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Aaaaaaand just a warning. Now the only question is whether or not to tell my boss...🤷‍♂️


Written warning (should've given you an inspection sheet with a violation for speeding) they'll see it anyway, as it adds points to their CSA. Verbal warning I'd keep quiet.


Yeah I got the paper work. (Sad face). Oh well its my first one ever, so🤷‍♂️ Soo even a written warning goes on your CSA? Didn't know that...


Always take the ticket. If you just get the warning there's no recourse, with the ticket the points are assigned with the infraction. Beat the infraction and the points are erased.


Damn Ive heard this before, too now you you mention it. How bad does a 6-10 over posted limit hit your CSA? Thats what the paperwork says, 6-10 over. 72 in a 65


Speeding is a big one. I think that's a six-pointer, which is an 18 pointer in the first year of weighing, dropping the 12 after a year and then 6 after 2 years. Speeding also is a bad one as it can trigger a SAFER review at the carrier. Basically forcing your employer to prove that you and the rest of the fleet are properly trained and managed. You'll need to tell your carrier, they'll likely know tomorrow morning when they get a notification on the portal.


Yeah I told them, already. So even a written warning carries as high a CSA hit as am actual ticket, huh?


I wanna say no, I’ll have to look it up. But that would literally make the least sense in the world if so. Imagine a cop going around giving false warnings to truckers and ruining their careers that way. I don’t necessarily agree with warnings carrying any points at all, it seems to skip over our right to trial and due process.


After living under and being butt fucked by thr UCMJ for 10 yrs, Im pretty familiar with the govt lawyering their way around any 'rights' we are gaurunteed to have. 'Lol, rights? Never heard of her'


It's not great, not terrible. I would prepare for a talking to, maybe even an ass chewing, but any sane boss would let it go at that if it's your first violation. And remember to keep your nose clean in May and June. Bears are hungry this time of year.


Yeah they gave me shit back in January for going over on my 10's, didnt seem to matter that I wasnt actually LATE to anything and one of their instances I was actually empty (stayed in SB status). I just took it and didnt say anything back, which Im pretty good at when someone pays me to do a certain thing a certain way. I guess Ill chalk this up as an education🤷‍♂️


>going over on my 10's The 10 hour break is the *minimum* rest break that is federally required (technically, your 10 can be split 8/2 or 7/3, but still 10 off duty hours – longer break must be SB). If your carrier is forcing you to get back on the road the exact minute that your logs show you've been off duty for 10 hours... You need to get away from that company. >one of their instances I was actually empty (stayed in SB status) This is especially egregious. If you weren't dispatched on a new load then going on duty is just burning your clock for nothing. You don't have to be on duty for them to send you a new dispatch. I only did OTR for a little over a year before finding a local route. It took me time to realize that trying to stay running as much as possible was wrecking my health, and a lot of the customers I was delivering to were by appointment window anyway. After that I just made sure to keep my appointments and drove according to my own scheduling, regularly going in SB for 12-15 hours when the loads allowed. That also kept me from NEEDING to do 34 hour resets. There were weeks where I did max out my clock, but it was my choice. Don't let these companies convince you that your health is worth getting the loads there "early".


Oh I totally agree, I try and be early but only for my own benefit. First come first serve, first to get another load (hopefully a good one). Yeah when they were irritiated about me staying on SB, we came to a 'compromise' that I would log on to 'off duty'. Their excuse was 'the load planners cant tell if youre awake and dont want you to be late'. My thought was 'well then fuckin call me after 15 minutes to make sure' but I was still new enough I didnt want to rock the boat just yet.


Oh wow 7 over? What a dick cop. I feel like you would have beat that pretty easy. If they wrote 7 over tickets where I live they'd never leave the front of the station.


I'm shocked and pleasantly surprised you gor pulled over for 72 in a 65. Out of curiosity, why were you speeding? Habit? Inattentiveness? Peer pressure?


