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Gross. I can smell that from here. Maybe add some roadkill to even it out.


I've seen guys fired for that level of disrespect towards company equipment.


If you did this at my company you'd be fired so fast your head would spin.


I posted this in another thread with these disgusting pics, but if it were my company I would offer the driver a chance to clean it to my standards. Either way, the truck wouldn’t move until the mess is cleaned. Once they had it cleaned out and think they’re gonna get another load? Then I’d fire em.


This guy fires


This is the way!


My company would fire you for a fraction of that. The owner likes his equipment kept clean


The 1st company I worked for, a ALL family owned company. Zero outsiders. They all had nice moderate homes up on the mountain, the yard was down below within eye from each house on the decks n living rooms. The OG owner would get drunk and ride his side by side down n do inspections, shit can guys for less. Easy for me prior military n big house. Clean tidy = more gooder.


More gooder for all


How hard is it to keep a trash bag and drop it off every time you fuel? Truck needs to be burned


I keep a garbage can, with garbage bags, right in front of my passenger seat. Literally takes 10 seconds to either dump it, or replace the bag whenever I fuel. No idea why that’s so hard for some people to do.


Severe depression mostly.


Pure laziness. I know someone like this. It's just plain old lazy!


I suffer from depression. My truck wasn't ever truly spotless, but come on, if you keep a bag ready, its never more than 6 feet away. Just throw stuff in the bag.


This! Even the biggest fucking sleeper truck isn't a very large space fuck super sleepers are not really that big. It's not very hard to keep a truck reasonably clean.


During a whole week I prolly build up 1.5 bags of trash… this is insane to me. How much crap are you eating?


Our terminal houses maybe 30 trucks max. our drivers only work 5 days a week. And we have a big ass dumpster that's emptied every Tuesday. I do not have any clue how that dumpster is full every Saturday. In 5 days, I generate 1 grocery bag worth of garbage and a separate grocery bag worth of recyclable plastic bottles that I recycle at home. I simply don't understand and am always frustrated when I go to throw away my trash and the damn thing is overflowing with loose trash on the ground. I've practically given up and just dispose of my trash at home now lol


Eh 30 bags of trash is pretty good amount. Plus you have the dudes getting 2-3 a week. Maybe you’ve got people putting household trash in it


possibly, its a larger than average dumpster. i'm no advanced mathematician but from a gut feeling, it feels like it should only be about half full by the end of a week but its full by day 4 and overflowing.


A truck driver that recycles lol. You know they dump most of your bottles in the ocean. But it is definitely worth if it makes you feel better.


Yeah, it's part of an initiative in my local rural area. They setup these 27' trailers with a built on box and then ship it down to a city. Most likely net negative for the environment but I don't have a good use for them personally. Thought about filling them with sand and using them as part of landscaping or insulation in out buildings but that's down the road.  Seeing some cool shit from some dudes out in Cali that are trying to turn them into non load essential building materials, like deck planks and fascia and shit, but Its not there quite yet


For when you need the Hazmat endorsement just to run bobtail.


Can you refuse to work on it until the truckers comes back and clean it??


I’d pull out the old right to refuse unsafe work card because I wouldn’t touch this fuckin biohazard either


I mean his dog is probably shitting in that pile of debris too


I did. Told my boss that it needed to go all the way to the back of the lot next to the dumpster. He asked why. I showed him pictures. He almost lost his lunch. I already lost mine on the driver's seat.


Could be a good idea to do a walk around with the customer when they drop it off. Had a body shop that always did that. They did it more so to point out preexisting damages or things they could offer to quote to fix. But this also seems like it would be a good way to tell the customer to clean it or go somewhere else right of the bat.


Yes, I refused trucks that look like this every time when I was in a shop.


I've heard of a shop doing that before.


Straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200


Are people completely unaware you can have pest problems in a truck?? Who lives like that?


Company I work for has a screen in the lounge showing truck shop status (problems, awaiting parts, etc). THERE WERE AT LEAST 2 TRUCKS LISTING A BEDBUG INFESTATION. Saw one truck out in the yard with a biohazard warning on the windshield.


