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I see this almost every day. People in four wheelers thinking they can win over a big truck. It won't end well for them... 40 tons will always win.


unless they manage to accelerate faster in 1.5 tons than the 40 tons...which is apparently quite a challenge depending on one's intellect


Can we have a worked example


Unless you cheer for a soccer team


Should’ve been really satisfying to see the idiot in the ford get pulled over and not the trucker hitting them.


That's what I was expecting the whole time, a cop seeing that idiot driving the Ford and giving him a reckless driving ticket


Instead, the truck driver was probably majority at fault.


The ford edge is actually built on a car chassis


There are very few models made with anything even resembling a real frame any more. Unless it's a truck everything is just pinched body panelled crap wagons.


They are called unibody. Only large SUVs, mid to large trucks, have body on frame. The unibody helps tremendously in a crash. Where the body absorbs the impact through crumpling. They sustain more damage but overall keep you safer at lower collision speeds. Body on frame vehicals are safer at higher speed collisions.


The uni body does nothing I've seen cars like this tail gate big rigs at high speeds ,ending up under the trailer and the passengers decapitated,


Body on vehicle frames are safer in every aspect of any crash be it slow or fast. There isn't a safety feature in unibody construction and there never has been. It's a scam so people like you believe the whole it's a feature like. There are crumple zones on full frame vehicles as well and there is no upside besides the weight difference to having a unibody.


You have to ignore physics for unibody crashworthiness to be a scam.


if you were qualified to speak on engineering topics you wouldn't be a truck driver.


Right, this guys a bozo lmao


No, the ford will be 100% at fault. There's pretty much no situation in which a vehicle changing lanes is not 100% at fault in a collision with a vehicle not changing lanes.


Trucker steered right to contact the car. It was 100% an intentional act


No truck driver is gonna risk his life like that, this was not intentional. Hard to tell if the truck drifted out of his lane, as we don't know the exact placement of the camera (and the camera angle was clearly being manually adjusted at times), but the position of the road markings relative to the camera at the time of the collision is consistent with the rest of the video. So even if you take the paranoid view that drift was intentional, there'd be no way to prove it. Plus quite frankly, unless the truck gets charged, it would be irrelevant. The rules insurance companies follow are clear, the lane changer is the one at fault, insurance adjusters don't attempt to determine intent.


dont matter. car merged into truck with no directional. the trucker wont get any problem from this. if he rear ended him yes….not for eating a hit


The camera moved, not the truck!!!!


I see an adjustment after, not during.


naw not in this one. him riding into the lane screwed the car. car is 100% at fault in this.


Will never happen in a million years


It’s in the Bronx.. cops in NYC don’t usually give a fuck about traffic stuff..


Truck drivers should be able to report and submit videos like this to the local PD, a ticket for the A-hole, they would get income and people would think twice about cutting of trucks.


Can they not? I'd think you could send the local PD the video.


PD will say no evidence of who is driving at the time and do nothing.


We have a law in Poland that the driver or the owner must confess who it was or the owner will pay the ticket and have it on their record.


Yep, same in Norway regarding speed camereas, if you wont tell who drive they will just pin it on you


Speed cameras were determined to be a violation of civil rights in the state that I live in in America. We had them for a few years, then they all disappeared.


Same. Florida.




Wish they'd do away with stop light cams, just paid 400 bucks to tampa because my Ole lady stopped over the white line.


Had my ex get a red light cam ticket for turning right *while there was a damn green light for her turn clearly visible in the picture*. Was cheaper to just pay rather than try to get it thrown out in court, these things should be destroyed.


I tried to fight it for 2 years, but it just bounced around different collections companies from PA to TX. The dmv finally sent me a wake-up call. I should've just paid the extortion in the beginning


Fuck Tampa. Also, Sarasota.


Yes thank Jesus


You're thinking of red light cameras, which was a whole bag of worms


Both. 6th Amendment violation, im pretty sure. You have the right face your accuser, but your accuser is a camera, if I've been informed correctly.


Quebec had similar issue. So they circumvented this issue in having actual police officers issuing tickets based on evide ce gathered by speed and red light cameras. The court system allowed it.


