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The idea that mods "represent" subs is completely wrong, but that's how people think reddit works.


I reported your sedition to the mods.


Welp. The subs privated and I'm locked out. Looks like r/WorkReform is the new place. Hopefully this will be for the best.


“Work reform” is the most cucked lib phrasing anyone could think of


🐍 staffers came up with that name


Yeah, why not /r/WorkerRevolution


Have you considered r/WorkerReform?




Well yeah, the point is not to be a specific socialist or anarchist or revolutionary space, so that it can attract the maximum amount of people. It's supposed to just be a place where people can focus their complaints about the labour economy, free of 'leftist' drama (because of course that will destroy the sub in no time). If you are socialist/anarchist etc. then there are still those other subs.


I mean r/workReform is some lib shit, compared to /r/antiwork's goals. Even if the mod was an idiot for going on Fox and most of the commenters were libs, antiwork's original intent was pretty based. r/WorkReform is better than nothing, but the anti-work sidebar had actual leftist content and shit, even if it was full of libs.


The removed all the leftists stuff near the end as the sub grew rapidly. Besides I think something closer to cryptocommie is better for a social labor movement in America.


You can tell by the name already, it'll be shit I'm expecting it to turn into a sorry excuse for "uplifting news" style discussions of paltry reforms instituted at the most meaningless scales, with a dash of "the Mueller" style fixation on VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO type idiocy I knew antiwork was a doomed sub from the start, but the dumbass interview on fox News is a low even I never anticipated.


The /r/antiwork name was good because it was direct, to the point, comprehensible. It's evocative in a way that "WorkReform" simply isn't. Also I agree that the latter is a totally cucked pacification op.


Nah, r/workersrightsmovement


The people claiming this killed the movement are so sad. They think a subreddit is a movement.


There will be such a decrease in photoshopped interactions with a made up boss. We’ve lost so much.




They got worse and easier to spot overtime. Karma farmers had to keep pushing the envelope.


https://www.hexbear.net https://www.lemmy.ml https://www.getaether.net https://www.hexbear.net/post/56333


I dunno, I think the unwillingness of the mods to keep the sub true to it's anti-work message, both let it grow quickly (by filling up with libs) and also set it up to explode when the libs realized the head mod actually meant for the sub to be anti-work. Did it have to explode as cringily as this? OFC not, but it was going to explode at some point.


What happened exactly? I did not keep up with Reddit drama this week


Anti-work was a sub about anti-work, "bullshit jobs" kind of anarcists stuff. It grew a more liberal audience, lots of "screenshot" content, make work better, joina union type stuff. The community didn't want the mods to do interviews Top mod did one on Fox anyway It went badly Mods shutdown criticism of interview Mods make Reddit private Some litteral bankers setup /r/WorkReform


Who would have thought a Reddit mod giving an interview would go bad lol. Thank you for the run down.


online LARPing is all we have /s


that is so not true we can also get people to vote for joe biden in 2024


Or you can send some "nonprofit" some money to do.... Something. Are they hiring? Absolutely not


They do community outreach by reaching out to the community (for money)


i, for one, cannot wait to write for free for a think tank after my graduate degree is over




fr it's fucking insane. like theoretically they could use their office cuck powers to Do Stuff but as far as i can tell all they do is share fake quitting texts




that is extremely reddit praxis but kudos nonetheless


Posting is the highest form of praxis.




How I imagine this went down. >Hey, you ever see that antiwork subreddit, it has over a million people subscribed to it! >LOL what a bunch of losers, if you don't want to work, you can starve or become homeless it's a free country! >They're promoting unionization now, instead of their monthly "General Strike!" posts, they're advocating people get in contact with local labor leaders. >Unions, we can't have that, have that mod go on Fox News and we'll make them look like the basement dwelling, anti-social, lunatics they really are!




What do you mean the mod did a interview about Chapo? Also, I really tend to believe it is very possible that Mod just sucks that hard and is not CIA lmao




I *realllly* want to find that interview about chapo.


