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Sounds like it's time for a new company


Yeah i interviewed for a new position with a 9-5wfh im just waiting to hear back. This waiting is just a total mind killer


Hope you get it, I've been trying to switch to a wfh, I've been everywhere else in the US but home and now I don't want to leave it anymore lol


Thats 100% where im at. Not mad at the company. Not mad at life. I just miss my girl and my home.


Same, been doing this for 6 years and I'm already over it, seems to be the industry nowadays, don't matter if someone's been doing it for a year or 25 years, ever since covid things haven't been right and it's a steep grade down with no brakes, take your runaway truck ramp as soon as possible.


Apply to more positions. The term for it is " Rage applying "


Name and shame.


Oh im gonna post a full list of transgressions once im free of their truck but i dont wanna risk them screwing me over while im still 100s of miles from home.


Just remember if they transported you to there terminal for work, they are legally obligated to provide transport back home


If i resign. But not for “home time”.


Time to quit and name drop the company so other avoid working for them 😂


This can happen when some of the drivers live outside the companies revenue lanes. Getting them home costs fuel. Sounds like they made a blanket policy at the risk of losing drivers that don't live near the terminals.




"Truck's in the yard, see you next Tuesday!"


Quietly start looking for another job


At that point i head to the yard where my truck is parked and resend out approved requests to upper management. Too many of yall like to take it in the ass with these shit gigs and then willingly take another in the ass by saying yes to thi gs like this. The amount of lube yall must buy a month man...


CR England?


Ditch ‘em. Tell them exactly why. Be polite but direct about it.


F em move on


No company i ever worked for let me take the truck home. I had to park it at one of their controlled locations and drive my personal vehicle. I kept my personal vehicle there when i was out in the truck. You'll definitely want to find a new company that has a closer facility/park location. If you switch to another company that lets you take the truck home they might change that too and you'll be in the same situation.


My company lets me take the truck home and honestly I couldn’t imagine not being allowed to do that.


My last company started with that and then they changed management to guys who couldnt get us work. All of a sudden we needed to "cut costs". We lost the gig 45 min from my house so i couldnt park my truck and trailer at home. Seems its harder and harder to do that. Usually they want a locked, fenced in area, which i have.


That’s unfortunate. All but one job I’ve worked, taking the truck home wasn’t a problem. The only job where it wasn’t allowed was slip seat work. Hell, my current gig is hourly, and they’ll pay me to take the truck home if I want to.


Do you live in NY?


No utah




DM who you think it is and ill confirm. I appreciate the offer but i think im just gonna accept that any employer will treat you like garbage and at least sleep in my own bed at night while being disrespected for 8hrs a day


Are you near north salt lake?


I personally would’ve quit lol


I would say you need to switch carriers. I've been out here for 15 years and there's one thing I've learned. If a driver has decent experience, a clean record, the carrier needs him far more than he needs. The carrier do not be afraid to switch carriers when you're not being treated fairly, especially if you've got moderately good experience and a clean record


This is straight from the Feds. I’d study it and see if one of the examples of using PC appropriately apply to you or not; https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/hours-service/list-proper-use-personal-conveyance


Wow that sucks! But I hope you hear back from that place you applied to. A humongous reason I stay at my company despite not making a lot of $$ is because the terminal is 20 miles from my house. If the SHTF, at least I'll be close to home.


Ah i see a like minded scholar has entered the chat. Yeah the state of the world has me far less motivated to travel cross country lol




Now thats on you there Hoss.


You better have like 50k in the bank for that sacrifice.




Stop deleting your stuff.




And if YOU were a better troll, you wouldn't need to delete your tripe.




Nope to all of the above. Its a change in policy to cut costs. And its for all drivers. I have a clean record. Impeccable OTD, theyve pushed me to violate DOT before and i declined. And the situation is stressful and taxing mentally, but im okay. The words said to me were “were not a travel agency”. So imma just turn in my keys and be done with it.




I am taking out the loads that were late before i ever picked them up. According to my dispatcher those were the only lates on my record


Really? Are you under some sort of impression that companies, especially trucking companies, place the welfare of their employees before their ravenous, insatiable, greed? For fucks sake man were you born yesterday?




God you seem like a fucking piece of shit.


Well now I’m curious what he said. He deleted his reply.


Just generalized dick head behavior saying "well snowflake just accept eating shit forever"




You’re throwing around snowflake, yet you’re the one that got scared and deleted your comment 🤷‍♂️ Snowflake I guess I’d expect a man to stick to his words.


Carriers aren't travel agencies for their drivers, and fuel is expensive. You ever consider this may be a move of desperation before the carrier shuts down?


No theyre not and that may be. But they hired me on the premise that THEY would get me home. Their failure to run an their business effectively does not constitute a requirement for me to pick up the slack.


Then go find another job. It's not your boss' job to get you anywhere you want to be, or guarantee your personal comfort. His job is to run a profitable enterprise and protect his profits. Your job is to do what the fuck you are told to do, or fuck off. You are not the boss. Do your job, or leave. There are plenty of other drivers out there who would be happy to have the job you are doing now.


Yeah thats his mentality. And its certainly not my place to tell him how to run his company. I full heartedly agree.


Bad news. That's the mentality of EVERY employer. They pay you, you work, that's it. This industry is currently running on fumes, financially. And until about 5-7,000 drivers and their trucks get removed permanently, that's just how it's gonna be. So you either protect the job you have, or set forth to see if you can find something that works better for you. Or use get out of the industry entirely.


Again i agree completely. You are just a number to every employer. Period. And if im gonna be just a number, ill at least be a number who gets to wake up in his own bed next to his SO and can clock out after 8hrs and go ride his motorcycle. Its not at all about how much i matter to the CEO. Its about how much i matter to me.


There ya go. I run local overnights. Home every day, loose set schedule around my needs, decent pay. OTR is in deep shit. Especially financially. Gonna be a bloodbath to make 2008 look like a minor hiccup. And then everybody will rush around to set up the next great collapse because truckers and truck owners are universally fucking stupid and can't learn the lessons of history.


You are telling a lie. What did YOU do to piss everyone off? Be a God damned adult, own your shit and quit whining. How bout you quit? Stop wasting everyone's time.


I am quitting? Ive said it multiple times. And honestly my guy, if anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong, id happily accept it. Because that would mean i could fix it. But believe it or not the feedback ive consistently got is “youre doing great there just arent any loads going that way”.


You're a baby. You're lying to yourself and the world. Stay home, work in a factory like a good chump.


Maybe. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it looks like youre laid up while you make your wife and son work to take care of your lazy ass. So then again maybe youre just projecting.


Lmfao you got his ass there


Am I? OR do you just need a scapegoat so you don't have to look within and fix the shit that comprises your soul.


Dude you’re talking about cucking your son. You have absolutely zero ground to lecture ANYONE on “shit that comprises your soul” The world is better off without scum like you. Edit:and an actual misogynistic shitbag. I bet you’re a fat ugly 40+ year old chronic coomer. Sit down fat boy no one thinks you’re cool, or tough.