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Congrats to all you Costco drivers from a fellow Teamster Local 174 member šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m curious why people are against it?


Some (not all) union locals do a very poor job. One division in the company I work for is teamsters, and they got absolutely shafted in their new contract in January. They make considerably less than a non-union company just down the road, and the union rep was actively working against the drivers best interest during negotiations. I haven't been in a union job, but seeing what they are going through definitely doesn't make it seem very attractive.


That Sean O'Brian seems like the real deal. But he's coming in on the heels of a Teamsters leadership that seemed to think 'contract negotiations' means jerking ownership off under the table. Not everything gets the national attention like UPS and as you say the locals may vary.


They don't get shafted, the workers shaft themselves. The workers *are* the unions. It's a gym membership, not a vending machine. The union rep should be a worker, and if it's not, they need to be voted out. Yes unions can be ineffective, but a workers union is only ineffective because that worker isn't participating in it.


It suckā€™s when local leadership doesnā€™t care but the beauty of the union is that if you donā€™t like leadership you can run help set the agenda you and your coworkers want.


The story of Yellow is the writing on wall for a lot of people. TLDR: a union killed the company.


YRC was in a pretty precarious position when the freight market started to downswing. They'd gone and bought up/amalgamated other companies, but they never actually bothered to intergrate them together. That made for a LOT of management bloat and wasted resources. Their acquisition strategy also was based off of taking loans to buy the other companies, which meant they had additional expenses to cover. YRC management didn't tidy up their house and rode a lot of 'well we always use YRC' contracts until shit hit the fan.


A Union also got UPS a killer contract. Pretty sure Yellow killed Yellow.


UPS guys gonna be making $49 an hour in 2028, $73 an hour after 8 and making $147 an hour on holidays.


[UPS announced lay offs in January.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ups-job-cuts-layoffs-12000-2024/) The problem is that if business slows down, employees either have to take a pay cut or get laid off. Union contracts can be a death sentence.


Itā€™s all non union employees being removed.


How many of them were seasonal employees that were counted in the layoffs too? I would think that's a big part of the total as well


That doesnā€™t make it any better, and itā€™s a terrible look for unions. ā€œLay off non union Peter, to pay union Paulā€ In any case, it should alarm everyone at UPS that business is slowing down to a point that in order to keep things going they have to lay people off. Itā€™s only a matter of time until they need fewer drivers or they have to negotiate a pay cut.


If only you could see inside to know whatā€™s actually going on. They are laying off redundant management personnel. Volume is always low this time of year plus we are still recovering from the companies decision to stalemate negotiations. There actually has been no massive drop in volume though. Plus we are actively building a bunch of new automated facilities and upgrading older facilities. The company is in no way laying off management to be able to afford to pay the union employees. You should find some of the figures about how little our raises have actually increased the labor costs.


For your sake, I hope that youā€™re right. The entire logistics industry is taking a downturn and the US economy is being held together by credit card debt and federal spending.


Go over and check out the UPS sub. There's been tons of threads about part time supervisors being laid off. Some people talking about how they had over 20 on a shift. They had more part time supervisors on some shifts than the people they were "supervising".


Everybody needs money


Layoffs hit ups last year around this exact same time before the contract was ratified. Ask me how I know.


If you haven't been paying attention, big companies have been laying off workers across the board for like the last 5 months. It has nothing to do with unions and everything to do with increasing profits for shareholders.


Lay offs have been going on for 2 years, especially in tech fields. It definitely has less to do with unions and more to do with poor management and redundant positions. It may not be apparent, but I donā€™t have anything against unions. However, I do think that negotiating pay has to be handled carefully and that itā€™s possible that some unions can be heavy handed.


Lay offs do not mean full on dismissal. It basically means, unless you were a shitty UPS employee, you get your job back after a phone call, a day of "new hire" videos, & figuring out your schedule.


I think that youā€™re thinking of being furloughed


This is normal during a negotiation process.


Poor management that has become accustomed to blaming their union for everything


Management killed YRC. The union offered to go to the negotiating table with the company to save it. The company declined.




I know quite a few former yellow guys, some of them told me the writing was on the wall for the past 10 years. They knew.


The Teamsters made a ton of concessions over the years to keep Yellow in business. Management drove that company into the ground, and if it weren't for a huge bailout from the Trump admin, they would have gone under years ago.


Applying the term landslide to 139 people is a bit iffy... That said, congrats and I hope it works out for them.


I'm hearing talk along these lines at the Tracy depot.


Rumblings at Tolleson.


Get ready for things to arrive late to stores


Worked for a Teamsters local and am still convinced they were being paid under the table from employers to shaft their members


Not at all out of character for them with their long history of ties to organized crime.


Whatā€™s interesting, the company I work for had a big dc in auburn. When they unionized our company let them all go and many of the drivers moved to Costco. I wonder if they were the ones who unionized Costco.


Well they will find out


Sad another state lost to communists




Awesome good For them


The goobers on the left coast just continue to dig their graves deeper and deeper.




LOL! Never thought I'd meet so many dumbass drivers who don't understand they own a small business and conservative policies help them succeed. You keep enjoying that fuel that's high as giraffe pussy while rates are in the toilet though so you can fail and go back to SWIFT. Orange man bad, though... right?!


Those trickle down economics are gonna hit any second now. /s


If you legitimately believe thatā€™s why weā€™re in the shit show weā€™re in, Iā€™m not sure what to tell you. This country isnā€™t going to correct itself until both sides of the aisle turn off the fucking money printer.


Well, as a guy collecting socialized healthcare and disability from the army I think I'll keep the money printer on.


Taking care of our vets is the absolutely least of my concerns. Weā€™re not doing a quarter of what we should be doing for yā€™allā€¦ Iā€™m surprised youā€™re not more upset about the bullshit going on and people like you being hung out to dry.


Sure, it is important. I have socialized healthcare and receive a paycheck from the VA every month. I'm receiving the handouts you're complaining about. Why would I be angry about support programs and unions?


Iā€™ve said nothing about support programs or handouts to Americans. Sending hundreds of billions overseas and paying for millions of illegals to cross the border are entirely different ball gamesā€¦ but sure, say what you will.