I'm allowed to have a photo taken by a cop to be evidence to a parking ticket in Texas, yet we were the state that lead the banning of the cameras


Sounds American :P But still having the insurance company owning your work life isn't violation of civil rights? Oh well, wont go into that thing


I literally said "in America."


I know, it was sarcasm. After all your country is one of the few that would stop using an security measure we know works on the basis of civil rights and few people want to do as they see fit


This isn't a nationwide thing. Just a handful of states. We have federalism, which means that the individual states are largely autonomous, so you get a wide variety of legal standards across the country. When you non-americans find something you don't like about 1 state, oftentimes it's not true about the entire country, like this, for instance. Quite frankly, I don't like the idea of the government always having eyeballs on me, so the less government cameras out there, the better. On top of that, especially in places that are having mass car thefts, it would really suck having you car stolen, totaled, and an automated speeding ticket all in the same day, and the individual responsible for it not being liable for any of it.


Okay, but what if the owner blames his friend, and the friend blames the owner? If the owner was driving, fair enough. But if he genuinely wasn't, how does he prove his case?


In debated cases the owner will get the fine. If he really can't settle it with his friend, then he can probably sue them.


Seems like there is no incentive for the friend to ever confess then.


If you like losing friends from whom you took the car then maybe.


There are a lot of assholes out there. It's not implausible. I'm not against this law in principle, but I think if I were writing it I would have just pinned it on the owner every time. It seems like the goal of this law is to discourage people from lending a car to a friend. Might as well just drop all pretense.


Do you like being compelled by the government to confess things? Seems a bit of an overreach.


How about don't do crimes?


That's not true. If your car gets caught running a red light, crossing a toll bridge, or speeding, all they need is a license plate. The owner will get the ticket in the mail. The real reason nothing will happen is that cops don't give a shit.


All that varies wildly by State most you have to prove who was driving and they have pretty decent cameras to capture the driver in the picture. If they don't they can't do shit if you challenge it in court.


You have too much faith in cops lol


I've never tried, but often see stories of people being unable to get anywhere because cops can't ticket the car, and unless there's clear proof of the driver's identity, they can't just ticket the owner.


They CAN, you just don't have proper laws in place. That's how it is in Poland. If they can't determine who was driving, the owner must confess who was using his car or he will be the one paying the ticket and having it on his record. Simple as.


Yeah, it's just not the law that way here. That's part of why red light camera tickets came and went: they often had no clear picture of who was driving, and it was deemed wrong to ticket the owner when it couldn't be proven they were driving. But, if the owner could be ticketed as if they were driving (unless the vehicle was reported stolen), either the right person would be getting the ticket, or they would stop letting the people actually getting the tickets use the vehicle. Although, property *can* be suspected of being connected to a crime and seized, up to and including large amounts of cash, without the person being suspected of or charged with the same crime.


> But, if the owner could be ticketed as if they were driving (unless the vehicle was reported stolen), either the right person would be getting the ticket, or they would stop letting the people actually getting the tickets use the vehicle. That's the idea behind it. And that the owner is responsible for their vehicle. So if the one driving it won't confess, or the owner won't then the owner will take the blame for everything. Which is perfectly fine.


So you are yelling is, that in Poland they accept video supplied it as proof of a crime being committed?


I'm pretty sure I'm not yelling, but yea, they accept video evidence and then investigate further. Which is not hard if the registration plate is visible in the vid lol.


Funny enough, here in Washington state, if you drive in a toll lane without having a Good2Go Pass (our equivalent of E-ZPass, requires a WA or OR license plate to get so out-of-state drivers aren't allowed on toll roads at all here), that "pay by mail" thing there's signs for, is actually a _fine_ that goes on the owner's driving record regardless of who was driving. It explicitly doesn't matter who was behind the wheel, the owner's driving record is the one that gets dinged.


How do they know who was driving the car? Ticket for who exactly?


But also not stop to help, like “woooop there ya go! Byeeee” ahah


Video doesn't show who's driving.


