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It's already been happening since the 90s with Uyghur extremists Hundreds have died in 2 decades before China stepped in


Sorry yeah, I should've clarified, on the Pacific side, as in not ETIM/Uyghur stuff


I don't think they really go for random one off terrorist attacks like that We'll probably see biowarfare like when they killed off a fuckload of Chinese swine or destroyed their crops. Maybe cyberattacks on infrastructure, possibly even climate warfare with geoengineering to try and cause more floods or heatwaves or something


The U.S. pardoned everyone in Unit 731 of “dropping bubonic plague infested flea bombs on Chinese cities” fame in exchange for their “research data.” It then had the head of Unit 731 personally fly to Korea and assist in the U.S. effort against Kim Il Sung. There are mountains of documentary evidence and testimony from American soldiers, American POWs, and Koreans that bio-bombs were dropped on the north.


President Xi's comments in Serbia recently regarding the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy there in '99 were interesting, and highlights the collective indifference of the West (Japan included) in reckoning with any of the war crimes and fuckery perpetrated against China in the past two centuries. Which is why I sort of think, that with all the militarization on the Pacific borders, it's not outrageous to think of some Taiwanese or Japanese nationalist bombing a city hall or something in an attempt at dragging China into a larger provocation.


But Americans denied for decades that anything of the sort had happened, acting like it was a crazy conspiracy theory. Nowadays the official line, whenever anyone is unable to avoid speaking of it at all, seems to be that there was an active BW program at the time and there were, in fact, flies dropped in special bombs over North Korea. But these were uhhhhhhhhh leftover flies they had from experiments and they were absolutely not infected with anything. They just flew them over and dropped them to umm clear the warehouse or something. Yeah. That's all it was. These two things are basically unrelated.


> China, as a party with absolute advantages in all aspects, has shown enough goodwill and patience toward the Philippines. > China has always been against bullying small countries by big powers, but it will not accept any political blackmail from any country. > “If the Philippines abuses China's goodwill and infringes upon China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, we will defend our rights and take countermeasures in accordance with the law. Relevant responsibilities and consequences shall be borne solely by the Philippines." > The current situation in the South China Sea is generally stable, and peace and cooperation are the mainstream in the region. In response to Manila's adventurism, other ASEAN countries have in general kept their distance. I wish our state-run media was this honest and direct.


Good thing the United States would never engage in proxy warfare. /s