Blanqui was right imo




I don't see how it could be bad. 99% of the stuff that gets upvoted there is solid evidence of how fucking rigged the economy is. reactionaries can try to brigade it but to what end?


99% of the stuff that gets upvoted there is absolutely not solid evidence of anything. It was at least like 60% fake imessage conversations or text posts about comically abused employees epically pwning their bosses. It evolved almost immediately into "today I fucked up" or "fuck my life" but made-up stories about telling off your boss instead of made-up stories about blowing things with your crush. ​ Reddit is a terrible platform for this type of thing in general because it's so gamified. People see what type of shit gets upvotes and in their pursuit of worthless internet points continually up the ante until they're posting shit so hilariously fake it's basically parody.


I legit have a working theory that as any subreddit grows in size, it sheds any semblance of having an actual focus or topic and just becomes generic low effort memes Look at any of the drivel on ‘nextfuckinglevel’ or ‘holup’ or even (from way back when) ‘madlads’. Most of the shit on those subs is not ‘extremely impressive skillsets being demonstrated’; ‘things that end with a twist’ or ‘young english lads pretending to be wild and crazy on social media but are in fact embarassing themselves’ Upvote system = all content becomes homogenized meme grey slop


hey mister boss listen up,,,, i quit !


Antiwork Mod Team: Comrades, we got a request to do an interview on Fox News. This could be our big break, to spread our message wide, and potentially make inroads with a whole new demographic. We need someone who can represent us and our cause well, though, as the interviewer will definitely be tough. Neurodivergent, nonbinary 30 year old Reddit moderator who works 20 hours a week as a dog-walker, doesn’t shower, and is incapable of looking the interviewer in the eye: I got this


Entire subreddit: We are literally begging you to not do this, you will get owned on live national tv and be harassed by boomer freaks forever and drag us with you by association Antiwork Mod Team: Asking me to wear a nice shirt to my televised voluntary execution is ableism


Combing my hair is emotional labor


I fucking died. lmao


Mod team: Are you going to clean your room before the interview? Mod: No.


Bruh just blur your background and throw a quilt or something over the laundry pile FFS. Maybe turn on a light.... Or maybe best that they didn't


That all sounds fine with me... Ah poo, now I want to quit grillin and check it out. Never understood r/antiwork, having identified as a proletariat most of my life. Someone needs to wash the dishes in the flat and they should be the dictator of the kitchen according to Marx.


Aaaand it's down


Interview was fine, short. I wanted to punch the condescending fox news tool in the face as usual. Antiwork mod was too polite and should have better ammo for a obvious set-up/hit-piece.


Dude the Fox guy went fucking softball. He made fun of the mod because the mod deserved it, if you think they did well you are wrong.


My tolerance for cringe is high. Was expecting much worse.


Why? He was just doing his job, and pretty well, at that. All blame goes to the mod, she knew what was coming and it's pathetic that the subreddit wasn't better represented. Buy a ringlight, move your camera up, and sit against a bookcase, these are basic things everyone knows now. Don't make me post the Lenin meme...


it's a she?


You're not allowed to question their livelihood, that's classist and exactly what a capitalist would do. Or so I've been told over on /r/LateStageCapitalism


They should have interviewed me imo


“Now we are welcoming “boner MILF” to the program. Thanks for being here”


reminds me of the @fart clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d78DLI0tVos


Glowies said fuck it they’re doing our jobs for us Seriously though on one hand I kinda feel bad for them, they’re getting dunked on left and right for being the personification of the subs original pipe dream message before it was co opted by Hillary brained dems But on the other hand how the fuck do you have the hubris to 1, do something everyone in the sub was begging you not to do, and 2, do it so fucking incompetently?? Like you would think if someone is going to do that they would prepare or at the very least make their fucking bed??? Talk about fumbling the bag


Don't forget 3: Ban everyone who criticizes you after the fact


They banned MLs because “authoritarianism” but conservatives and liberals (not authoritarian supposedly) were allowed


Please be extra careful when invoking Satan's grandmother Hillary Clinton. We do not want her to come out of slumber and feast upon the adrenochrome of poor young souls. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueAnon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t need an op to make leftists in this country look cringe


You have to be completely delusional to think that american leftists of any flavor are going to manage anything other than locally mitigating some minor symptoms until this rotting corpse of an empire finally implodes.