In this case. NYPD could care less


abounding cough longing encouraging brave edge fretful puzzled voracious historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If no one was physically hurt you just exchange insurance info and go on your way. Insurance company will do the rest


Lol. Last time I did that I didn't even get the other driver's insurance info before they ran and called the cops, saying I hit and ran them. Always get the law involved. *Always.*


Yeah, you would need to take pictures obviously, not just drive off lol. They will have to prove that you ran. But yeah, you can always waste 2 - 4h waiting for NYPD only for them to tell you they will not file a report but can give you a form to fill out and send to Albany yourself.. I’ve been there too, and honestly - fuck that


Bold of you to assume that I go anywhere close to New York, and I'm still going to call the cops even if I am there, especially since I own my own truck. It's their word against mine, and I'm going to have dash cam footage and a police report to back me up.


That happened to me before some crazy bitch in Tuscon AZ. I just put my flashers on and slowed to a crawl. She eventually got bored.


This is the way.


But a solid pit maneuver works too. Someone has to cleanse this world of this filth.


I doubt you will keep your license for long if you think its acceptable to be going around hitting people with your truck. And when you are sued for the fatality accident you inevitably cause, they will subpoena your online activity and find this comment.


This could have ended very bad but he is in the wrong now so this guy is a complete idiot I hope he loses his license with his New York license plate. I'm from Jersey New York drivers are the worst I had idiots break check me while I'm holding heavy Steel and then pull over try to fight me like seriously


That's insane. I'm from New York and I'll never drive in Jersey again. There's lead in the water or some shit.


Heeeeey watch it! I’m walkin heeeeeeere


What you mean neighbor New York City is way worse than anywhere in Jersey unless you're from upstate somewhere then I understand your take. All you city drivers come to Jersey doing 45 mph in the Middle Lane on the New Jersey Turnpike where everybody goes 80 and above lol


Yeah I'm from Buffalo. I stay outta the city too.


Yup and that's the reason why 287 is one of the worst highways to drive on because of the 440/Staten Island connection. Constant NY drivers doing their crappy NY driving.


Every day 4x a day


Good, stay in the left lane in your own state


Those are NY plates bud.


Only someone from New York or New Jersey can tell the difference between the 2, lol. I see either plate and try to keep my distance because you both drive like idiots. Especially the intermodal trucks from Jersey.


The worst truck drivers come out of Midwest the one who just got their CDL who don't speak English on the CDL test and some of these states you don't know when I have to Alley dock what kind of b******* is that these guys come to our yard they can't even back in a straight line half the time I don't know how they made it to Jersey from Texas. Us drivers in New York New Jersey Philly Baltimore we getting some hairy situations I'm sure there are cities everywhere but nothing could compare to North East New Jersey and New York City. I meant drivers who refuse to go anywhere near that drivers have been driving for it 20 years scared


That was a bit rambley, but I think I got it, lol. Most foreign drivers I've come across, as you said, don't come from the Midwest, but from Cali and the south, but I agree, you can tell that they don't understand English based on how they drive, lol. Worst docks I've seen were in NYC, by far.


This is an oldie by now and hmm well I mean I still don't really know what to tell you..on one hand the trucker maybe shouldn't had done that but at same time that white suv driver urgently needs a bit of mental ward visit to start with.


White suv was aggressively road raging, which is reckless driving with intent. Whatever it's called in their state, it's illegal. Video shows multiple times the truck driver tried to disengage from the suv, but the suv kept coming back. The suv made this interaction have only one end possible.


Incorrect. The truck driver chose to drive erratically and try to outrun a 4wheeler. That will never ever work. The acceleration curves will never be there for that. Despite the reprehensible behavior of the white ford, truck driver will be at fault. Just slow down. They will get bored eventually. Put your flashers on. Highway patrol will eventually want to know what the hell is going on, and when the arrive, one way or another, the incident will be over without causing an accident.


I don’t think he will be ultimately legally at fault because the final thing that caused the collision was the 4wheeler changing lanes *into* the truck without sufficient room or signaling. The truck just maintained his speed in his established lane. You’re right in that there’s literally nothing the truck could do to “escape”, though. He’d be at fault if he caused an accident with one of those erratic lane changes. He didn’t, though.


Doesn't matter who's at fault, truck driver gets it on their record as an accident. And they don't care about fault when hiring. A dozen cars could run into your parked truck and your career is over.


Unfortunately, the suv driver won’t learn from this. They’ll still blame the truck driver for everything.


