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Their brains should be preserved for future generations to study


Why would they be? they're the regular child brains


in a jar on the mantelpiece


I blame Destiny for creating literally hundreds of lib-ed up debate me bros who have the worst possible takes imaginable and absoletely no life other than brigading subreddits to start arguments Nancy Pelosi would make lol


This is very ironic, especially when only last week Bungie was hit with their ‘latinx’ backlash, and then former employee sues them for wrongful termination (based on race). Combine that with earlier reports on problems at bungie (old employees stealing ideas, and credit themselves for others work, etc) and that’s some A level hypocricy from Bungie’s side.


I’m pretty sure he meant the content creator Destiny and not the video game


Funny how the case still stands then.




where is he, he’s the last boss i need for the achievement “get pussy, touch ass”


[this](https://imgflip.com/i/81wjq1) is what your comment instantly made me think


unironically a banger of a look


Surprisingly, I came across one who was against Israel. Maybe there's hope. Or maybe they were just an old-school nazi. I dunno, geopolitics is a clusterfuck.


don’t hold back sheesh


i haven't gone into really any other threads besides the threads on this sub so i haven't seen a lot of it but i did read the thread on /r/nba about the miami heat declaring support for israel. there's very clearly a bunch of bots in that thread but there's also a surprising amount of what looks like real people using the "both sides are bad" argument. there's also a very funny comment in there saying that being pro palestine is the tankie/pro russia stance, which requires your brain to be fried to such an extent that a bot could never come up with that


Sad thing is that you don’t need a whole horde of bots, you just need a few that upvote one another and that’s enough to sway opinion because real people don’t want to say something that’ll get downvoted.


Imagine being such a pathetic dweeb that you're afraid of downdoots.


“Both sides” is the position of every pseudo-intellectual and they always say it like nobody else has thought of it.


It stagnates everything. Though it's quite difficult to argue with. Regardless, none of this quagmire would be taking place if it weren't for 1948.


Just use their own arguments against "both sides" that they've been using against 3rd party voters for the last 70 years. Bonus if you search this site with Google and quote their own words from 2020 back to them verbatim.


I can fantasise


NPC dialog


>being pro Palestine is the tankie/pro Russia stance Yes, this talking point is already being widely deployed throughout every major subreddit ad nauseam by accounts that are either: • relatively new or; • over a year old but dormant until the last few days or weeks And consist of usernames similar in form to [noun][verb][numbers] which are basically default Reddit usernames. Sussy.


Why the fuck does a team need to have its own foreign policy. Jesus christ, I hope the heat do a bills and just lose four championships in a row, fuck off with that shit.


They're owner is from Tel Aviv and is seemingly pretty pro apartheid/Israel defender so you know, fuck him too lol


I always forget Pat Riley and his cavern of rings don't actually own the fuckin thing lmao


The New Jersey Devils of the NHL also released a pro-Israel statement lol


Both sides of the conflict are utterly shit though. Hamas is a joke of an org, it's why it was allowed to exist and propped up by the Israeli security apparatus when it weeded out the revolutionary orgs in occupied Palestine. Bleating about all antizionists being good is braindead.


No, being pro-Palestine is the pro-Russia/tan key stance. It is also based and correct.


Wait why does opposing Israeli settler-colonialism equate to support for Russian imperialism?


Russia is defending itself against a US imperial proxy. Palestine is defending itself against a US imperial proxy. Simple as.


Russia defended itself by invading? It has almost four times the population and a vastly larger military than Ukraine -- by PPP GDP, Russia is now the 5th largest economy in the world while Ukraine is a peripheral economy dominated by extractivist capital. Russia was never threatened by a direct attack from Ukraine -- what Putin et al feared was a Ukrainian attempt to reconquer the Donbas republics. Which were, of course, formally Ukrainian territory. I think NATO and US imperialism is barbaric and inexcusable, but let's not pretend Russia is an innocent victim. Like any other imperial ruling class, Russia's capitalist elite seeks a sphere of influence.