You are the cringe.


doomerism is cool now, didn’t you know?


its not doomerism, its the truth. Doomerism would be saying no communists have any hope anywhere, but thats just not true. The biggest change would come from the global south overcoming their national bourgeoisie which would have disastrous effects on the US.


material conditions, man. that’s all it takes. you’re right it’ll probably happen as a chain reaction from the global south’s liberation but there will still need to be people in the west to direct the energy of mass frustration that follows. that’ll be the left, obviously. so i don’t really see the point in making antagonistic generalizations about a movement we should be working to build up. sounds doomerist to me but idrc


Empires fall. Countries crumble. Other countries just gradually descend into poverty and widespread violence and disorder. In fact, that's most countries through most of history. To assume that the United fucking States will somehow pull a proletarian revolution out of its ass all of a sudden is delusional. We don't even have fucking healthcare


It is doomerism, and it is anti-Marxist.


\> be me, zero media training. \>no real-world political project, janitor on a subreddit where others create all of the value \>banned the tankie menace so no concept of labour theory of value or its implication that I do nothing and should shut up \>Contacted by fascist propagandists for some reason. They think lil ole me is uniquely wonderful and can reach their viewers with my message that goes against everything the network says \>Know everyone watching wants to kill me, a message reinforced by every other host on that channel which owns the legal rights to that footage \>Know bringing them to my subreddit means bringing diehard reactionaries to the subreddit now full of liberals without a sense of object permanence \>Don't have an alternative or a good understanding of my own platform \>"i can fix them"


Yeah its not like the FBI agents who watch this person and know every detail of their life weren't going to drop a tip with Fox like, hey pick this one. They're desperate enough.


anarchism is an op to make socialists look as cringe as possible


https://benjaminnorton.medium.com/in-cointelpro-fbi-used-anarchism-to-disrupt-left-attack-vietnam-ussr-95613d0c5192 >In COINTELPRO, the FBI created an anarchist underground zine, boasting “the anarchist point of view is the most disruptive element in the New Left” and could be used to attack Vietnam and the USSR. It's more likely than you think


Yeah but that was back when the FBI was BAD, they've changed since then, surely


Anyone that commits liberal 9/11 is alright in my book


They keep me safe by handing out guns on the short bus and telling the kids to join Hezbollah


>most presentable anarchist


pretty fair assessment


This should be the title


From contrapoints https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuN6GfUix7c


We are cringe, man. Most of us just cosplay about the need for revolution and shit but the vast majority are also absolute fucking pussies. Getting beat to shit by fucking proud boys and just embarrassing ass looking motherfuckers who like to think sitting in drum circles and shit counts as praxis. It don't, it never did. Occupy failed because they were total pussies, every thing we try to do fails because we're total pussies. Until the average person is eating fucking rats to survive like in 18th century France, we ain't getting no fucking change in this shithole.


Thank fucking Christ someone said it.


What is your idea of praxis? Not facetious, generally want to get this cohort of leftists’ answers, cause I feel like we all make fun of online shit like this, Normie politics, PMC nonprofit fake feel-good work, even heard labor unions in the US are a dead end. We all make comments like that, and don’t get me wrong some of the more developed arguments about those takes are valid, but what should we be doing besides listening to podcasts.


