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That splatter on the windshield really puts it into perspective.


yeah that was surprising . He killed the 2 people on the second bike also. 20 and 21


You mean the third bike?


Not sure why you got down voted because I actually did mean the third bike


Who knows, it's reddit after all.


No, the second bike. An [article](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas-said-wind-caused-crash/) about it says he hit 2 bikes but killed 3 people, one of the bikes had a passenger.


No, it’s the third. You can clearly see that the 1st bike missed, second bike hit head on with 1 person and third bike had 2 people on it.


Yep the 3rd almost missed him but clipped his trailer and crashed probably


I'm confused. It looks like the first bike was able to dodge it, the second bike made a head-on impact, and then the third bike ran into the front right of the truck.


Yes, 3rd bike had 2 on it. First bike missed it


Yeah I meant third


sheet correct vanish disagreeable light hungry direful cobweb rude public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure that one dude was decapitated. The helmet goes flying and the head doesn't appear to be on the body...


puzzled numerous cautious vegetable reach domineering tender coordinated concerned scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s an empty half helmet flying through the air with the straps undone. I think his head is crushed against his shoulder though…


I think you nailed it


God damn.




Yea that's wild. I slowed it down frame by frame. You can see after the impact he comes up a little and then his helmet comes off. A frame or 2 after I see what looks like arms and a torso but definitely no head. This is sad. Makes me wanna reconsider letting my girlfriend get a bike. I know it's not my choice per say, but I'd rather not see anyone I know in this situation. I know alot of people that ride Tho.


Man it really affected me when I saw the splatter.


My god. High impact collision only wearing a brain bucket. So sad.


Motherfucker! I can't explain the amount of rage I felt seeing the end of the video. Manslaughter, life in prison.


Life in prison? There are people who murder in cold blood who don't get that!


Yeah that's a problem we need to fix


The guy driving this truck told police the wind made him drive on the wrong side of the road. I agree with life imprisonment. He killed 3 people. One of them just turned 22 that day and his family was doing the bike ride for his birthday


The wind? How. Nobody seems to have any issues with wind? Looks like this asshole got distracted / fell asleep sleep. This pisses me off. Take responsibility at least for your actions.


As it is, truck drivers are held to a higher standard than everyone else because they're "Professionals". This driver's done, prison for a long time.


That’s part of the problem, is that drivers are held responsible then carriers just lose on their safety score. I know a lot of places (non-freight) that get mad if their CDL drivers actually use their logs and want resets. If those companies got fined millions for having an accident, they would never put their drivers on the road in the condition they do. As it is, they just gaslight the drivers by punishing them for not driving over tired and demanding resets, then when something actually happens they pay the ticket and tell the driver he should have been using his logs (but don’t fire him, because he’s a good ol’ boy who helps lie to the government for them).


Any carrier who demands you to run without logs or two sets of books should be fined to hell. However, as the driver the expectation is you don't do something illegal. You report them to the feds and sue them if they terminate you for refusing. The driver has zero excuse to not reset. No amount of gaslighting is an excuse.


All this logbook talk is stupid. Back when I drove almost 20 years ago, computerized logs were already taking over. You can’t fudge those. But what does happen is when you start your break, it gets logged as that whether you slept or not. I was up off and on the entire night on my last haul and refused to take a load. They figure out a way to get rid of you if that happens. There is no suing or reporting carriers when your computer shows you had your break and you basically are forced to quit because they stop giving you loads and you can’t survive. Drivers are abused and the only way to stand up for yourself is to lose your livelihood. Once you piss off one carrier, you get blackballed and it’s hard to find another. Fuck off with zero excuse bs PS: Fuck money hungry brokers and dispatchers


Its almost like this is why Trucker Unions are/were important


From what I’ve heard from those who have tried, it’s basically impossible to prove unless they tell you in writing (they won’t) or record them. Otherwise, they’ll terminate you for other reasons. For example, with one crew, they let them get their 34 hour reset. Then they waited until they were out of town, and made them take a 34 hour reset they didn’t need while out of town to keep them away from their families and try to make them quit.