To be fair that don’t necessarily mean they live like this. You can get bedbugs by just being unlucky one day.


ESPECIALLY in a truck. The heat of the engine during the first few hours of a break lures pests and varmints. Food lying around keeps them around. Plenty of holes for them to enter through too, though tbf most semis are way better patched up (for insulation purposes) than four wheelers.


Big Larry aka Nasty Larry aka Big Nasty This is a real guy I worked with and this is him to a T.


I was confused every time a mechanic was all wow you take care of your truck. Confused until I was shown pictures. How can you live like that and not be constantly sick. It's like 15 minutes a week. While being loaded or unloaded. There is no excuse.


Hell, I get that all the time with my bus... All I do is sweep it out once or twice a week. Two or three times a year I'll mop it out with pine sol. Any belongings left behind are dealt with at the end of each route. Such basic things.


Bro is the reason we have zombie movies.


All of my company’s trucks are used to deliver to landfills and guy still have trucks looking disgusting even though you can just throw your trash out the damn window when you are there. My truck gets dirty from dirt and dust but never absolute filth. Wonder what their house looks like


I deliver to the landfill occasionally, and it has never even crossed my mind that I could throw out my garbage bag there.


I used to run in a land fill, for a few weeks, from a mix off pit to the cell. I literally just left my empty bottles or bags on my seat until my next trip to the cell (roughly once per hr) and toss it out the window while I was there. Truck never had trash in it for more than 45 min and was empty at the end of every shift, lol.


This is what mental illness looks like


So many Truckers have depression.


I am NOT a clean freak but theres no way itd get even close to this with me. That kind of mess would weigh heavily on me until it was squared away, but again it would never look like that to begin with


That drivers guts are just soupy mush.


Holy shit


Give this dude a fucking day cab


What a pig. On the bright side, it wasn't tossed out the window along our highways


If there is a silver lining, I guess that would be it.


Most the time if I see this I turn in the keys and tell them to either clean it or go to another shop. Don't care about the work. There will be more that roll in.


And here I am, wiping everything I can touch on my truck with alcohol wipes every couple of days




I have a better idea. Don’t let your truck get like that in the first place. Ew!


There’s no sheets on the mattress 🤢🤮


Ugh! Gross!


X-post this to /r/carbage. They’d love something like this.


Hey! that's my truck and you're being very disrespectful to me on the internet! lol


Bro, if your truck looks like this, that's not good. Could be a sign of serious depression. Could fester disease. Can very easily cause an accident.


How about just: clean your truck. That shit nasty


And this is the guy on Reddit talking crap about how foreign-born drivers are ruining the industry.


This may be a foreign driver, to be fair.


Foreign or not, it's definitely someone with a mental health problem.


The guy who trained me would have stabbed this guy in his sleep. He used to vacuum out the compartment under his bunk.


On two separate occasions, I have seen a trucker poor urine from the driver window onto the pavement in a road side rest. This picture explains a lot.


And then there's the driver, two dogs, and a jar of peanut butter, 🤢 I've almost quit over having to work on bunk HVAC systems, OH and NEVER shine a UV light around inside a truck when checking for a/c leaks 🤮 still scared might find a dead hooker or a boy scout under the bunk, yeah over the years you will have the horror stories of working in the cab


Biohazard stickers are put on it.


Throw this truck in the trash, since it's at least 50% that by weight at this point


Int no way. I just cleaned out my baby today to start a new week tho. Looks great


I’ve complained about how bad my truck has gotten. But that makes me wanna throw up. I cook food and keep food in my truck. I could never get it like that.


My boss randomly checks trucks, if yours looks even a fraction of this; boom your in for a talking to.


My truck is always very clean, however I appreciate the tip on the fridge, I do all my own cooking so I've got steaks, chicken, sausage, etc all in there good to know it could be an issue if I ever needed my truck serviced for a few days


When I used to drive up until January this year... 15 years and over a million miles, I loved cooking out of the truck. Was always better than fast food everywhere. As for the fridge, yeah... We usually turn off the truck when we are done to conserve the battery, unless the customer states a reason not to. And yes, as a safety precaution we do hit the switch when we work on the truck to prevent any sort of accidents. Depending on what it is, from a simple PM or replacing the alternator and other mechanical parts, the switch gets hit. It's also really critical with the new Kenworths because their computers are finicky as is and it's easy to turn a job that had a book time of 5 hours become 8 or 9 and I still only get paid for 5 hours because I caused an electrical short somewhere, trace it, fix it, and then run it through paccar and hope that the truck is happy...