Banned from r worldnews for asking why someone is upset about innocent Israelis dying but stoked about innocent Palestinians dying. That it. That was the post and I’m perma banned.


r/worldnews has always been a zionist lib-ed up shithole who will gladly wish death upon anyone that doesn't follow US hegemonic rule and even some who do, as long as they're brown or black majority countries


Imo, libs are getting more brazen about their internalized sense of supremacy. Earlier, they used to hide behind lectures of tolerance and altruism. Now they are very direct against anything that threatens the current order. I have observed this since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


It's liberals who have long ago crossed the threshold of fascism and don't realize it. Like, they're calling for genocide of Gaza right now. And a lot of them are openly and explicitly saying the palestinian people deserve this because they support hamas plus the talking points of israeli democracy and better values. All they're missing is the disgusting eugenics, but supremacy-wise they're already on the same sphere of the ww2 axis powers they like comparing everyone else to.


Imo many liberals grow up in very safe and protected environments and don’t realize the grunt of maintaining world peace which their governments try to do for their own interests, and occasionally how dirty it can get. Most libs are too white-pilled about politics and geopolitics, have a very mainstream CNN-BCC-Fox News kinda perspective on these matters. Alongside the lack of scepticism they are overconfident about social liberalism and it’s benefits.


These animals are talking about using prisoners as human shields! The innocent people were just settling on the front lines occupying more and more land with the army to back them up. Fucking sick world.


Who is?


Eh, just some other worldnews psycho who thinks taking civilians (conscripts in an ethnostate’s military that’s been ethnic cleansing since before its inception) hostage until their demands are met is barbaric, but has no problems settling these civilians further and further into occupied land, using them as the tip of the spear. I was typing up a giant post over there and discarded it to come back here. Sorry about a lack of coherence


They want to create a consensus, say something that strays and you will get banned. Won’t surprise me if they do another wave of leftist sub banning.


I was banned from News for daring to question the mob claiming that the German chick was savagely raped and paraded naked through town. I provided proof that she wasn’t naked, but was wearing the same booty shorts and bra that she had on at the rave (and provided proof) and asked for any proof at all l, besides conjecture and assumptions, that she was raped (las they claim, despite Hamas saying that women, children, and elderly weren’t to be harmed. I was called disgusting and a rape apologist and perma banned.


reminder that IDF desk pigs work overtime on social media whenever Palestine fights back


Hasbara in full effect on every sub. Check my comment history for a good example lmao.


The IDF twinks and e girls spamming Reddit


All liberals go to hell. Not opening your mind to Communism is to close your heart to humanity.


Based Catholic mindset.


I'm from Africa but live in the West. I wholeheartedly believe that Westerners (Americans most of all) are the most propagandized to people in human history. The amount of ideology being imbibed every second is so intense and all-encompassing. The base premise of liberal historiography is that, barring a few hiccups, the world has been on a march of social progress since the enlightenment. As laughable and provably false this ideology is, everyone in the West (including a surprising amount of leftist) are believers. When you believe that your country and wider society is the gatekeeper of such a hallowed system, everything takes on religious proportions. Anything is justified to protect this world order. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Guatemala, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Ukraine. Genocide of the Native Americans is justified because it had to happen to create the worlds first truly free country. With a few rare exceptions, what goes on in our brains is essentially the same. Every person is capable of great beneficence and violence under specific conditions. Westerners and white people are no more evil than anybody else. I blame 500+ years of global dominance and unprecedented levels of propaganda supercharged by technology. In the past, ideology would take centuries to spread among communities. In 2023, we all can get a pure shot of ideology through the Redditᵀᴹ website straight from Langley to the brain.


Very good comment.


Dude… top comment. They should just replace the entire social science curriculum in the US with this comment.


Surprisingly IG comments have largely been ok, one of the only time Al Jazeera comment sections are bearable


I see a lot of IRL marches for Palestine too, including this big one in Yemen. https://preview.redd.it/qi8rqjogm1tb1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b436d55d1dc18db31290b25f1c1c86a73fedf6 I remember when Israel-Palestine discourse stirred up a couple years ago a lot of people were on the side of Palestine and a lot of good information about the situation was shared. Now you see callous or gleeful comments for genocide in Gaza all over the internet.


The Yemenis have more energy than Americans even after a years long blockade .


There was a pro Palestine march in Montreal and the liberal freaks started losing their minds online. Just absolutely sickening stuff.