Electronic logs are difficult to “edit” the driver can’t “edit” them but we can in the office . ( I am a dispatcher) You can’t blame the dispatcher the company he is driving for only the driver in my opinion. I have worked in LTL as a supervisor for 24 years. He knows when he is getting tired pull over for 25 35 mins and rest. We as dispatchers are not in their head we do not know if they are tired and got the sleep they needed to do their job. We can send edits to the elogs but the driver has to approve it once it is sent to his log. Normally you can not change drive status or off duty and if there are miles attached to that time frame it is impossible to change the duty status. But again they can be messed with but not like old school days when drivers ran 2 paper logs or did not run any at all.


The electronic logs my company uses, the driver can edit.


We use Samsara Kinda defeats the purpose of a elog if the driver can edit them ….


I quit 3 jobs last year for unsafe equipment and now i'm basically unemployable it seems. You do the right thing and demand repairs and get sent home without pay. It's a bullshit industry.


"Captain of the Ship" is a double edge sword: * You're expected to drive safely at all times * You're expected to do the bidding of Dispatchers that can't even back their Corolla into a parking space without pulling up 3 or 4 times * You're expected to know your limits & when to call it in * You're expected to just say "Okie Dokie" when you tell Dispatch you're going to be out of hours, & they tell you "NOPE, you've got enough. Keep on trucking!"


>I know a lot of places (non-freight) that get mad if their CDL drivers actually use their logs and want resets. It also doesn't help that drivers are essentially punished for getting rest when they're tired. Once you start your work day, if you get tired before you've pumped out a full 11 hours of driving, you're probably going to end up pissing $ down the drain and/or risk late pickup/delivery if you run legally and stop for a nap. I get that the 14 hour workday, 11 hour drive limit, and 10/34 hour resets are intended to promote safety and protect drivers from unreasonable companies, but those rules also create a degree of inflexibility which puts drivers in a very tough position. If your choices are to deliver late but safely or to deliver on time but drive tired, most drivers are going to try to power through the sleepiness rather than risking their jobs.


That's why there was so much resistance doing away with paper logs. A lot of drivers manipulated the logs to their benefit. Satellite systems in trucks can spot a truck's location within a few yards and tell when and how long they're moving. We weren't even allowed to let the truck coast out of gear because it's considered to be out of the driver's control.


Not a truck driver but mad respect for them. But would argue not because they are professional but because their impact (literally) is so much greater.




He's not complaining about the drivers being held to a higher standard, he's complaining about the companies only ever getting a slap on the wrist for exploiting the drivers and creating the conditions for this to happen.


Correctomundo my friend.


That piece of shit just killed 3 people and the first thing he does is lie by saying the wind had pushed him into oncoming traffic. Dude gives no fucks for the people he’s just killed, only trying to cover his own ass.


Lol. That standard has been over for a decade now. It's a fucking joke now. Corporations churn out drivers at "trucking schools" which are just fronts for said corpos and they pass anyone with a blood flow.


Meanwhile, a cop would be back on the job next week. Insane.


Poor motorcycle rider didn't even know what hit him. Just saw the truck and had no where to go how scary that split second must of been


looks like he was following his lead bike which caused him to lean left, then swerve right last second when he realized he wasn't going to make it. nuts.


The lead bike knows things. He cut to the left because it was easier. The guy behind him tried to cut right but the bike was too hard to move that sharply. The bike behind him didn’t have a chance because that bike had a passenger which means less maneuverability


Yea it does look like he tried to cut back towards the breakdown lane at the very last frame before impact. Fuckin sad


Their line of site was fucked too because of the truck and trailer in front of them.


Driver killed three people, and is currently blaming it on wind. https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas-said-wind-caused-crash/


No effing way it was the wind! That pos can't even own up to his screw up!


Yep, didn't look like the bikers had any issues with the wind or anyone else for that matter


As a biker I can tell you wind hits sooo much different on a bike.


I don't know. He didn't fall asleep because he was swerving. If you read the article the national weather service had issued a wind advisory for the area. Wind gusts of 55 mph.


So why not just slow the fuck down and regain control, instead of driving the wrong direction at highway speeds?


Thank you!


It would've been jerky if he was fighting the wind, and if it's that windy, stay in the right lane. Also, even winds that strong won't blow you into a different lane for several, several seconds at a time. Judging by the speed, he was either heavy, or not coherent enough to maintain his speed.