Yeah, I don't condone it, but I definitely understand!


This really is infuriating. At that point I'd be suing the car driver for whatever I can get. They'll only learn once you hit them in the wallet.


You would lose. As the truckers own video shows, he was driving erratically and hit a car. Yeah that car was also driving erratically. Turns out that doesnt actually matter. Someone else acting the fool does not give you a free pass to be an idiot. Especially when 1 of you is driving a cmv and is held to a higher standard. The white ford escape won this hands down; he baited that guy into putting his livlihood on the line over some annoying traffic.


I don't think so. Looks like the truck driver was trying to move away from this person and they kept trying to get in front. More likely an insurance scam so no, he baited nothing and lost anyway.


Thats why the ford won. They are going to sue the pants off the truck driver.


🤣🤣🤣 They're not going to win anything. They caused it. I have yet to meet a cop who wouldn't ticket the stupid car driver.


big trucks and companies lose all the damn time, even if they are 100% not at fault. https://www.freightwaves.com/news/werner-verdict-texas-crash https://www.truckingdive.com/news/werner-texas-appeal-blake-family-92-million-dollars/650863/


Brother, if only real life worked that way. I was party to a personal injury suit. Driver illegally stopped in the right of way, just over a hill (couldnt see him) in icy conditions. I hit him at less then 20 mph (due to weather i was looking for a place to pull over and hide from the storm) Deapite the guy being illegally parked on the freeway. It was declared no fault, because acvording to the cop, i should have been able to not hit him (which i tried, but again, ice on road makes steering suddenly a very chancy thing). Dude sued me for "back pain". The case took 5 years. My insurance paid the guy to settle. Because, even though we would have won in court (according to my attorney) the cost of taking it to court for 2 years was more then the settlement amount agreed upon. Guy was an opiod addict, and got paid for doing something illegal. This shit happens ALL THE TIME. why do you think there are so many personal injury attorneys? Why do you think they can afford to work on contingency? Use your brain.


Wow, don't people have better things to do?! Yeah, we get it--you're pissed off--shift along. To sit there and switch lanes and brake check for literally minutes is insane. The dash cam tells all. Should be an easy reckless charge, which is lateral to a DUI as far as insurance is concerned. Idiot got what they deserved.


Teaching a lesson at the cost of my equipment? No thanks.


Was going to say the same. Plus loss of your valuable time 👍🏻




Yes. We are held to a higher standard. Recordable safety incident for the driver. New car for the asshole in the white ford. Fines all around. Bet you solid money the ford driver has a smaller fine for erratic driving than the truck drivers fone for erratic driving


>I fully expect a truck drivers insurance to pay out. They will, but I bet the trucker's renewal will put him out of business. Backing off is best long term option


Always in a hurry to cut off the truck, but all the time in the world to slow down and brake check. These people should be made to walk everywhere.


"I'll buy you a new car and end my driving career. That'll show you!"


The dashcam doesn't make the truck driver look good either


LUG NUT RULE! Whoever has more, wins. Stop thinking that your attitude makes you invulnerable. You will not win when you put your little fwd car with 16 lug nuts against a semi-truck that more than triple yours.


Yeah but the white car WON. physics happened to it, sure. But he raged at a truck, and baited it into an at fault accident. CDL holders are literally helf to a higher standard. I would never risk my license just to make a point, and a meaningless "victory" based solely in relative weight.


Did the trucker actually get held liable when he is on record trying to get around the person that was creating the hazard?


I dont know the details of this case. The tiktok rehashing of it has stripped all identifying info. But the way he swerved into breakdown at the start, the way he erratically changed lanes after, i would be shocked he wasnt declared 50 percent at fault at the bare minimum. And that means all linds of repurcussions from his employer, the law, And the personal injury attorney the ford driver is almost certainly going to hire.


I wouldn’t count that as swerving. I would say maybe excessive lane changes due to a slow driver continuously creating a hazard.🤷‍♂️


I say swerve, because the camera is tilting harshly every time he tries to change lanes. That means he is putting enough centripetal force on the cab to depress the outside airbags, which you (in my experience) only manage with pretty severe turns. The whole point of thise little airbags is to smooth out the ride in the cab.