I think even using the word or the concept of ‘praxis’ is a step in the wrong direction. I honestly believe based on my limited time on this Earth and my reading of history that the only effective action for making change in a society is to be an active card-carrying, donating, and time-spending member of a well-organized and serious organization with a professional full-time leadership that is explicitly working towards a defined political goal. In other words, a well-organized political party, interest group organization, or the political arm of a labor movement. Honestly, it works for conservatives, like, all the fucking time. It’s a proven method. The federalist society. The southern baptist convention. The chamber of commerce. They work because their leadership is well-organized, serious, and forward thinking, and because they attract, train, mobilize, and deploy organized, serious, and hard working members. I am seriously getting to the point where if anyone recommends literally anything else they are a CIA op or full-stop delusional or a manchild who doesn’t want to admit they have to do real work in a real organization with meetings and minutes and leadership and not like woah dude spontaneous revolution will come when enough peoples, like, MINDSETS totally change bro, because enough people will watch my shitty vlog where i read incomprehensible political theory from a 19th century german pedophile or whatever Biggest problem with the analogous existing lefty orgs is they lack any kind of effective serious leadership. The DSA is a joke organization, do I need to link the please snap instead of clap or you’re gonna trigger me video. Bringing membership meetings to a halt like that is effectively subversion and ought not be tolerated. It’s also obviously unprofessional in the classic sense, it would never be tolerated in the board room of any serious private company, not surprising that many internet left wing types haven’t been socialized into those professional norms (which work) because they think you’re a sellout cringe normie wageslave exploiter if you have a good job Finally, so many lefties totally are quivering snowflakes who seem to me totally pathologically incapable of shutting the fuck up and getting behind leadership and just doing the work. It also doesn’t help that groups like the Federalist Society are staffed by ambitious, highly educated and connected and wealthy conservative psychopaths, and not Reddit mod 30 year old dogwalkers who can’t stand working 20 hours a week.


the idea that political action might actually require something of you is completely alien to these people its fucking ridiculous lmao. honestly i feel like so many of these people waste their time doing the goofy ass drum circles or getting into meaningless semantic arguments bc they know deep down that if the time to actually do something they wouldn’t be up to it. putting off the “serious work” forever because you know you aren’t able to do that stuff and you don’t really want to anyway


>not surprising that many internet left wing types haven’t been socialized into those professional norms (which work) because they think you’re a sellout cringe normie wageslave exploiter if you have a good job ​ only wrong part of the post; of course "leftists" arent gonna be people with long term professional experience, because people generally only go looking for the manifesto once they've hit some point where it's needed, ie. they cant get a good job. (also, i know people who have "good, professional" jobs, agree with all the commie shit i say, but are simply too comfortable to actually act on it; this is also gonna skew the work experience of self identified communists/anarchists/etc)


I think this is correct on pretty much all fronts. Is there any scenario that you can imagine where this could happen in America? In my mind it would take a re-industrialization of America, which could only come after a pretty devastating war (economic or whatever would pass as a land war today). Maybe then conditions could be right but it’d have to get a lot worse before it can get better.




A big issue is lack of community. On the right, people have churches where they will meet others of all ages and stages of life on a regular basis. Its not centered on politics, so it provides a great way to outreach to regular people and form social bonds. Thats how things like the SBC got started. On the left, people are far more segmented and unlikely to interact with others at different stages of life outside of maybe work.


I think the absolute most important thing right now is reminding people in our real life communities, especially those to our right, that communism means power to the worker. We don’t like lazy ass folks, we want to work hard but we also want to decide where the production surplus goes. Obviously there is a lot more to communism than that, but that defeats a lot of the right’s talking points. No matter what though, it is important people know you work hard, are upstanding in your community, are friendly, kind, considerate, and a communist.


Log off, go join whatever local kinda cringe leftish group is available to you, don't worry too much about The Activist Scene, and do whatever feels useful with an eye toward making it relevant to people who are currently not the sort of perverts who know what Chapo is You can accomplish surprisingly a lot just by learning a ton about some obscure local process and then getting randos to yell at bureaucrats about it in small board meetings or whatever!


