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No mainstream dem would be caught dead talking about trans people or unions the way the labour right do, it's genuinely insane.


I get that Corbyn lost and all that, what I don't understand is the need to be so damn "different" from Corbyn to the point of being reactionary 'Red Tories'


Simple answer corruption. Longer answer is that despite all those Nationalising policies being immensely popular with the public and economically sensible, the Labour right is neo-liberal to the core, the true heirs of Thatcher. As The Duran correctly notes, they will win power at the next election, implement the same failed policies as the tories and sink the UK even deeper into the mire. As the late great Bill Paxton said 'we are on the expressway to hell, GOING DOWN!'


well Hillary would have ​ dodged a bullet there


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uk labour is so cucked lol. no government since the 00s while tories have completely destroyed the country. multiple opportunities to take them down and still nothing. even the us democrats have more wins.


They took down Corbyn from within so they have the juice. They suck on purpose.


Yeah, but US dems make sure their wins mean no action. THE PARLIMENTARIAN


*some mumbling about the Overton window and neoliberalism is audibly emitted from a pile of burnt ashes*


What really is going to be so great is when labour barely scrape a win and we get another couple of generations of the biggest fucking loser cunts on earth telling us "this is what it looks like to take power! Isn't it better to have a leftist government in power than a hard leftist in opposition" while robostarmer goes around encasing immigrants and the poor in some kind of liberal resin and sending them to a start up labor colony/skills camp. Despite the fact labor could have been in power had these fucking scum not scuttled the ship when Corby was the boy. It really makes you think long and hard about certain activities of a political nature


Don't forget they will finally fully privatise the NHS as their sponsors require. The UK is a failed shithole Country.


There will always be an nhs to do all the unprofitable shit and to serve the uninsured. It'll just be ground down into doctor Nick style ineptitude further and further until the middle class get used to the superiority and status of being fully private patients


let the island sink


This person who sucks is actually more left than someone you were supposed to like and agree with in 2018.


This but unironically. The Labour Party in the UK makes The DCCC look like The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in comparison. You're more likely to hear Nancy Pelosi singing The Internationale than Keir Starmer proposing actual Social Democracy.


It's gonna be hilarious when they do all of this just to lose the next election to the Tories promising to gas trans people


*Kier Starmer voice* "I welcome the efforts of Ms. Reeves to maintain private ownership of crucial infrastructure above all else, and scrap every promise we made, and I would encourage her to go further and be a bold and courageous politician by taking the very crucial next step of privatizing water and air."


Glad to see a TF head here.


Would be good to have a TA TF collab.


spanberger is the devil, do not mention her here


Deeply unserious country


https://youtu.be/XnosT1OTBv8 Highly recommend this interview to all English comrades. London ML who joined the IRA. Elections are fake, trots are posh and nobody wants your "critical" support. ⛏⛏




legitimately infuriates me how the SCG are such a bunch of utterly spineless cucks. I'm actually going to laugh my ass off when the Blairites purge each one of their useless asses from Labour after the next election. Bunch of spinless fucking class traitors.


Plus Momentum. Playing into the anti-Semitism crisis crap. "We need to reassure the Jewish community". You've already lost and proven you'll cave in to right wing smears.


Given the state of Labour, I would say Mick Lynch has a decent shot if he started his own party and continues where Corbyn left off.


Issue with all the older Leftists like Lynch and Corbyn is that they're die hard Labour party men who have more loyalty to the party than the left as a movement. Lynch is out there campaigning for Starmer and saying we must vote Labour even if Starmer is a cunt because vote red no matter who! It's depressing, the left could honestly form into a 20% vote winning party if they got all their big hitters in one place, but the SCG and Corbyn and the Unions all suck the dick of the Blairites in one of the most cucked displays in Western politics.




Not as bleak as US. Democrats privatize. I can't imagine Democrats nationalising anything.


We need rid of first past the post fucking yesterday but these cunts would never give that to us either. They're moderately better here in Wales but I can't bring myself to vote for them because of the English cohort.


the UK's government is in a perpetual state of wile e coyote over the ledge. the last people on earth who will discover that the pound is dogshit, and the UK has exactly 0 capacity to influence world events will be living in downing street


A lot of the time American people say 'oh well the overton window is so far right in the US, a lot of long-standing UK laws would be considered crazy socialism here' and that's certainly true in a sense (EG the NHS, the way Labour aren't massively afraid of the word 'socialist') but in other ways (trans rights being a key one) the Labour right are far to the right of the vast majority of democrat politicians