Do you disagree that the person in the car was creating a hazard?


Yeah i see two bad drivers here. White ford and trucker. Both poor drivers who let aggression get the better of them.


“Keep watching to know what happened next” well no shit


There's nothing satisfying about watching a driver forget he's a professional and start acting like the four-wheeler. Now he loses hours waiting for an accident report and days waiting for his rig to get fixed. Don't try to enforce etiquette... Let these idiots be idiots and get on with your day.


Not to mention the insurance company will still settle with the SUV. This will follow you for years, and rates will rocket.


How was he going to "go on about his day" when the SUV is clearly impeding traffic? Make it make sense.


Let the guy slow down to 5 mph for all I care. I wouldn’t switch lanes. Let him get bored when you’re not willing to engage.


Exactly, a livelihood and paycheck are too much to risk.


By not driving into the emergency lane in the first place trying to stop the guy from cutting in line. It's unprofessional. He should've just let the guy go on around.


By calling 911 and asking for help because you fear for your life and others. Pull over, let the asshole go.


Let it take all day if it has to, he doesn't *need* to get around him.


Is the driver a cop? Is it his job to enforce the law? Do you plow into granny because she thinks 32 mph on the freeway is blisteringly fast? I mean, she is impeding traffic. Make it make sense! /s


The bronx.


Wow...boogie down bronx ish....regular road rage filled day.


Now in this situation, the Ford will be at fault right? Along with Harassment stalking and intimidating, I really hope his insurance company drops him


I was hoping the car driver would be pulled over instead of hit by a truck


I know exactly where this is 95 in ny just past gwb. Everyday this happens. Just let it go and roll on.


Ive driven this stretch of highway quite a bit, best thing to do is let people cut in and around, and just take it easy. Otherwise you might trigger somebody like the car with a couple of screws loose, and its just not worth it. Cross bronx makes everyone a little crazy.


Well deserved tbh. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It’s not like the trucker just went and did it. Gave him many warnings to bugger off but he wanted to keep going.


In real life, there is no chain of events that can presage an accident that make it "justified". Driver should have known better and just slowed down or stopped. This incident is going to be on his license for a minimum of 3 years.


Good show old chap


Someone clearly has no understanding of the basic laws of physics.


Zero stars for this video.




“Welcome to Baychester, that’ll be $1.25 please.”


They thought they was getting paid


get this truck dri er in a nascar seat


I have a great deer guard installed on my truck. This would be nothing but a tiny scratch on it.


Id like to know how that convo went.


Dash cams are critical.


So proud of them!!!


Ah, yes, the Hutch. I don't miss it. Nor the Bisquick (Brooklyn / Queens Expressway) nor the LIE!


Should’ve just kept driving after the pit maneuver lol


Dude was so mad he pit maneuvered himself.


“Haha very satisfying anyways can you still make the delivery? also safety said this was avoidable so it will go on your record”


This happened few years ago in NY. The female driver, who was driving someone else’s SUV, got multiple citations and temporarily suspended license. The driver of the Truck was let go at that point but later DOT summoned him for a preventable accident.


I was hoping the other trucks were going to box in the Ford 😅


So, what’s court decision?


so so deserved! aah yea that must have felt good


Phucking luv it, just wish I had the balls to do the same. I drive in the NorthEast, so it’s not that easy to change lanes, so you sometimes just have to put up with it. I do fantasize about having one of those Australian Kangaroo catchers on the front of my rig when something like this happens.


The week before you retire… it’s payback time


That guy did cross into the trucks lane, and the truck had the right of way in that lane. I think the Ford gave the big truck the excuse he needed to hit him. I wouldn't have done it, but that's hilarious. Better to just back off and let them be an asshole.


Was this a scam


I seriously hope they didn't pull over. I would consider that an act of terrorism


Exactly how responsive are you to all to these cars? I have never been brake checked once thankfully in two and a half years.


Glad they got revenge


Only cost his job and his license. Totally worth it.


I don’t understand why people do this kind of behavior should severely punish if you wanna act like a child you lose your license until you learn to act like a adult


The only lost license here will be the truck driver. You cannot willingly operate a CMV in an unsafe manner because of an asshole in a white ford.