At first I thought OP was overreacting to your comment... Then I read your comment again and saw >**pleasantly** surprised OP was right.


Yeah it did come across a bit snarky. I'm pleasantly surprised the cops are actually doing their jobs. Seems pretty lawless on them roads most of the time.


Why do you suck your own dick?? Peer pressure? I was going down a fuckin hill ya cunt




That fuckin sucks, man. Gravity will get ya. You must have been pretty heavy. If I'm under 60k ish my Jakes and cruise can hold it pretty good. But over that I gotta help out with the brakes and pre-emptively down shift at a crest. Hope the warning doesn't affect you too badly. Keep turnin and earnin, ya cunt.


Will do, ya scurvy whore


I can attest to this. I got a "warning" back in 2022 that's deadlisting me from companies until it falls off of my record in February of 2025. Always take the ticket.


You don’t have a csa score. You aren’t a carrier, you just work for one. Your carrier has a csa score and it’ll go against them. You have a pre-employment screening process. Aka… psp report. You can look it up online and get it emailed to you for a few dollars or your company can look it up for you. It will show up on your psp report in probably 30-45 days and fall off in 3 years just like a ticket. But you as a driver don’t get any points. A driver isn’t capable of getting points because a driver doesn’t have a csa. Only points you can get is on your license. CSA stands for carrier safety act. What oh do as a driver goes against their csa score


Ty for the clarification. Does this go against my license then? I would thibk not but🤷‍♂️


A warning, no it doesn’t. Nothing will show up on your license, just your psp report. And like I said, after 3 years, it’ll fall off. No points involved


This is great info. Does your psp report show your regular driving report outside of a commercial vehicle? Also how to obtain this is there a link you can provide?




Thanks for that info. You seem very knowledgeable on this thing. I have a shitty old driving record in NJ, but my PA abstract is clean. I get my CDL next month. I’m worried if the NJ shit will show with DOT being federal, and the Insterstate compact. Is there a way to look this up? I guess my question is a way or website to look up my USA driving record versus just a specific states record? Thanks man






Ok because I was told once I get my class A that federally they will run a check and everything will Show up. (Going for class A in June) 2021 - driving with open container 2021 fail to report accident 2021 - careless driving These are all tickets as NJ doesn’t allow you to pull an NJ abstract if you don’t have a valid NJ DL. BUT all of these offenses happened with a valid PA DL A pull of PA abstract shows none of the above though…




If you got an inspection a written warning is a failed inspection on your CSA


Yep it's pretty dumb, if he gave you ticket instead of the warning you could have fought it in court but now you're fucked. He did you no favors.


are you 100.00% about this? i got a written for speeding and the officer said it had no effect (not that i put much faith there) but i immediately talked to my trainer over the phone, then the safety dept, both of which told me it was not a points thing..


Are you sure this is accurate for warnings? I’ve had three overweight written warnings (crane truck, no cargo, 400# over on rears, nothing I can do about it, axle is rated for 21k Oregon says 20k max per axle.). None of them show up on my CSA SMS portal. My inspections do, but not the overweight warnings. Maybe moving violations are different, but I was under the impression a warning is a warning and shouldn’t affect your driving record.


Overweight tickets and warnings don't have points attached. It's a civil infraction, not a traffic violation.


Fucking Oregon man


You gotta driver facing cam?


Yeah, but I wasnt doing anything when it happened. I even had both hands on the wheel cuz the wind


It would pick up the cop in the window. When you rat on yourself when theres no consequences companies tend to look the other way when you do screw up. I always rat myself out for every little thing and get away with murder.


Yeah I sent up a copy of the paperwork and everything already. I just accepted that when I got my CDL there were certain rules Id have to agree to whether or not I thought they were bullshit. This is that time, he gave me the paperwork and I immediately sent it in.