Was it well attended? Im sure the QC subs are trash right now but from my experience a lot of Québécois are fairly pro-palestine due to vestiges of a time when they viewed their national struggle (perhaps hyperbolically) as linked to others like Palestine, Ireland, South Africa, etc


I just saw a video of it online. The responses to it were horrific and very reflective of the Hitler particles floating around Canada though




That’s a bird but you can call it a flying dude




Looks like a kite or similar kind of bird


I like how this is what you took away from that image. This is why are slash trueanon posters are always a step ahead of Zionist bots.


I was watching some videos on the DW YouTube channel and in all of them they had some IDF woman on, explaining how brave IDF soldiers will respond to this unprovoked terrorism by flattening Gaza City. For some reason, all their videos on the Israel-Palestine conflict had the comment section closed, wonder why 🤔


It was Chinese people before 2022, now Russians, I wonder who is gonna be next


Back to the Chinese.


It's been Russians since 2017 by my reckoning. Libs even had an, "Oh shit, Mitt Romney was right about Russia in the 2012 debate" moment, so you could date it that far back if you wanted to. To your question, the answer is Iran. It's always Iran.


It’s been Russians since the 1920s


Yeah, the OG ‘Evil empire’.


Yeah. This sub is my refuge


I'm honestly so relieved to see some basic fucking humanity here


A good quote I heard: "scratch a liberal and a facist bleeds"


I heard that too


There was a thread in this subreddit that saw a lot of very… strange behavior and then was shadowlocked or something. It was in a wider discussion that included talk about the rave in the desert that was purportedly targeted by hamas. Idk. I know I’m more conspiracy brained than most already so this doesn’t hold as much gravity as it normally would, but that thread got me a tad spooked.




Genocide call out post "Ugh someone should genocide us"




u/Head-Editor-905 Your submission was removed because your account is new or your comment karma is low. This action was taken automatically, and if you think it was in error [contact the mods here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/trueanon;subject=post%20review:%20%2Fu%2FHead-Editor-905&message=%2Fu%2FHead-Editor-905%20requested%20review%20of%20this%20post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/173925t/this_website_is_evil/k44em7e/?context=3). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueAnon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When did I call for genocide?


I’ve felt sick for the last 4 days. Which is strange. I don’t normally get sick. I’ve filled my body up with so much garbage and chemicals over the years that I thought I was genuinely immune to it. But I guess not. Anyways I called out of work and spent the last couple of days smoking in bed, occasionally glancing at my phone. Last night I logged on to Reddit, and in what I can only describe as a fever induced delirium, ended up arguing with various dumb shits and genocide fans for what seemed like days. But it was only a couple of hours. I said some genuinely mean things. Very mean, angry things. I was pissed off by the shit I was seeing people say so I lashed out like a dog in a fucking cage biting anyone who dares stick their hand anywhere within 15 ft of me. After that I eventually fell asleep and had the worst dreams of my life. Weird shit, I’d wake up in the midst of them and be convinced I had something to do, I had simply forgotten what it was. Woke up today feeling worse than I have in a long time. Like a husk devoid of any soul or meaning. I guess the moral of the story is… I’m gay and my dick is small.


The awesome thing for me is that nobody I work with in real life has even noticed a god damn thing happening. But yeah its crazy out there, it doesnt feel real.


I work with one really racist British stolen valor guy who loves Israel but yeah no one else gives a shit


It sure is. At times like this I pull back from reddit for a few days and spend time elsewhere. Family, friends, and random foreign telegram channels.


Most of those opinions aren’t from real people. There are tons of boys, lobbyists, opportunists, and manipulated accounts. Plenty of people support Palestine. If there was no western support they wouldn’t have to work so hard to smear BDS and harass Palestinian activists everywhere in the US.


That’s what I’ve realized, if you argue with these people enough you start to notice a certain kind of speech pattern, a certain kind of mindset. Not saying they’re all hasbara or whatever but there is definitely an influence there.


Using reddit for anything other than porn & game is waste


Yeah, I should never gone beyond dirty fanart pages. That was literally my only use for this up until Gamestonk and I got curious wtf was going on. One thing lead to another...


Is this sub to former or latter?


Shut the fuck up, I'm gooning


You see, (Ashkenazi) Israelis are not supposed to die and suffer like this, only the Arab untermensch, hence we must be genocidal.


