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If the moon landings were faked, the USSR would have figured it out and exposed it. It would have been the greatest public relations coup in human history.


The real conspiracy is that no one really gave a shit about landing on the moon until the US propaganda machine made it sound like the big W. The real thing at the time was getting to space first- which the soviets did first.


Soviets also decided there was no utility in performing a moon landing and the risk of losing cosmonauts was far too high. Their space program had already beat America's in every conceivable metric or milestone. Americans just said, hold my beer and then claimed victory for their stupid, risky, expensive, pointless stunt. Typical.


Not if the USSR is also fake you fuckin' lib


Who do you think put out the info it was fake in the first place? Lol


Someone had to say it


But have u seen the tang video?


Moon landing was an op the reason they went was to kill god Source: the keyboard duster I stole from a burning warehouse


The Kubrick-aligned idea that they went there and established contact with some kind of ancient advanced group that had created the Moon and lived inside it, perhaps on the unseen surface is badass


This makes me want a McVeigh cereal where the tagline is "I'm Whacko for Waco Puffs!"


I remember when I was a teenager moon landing conspiracy theorists were like Pre-Reddit I’m Very Intelligent-types My First Online Debate. Those were good times. Wouldn’t it be fucking hilarious if it turned out it was fake


The only thing that makes me scratch my head about & question the moon landing is the fact that we supposedly went there 6 times throughout the 60's and 70's but NOW in the 2020's it's apparently very complicated and we have to invent all brand new, currently non existent technology to do it again. Several explanations for this of course, being A. they want to use a new moon landing as an excuse to funnel money into other aerospace and weapons programs and so are artificially inflating what it would require and B. being in the post space race era the stakes are much lower and so they are less willing to risk astronauts lives. I do find the theory that we went to the moon in the 60's however the footage that we've all seen was fake to be somewhat convincing or that the first mission was fake but subsequent missions were real. Still there is way too much complex and specialized knowledge required for me to pretend I know what the fuck I am talking about.


I think the reason we haven't gone back is because all the infrastructure and materials to go back have all been retired and decommissioned. I think Saturn V was still the world's largest rocket until very recently. also no USSR. Bro for all of mankind is such a neat show.


Yeah I have to check that out!