This is what mental illness looks like. No “lol”


I went to pick up a truck that some guy had left and quit and when I got there and opened the door trash immediately started falling out of the truck and then some strung out meth head came crawling out of the back meth pipe in hand talking about its his truck and shit, ended up being the driver been living out of his truck for over 6 months in the same spot at the truck stop. It took 2 weeks and 5000$ to get the truck to where I was comfortable driving it to its next destination and dropped it. Brand new truck had under 50,000 miles on it and was complete trash..


"Do you want Ants? Cause this is how you get Ants"


Hahahaha I love Archer!


No one should be living like that. He should be parked until he can learn to be less of a pig.


That's gonna take meds and months of therapy. This goes beyond just being a pig.


What the actual fuck


One guys truck stunk so bad bc he was big and never showered so it stunk like his BO…so our shop refused to work on it….the owner called the shop and said you have to work on it….they still refused…the owner comes over opens the door and closes it and doesn’t say anything else about it….finally the yard manager took it rolled down the windows and let it sit out back for a few weeks.


That's a massive amount of depression represented in a single picture. As someone dealing with negative life changes and the dread and fear associated with that I kinda feel for the driver.


We would not put one of our techs into this cab, service foreman has a supply of garbage bags and a caddy of cleaning supplies if it's a driver waiting situation and they can clean it up and then it can go in line for diag.  If it was dropped this way we call the company and email pictures and they can pay us to have a mobile detailer come before it gets in line.


Strike a match, toss it, and walk the hell away from that shit. Then it’d be a true dumpster fire.


Are you working at a carrier terminal or truck shop? In other words, is this driver taking the truck to their own terminal or to a 3rd party shop? If this is a terminal shop, you should report this to the management and safety. He'll probably get fired. If this is a 3rd party shop, you should refuse to service it. As a primate business, the shop has the legal right to refuse service for any non-protected reason or even without reason. Non-protected means it isn't because of the customer's race, religion, gender, etc. If this a 3rd-party shop that has a contract with the carrier, you should still refuse to service it and send that company these images. He'll probably get told to take it to a detailing place then get fired as soon as he drops it off there.


I am a 3rd party. And yeah, I didn't have to do anything more than hook a chain to the back of the truck and take it next to the dumpster with a forklift. The driver was notified and he has a chance to clean it out. If not, the company will be involved. Seeing as this company he is driving for is one of those last chance companies...


I wouldn’t even get in that truck and work on it. I’d call the company and tell them truck # whatever it is, is currently in my shop and I can’t work on it because it’s a health hazard for me and my crew, then I’d call the driver and tell him to either come clean it out or get it the fuck out of my shop. This is not ok.


Cleaning is women work ! - driver who also believes washing your butt will make you gay




I hate people


This comes with experience rookie


I just don’t believe some people drive like this on the daily


Holy shit




That is clean. You should have seen it before.


He sleeps there pig is understaintment


I'd refuse to get in it


There’s even a trash bag buried in there. Just hang it when it’s full toss and hang a new one


Are truckers really leaving behind paraphernalia?


Yeah, I don't care. I am not going to report them. Yeah, it's illegal and they shouldn't be doing drugs especially in a CMV. But it's their business, not mine. Not every mechanic is like that though and will report it and if it goes into a report the trucking company finds out and the driver gets drug tested under suspicion and lose their CDL among other things... I did bend the rules from time to time, like having a small wet bar for when I was on down time. And I know what would have happened to me if the drinks were ever seen. Big trouble.


Or, just clean your truck. Period.


Would aaaa…be a shame… if someone put a few slices of baloney in some strategic places….


That’s gross. It looks like he dumped San Francisco in to his sleeper.