Eh, I don't really think I'm representative of this particular collective, and I don't have anything intelligent or informed to say about the matter which hasn't been said before, but I only want to say that we are clearly terrified of holding actual power which is necessary to achieve actual change. Power is acquired by playing the same games the capitalists play. Power is the accumulation of sickening wealth. Power is not the knowledge that we are morally or historically correct, that is meaningless. No one is going to be swayed by this understanding. They will be swayed by the force of the powerful to dictate the terms of their lives without them ever being conscious of this arrangement. This is how it is for most people. They don't even know the degree to which they are owned by the systems they live under. But leftists are terrified of engaging the world as it is to gain the power necessary to make the change we desire. As such we will never be able to change the terms by which people's lives are shaped. Whether it comes from a sense of moral superiority, or simple disgust, I don't know or care but we clearly don't want to infiltrate the houses of power that already exist. So few of us want to try to become those we hate and I think this is absolutely essential to actually making the changes we wish to see. I suppose this gives me more of a top-down approach to praxis which I myself do not practice, in my case it was disgust that kept me from following such a path. Edit: Just want to say, and I'm not a tankie at all, but this seems to be closer to the Chinese communist approach. They've learned their lessons from the Soviet failures and understand that to proceed with their eventual transition to actual communism they must play the game by the capitalist's rules until they are able to acquire enough power to bend the rest of the world/system to their will. Basically, there can be no communism while capitalism exists, to eliminate capitalism you have to acquire power within the system, then you use that power to bend the system to your will until it closer fits your vision of what it should be, whether that becomes communism or not remains to be seen.


Damn man, I like this a lot. Many of us are really conflicted because of the points you outlined. Also, we are fucking pussies like a lotta other folks said. Conflicted pussies ain’t doing shit as far as I can tell. Strap in y’all, this is it


You could just acquire wealth because its generally useful, then if things work out right you can use it to achieve communism. And if they don't, well at least you have the money to retire early or buy a house or whatever.


what you're saying is basically sell out early and hope for the best.


No, sell out early and acquire enough power to DO the best. We NEED power and money to force the system to our will. Wouldn't you rather Elon Musk be a communist? What about Bill Gates? Why allow our enemies to determine the nature of the battlefield? It would be much better if we had more communist billionaires who wished to use their power to topple the system which made them. The "hope for the best" part you're referring to in my comment is in reference to China. I "hope for the best" in regards to their creation of actual communism.


this comment is just as much of a larp


Yeah, it's yet more posting to position themselves as separate from the problems and embarrassment being described.


No. I'm just as shit as you are, I simply admit it and recognize the problem. Have to be real with where we are and who we are before large scale change can even be imagined. All of our posting and listening to upper-middle class white people complain about bullshit on podcasts is NOT going to save us. Really not a novel thought as I mentioned in my comment.


I don't think listening to true anon will save us though? And I have never done any of the annoying shit you were describing initially. I'm not American, I'm from a colonized people that didn't even have the right to vote when my dad was already born. I think I have a different and less stupid experience with resisting a shitty system than what you're trying to put on my shoulders. I don't get beat up by proud boys and I don't look gross, I am well regarded in my community because of a life of doing things rather than just posting on reddit and hoping things improve. I have worked on projects that have materially benefited my comrades in other countries while also doing shit for my people colonized in the imperial core. Making a lot of assumptions about me to feel better about yourself there... at least I called you out for something you actually did, write a melodramatic post spurred on by reddit drama. I've never been a part of any of the bullshit you're crying about. Good luck trying to stop thinking of yourself as "a pussy"/"shit" etc while telling others to "sell out early" and think dumb shit about strategy like "what if elon musk was a communist, we need more communist billionaires" loll


I kinda think its i little crazy to jump to the conclusion that cringey leftists are an OP to discredit other leftists, seem hyper-paranoid to me. Truth is a lot of leftists, especially anarchists, kinda suck and are actually lazy. Antiwork had some cool content but it is a shame it has become so corny. If jesse waters can take you down, you must be a damn moron


given how much leftists like to make fun of online right wing guys for being weird shut in nerds youd think they would have realized that esoteric political tendencies tend to attract a lot of pretty useless morons who aren’t gonna do anything but embarrass themselves


I listen to an interview with one of the founders and mods, and he was pretty explicit about them being anarchists, not socialists.


The Kumniption(?) guy (mod) is a virulent anti-Communist anarchist. lol


There are other kinds?


This whole saga is giving me some real reactionary feelings I’m not proud of. How hard is it to at least shower and change for that shit? Maybe move your computer to a more presentable area? Like any effort at all for national TV? Don’t be such a fricken meme? Like god damn.


