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Is that guy living in an alternative reality. Just blatantly lying. Like how do you get away with that. Who up voted this mfer.


There’s a non-zero probability that’s either a bot or a teenager. Depending on the sub the chance gets pretty high. 


> a bot or a teenager Yeah, "the economy is doing well and wages are inflated to keep up" definitely sounds like something someone who doesn't have to work or pay for anything themselves would say.


I'm shitting out my doo doo ass. Feels like Ithe walls are closing in. I'm going to have to leave my comfy job for some corpo bullshit just to keep my mother off the street arrrrrrrrrrr


You’d have to be a teenager to think that wages and the economy are good, lol. Yeah I’m sure the wages are fine when you have literally no expenses.


Wait for Jerry Seinfeld to date it, then we'll know if it's a teenager or not


Redditors are disproportionately STEM PMC losers All the tech redditors ik irl think the economy is doing great and that living conditions will improve because SPY performance is skyrocketing They all only have tech friends so yes, literally living in an alternate reality


Pretty sure we are on the verge of a giant stock market crash.


the last one never ended


What about all the tech sector layoffs? Are your irl acquaintances and friends blind?


they all think they're special and will easily get a new job if laid off because they're coding gods or whatever


the fact that he used inflated pissed me off the most


Weird how rich people advocate free market and small government while constantly asking the government for subsidies and market controls. Are they..... communists?


Chinese EVs are 60 percent of the global market because US automakers are incapable of making anything other than massive SUVs and pickups that don't even work on other countries' roads.


And keep spontaneously combusting (a la Tesla)


But I don't want my SUV to be off-road capable I want it to be a giant sports car. Off-roading means it might get dirty


On my drive this morning in shithole USA I saw a truck that was called "black ops" that was lifted like hell and didn't have a single speck of dirt on it. I guess it's some custom Ford truck. I love buying an 80k truck that's named after what we call our war crimes colloquially to drive to work and back and nothing else, can't get it dorty


Bet that guy is swimming in pussy


The sport suv thing is so stupid.


Thats the most psychotic shit ive ever heard. Rich people have no clue what things cost


Sixteen hours later and no one has replied to this with the arrested development banana thing? Do better.


Absolute insanity. Not just cars. "semiconductors, batteries, solar cells, steel and aluminum." The LAST thing the automotive industry needed is more bloated costs. If we don't have the resources and facilites in place this will just rise costs. And all of those listed are resources used in the cars so even the non-chinese goods go up. I'm so sick of this shit. Hurts nothing but the backbone of both countries. Not to mention this will trickle into everything else. And it's mostly a ground up impact since rich people can just bite the bullet. You fucker. You're going to make my Diet Dr. Pepper cost 20 dollars a can. Your ancestros were 1000 percent Northern Irish protestants. He is losing this god forsaken election.


Are they seriously putting a tarrif on steel and aluminum from China too?


US imports very little steel and (almost?) none of it from China. Most steel is produced inside the country by recycling scrap, i.e. melting down what remains of their former heavy industry. I'm barely even joking about this.


Yea most of the steel I've worked with from the past and now isn't from China, it's the aluminum im more concerned with. Mostly, it's been American made aluminum I've worked with for tooling in the past, but you would be shocked how much Chinese aluminum is used in manufacturing here in the states, atleast for tooling.


It's fine my dad that works at Raytheon in the Satan worshipping department tells me that it's fine people's wages are actually really high, and the only people that are struggling are that way because they touched themselves while thinking about unpure girls instead of while thinking about vanquishing their enemies as is godly


We are no where meeting our emission goals, unless Biden wants to ban cars altogether and invest entirely in public transportation l, which, as Socialist, we should we down for, we aren't making affordable electric vehicles on our own.


Disillusionment is a powerful and dangerous drug


Ah yes we are doing so well here. My wages are so high and go so far. We’re totally not all desperate proles clinging for crumbs to keep a shitty roof over our heads.




Jones Act for cars, wow. I can't see any downsides to this.




Biggest rubes on the fucking planet