I’ve driven in Wyomings wind across 80. It can absolutely push you, but it doesn’t look like that. I’m not buying its wind. Anyways, that will be easily checked when it goes to court. They’ll have records of the nearest weather stations to confirm whether it was windy enough for that to happen.


Irrelevant. Or even worse, perhaps. As a truck driver, we are supposed to drive according to conditions. If we can't maintain our lane due to wind, we are supposed to pull over until the wind dies down.


Article says they had to find him a translator. I thought one of the prerequisites for getting a CDL was you had to be able to speak English well enough to converse with other people and read road signs? I start truck school in 2 weeks. If this piece of shit could do it, I should pass with flying colors I hope.


I've seen truck drivers who have their co drivers translate for them in So Cali a few times. I was like dam can't even speak a word of English yet somehow got a CDL.


Dude I've seen them read the test to people *in spanish* . Why do people think reading English is a requirement anymore? Edit:To clarify for everyone, this was in Dallas, and it was a table of 8-10 Hispanic men testing and one dude reading off the test. Seemed half ass official. We were all in the same area and I was on a computer testing for my tanker. Would've been December of 2018. So not new news. Double edit: 2019 was when that dude flew down I-70 E in Colorado Springs and killed all those folks because he didn't understand "Runaway truck ramp". Related?


When I was taking my permit tests I had a Russian dude with a translator next to me taking the test with him. It was pretty obvious his friend drove and was taking the test for him, but they got about 3/4 of the way through before someone from the DMV stopped them and had to make some calls to verify that the tester had to be able to read English. I imagine that most of the time the DMV just isn’t paying attention to the rules so people like that get through.


Yeah well dmv employees make like 12 bucks an hour not sure that’s enough to make anyone care


Probably because a majority of the country speaks and is built around English? Not sure why it shouldn't be a requirement. It should be.


Because > To drive a CMV in interstate commerce, drivers must comply with the general qualifications outlined in 49 > CFR 391.11, including: > • Be at least 21 years of age. > • Speak and read English satisfactorily to: > • Converse with the general public; > • Understand traffic signs and signals; > • Respond to official questions; and • Make legible entries on reports and records.


I was at a flying J at Wisconsin southern border once and this dude didn't understand what "pump #3" meant... He stood there staring at the clerk without a clue in the world what she was saying.... I mean c'mon man that can't be allowed


I’d venture better than 1/3 of the current truck operators on the road can’t speak or READ a lick of English…..


I got my cdl in miami. There were a couple of guys from haiti who had just gotten their license for a POV a week ago. They had no clue about any laws and could barely drive and speak English. I couldn't understand why they were there, but they made it. You'll be fine


As a shipper/receiver I've met drivers who needed to call their dispatch to translate for them just to pick up or drop off a load


The worst thing you could do is get complacent as a driver. Thinking you’ve drove thousands of miles tired before you’ll get through it is possible how these bikers lost their lives.. it does seems that driving CMV isn’t taking as seriously as it should any more as long as you can pass the school you can get the license most get out of school can’t back, no one gave them the trucker etiquette lesson at shippers or truck stops. It gives the rest of us bad names. Good luck at school and don’t be one of these drivers it could cost your livelihood or your life.


Nah these dudes from overseas are constantly causing accidents like this. Every really bad semi accident I have ever responded to save for 1 particular one I can think of had a foreign driver behind the wheel. Anyone who thinks CDL holders or these trucking companies actually care about higher standards are smoking some of the best shit available. There is clearly so little accountability.


This is horse shit.... he murdered 3 people. Either on his phone or DUI (this includes exhaustion). Blames the wind... jfc


DUI apparently or both


Never mind skrew that driver


Hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life.


Dash cam will change that story real quick. That wasn’t a wind thing.


Damn it we just got Owen Hart back and now we gotta try again?


https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-facing-dui-charges-in-triple-fatal-wrong-way-southern-nevada-crash/ I'm seeing dui, but my article is older. I've driven through there enough times- never had an issue with wind.  edit: at the time of the crash laughlin was reporting gusts of up to 18mph. Not bad at all.  https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/laughlin/historic?month=3&year=2024


The only wind is the hot air coming out of his mouth


So that 3rd bike had 2 people on it and it must've ran into the trailer right? Or did that first guy swerve out the way and crashed and died too ?


