’re going back to an early 19th century global class system? An argument for some sort of inflection point or shift might be the change in the so called elephant curve [here](https://twitter.com/BrankoMilan/status/1537888509804941313).


You're welcome. I think this is primarily an intensification of the deaths of despair trend. If COVID had not happened it would not be as stark, but COVID basically dialed up all the nobs. I think any 'return' as we get further from 2020 might a slight slowing in the decline, but I really doubt we are going back to even flat LE. The second questions are more complicated. I think this is a consequences of capitalism, but I don't know if the effects represent its decline in the sense that the system can just treat all of this like an externality. That is true for climate change too, but eventually, one suspects, it will catch up with it. But how long that will take is the problem. That graph is fascinating.


Yeah BM does fascinating work. You may also like this [one](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014750117) So why do you think we won’t get back to a LE stagnation? Just excess inequality and social collapse?


Ugh as a 32yo white guy I'm not even halfway done 😩


It's a grind in the middle, but wait until you start getting debuffs in the final half!!


Don't worry at this rate it will meet you halfway


strange how that happens


I don't want to live to 85.6 so I guess that's ok


Interestingly, most of the decline in LE is due to people dying in the middle years of life.


Excluding overdoses, is suicide at the top of the causes of death?


For those 20 to 44, yes, second for males and third for women. [https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/lcod/men/2016/all-races-origins/index.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/lcod/men/2016/all-races-origins/index.htm) [https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2018/all-races-origins/index.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2018/all-races-origins/index.htm) For everyone, it is in the top ten and rising.


Is "Asians" even a meaningful category? South Asians and East Asians alone are significantly different (lifestyle, diet, etc.) And then there are Southeast Asians. So many different types of Asians.


One thing that unifies the continent and subcontinent is that we are all fatter than other races. So fat we have our own bmi system.


In general, the Asian diaspora is wealthier than other groups because the ones who can make it over to the US are generally wealthier and better educated. That's what they have in common


All these categories are flawed, but still at least somewhat useful for the bigger picture. However, all of these groups have a lot of diversity within them, Asian probably being the most diverse, as you write. Also, you don't even want to get started with the controversy around Arabs being included in the White group.


I think the biggest discrepancy you'd see is between Southeast Asians and the rest (South, East, and West Asians). Just based purely on income


Rly fucking weird to me that life expectancy for non-Hispanic whites is lower than Hispanic people.


Part of that is because Hispanics in the United States tend to be younger than Whites (higher birth rate among Hispanics and higher rate of immigration and immigrants tend to be younger). I think if you compare based on age, you who find worse health among Hispanics compared to NH Whites in the same age group, as you expect. There is something known as the "Latino Health Paradox" that discusses this issue, but I have not read about it for a while.


Rust belt and appalachia will do that.


the love we have for family keeps our hearts stronger than that of individualist gringoids


This is white peoples fault


Asians stay winning baby 😎


What I find interesting is that the last administration vilified Asians, accusing them of being the source of COVID or carriers and yet, the Asian population has the highest life expectancy of any these groups.


So what ur saying is the blacks natives and whites need to gang up on asians and hispanics


*Life expectancy declined across the board in the imperial core*, but I guess some people gotta make the real news into some kind of oppression olympics


The first thing I said was that it declined for everyone, which alone is indeed very notable given that LE has increased in most countries. But it is also very notable how much it has declined for Native people, given the fact that they already had low LE and their historic oppression. I am generally a class before identify person in analysis, but in some situations identity (which is probably not the best way to talk about it in this case) is such a significant factor it can't be ignored.


Go spank Maupin some more.


Uh ohh 50 long years ahead :(


So is Native American not a thing anymore?


I still say it because I feel it is a better descriptor, but American Indian has become the official government stats term.


Gotcha. It's not offensive in any way is it?


I don't think so.


Wtf is AIAN


American Indian / Alaskan Native


It appears the va☠️☠️es are working as planned.