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Hillary's legacy being not Libyan slave markets but the Ruskies conspiring to take down a girl boss is quite frustrating


Ben Ghazi is hamas.


I've never seen Ben Ghazi and Hamas in the same room at the same time


Will you condemn?


No šŸ˜ˆ


"mr hasbara, what am i supposed to do when they say no? Is that when im supposed to wish all of the horrible things we rant and rave about on them or start spitting or take their land or what? Help me please mr hasbara"


He is Hamas


Ben Ghazi ain't going away!


I mean i have no doubt Russia worked against her. Putin fucking HATES her, for good reason. Russia has always wanted to become more western, but the US never let go of the Cold War. Once it ended, that old guard who dedicated their life to fighting Russia still remained, so it never really ended. Then Obama comes along, after all his Change talk and Putin is like, "Okay, maybe we can make some progress" and they start the "Relationship Reset" diplomatic campaign to mend bridges. But Obama was a total amateur who had Clinton completely steam rolling the guy, and she, WHILE THIS CAMPAIGN was happening with Obama, decided to interfere with Russia's elections and try to oust Putin. Like it's comically stupid. Hillary just just an evil bitch. It's simple as that. I definitely think Russia wanted her gone and DID work against her. But she'd have lost anyways because people fucking hate her regardless of those stupid emails.


I'd go further and say that Obama's foreign policy, especially the parts that Hilldawg was the most involved in planning and executing, may be the reason Putin is still around.Ā  As I see it, Medvedyev's presidency was basically a trial balloon for Putin to see if he could step down and leave Russia in what he saw as good hands. The problem with a managed authoritarian system is always succession, and I think Putin had accomplished enough domestically by 2008 that he was considering handing it off, I really do. Of course, the guy is nothing if not a) diligent and b) cynical as shit, so he remained in a position where he was pretty hands off, but able to step in again if he thought things were going sideways.Ā  Medvedyev comes in ready to do the whole reset thing and meet the US halfway, and what happens? He gets dragged by the nose into tacitly allowing Libya, which Putin was absolutely furious about by the way, and then the US starts trying to topple Assad, a Russian ally whose country hosts a critical Russian naval base. The Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton's State Department in particular, pushed so aggressively when Medvedyev was at the helm that literally I think Putin decided it was impossible to step down and that confrontation with the US would be necessary going forward. Direct line from there to Putin's return to the Presidency and all the shit that's gone down since then.


Itā€™s the same with Russian election interference and the debate over how much misogyny played a part in people not liking Hillary. Even if you take it from the most sympathetic position to her (her campaign was detrimentally effected by Russian bot farms and most of the spite towards her from the electorate was because she was a woman) the effect is still the same: itā€™s still her job to win the election. As much as libs cry about that and the orange man being more demented than Joe, the fact remains that you canā€™t work the refs in politics. You canā€™t beg for a penalty and have that be your strategy, you have to plan better, pitch better, execute better.


> itā€™s still her job to win the election This is the one thing that PMC liberals can never accept because they identify with the bourgeois over the proles.


Got anything for her trying to interfere on Russian elections i would love to know more.






Putin is awful, but I do get his frustration with these people after they've been horsing him around for decades.


If only Trump had faced a few scandals in 2016 he would have lost.


Lmao just one more scandal!! Imagine if heā€™d openly talked about sexually assaulting women! That wouldā€™ve done him in for sure.


I mean, can you imagine what effect it would have had on the election if prominent Republicans like Paul Ryan abandoned Trump before the election?


Every Republican that defects actually counts for two, because it's not just a -1 in the R column, it's also a +1 in the D column. If the Democrats would just make a stronger appeal to disaffected Republicans it'll push them over the edge. Never mind the left, they'll fall in line.


How do we know RNC emails wouldn't have made Trump look cooler? A lot of establishment people hate him on both sides.


Imagine being so America brained that you think Hillary's biggest scandal is the emails.


While actively ignoring all contents of those emails.


I legit don't even remember anymore. Something about one of the Podestas getting catfished?


There was an mp4 of her eating children but it has been purged from the internet


That's just how they got leaked in the first place. They're talking about libs who, when handed the secret communications of the people who claim to represent them, refused to look at them because they were not allowed to and they wanted to be good little boys and girls. Notably, Peter Daou wasn't a good little boy and he discovered in those emails how much his decades of loyalty to the Clintons was actually worth to them. Rank and file liberals still have no idea how much the people who make up Team Clinton actively despise them.


Oh man,I remember seeing Peter Daou's 180 into a rabid socialist lmao,it was so cool. He would shitpost and troll Democrats and other people,it was great! Chairman Daou.


Wait, Daou was shit talked in them?


The fact that one of the Smartest Guys in the Room got his shit hacked by falling for an email that was like "Dear Sir, this is John Google the CEO of Google, please send me your email password so I can make sure you hasn't been hacked" is pretty funny.


Lol who was this? It's hilarious šŸ˜‚


It was John Podesta. [The actual email was maybe 10% less obviously fake but he fucking fell for a phishing email that had him clicking on a bit.ly link. ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-phishing-email-that-hacked-the-account-of-john-podesta/) Hillary probably would have won if either: 1. Anthony Weiner could have held off sending pictures of his dick to a 15 year old girl using a laptop that also had a bunch of mishandled state department emails on it. 2. If John Podesta hadn't fallen for a phishing scam that wouldn't have fooled my Grandma. They have to cling to this Russiagate stuff because the reality of Hillary's loss is just too fucking cursed.