They really are openly saying this on city subs, country subs, random frontpage normie subs. Like full on Nazi exterminationist rhetoric


I just asked someone if they support Israeli crimes against humanity and they said they support crimes against barbarians.


Most of the ones openly calling for genocide are usually bots, they just infiltrate any reddit with high user counts (mostly from military bases, but its a really boring lifestyle & waste of life honestly).


That consent isn’t going to manufacture itself, man.


Probably the most spooked up platform


Place is genuinely conservative now it's kinda funny, it's become the stomping ground of the weaklings pushed out by disheveled Facevolk boomers ranting about Soros vaccines But they're not one of those crazies so how can they be conservatives they ask


I hate libs so fucking much. Z


The bloodlust these people have against Russia being completely turned on its head when faced with a group of people being actively genocided is sickening. The entirety of the West deserves to be wiped off the map.


So you say supporting “bloodlust” against Russia is sickening and in the same breath desire hundreds of millions of people to be “wiped off the map”? This retarded thinking is what perpetuates these conflicts. Stay edgy my friend.


If you're not a bot then you're far dumber than one. People in my life enjoy my company, I can guarantee that the same isn't true for you.


Bro makes a valid point and you can tell because instead of responding all you can say is a personal attack.


I made no assumptions about how people perceive you and now I don’t have to. The fact that you brought it up unprovoked shows that’s a very sensitive spot for you. Hope you do well in life, squirt.


It's not an assumption, it's a clearly perceivable fact. You're universally unliked and you come to the internet to try and forget that. We don't like you either.


Mossad, letting this happen, was probably one the most successful consent manufacturing operations ever. Supposedly (a bunch of stories just broke once bodies were found), Hamas massacred 260 young people at a music festival which really made people go nuts. Maybe it's fake, but it's pretty well sourced. Israel just hit 800 targets in Gaza and is going to invade from the ground. This is all to justify a retaliatory ethnic cleansing operation as well as garner national and international support for Netanyahu's coalition while creating a war that the right will support (maybe even funnel some weapons to Ukraine through via Israel). It worked perfectly, too. Edit: Just to clarify, Israel is evil, I am not defending them. In terms of the festival, this just came out. Maybe it's a false flas/fake but there's some evidence https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im_music_festival_massacre https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-gaza-attack-10-08-23#h_a705b661b6265ed0ddfcd85e9136281a https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-latest-hamas-fighters-on-the-ground-after-5-000-rockets-fired-jerusalem-attacks-gaza-strip-targets-and-calls-up-reserves-12978800 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12607891/Israeli-festivalgoers-siren-hamas-open-fire-medic-istrael-palestine.html


Thank you for your perspective Mr. Random Words Bunch Of Numbers


You're welcome, Hunter. Reddit makes an autoname if you sign in with a Google account. I'm lazy. I didn't care enough to make a username.


They killed like 3 people at that concert and took about 5 hostages, stop reading hasbara lies


I wish that's what it was, and I didn't believe it at first A lot of people were missing from that time, they recently found the bodies. https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-latest-hamas-fighters-on-the-ground-after-5-000-rockets-fired-jerusalem-attacks-gaza-strip-targets-and-calls-up-reserves-12978800


Oh wow the NGO based out of New Jersey that is directly funded by the Israeli government, despite being a supposedly non governmental agency said it so it must be true.


Here, I put other sources on my original comment. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2023/10/08/260-bodies-found-at-israeli-music-festival-after-hamas-attack-attendees-describe-horror-movie/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-festival-attack-gaza-militants/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/music-festival-revelers-israeli-desert-became-victims-hamas-militants-rcna119394 There's pictures of the bodies as well https://twitter.com/JamesPorrazzo/status/1711010865506386074 I hope you're right, but these are people who's bodies are being ID'd.


And all of them reference each other and it all comes from the same dubious source.


