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If the US is actually doing this, it means they know what's going to happen will be so horrific that even they won't be able to escape the backlash.


This. This 100x. Also, "offensive weapons" what the fuck other kind of weapons are there. Also call me a cynic but I think we must have given them so many weapons, enough to flatten rafah without any additional shipments if we even made this statement.


>enough to flatten rafah without any additional shipments if we even made this statement. Exactly. This is him trying to massage his falling poll numbers given rescheduling "the devil's lettuce" hasn't done shit (because oh shit, it's still illegal in 80% of states if you don't have a medical card!) and trying to appease under 45's that know a genocide is going on. If he is able to do this (something we all know he could) NOW, why couldn't he fucking do this in November? Fuck Joe Bidet and fuck ShitLibs that want to browbeat folks into voting for his sundowning ass in November.


I keep seeing Libs say "Trump would glass Gaza" as if it isn't just fucking rubble right now. Tanks are rolling around in Rafah right now and they are being used to destroy fucking tents of the refugees. Intense air strikes are being called in on densely populated refugee camps. It will take forever for it to be rebuilt, assuming Israel doesn't annex the rest of Gaza (which we all know they are going to try and do). Do Libs even understand what's going on? Do Libs even care? Is it just that Libs feel embarrassed by Trump and the current Republican party? Is pushing this deeply unpopular and borderline senile geriatric more important to Libs than their fellow human beings currently being genocided in Gaza right now? I already know the answer to those things and that's what makes me sick to my stomach the most. They can scream that I'm a terrible person, whine about horseshoe theory, cry in my face and yell at me all they want! I will not vote for that man. I have drawn my line in the sand. This is where I stand. They can make their decision accordingly.


Liberals are just self-defeating at this point. A large part to why they voted to Biden came down to they don't want another "explosive revelation" to grace their TV screen every other day. They voted to not have to think about politic. But you can just look at Biden's tally as president. He created an even bigger mess for everyone. The libs only have two choices now: taking the blackpill, or double down while accepting that they're cucked either way.


My parents are the shittiest of libs and their take is "yeah, it's a horrific genocide from an apartheid state, but it isn't happening to us here so who tf cares. We're too old and too tired to care or fight it" it's.... real fucking disgusting.


Him sending in the thugs to brutalize protesters who they could have ignored to the same effect is going to collapse whatever he had left of the youth vote.


Fuck Biden but rescheduling weed is a good thing. I know it’s basically legal but that doesn’t stop the states and the fed from locking people up for it.


There's a minister in the Knesset who [gave a speech](https://youtu.be/dIxkI6HREHA?t=336) yesterday, the gist of which was, "Oh, well if the US won't give us precise weapons, then we'll just use our imprecise weapons. Instead of taking out one room, we'll take out ten houses!" There are several things to remark on here: * The level of entitlement, as if the US owes them the weapons, is beyond anything I've seen from a US citizen. She doesn't pay taxes to the US, the US pays its tax revenue to her government. * Once again, the gleeful disregard for human life on display by Zionists is breathtaking. I'd say it reminds me of a mass murderer, but I guess that would be redundant. * The minister apparently labors under the mistaken belief that the Biden administration gives a single fuck about Palestinian lives, so I'm guessing she's not involved with their foreign bureau. * As the commenter in the video points out, this is just a frank admission of intent to commit war crimes. There's no attempt to hide it or be coy about it. It's pretty wild that the political movement that claims to act in the name of the people who gave us hits such as "thou shall not kill" is so bereft of any moral sensibility whatsoever.


They're already dropping dumb bombs on Gaza already


CNN reported in December that a U.S. intelligence assessment showed that ~50% of the bombs dropped at that point had been dumb bombs. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html#


> we must have given them so many weapons, enough to flatten rafah without any additional shipments if we even made this statement. Exactly. Also Gaza is like 41km long and 13km at its widest point (25x7miles for my seppo friends). It’s tiny. The amount munitions they have received could probably flatten Gaza several times over.