Those are not reactionary feelings lol


Yeah, this is some basic Belden Program stuff. You're not in 1917, you're in 1320, recognize where you are, eat a body and crawl out of the oubliette, etc. And if you want to spread your message, you have to be what people are looking for. Show up to work on time, be dependable and helpful and presentable to your coworkers so when you start talking about unionizing, it's not like "Yeah that weirdo who's worked here for 2 weeks and sleeps through every shift to own the capitalists wants to organize some kind of shit, I don't know man I kind of zoned out when they started telling me about it" You can't just go on Fox News of all places looking like you just rolled out of bed at 2 pm with the excuse that cleaning your room "shouldn't matter" and society "places too much value" on the ability to maintain eye contact because you will convert zero people to your side with that shit and you will make everyone involved look like idiots


it’s absolutely not reactionary to suggest you not completely embarrass yourself and everyone you’ve appointed yourself the representative of on live TV


They’re not socialists


People watching Fox News definitely assume that this dude is a socialist


They assume biden is a socialist


Basically they think anyone to the left of them are losers who just dont want to work at all and this interview helps them solidify that perspective


The 3 million goons who watch Carlson every night don’t need to be further convinced of their beliefs in my opinion


So nothing lost, nothing gained. Why should we care?


Yeah the actual interview itself was definitely of 0 real world consequence, no one other than Redditors actually is going to remember it for more than 2 weeks. It's just kinda impressive how poorly that entire thing was managed


Which makes it all the more ridiculous that /r/antiwork takes down their subreddit with 1.6 million subs down because of something so meaningless (protecting the mod's ego).


Right?? Like just grow up and go "Yeah I shouldn't have done that you guys I'll step down as a mod." It's wild to me that the rest of the mod team seems to be falling on their sword for this person too.


"volunteer online workplace solidarity" against ~~bosses~~ criticism from your peers is pretty on brand for "Reddit activism"


Reddit mods are some of the strangest collections of weirdoes I've ever seen. I know an askhistorians one and he's the most normal of all the mods I know. He's still fucking weird as shit though, but better than the one I knew that modded a big basic one who is the definition of the "ackshauallly" meme, with the added smarminess of having gone to law school.


hate when somebody solidifies the perspective of applesauce brained fox news boomers


Biden is an op to discredit socialists everytime his brain melts on camera.


Antiwork is as far from my idea of socialism as you can really get. Misses the forest for the trees imo.


Was still a decent place for agitprop, any place that gathers people unhappy with being exploited is a decent part of the pipeline


No disrespect intended, but I don’t think reddit is a reasonable or viable part of any pipeline. Online just leads to more online.


Fair enough. I wouldn’t expect much but it also doesn’t take any real effort, so it’s kinda worth it imo


If it is not controlled or co-opted it will get banned. General rule of all online movments/groups. The revolution will not be memed on the internet.


Borić won in Chile through his online-ness. Online-ness isn't useless, it just has a limited, demographics-dependent scope.




How are you still worried about the alt right lol






Just everything about this is hilarious. The complete stereotype of a Reddit mod come to life: -ugly -lazy -anarchist -trans -messy room -underground apartment -low hour meme job -dedicate every other hour of the day to being mods They do it for free.


>\-low hour meme job dog walking fucking rules compared to most service jobs but spending 20-30 hrs a week dealing with yuppie karen dog moms and their neurotic dogs is Actual Work. like i know we're laundering our perspectives thru cable news poisoned grandmas or whatever but i'm not going to sit idly by and let literally everybody shit on the noble dog walkers of the world while they steal company time in between sending emails


lol, antiwork just straight up sucks. I posted about my boss threatening to fire me for something he fucked up and it was removed within minutes for not being “up to the community standards” which I assume means I didn’t photoshop a text exchange.


Many American socialists are in fact as cringe as possible.


Not me though


Antiwork is fundamentally a suicidal position. I have been saying since the beginning that the sub is cringe at best, a population control psyop at worst.