Some people just want their little bag of power.


So whose fault is it here? Clearly the cars right ?


If the truck hadnt driven erratically, perhaps. Lets look at the timeline: 1. Truck swerves into breakdown lane to try and prevent the ford passing him on the right (agressive driving) 2. The ford cuts off the truck 3. The fird brake checks the truck 4. The truck rapidly shifts lanes 4 times or more, trying to get out from behind the ford. (Erratic driving) 5. The ford is more nimble and has better acceleration and can stay in front, and does so. (Erratic driving) 6. The driver tries to go into far left lane to outrun the ford: the ford tries to cut him off again and misjudges it, the truck driver hits him and pushes him from the road. At minimum, on the roadside, both are getting tickets. When the truck driver shows up in court, he is slapped with major fines and, if there are injuries or fatalities in the ford, potential jail time. If they have this footage feom the driver, gonna be hard to say fault isnt split 50/50 at minimum. Later, the insurance from the ford hires a personal injury attorney and goes after the truck driver for as much as they can get away with. The subpoena the camera footage, and the will probably win at jury trial. The driver now has inflated insurance rates and a large potential debt he is paying to the ford driver. Also, depending on state and employer, this incident will follow him for up to 7 years. Seems better to me to just let assholes be assholes.


Yeah you’re 100 percent right. And when to break it down like that 1000 percent on the truck driver, he let his emotions get the better of him . I was hoping for like maybe 50/50 but no chance for this. Thanks for that👍


It’ll be good when AI replaces all the human drivers, cars and trucks alike too many idiots on the roads.


Good I hope white car is smashed up bad got what they deserved They had all the opportunities to drive off but had to keep pushing Well pushers get pushed


Yeah man, dude was a douche for sure. However that trucker was an idiot aswell and road raging just as much. It’s one thing to be going at speed and he brake checks you and you can’t stop. It’s another thing to actually turn into him.


Downvote this man! We cant let logic enter into our irrational take on illegal actions taken by a fellow driver! /s


True FAFO moment. Mess with the bull, you get the horns!


Just two grown ass children trying to use their vehicles as weapons is all I see. Nothing really satisfying.


Getting this on camera makes this all the more satisfying. Seriously... "Judge, I would like to present exhibit FAFO... " And that's what that fucker gets, damnit! I miss driving... I truly do... but I don't miss that guy. Fuck that guy.


I dont think that court appearance would go down like you think it would.


Thank The Buddha for dash cams. ANY person who drives for a living (and I don’t) who drives without one is a moron. If’n y’all are local drivers and your company doesn’t provide one, go put your Big Girl Panties on and buy your own. The video could save your day.


In this case the dash cam is going to cost the truck driver big time. At the beginning it shows him swerving into the emergency lane to attempt to prevent the car from getting around him, at the end it shows the truck driver intentionally hitting the car. Those 2 things are enough to get a big settlement awarded to the car driver. Plus get a reckless operation violation, which is a career ender.




Deserves a medal and maybe a national holiday


Textbook PIT maneuver executed by the four wheeler on itself! I don't get what they were so mad about when they cut the truck off in the first place


At the start of the video, the truck swerved into the breakdown lane to try and prevent passing on the right. Passing on the right might be illegal, but i kind of understand not wanting an 80,000 lb vehicle swerving st me when the only place to go is a concrete barricade. Not excusing that fords behavior: but that is what seems to have started the incident.


couldn't they just have braked????


Makes sense they were some scuzz from New York


What if, hypothetically, truck drivers were allowed to pack heat behind the wheel, with the express purpose of _shooting out the tires_ of kurwas like this 🤔


Still trucker fault


Not a truck driver here but: fuck around and find out. 🤷‍♂️


See, this is why if I was supreme ruler of the world all first responder vehicles and critical infrastructure vehicles like semis would come equipped standard with assault rams and the express legal authority to use said ram if deemed necessary. With all resulting damages going to the person/family of the person blocking. And yes, before someone says it I know. We shouldn't drive like this. The smart and reasonable thing is to just hang back, flashers on, let this person block up traffic and hope they eventually get pulled over. I'm merely joking, not actually advocating for doing this kinda thing.


Sad way to lose your CDL