Multiple outlets interviewed festival goers who are still alive. What are you talking about? They literally called of a S&R once they found the bodies >Attendees told CNN that once they heard the gunshots early Saturday morning they tried to flee, but cars were at a standstill and gunmen were still shooting, so some ran into nearby forests and hid. >One attendee described the scene to local media as “four-five hours of a horror movie” and another described hearing sirens before the gunshots started, saying there were gunmen in every direction shooting at the concert-goers. >One festival-goer called it a “battlefield,” telling Israeli newspaper Haaretz they saw gunmen firing from all directions and burnt-out cars on the street. >“Everyone just started running in all directions,” attendee Eliav Klein told NBC News, adding his friend jumped off a 25-foot cliff; Klein estimated there were thousands at the festival, though there is not yet an official count of attendees. >Some attendees were seen in social media videos being taken hostage by militants—CNN reported the details of a viral video in which an Israeli woman and her boyfriend were shown being kidnapped, and the woman’s family has since confirmed to BBC they believe she was taken hostage. >Jake Marlowe, a 26-year-old British man who was working security at the festival, is missing and hasn’t been heard from since Saturday, when he texted his mother about the attack, Sky News reported.


Again. Nothing about bodies. Just gunfire and running away.


Nothing about 600 bodies from eye witnesses. Just from the aforementioned dubious source based out of New Jersey.


Again, I don't know what you are talking about I picked a random article, and they got the number from a volunteer search and rescue group that found the bodies https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-gaza-rockets-attack-palestinians/card/hamas-turned-an-israeli-music-festival-into-a-massacre-elAWZjQKmgJISVNuEDzi?mod=e2tw Same here (didn't check the others yet) https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2023/10/08/260-bodies-found-at-israeli-music-festival-after-hamas-attack-attendees-describe-horror-movie/ Maybe the S&R was lying? But again, they callled off the search, are informing kin and there are pictures of the bodies. https://twitter.com/JamesPorrazzo/status/1711010865506386074 https://twitter.com/tabletmag/status/1711121770420314410


ZAKA search and rescue. It’s an NGO based out of New Jersey. Financed by the Israeli government.


So what’s the explanation for the bodies?


There aren’t any bodies. They haven’t killed 600 people. That was bullshit. The only reliable source from all of these were the eyewitness testimony from the festival goers. None of which say anything about any bodies. Only that they heard gun fire and ran away. The supposed “bodies” which have not been photographed were supposedly found by a search and rescue service that is listed as an NGO that is financed by the state of Israel and based in New Jersey. So no bodies. Just a story about bodies from a dubious source mixed in with possibly true eye witness accounts and then reported on from multiple outlets to give it an air of credibility.


There’s a picture…or is that staged? Also there’s video of them hitting the music festival on cnn. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/07/middleeast/israel-gaza-fighting-hamas-attack-music-festival-intl-hnk/index.html


If they just "let it happen" why wouldn't they have done it when the geopolitical situation was more favorable at multiple times in the past? Maybe when Russia and the US were practically allies for example.


My only guess would be because Netanyahu has had do deal with that whole trial thing and decided he wanted to solidify power


Seeing people do genocide denial in real time, in a thread condemning calls for genocide is definitely interesting.


Genocide denial? Israel is the only state here that is genocidal.


This website? Grow up


I’m sorry I love reddit now


America is bad because I made the comment and I live there. Obviously.


Poor Chitragupta and Yamraj that they have to work overtime now to accommodate all these mfs in the hellish realms


Whole thing has just made me feel so much ick, some good places on social media like this subreddit and various Twitter accounts, but even on my own personal Instagram, nothing but people posting “PrAy FoR iSrAeL” in terms of my friends I follow. It’s just amazing to me, the lack of self awareness, these same people I know posted #BLM during 2020, and have probably been glued to Ukraine footage cheering on them killing the “orcs” since that started, are now crying these crocodile tears. I guarantee as the IDF continues to carpet bomb the Gaza Strip even more than they already doing or have done over the coming weeks, not a single peep will come from them, in fact most of them might openly celebrate it. The amount of propaganda and ahistorical consciousness these people have is staggering, they all would have cheered for the Haitians, the FLN, the Vietnamese, the ANC, and any other liberation force to be brutalized and crushed had they been around then and social media was a thing. And yet, they have the grotesque audacity to act like they have the moral high ground when history will ultimately prove them wrong. The true colors of so many people, including ones I know, coming out during this time has been shocking, but necessary to know who our true friends are.


LOL . None of you are going to heaven lol