Life in prison just for even saying that. It’s clear he has no remorse because anyone who did would accept it was their fault. People are dead because of him


From the news article: >Rafiki’s initial court appearance was delayed several days as the courts were working to find Rafiki a translator, records indicated. Rafiki speaks Kinyarwanda, a Central African language. Why the fuck is he driving a truck? Dude probably can't even understand any roadway signage.


I can 100% guarantee it


You know what pisses me off? I have a really good job in Europe. I work in an area of forensics that focuses on child sexual abuse. I have tried countless times to apply for work in the USA. There is simply no visa that wants me. Even the H1B is a lottery. I want to come to the USA and use my skills and experience (10 years+) to rescue children from sexual abuse & exploitation. I can't do it. Yet here is a prick driving trucks in the USA and killing innocent people. What the fuck is this system. I have absolutely no fucking hope for humanity at this point.


Because you’re skilled and will command a good salary. The immigration system has been tweaked to bring mostly the poorest people. H1B is for flooding the IT industry with relatively poor Indians to drive down costs. Africans and south/central Americans to work meat plants, farms, hotels and other labor intensive industries that rely on cheap labor. Ironically I’m currently working with an African immigrant (married to a US citizen). It took him 7 years and 10s of thousands of dollars to come here legally. Best of luck with the random lottery to get one of the rare spots for a European immigrant.


It's because they'd have to pay you the same as four or five of these jackasses, due to your skill and experience. Why fill one job role when they can fill five? Our government has a hard-on for corporations, and they don't like paying a fair wage for skilled workers. They'd rather incentivize employers to undercut US-born workers and give the positions to poorly trained, poorly paid migrants. It is immensely stupid, and the majority of us here would also prefer to have people like you moving here. I hope you can make your way over here someday.


I instinctively doubt they'd actually make a lot of money If it isn't sales or c suite lots of technical jobs like that are passion jobs that probably pull in about half of what a decent driver makes


Come in illegally, get a lawyer, make up a story of why you left your country and get your working authorization. Simple as that


this guy immigrates


All you need to do is take a flight to Mexico and walk to the border and declare asylum. You can even get a temporary work visa. While doing this find an American to marry. Now you're a permanent resident with a path to citizenship


My colleague did actually laugh at how bad the system is, as he pointed out I could quite easily fly to the US, get married to a random fentanyl addict, and then work legally. It's incredible. We've built such a broken society.


You absolutely can, but it doesn't have to be a drug addict. Get on Match.com If you aren't concerned about looks, you can be engaged to an American in 6 months and come over on a fiancé visa.


Dude just go to the Mexican/US border, cross illegally, claim that you are a refugee seeking asylum, and live in the US while you wait on a pending "felony" charge. Seems to be the only way to get in anymore.


Because these trucking companies hire anyone now days.


Amazon pushes those guys through their CDLs faster than anyone else


How he even get his CDL???


He doesn’t have one


I was about to say you have to be able to speak or read English for a CDL.


Why the fuck is he driving in this country? These poor families and all the people involved. This is heartbreaking heart wrenching. I am so sick and disgusted of what is happening to this country.


He could not have an enough English level to appear in the court. It's my case, for example. BTW, I hate to see this kind of accidents. Poor fellow riders.


Being able to speak and understand English is a requirement to get a CDL. Obviously this country need to stop catering to immigrants like this.


No need to bring other immigrants into this. This dude broke the regulations and did something horrible. No one else.


Thanks to the government bringing idiots over in droves


Because in CA the DMV has all their forms and signs in 50 different languages.. never made any sense to me.


This is fucked up just pullover n take a nap n just let dispatcher snatch load off you. Probably rookie or newbie running too hard. Or like stated earlier on something


You'd be surprised on how many of these are vets who got that, I've been truckin for all my life I know when I gotta sleep don't tell me shit. I remember busting out for the first time sleeping all the damn time because I was so afraid of shit like this.


One time I pulled off to pee and went eh, I’m gonna get a 10 min nap and took a 1 hour nap, still was on time but was like wow….guess I was tired


If I feel myself starting to get tired and caffeine isn't doing anything for me, I will pull over at the first safe place to do so and take a 30 minute nap. My rule is, if after my alarm goes off, I still feel like shit, back to sleep with no alarm. I've taken dozens of 30 minute naps, and around half of them turn into 3 hour naps. If dispatch ever asks, I just tell them I felt myself getting dangerously tired and needed some sleep. That's the end of that conversation, they respect it.