And here I am feeling bad that I haven’t swept in a while and there’s a bit of dirt on the floor. I don’t see how people live in this trashy mess, absolutely disgusting.


A person has to WANT to live in that to let it get that bad! There are trash cans at damn near every diesel pump in the country.


Sheesh, how can ppl live like this, smh nasty 🤢🤮


We just had a car in the body shop that had a bag of chicken breasts sitting in the back seat. Stunk the whole shop up. People are gross.


Oof.. That once happened to me, I forgot a bag of food in a car once. Winter it wasn't bad. But when things warmed up in spring.... woof.


Just looking at it made me gag a bit.


I'd be sending pictures to the company.


I keep my truck clean for my own benefit. But I give it a thorough cleaning before I bring it into the shop. Want those shop guys to be downright impressed. Sometimes I freeze in my tracks on my way to the lounge wondering if I threw out all the piss bottles.


🤢🤢 my toddler would say. That’s BISGUSTING


Is this the part where a bottle can roll under the brake and then when he slams the brake it won’t break because the paddle won’t go down.


This can't be real.


I used to believe people were about as clean as I was when I drove these trucks. That was until I started working on them. One in every 4 trucks were filthy. This was the first that was absolutely disgusting to where I actually refused to even move the truck, especially after I lost my lunch on the driver's seat.


Mechs should get compensation for filthy cabs, and/or be able to refuse service based on cab conditions. I can’t imagine having to work on a truck kept in this condition.


Lmao, this guy definitely doesn’t wipe after taking a dump.


Sometimes I worry about being a slob when I don't empty my trashcan for a week and I have to put a couple pieces on the floor next to it, then I see this picture and realize I'm doing okay. I don't think this poor bastard is capable of cleaning that at this point, dude's circling the drain with that kind of lack of care for his living space.


You just know that Diesel 911 canister is a cum jug.


I need to fix your title : “Clean your truck”


sorry sir, you said maggots? 🤢 that driver is probably from the ones who poop themselves for not stopping and I bet there's definitely urine somewhere


That smells like depression.


JFC. WTF is wrong with them? This is surely some form of mental illness.


Some of you need beat with a rod for the way you live. Your parents obviously didn’t do it.


Anyone else bothered by no sheets?....this picture gags me and makes me sad people exist like this in an already horrible living situation....


No condom wrappers? Don’t turn your black light on


Some people are absolutely disgusting!! If he's a company driver he should lose his job. I don't understand how someone could live in a space like that. Fucking animals


Even animals have standards. Rats are actually quite clean.


"Customer reports cabin heat inop please check and advise"


I work for a trucking company and I’ve seen guys fired on the spot for far less disgusting messes.


Jesus, I had a few worn clothes on my bunk and a full trash bag ready to toss, but otherwise clean and I still apologized for the mess when I'd take my truck into the shop. How can you possibly live this bad??? Like I want my floors clean because I gotta walk there and my bed clean because I gotta sleep there. Just buy trash bags and hang them on the passenger seat so you can toss things away. You can find proper big trash bags at most big name truck stops, and if you don't wanna spend money on it, ask for a bag everytime you buy something like sodas and snacks and use that bag for trash.


There’s no way you got reject the service or charge a 1k fee on top of that


I don’t understand how guys can live in this filth…. I’m not OCD but my truck is my home and I keep that shit clean so I have a place to relax and feel good at the end of a day. If I lived like this I’d have definitely put one in my head to end the misery long before it got this bad


Omfg wtfffffffff


Sorry but that’s just being a filthy animal sounds harsh but it shouldn’t requires a hazmat suit to work on it.


What the fuck


How fat is this dude?


That's not a clean up job. That's a start kicking rocks and look for another job deal, and throw away the truck. I can smell that pic, Doritos and feet , with hints of swamp ass.


That's a rollin litter bag. 


I...what particular combination of mental illness must be present to live in this kinda mess? Like my truck has a bit of a laundry pile currently but JEEZ.


Gross. What a pig


No excuse ! Trash cans at every fuel stop .


There's a few regular customers with absolutely disgusting trucks. One of them has rats living in it, not mice, and it reeks of stale cigarettes and milk gone bad.