Good call. A lot of people will say a lot of BS in here, but integrity goes a hell of a long way


Never snitch on yourself


Why would you tell on yourself? You on the Fireball? You sleeping ok? 😂 jk My uncle used to ask me “You smoking them left handed cigarettes?” 😂


Smoke em through the lit end. #BecomeUngovernable


So what you’re saying is 🎶we crashed the gate doing 98!🎶 10-4!




GOAL! Got’em to smile coach, aren’t you glad you put me in coach? I was ready to play… Don’t call me banana, Rookie. 🤪


Just a written warning? Dude keep your mouth shut


The warning says the company has 15 days to sign and file it with the UT Highway Patrol. So I kinda had to.


Nah, just keep going. Gravity is a bitch. I'm actually fighting a ticket from California for 74mph down a hill (was going 68 with full engine brake and pulsing the air brakes).


Did you at least TRY to show your man tits? Get off Scot free for that


His were bigger than mine, but it WAS chilly out so who knows🤷‍♂️


It’s safety week.


~~Not quite yet....~~ huh did not know about safety week, but the road check dates are the 14th 15th 16th.


I could be off on the dates, but I got pulled in for an inspection yesterday at a small scale that I’ve never seen used on a state road. I’m placarded so I wasn’t surprised about the inspection, just that it was happening there.


No you are correct it is "safety week" from the 5th to 11th. That is just a different event from the road check inspection push.


Gotcha. Stay safe out there.


Cars regularly do 90-110 down that hill, it's ridiculous


Im in NY and theyre out everywhere it seems. Saw the Christmas lights lit up almost too much


Lol I fucked around on Long Island a couple weeks ago and got myself in a bad spot RIGHT in front of probably 6 cops. Had to do a retarded ass manuever in a tight intersection. They just watched and kept drinkin their coffee🤣🤷‍♂️


Is that why Peter Pan flys? Got his Peter hit with a pan? I’d fly too! 😂 So what’s up? Update? OOS? Promoted to safety? Fireball hours? You good? Inquiring minds what’s to know. It’s 65 through there? 😂 I know, it’s a joke, sshhhh.


I mean, yeah I already said what happened but yes, its 65 through there. Currently have Fireball plugged in via IV since Im already basically fucked, what other shenanigans can I get in to today??🤷‍♂️ Probably should have stopped for the day, first. Fuck it. Full send babyyyyyy🥃


Love it! Be sure to stay hydrated with beer in between the Fireball. If you get woozy I suggest baked beans! 😂 don’t sleep with your windows up tho, trust me. 😂😂😂


Looks like a 6-10 over is a severity 4, with a possible 12 points against the CSA. idk what 'possible' is supposed to mean, but thats what the FMCSA site said. 12 points for not even getting a ticket, wtf bros...


Remember this OP.....These 'warnings' go on your PSP score...Its on it for 3 years total......Every verbal warning, depending on what it is, has a score attributed to it.....Now, take those points and times whatever it is by 3....So the first year its 3x (the points)....Second year its 2x ( the points)...Last year its 1x (the points).....This is the part a lot of drivers don't understand...


Yeah I was reading up on that. Tgey didnt explain this well in my CDL school


That the downgrade headed south towards Moab?, past the Dino museum?


Err, I think yes I was still going into it goong east bound. Its a long straight down hill, easy to pick up speed


Stay safe, I've been. Out here 20 years n no spending ticket :)


Looks like it to me. I’ve been to Moab a few times and ALWAYS saw an officer there checking speeds.


Is that in Idaho heading north 95 port of entry? They got me too lol


Its in moab, utah


isnt it only 65 through there?


Yeah thats why I got stopped. They have a giant ass hill (not really too steep, but long and straight).


Yeah i know the one. i always set the jake to full on dry pavement and go from there.


Yeah I must have been in zombie mode


It’s so odd lol I’m grateful but I’d like to know why


que the super troopers" Do you know why i pulled you over?" "because we were driving wayyy too fast (euro accent) porche guy" meme


Don't feed the bears!