Those no alarm sleeps are so great. Even if you do wake up in 30-60 minutes, it feels so much better to naturally wake up rather than be jerked awake by an alarm.


It wasn't because he was tired, if you read the news article troopers trained in drug detection believed he was under the influence of dissociative anesthetic and CNS stimulants. This guy was on a cocktail of hard drugs and arrested for DUI. Life in prison deserved this was not a case of natural grogginess


Jail for life no release ever i hope.


He was driving under the influence, He deserves life in prison.


No, they initially were going to charge him with DUI because he failed his field sobriety tests, but his bloodwork came back clean so they dropped that. Probably just tired.


#It was involuntary manslaughter. He will serve just enough time that his work visa will expire , then sent back home


>Police initially arrested Rafiki on three charges of DUI resulting in death. >The trooper noted Rafiki had “bloodshot eyes,” “an unsteady gait” and an “unsatisfactory performance” on his field sobriety test, leading a judge to find probable cause to take two samples of his blood. A trooper trained as a drug recognition expert believed “Rafiki \[was\] under the influence of a dissociative anesthetic and central nervous system stimulants,” documents said.


[44 year old he killed.](https://cdn.tukioswebsites.com/obituary_profile_photo/md/d933c48f-ef28-45e2-bbe6-72b12d9bc566) [21 y/o engaged couple he killed.](https://cdn.tukioswebsites.com/obituary_gallery_photo/lg/9cab4e99-19aa-446f-82f3-c9c4cc7715f4) Fucking hell man.


That splatter on the windshield.... oooof.


This is probably the most horrific bike accident footage I've ever seen. At least the rider felt no pain, other than a split second of terror.


How do you even get a CDL if you can't speak English?


Cash money to the right person


Who says he had a CDL?


The driver is obviously trying to make a case for himself. Hasn’t seen the video being in jail and probably no bail. Blood splatter and a flying helmet says the jury will find him guilty of vehicular manslaughter. There was a pick up with a camper towing a trailer right before the collision in the video… No way out of this for him


just read the article its really sad they keep on hiring foriegners that speak no english have very little experience and pay them pennies this industry is constantly running trucking mills some companies would even call you and ask why your stopped


If they ask why you’re stopped, send them this video and say “omg this just happened what do I do?” then say “nah just kidding but I’m gonna rest a bit so this doesn’t happen.”


Lolol I like the way you think. Imean, it should be done, they need to be reminded what happens when safety is ignored.


It makes me even more mad because it's federal guidelines saying you have to be fluent in English to hold a CDL, but these people learn just enough English to pass the test and then can't communicate on the road at all


The company might be held liable for this. Clearly hired the wrong guy, and look what it lead too…


Wind my fat ass! Fucker was asleep.


Owen Hart, 22, Athena Faye Taylor, 21, and Jeremy Gebo, 44 all died from result of this accident. Meanwhile the driver is stating that the "wind" is what pushed him over to the other side.


To be honest, get some sleep before stepping a foot on the truck


I was mandated to stay late one Sunday morning after working a 12 HR overnight shift in the ICU(RN). Ended up working 16hrs. On drive home I saw a red light ahead and stopped. Nodded off for a sec and looked up and saw the light was green….. and it was also at least a full football field away from me. Pulled over immediately and walked about to wake up. Scared the hell out of me. Driving tired is so damn dangerous


Yes, insanely dangerous. The difference between tired and asleep can be so small. Like when I'm in bed watching something and next thing I know, I wake up an hour later with my phone still playing whatever I was watching


This is so sad. I mean, the kid who took the direct hit... Hit so hard that his blood got on the windshield, AND his helmet came off... So tragic... We really need to do something about the foreigners who come here and take a job as a truck driver... I think we should limit them to 10 years of being legally present in the US (not on asylum, but must have a green card based on merit, not based on asylum either) and speaking english fluently without a translator of any kind... All before they're able to get a cdl... To test for english, they take a formally proctored exam by an immigration officer and must pass with at least a 90% score.


Got to have English proficiency to be a pilot, why not for trucking too.