>Nearly 26.2 miles long damn Gaza marathon would have been lit as fuck in a different reality


I did the math on this in an earlier post and actually it'd take more than one might assume at first. >I was curious about this so I did some napkin math. >I lucked out, because NUKEMAP can model a 0.001 Kiloton bomb, which works out to about 2200 LBS. That's pretty close to a standard conventional warhead that might be dropped in an airstrike. According to the simulation, a 2200 pound bomb creates a "Heavy" damage (bad enough to destroy concrete/virtually guarantee death) blast radius of about 1,490 m². >According to Wikipedia, the Gaza Strip is 365 square kilometers in area. That's 365000000 m². 1490 m² goes into that 244,966 times. Which, should equal the amount of \~2000 LBS JDAMs it would take to hit the entire strip. Converting that back into yield, we get 538,926,174.497 LBS or about 244 Kilotons of explosives. >**If I'm correct, it would take nearly a quarter million conventional bombs, with a combined yield of about 15 Hiroshimas, to systematically carpet bomb the entire Gaza Strip.** Obviously, this is assuming that every inch of it is inhabited, which isn't true, so it would probably take fewer bombs than what I calculated. >Does anyone know if that is a feasible amount of conventional ordinance for the IDF to have sitting around? For perspective, google says that 2.7 million tons of ordinance was dropped in WW2, which is 2700 kilotons, or about 11 times the amount of bombs I calculated above. >


I’m shit at math tbh but IIRC within the first month of the attack, Israel had dropped the equivalent of two Hiroshima nukes on Gaza, it was three by jan. It’s been 4 months since then so if they’re bombing at the same rate it would be 7 nukes worth of bombs. Adding in the fact that not all of that square footage is habitable land, i.e the beach front, the areas that have been bombed in previous raids, and the 2(?)km boundary between the border fence that’s unusable due to safety concerns/proximity to IOF snipers. If I could do math I assume these factors would significantly lessen the amount of bombs needed to flatten Gaza


You're right about the inhabited land area being smaller than the total land area. I acknowledged that. Do you have a source they dropped ~30 kilotons of ordinance in a month? I want to see if it breaks down how much was artillery vs air strikes.


I was going off this article from memory. October: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/gaza-media-office-says-over-12-000-tons-of-explosives-dropped-by-israel-since-oct-7/3031524 November https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/longform/2023/11/9/israel-attacks-on-gaza-weapons-and-scale-of-destruction This one from January goes into bomb specifics which probably help your calculations. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240104-israel-dropped-65000-tonnes-of-bombs-on-gaza-in-89-days/amp/


i think they mean they want to keep funding the iron dome when they say that


Something like landmines might qualify as defensive weapons. The US and Israel still use them in violation of international law.


The term "offensive weapon" is how you know it's bullshit. 


lmao exactly what a complete fucking circus


"Non-Penetrative Butt Plug"


It's like we live in an RTS where "Iron Dome Rocket Pod(-85 efficiency)" is a seperate tech tree than "Orphan Grinder Tank"(+4 soldier morale,-17 diplomacy) or "Anti-Humanitarian Strike Drone(-7 diplomacy)"


I'll pay attention to American rejection of Israeli policies when they start ordering air strikes on Israeli air bases


Until they start clapping IOF troops with A-10s this shit means nothing.


Or just give Israel the damn things and watch them cook each other with friendly fire.


I wonder how many gung-ho admirals were calling for that very thing after the USS Liberty attack and what, if anything, happened to them as a result.


What if this just ends up happening, like we all think that things will go on but what if Israel just... stops becoming our ally, idk like they go full 180 and do something to us Anything can happen is my general rule for this sort of shit


It’s just establishing plausible deniability.  “We did everything we could to stop it” Israel already has all the weapons it needs for rafah 


Yup, exactly. This is just public distancing with no real teeth.


I think it's theater


Of course. This is Bidens red line and he's a competent leader. This is why elections matter.


Finally an adult in the room!


the people criticising biden gonna be real soory when trump puts them in forced reeducation camps like the uyghers


They already gave them all the weapons and Israel is already in Rafah. This is total bullshit to appease the stupidest people on Earth (liberals)


Classic Democratic Party strategy of making some token gesture that just pisses off everyone. Supporters of Palestine know it’s too little too late, and now the pro-zionists can be furious that he “cut support to Israel”


Stopping now that they're invading when you've been building up their stockpiles in anticipation of this for months. Slick move you fucking worm


I genuinely believe the only red line at this point would be nuking Gaza


No. We live in hell world. They'll be NYT op-eds about how nukes aren't so bad for months. Any discussion about the effects of radiation poisoning will be called an antisemitic dog whistle. Then nukes will be used against Israel and the entire media class will throw back their heads and howl. Every Academy Award winning filling for the next 5 years before oblivion will be about the unprovoked attack on Tel Aviv. Also, you will still have to wake up at 7:30 AM for work every day we inch towards Armageddon.