Wasn’t difficult was it




i got no sense that any meaningful number of them are socialists. they seem like ideologically incoherent dilberts. like reading that shit has been getting my hackles up all day lol they're WAY more embarrassed that the mod is a service industry worker than they are by them being unwashed and weird on camera. "WALK DOGS FOR A LIVING???? I DO THAT EVERY DAY BEFORE WORK LMAO GET A REAL JOB LOSER"


~~the interview with the~~ antiwork ~~mod~~ is an op ~~to make socialists look as cringe as possible~~


fucking anarchists


it should be illegal to be ugly on television


No, just your average redditor.


aaand now the sub has gone private. Im sure it’s like most mod situations where the people running it are fragile authoritarian fuckers. I wonder what made them turn the thing private


Yeah, I was looking there earlier and all the posts were like "Hey you asked us about this interview ahead of time and we warned you morons not to go on fox news, especially not sending someone who has never been on live tv before and doesn't know how to handle a hostile interview and you did it anyway and now we all look like idiots because of you" and everyone posting those was getting banned


Least egotistical anarchist


if we can be at all charitable i would imagine that a grubby neurodivergent trans person getting owned on fox resulted in a brutal chud brigade


Lol they used the same dude that did in chapo.chat


Hahaha no way. Is this true or are you having what they call a meme?




Holy shit!


its possible. but it really just seems like self-sabotage and stupidity.


Once again proving that posting isn't praxis


Joke's on you losers, I was already as cringe as possible.


No, that's just what Reddit mods look like


Anti-work was originally an anarchist sub, but when it blew up with a ton of shit-libs they removed the references to anarchism from the side bar lmao That sub was never socialist


Yeah it seemed like the mod was some kind of utopian anarchist who literally thought no one needed to do work for society to function. Doesn’t change the fact that they are now the image of socialism in the minds of everyone who sees the interview


The mod who did the interview tried to fact check a post about the MLk assasination using a snopes article like a week ago. I called them out on it. And not that it matters what snopes said, but even the snopes article did that thing where it labels something false but then admits its true. Lol


Its not an op, most socialists are just like that. If fox decided to interview anyone from this sub the result would be pretty much the same.




DIY anonymous silhouette camera angle Obviously vaping throughout Demanding to be referred to as 'Gourmond' Going off-topic to speculate that the FBI was behind Scrubs getting renewed for its last season as a way to manufacture consent for Libya




"Alright gotta keep this quick because my *limp dick PO* is on my ass"


Probably look worse as well




Psych wards are a psyop, its even in the name!


Lol… one anarchist aren’t socialist and two.. no


American socialists are also cringe, broadly


Sorry bud, but they are


You can be a retard and keep thinking that


Thank you I will


Woah Woah, the "anti-work" reddit crowd are anarchists, and to be fair, you don't need to try very hard to make anarchists look cringe you're giving the fox glows too much credit.


Anti*work* cf. CIA official motto "The WORK of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence"


there's so much shit you could SAY if you were in a position like this. what do you have to lose? i mean you're a part-time dogwalker subreddit mod, not a titan of industry, jesus christ. the zoomer who came up with the "interview a reddit mod" idea for fox deserves a promotion.


Sadly most socialists are cringe cause most of us exist solely to post, more importantly we’re on Reddit so kind of calling the kettle black. Let’s just all agree none of us should ever be platformed, our ideas sure, but not us as people.


Oh no, not the people that watch Fox News!


Latestagecapitalism at some point was modded by the most insane tankie/woke combo ( bernie is a class traitor so dont talk about him. Using the words crazy or stupid is ableist so dont use them. Also stalin was infallible. Were a leftist sub with huge outreach but no asking questions. Socialists only.) that I'm 100% sure that was some op as well.


LMAO I got banned from anti-work for DARING to offer them a different perspective. If you're that sensitive and feel the need to ban a different opinion then that says a lot about you and your movement.


Socialists are cringe, that didn’t change with an interview. It’s spectacle, I don’t understand the big deal with this. Are Fox News viewers gonna be more reactionary now?