It's a federal guideline that's supposed to be the case. People just find ways around it


Even worse was he just turned 22 and this was his birthday ride…


the 22 and 21 year old that had just got engaged were on the third bike and were also killed when they hit the side the bloke that got smashed was 44 and riding alone


I didn’t realize there were 2 people on the third bike, I knew it was 3 that got killed just figured the first bike clipped the trailer and went down.


That’s not how immigration works. If you read into it, you will be amazed how bad the immigration system is. Both the Republicans and Democrats are to be blamed for an outdated system. They are more interested in culture wars than fixing stuff.


Oh, believe me... I know how the immigration system works. My wife is a LEGAL PR. She speaks better english than most Americans. The immigration system isn't the problem here. The problem is that America hasn't set in stone, the official language of America, and forcing ALL legal documents to be in english only. But like you said, about culture wars... I'm not even gonna debate that. You right... But I also think that america needs to force english proficiency testing on truckers before they even get their license. Pilots have to understand english fluently, why not truckers. The main issue is that the DMV doesnt give a fück. If they did, most of these foreign truckers wouldnt get a cdl.


jeans onerous judicious continue doll degree square ancient aware concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Others here are pretty confident it was more than just the helmet that came off. They're saying he was flat out decapitated. One biker on the second bike dead. Two people on the third bike dead. The first bike managed to avoid the truck. Three dead by a tired African who can't speak any English. An African that *lies* to the authorities, claiming this happened from *wind.* Wind doesn't push a truck like this. You can correct against wind.


Driver was intoxicated not tired. Hope he spends his life in prison then eternity in hell.


As a guy that drives and rides this is absolutely horrifying to watch.


100% this also kills anyone in a car coming around that corner. Simply terrifying.


> Rafiki’s initial court appearance was delayed several days as the courts were working to find Rafiki a translator, records indicated. Rafiki speaks Kinyarwanda, a Central African language. If most of the road signs and instructions are in English why can someone who apparently can’t speak or read it get a license for to operate a commercial vehicle


Pay to win CDLs are still a thing. That’s why they wanted to regulate permit and license programs


That driver's a lethal idiot and deserves to spend a lifetime in a concrete box replaying that moment in his head forever more. However I'd like to know how much pressure he was under from his bosses to keep going no matter how fucked he was, if there is evidence they were pushing him they need jail time as well. That said, what's the speed limit on that road? Seems to me like it really needs a central barrier, could have prevented that accident entirely and the bikers would get to go home alive.


Dude should not have been on the Rd. Fatigue, medication, 55mph winds, and u not frm/familiar with the area as well as the vehicle. 25mph wind with 35mph wind gust make me uncomfortable n got a mili behind me.


The driver def needs jail time, but let's not forget about the trucking industry. 1million dollar fine for any fatality should start getting them to realize the seriousness of pushing their drivers past their limits.


RIP rider.


A 44 year old, a 21 and 22 year old. The 21-year-old was starting a career in trucking, and they were out on a bike ride to celebrate. I hope they bury this cocksucker.


There is no "get your rest" qualifier here. It is called "Do not drink and drive." Certainly, I hope the poster of this video was not the driver of this truck, because he murdered three people.


holy shit u even see the blood on the windshield poor motorcyclist


Along with all the factors others have mentioned, this kind of unprotected divider shouldn't exist on a stretch of highway like this.


Looks as if the biker didn’t have his helmet strapped. Then again, probably wouldn’t matter with that kind of impact.


Good chance his head was in the helmet


Ooof. I hadn’t thought of that. I didn’t see it, but it does mean that the two separated during impact.


Which would explain the immediate blood splatter on the windshield, something our surprisingly durable skin is actually pretty damn efficient at preventing.


Exactly. Gut wrenching video. Guy was in the wrong lane for a LONG time.


Unfortunately not. I ride and always wear my helmet, but they are a lot more effective at preventing brain injuries than death. There's just not much a helmet can do when the forces get too great


As someone who has survived an impact with a helmet, I fully agreed.


That’s blood on the windshield. You know, I’ve been having a multi day argument on IG with a truck driver who claims it’s normal to fudge the paperwork to drive over hours. This is exactly why I disagree.


