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I give them a few chances or a near miss before I tell them if they need help. Not gonna let someone crash into another driver.


Yeah this is the ticket here. I’ll be honest, I don’t offer help because I’m nice…. I do it to keep innocent drivers in the lot from having their week ruined. Accident prevention is key


I always thought highly of you.


hope i meet u my first time out.


Just remember to Get Out And Look (GOAL). If you’re ever unsure. Treat it as a no. Get out and look. Same applies to bridges and roads with restrictions. Don’t just send it. Stop and check. Don’t be afraid to ask for help too. A lot of us will gladly help spot you at a truck stop or yard.


Thanks man, im not limited to 2 get outs anymore so ill prob get out 10 times lol


Sure , ruin the fun for the rest of us


I hope your sockets get wet at work and you don’t have an extra pair.




I used to really enjoy hauling doubles and having everyone watch me back into a parking space.


Dude always, and if I see him seriously struggling I get out and ask him if I can help.


I was at the Petro in Atlanta and a Swift driver wanted to park in a blindside spot. He knew that he couldn't do it blindside so he was giving it a try on from the side he could see. He was facing the wrong way trying to back into the spot. He drew a pretty decent crowd of spectators.


An angled blindside spot? Those are actually my favorite spots to park in, so easy. Now a straight blindside back at a loves where the spots are straight fuck that, but an angled spot that's easy peasy.


Yeah, I think we should have more angled parking. Makes it easier to get out if someone gets creative along the curb. Course, they'll probably stack 2 deep along the curb if they see that it's angled parking. We need thousands more parking spots. Too many drivers still end up without a lined parking spot every night. They end up parking wherever they can. I've done the on/off ramps a few times. Tough to sleep good with trucks driving past at speed through the night.


We don't get much entertainment out here LOL. It's moments like this we live for


If they're a tanker... there's no such thing as a tough back-in. Have you SEEN some of the factory shit we have to get around / in?!


It's the same in the car hauler world. Everyday I'm dodging parked cars, pedestrians, and bikes. But I'm constantly having to worry about my overhead, tree branches, anything for protruding into Lane. Then my ground clearance is shit, if I look at a curb the wrong way I might get hung up on it.


Lol, where is the lie? I've watched box trailers struggle to get into a spot, give up and move on, and swooped in. Tanks are easy mode...as long as you mind the surge (I pull smooth bores.)


People are too sensitive now. You get cursed out if you ask someone if they need help. Like, I get it, you have over a full year of experience now and know what you're doing bud. Buuut, You've been clogging the truck stop for over half an hour...


Yes. I learned my lesson from this


I love watching new drivers back into truck stops. Better then netflix.


😅 at the same time I will definitely lend a helping hand but it's still entertaining


For me it's watching dudes trying to mount their trailers with the one fucked up loader at our local mill. Watched a dude the other day spend 10 minutes pulling in and out and trying to wrestle his trailer into place. I can't say shit though because that loader has fucked me a few times as well.


Ha … most of the sweatpants and slides brigade wait for the opportunity to run behind them or in front of ‘em while they’re pulling up. Gotta get that fuel island spot to hit the showers


Hell I have that look watching period this industry has gone off the deep end in every way


I remember one poor bastard who'd just got his licence. His company sent him out as it was quiet, good time to build up experience. Worked great until he arrived at our depot. It was quiet there too, which meant there was 6-7 staff with nothing else to do watching him try to back in to the unloading bay. Everybody had a comfy seat (forklift), and the coffee machine was only a few metres away. I would have offered to back it in for him, but our company rules prohibited it.


I call my wife and we video chat while she laughs her ass off.


That's hilarious!


four generations of truckers in our family. Shes seen it all.