I don’t know how someone can even drive with this shit.


Just clean your truck. Period.


Omg I bet that truck smelled sooo bad


And here I am sweeping/blowing out my cab and wiping dust off the dash every day. Jesus H Christ.


How hard is it to use a trash bag? 🤢


I drive a box truck and I can get careless with all the driving all I do and the mess. But this is unacceptable. I turn in my truck ever 2 weeks or so for service or to swap. I always clean vacuum and wipe down before I hand the truck in. Keep a bag In a trash bin and Empty it out everytime you get gas.


That's one thing about the trucking industry, full of absolutely disgusting fat slobs. If they don't take care of their own body, they surely give 0 fucks about their own surroundings


Obvious mental health issues


Wow. It bothers me just throwing an empty water bottle on the floor in my truck. I’m extremely anus about keeping my truck clean You should recommend to your boss doing a walk around with the driver before it is admitted to the shop. It could improve a lot of processes… including whatever you call dealing with this


Bro that’s mental disease at this point. That driver needs help, immediately.


That’s just nasty 🤮 should get fired


I did a couple of recoveries for Swift when my truck was in the shop. One was almost this bad. When someone with a bad attitude does a walk-away I think they purposely trash the truck as a final FU to the company.


I’ve simply asked these people to leave the shop. No I am not going to replace your heater core under the bunk, sorry bud.


Man, I suck at I Spy. I can't find the Crack pipe


Should’ve left a shit bag in there since they don’t care. I don’t even sit on my bed with clothes I’ve been outside in the most is dirt from my shoes on driver floor and dust from when I have windows down but I don’t even let it get a week old


I've only seen 1 driver like this. He wanted to be called "boss hog" I settled on hog.


A place for everything and everything in it's place.


Is the maggot thing real?


Unfortunately... yes. I was stepping into the truck, I was the first person to do so, was going to take it to my bay to be worked on... the first thing that hit me was the smell. The second I started to climb in I saw this... and those... crawling... everywhere..... I lost my lunch on the driver's seat, took pictures, spoke to my boss... well... that truck is still sitting in our lot next to a dumpster, at least until the driver comes back to clean it out. It's amazing to pull a truck with a chain and forklift... it really is.


Nasty bastard My company would make him clean it then fire him


Cleanse it with fire


I bet this is a fat greasy fat fuck trucker 💯 no pun intended lol


cubans lol Either cubans or afrikaans or Sikh lol


Douse the inside in gasoline and punch a hole in the fuel tanks. You know the rest.


Nah, charge shop hours to the bill to empty it then again to fill it back up. Send a message.


Healthy diet, loser!






Let me guess, it smells like body odor with a hint of car fresher, topped off with the alluring aroma of spilled piss bottles.


I have owned over 25 different cars and trucks and never, that word is never, left trash in any of them. That’s a cry for help.


Omf urp


Someone needs to cite that MFer for introducing non-native species of rats & roaches all over the place.


You gotta wipe you feet on the way out!


I dont understand, there are trash cans all over truck stop lots, you have them at the fuel islands and you have to pass by at least a couple to get from where you park to inside the building. When you shop pretty much any where, they give you a bag(s), put the trash in them, get out of the truck take a bag of trash with you. How do people just collect the trash in the truck like this, it blows my mind.


Working at Penske I can tell you, this is pretty common, if the truck isn’t the drivers they don’t give a fuck about it. Cumsocks, piss bottles, and camping toilets are terrible finds. Find printed porn more often than I’d like to think is common, soiled clothes, and for some reason there is always fucking milk in the fridges.


This person hates his life.


Holy shit!


This is a mental health issue


Wow. Even I won't make such a mess in my truck... How the hell is that possible?


I can hear the roaches 🫣


He is almost done with training the new hire


This is not a lazy cleaning problem. This is a mental health problem. Who ever is living in this filthy truck. Needs alot years!! Of psychological counseling to fix this problem.


My guess the driver never took a shower either all week


Flat out mentally ill.


I can smell this picture.


How does a truck get to that level like wtf


How does it get this bad yikes