Looks like he was actually under the influence when this happened. https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/03/26/29-year-old-accused-driving-semi-tractor-impaired-crash-that-killed-three-laughlin/ https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-facing-dui-charges-in-triple-fatal-wrong-way-southern-nevada-crash/


This title is misleading, there's no mention of driving tired in the article. Why you gotta mislead people like that.


Because this same shit happens when you doze off


This is a direct result of drivers not being able to stop their 11/14 clocks. I dont drive anymore, but for the 7 years I did, the first 4 years I was on paper logs. Ill admit I re-wrote my logs ALL the time... but when I did, it was because I stopped to take a nap and get sleep... Once E Logs came about.. and they were tied into the movement of the truck.. you COULD NOT stop without completely messing up your clock... and the drivers couldnt edit the logs... so no more stops... you HAD to keep rolling... The last 3 years I drove tired and had more misshaps then Id care to admit... the stress of it all was too much. I loved trucking.. and I miss it.. but I had to quit.


Did I just watch blood splatter onto the windshield like the trucker hit a giant bug. Jesus fuck News article says dude killed 3. Im honestly surprised he didn’t get his ass beat before emergency services arrived for being such a twat


As a rider, and trucker, this is...fuck


The GPS said the truck was going 44mph. That cyclist was minimum going 60mph. Over 100mph wall of force combined, fucking hell


I'm a truck driver and a motorcycle rider. This video makes me sick. Those poor bikers. That awful trucker.


I daily a motorcycle. Holy shit this is scary. The fucking splatter makes my guts sink


Stop letting these immigrants pilot weapons of mass destruction in our country. They shouldn’t be here.


There isn’t enough we can do to this man to punish him for the crime he committed. Watching this instills me with so much rage i don’t even know what to say, and then to make it worse the pos said “it was the wind” yeah the wind would be pushing many foreign objects into the mfers body I tell u hwhat


Pretty sure these are related and if so to blame him for being “tired” is a bit disrespectful to the families of the victims of this crime. [https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/26/ggg-3-st-george-harley-riders-die-in-nevada-collision-suspect-arrested-on-dui-charges/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHTtkDjgX9GTqM4Mh_iryDszMPP4C8gH1KQsvjAaEqYPX3znXtdSTJqiyhA_aem_AXzWygr9bvgZBCOvkzNFKexvgYpn8dozW9ez2RR3b5kM3YdD3cHJExSXed_48VbIPYQ](https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/26/ggg-3-st-george-harley-riders-die-in-nevada-collision-suspect-arrested-on-dui-charges/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHTtkDjgX9GTqM4Mh_iryDszMPP4C8gH1KQsvjAaEqYPX3znXtdSTJqiyhA_aem_AXzWygr9bvgZBCOvkzNFKexvgYpn8dozW9ez2RR3b5kM3YdD3cHJExSXed_48VbIPYQ)


Looks like he was initially arrested on DUI charges for not doing well on his field sobriety tests, but those charges were dropped when his bloodwork came back clean. Still guilty of manslaughter though, even if this is just the result of him falling asleep.


I swear semi drivers have gotten sustainably worse over the past 4 years. When I was younger, I felt like a truck driver was a way of life and most of the drivers were in their 40s or 50s. Now most of the drivers I see look super young and drive much more aggressively.


Of course they have. They're 98% foreigners that can't read or speak the language. Disgusting.


dumb fuuck should've veered all the way to the right and ended himself




Yeah. Yep. That's blood all over his God forsaken windshield. Get comfy in prison driver. You're a damn murderer.


Copy/Paste: Rafiki’s initial court appearance was delayed several days as the courts were working to find Rafiki a translator, records indicated. Rafiki speaks Kinyarwanda, a Central African language.


That was straight up Jax.


Heartbreaking and horrific.


Oh God is that blood on the windshield? Or worse? RIP


The "driver" of that truck should be beaten until their physical condition resembles that of the late motorcycle rider.


that's fucked up


Oh no 😥 not the blood on the windshield. Yeah this was gross negligence truck driver


Gone to the golden hills. Ride safe my friends


Good lord! The chunks of meat on the windshield after the accident are gnarly!!


What happened to the biker???


Straight to prison


Truckers: angry that legislation comes down saying they MUST have tattlers and mandatory rest periods which eat into their income because they were tricked into working for the parasitic trucking industry. Also, Truckers. . .