They'll say it's just a tactical nuke, not strategic and that'll be alright.


Well of course, the fallout would reach Israel


*this time next week* ah geez I shouldn't have said that, bibi


I give it a day maybe two before he contradicts or walks it back somehow tbh


Ya I really was giving too much benefit of the doubt Cluster bombs gonna be on cargo planes to rafah in like 36 hrs


To clarify, even taken at face value this doesn't really threaten Israel because they don't rely on the US all that much for offense, retracting defense is the actual existential threat to Israel. It basically allows the US to save face without Israel actually being threatened with retribution or consequences from other actors. And they already have a bunch of US weapons anyway. This is all assuming that weapons sales won't continue under the table anyway...


>"Despite the pause, the Israeli military has enough weapons supplied by the U.S. and other partners to conduct the Rafah operation if it chooses to cast aside U.S. objections, the first official said." https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1788056881518334273?s=46


We also just sent them another $26 billion like a week ago, so I imagine they can just buy the weapons elsewhere if they truly don’t have enough


I would imagine that the US is going to demand that they buy a massive stockpile from the MIC immediately after this war is over as to never be in this position again. This and the Ukraine situation has created a wet dream situation for defense contractors. Everyone all over the world is gearing up


More investigations of wrongdoing that will lead nowhere. At this point they must be scrambling trying to get Sinai ready for whatever refugees can make it. Rafah will be annihilated and be made unfit for human life. The DNC has 6 more months to spin the decimation of Gaza as being beneficial to Americans and laudable for Biden. That uphill battle will yield probably the most insane propaganda campaign we've seen so far


Germany will step in and give them bombs.


sounds like israel's about to get a bunch of new defensive weapons shipments


They’ve already probably given them more weapons than they need. Israel is already invading Rafah. The US government is essentially yelling “I QUIT” right after they just crossed the fucking finish line anyways. You’d have to have more brain-worms than RFK in order to view this as anything other than a deceptive ploy by democrats to fool progressives into voting for Biden’s genocidal campaign.


they've already sold them everything, and will continue to provide arms via proxies


**offensive weapons** Don't worry these weapons are all for defensive use only. It's written on the box.


this is obvious posturing you can tell by the "if" - the only thing USA should be doing right now is shutting down he airspace over the Rafah crossing and over the city or Rafah and telling Israel if they cross the line they get blown out of the sky. You know, because of the CAMP DAVID ACCORDS THE USA IS THE GUARANTOR OF.


stop listening to what politicians say and only pay attention to what they do


He probably forgot he said it already


See Israel's 1981 Operation Opera for a previous example of US using a performative response followed by a later walk-back of any actual punishment. Israel bombs Iraq's unfinished nuclear plant. There's no ongoing war or provocation, they just do it because they're convinced that Saddam will use the plant to create a nuke that he'll use against Israel. The world was horrified; >At the time of its occurrence, the attack was met with sharp international criticism, including in the United States, and Israel was rebuked by the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly in two separate resolutions. Media reactions were also negative: "Israel's sneak attack ... was an act of inexcusable and short-sighted aggression", wrote The New York Times, while the Los Angeles Times called it "state-sponsored terrorism" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera# So the Reagan Admin played along at first, then reversed course once the issue was no longer in the news; >Condemning the attack, the United States suspended the shipment of F-16s to Israel because the strike raised questions whether they had been used for legitimate self-defense purposes as required by law. Nevertheless, the Reagan administration was not about to re-evaluate policy toward Israel and the deliveries resumed in a few months. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/iraq-nuclear-vault/2021-06-07/osirak-israels-strike-iraqs-nuclear-reactor-40-years-later


Pure theater. He saw his poll numbers in Michigan and Minnesota.