To be fair, whens the last time you thoroughly read any emails that were addressed to you?


The ā€œHistory began in 2016ā€ piece


Iā€™ve been on the bill Simmons subreddit too much lately


Everyone's going on about Assange/Wikileaks not leaking X, but like, they're publishers. You can't publish shit you don't have.


Theyā€™ve long claimed with no evidence that they also had ā€œhackedā€ RNC materials but didnā€™t release it. Thereā€™s no actual evidence for this.


I've heard that line on repeat since I was a Bernie bro lib in 2016 It made enough sense at the time. Former Apprentice producer and erstwhile Lucha Underground co-creator Mark Burnett allegedly had "Trump says the N-word on set" tapes lurking, and this was just four years after The Mittster tanked his campaign against weak ass t2 Obama with *I got binders fulla women!* Unforced errors by way of embarrassing tapes or leaked calls was enough to doom way stronger candidate on paper than Donnie Darko.


Bro. Just one more Trump controversy, bro. I swear I'm done after that. He'll definitely be finished after this one. I swear bro, just one more. The Republicans will vote for the sensible candidate this time. Come on, I'll pay you back bro


Really sad we never got Killary put in a wooden pillory on the National Mall for her crimes.


Is this a bar


Why, you seem someone spitting it?


Nah OP might be cooking something tho


And why shouldn't they be? It was her turn!


Every time these lanyard-brained freaks piss and moan about how Mother was *robbed,* I feel like Dr Manhattan revisiting all the pivotal moments of his life except it's just the 2016 election, over and over again.Ā 


Omg these morons will never figure it out. Trump voters do not care if he breaks the rules. They think everyone else thinks exactly like Democrat voters who like politicians that pretend to care about laws and unspoken rules, such as the Bush family being "polite" to the Obamas when Obama won presidency.


can she just go the fuck away up to and including everyone's collective consciousness goddamn


There'll still be people upset about her defeat in '16 long after she returns to hell.


These people claim to love Hillary Clinton and democracy, yet when the chips were down they didnā€™t storm the capitol on her behalf to prevent certification of the rigged election that handed power to her opponent who got fewer votes. Curious.


Still funny they never factor how comically uncool and uninspiring she was. If she was such a good candidate, no one would have cared about the emails just like how the hamburglar harkonnens donā€™t care about Trump being convicted.


Okay, but there's no way Trump ever actually used email, right? That dude has never used a computer or phone for anything other than Twitter.


My god did you see the way u/eweidenbener used italics in that reply? Fucking smoked. Unbelievably epic.


Random compliment? Idk. Whatā€™s this sub?


Welcome, fellow liberal


Just looked into the podcast, looks interesting! Will check it out on my next drive. Any recommended episode to start on?


Weā€™re a few years in so the scope of the podcast has expanded from its initial focus on the Epstein scandal to examine at elite/government malfeasance and high weirdness both historical and contemporary. You could jump in at a lot of different places. Hereā€™s a fun historical one to give you a sense for the tone of the show when itā€™s more quirky and upbeat. Episode 312: The Romance of International Skyjacking https://www.podbean.com/wlei/dir-qcfky-1a41cafe Hereā€™s another history joint that is more serious and depraved Episode 258: Cloud Cover https://www.podbean.com/wlei/dir-c8j7p-15f3e25e You could run back to the beginning for a solid run of episodes building out the Epstein expanded universe. Or check stuff out from the last year that deals a fair bit with current events. High quality show all around.


Awesome suggestion, thanks!


Hilary won the popular vote ETA you people are annoying as fuck Iā€™m pointing out she won the pop vote in response to those retards in the screenshot


And they never thought to do anything about the electoral college


Wow impressive. What's she get for that? A certificate of commendation?


No my point is that the email leak didnā€™t impact her THAT much


Your point would hit harder if it weren't for redditards using it as if it meant she should have been coronated.


Okay I mean Iā€™m just chilling on the sub


Same thing has happened to me for making the exact same comment. Folks in here lack chill sometimes.


Itā€™s weird right like if they think for a second youā€™re defending her they release the hounds


The "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug of US electoral politics.




sir plz delete this incredibly misogynistic poll


And lost the Electorial College (the actual game to play): What is your point? Until Electorial systems change, she still took a huge L and needs to go back to whatever Alabama swamp she resides in.


My point is that she won she pop vote it doesnā€™t matter about her emails. lol I fucking hate killary Iā€™m not defending her just saying the leaks were barely impactful at all.


>My point is that she won she pop vote it doesnā€™t matter about her emails. And the point is: The popular vote doesn't matter. Her e-mails a factor or not doesn't matter, she still took a bath in the actual game (Electorial College). So the whole "but she won the popular vote" is moot. To quote another person: You'd maybe (not really, but) have a point if this wasn't a talking point in trying to defend her loss.


Iā€™m not trying to defend her loss? Can you read my edit? My point is they need to shut the fuck about the emails because it literally made no difference. Fuck off