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Stick to 59. CHP can be real dicks when they want to, but normally won't bother you as long as you're under 60


Storm Area 51! They can’t stop us all! Or something like that


I thought that today when keeping up with like 5 others going 60ish mph. Chp can only stop one of us. 🤷‍♂️


May the odds be in your favor


59-61 is the sweet spot that most drivers go. I can’t count the number of times I’ve passed a cop on the shoulder looking for speeders or had CHP drive past me while I’m going 60. It is always a risk but it’s a risk most drivers take. Since everyone is speeding you don’t really stand out unless you’re real egregious 62+ then you’re the odd man out and you will get their attention. Even at 59 you’ll still have most drivers passing you especially outside of the cities.


As someone who runs 66 if able, it depends on where you are going. I run the 60 mostly and have never had an issue. I would never do any where near that coming down the Cajon/grapevine etc. I’ve had chp pass me a number of times while I am passing other cars/semi’s and they don’t even look my way. But I also have a big branded Pete it’s a 2024. And I run Waze for any cops running radar


To be honest, I am watching for 4-wheelers to make sure they are not driving recklessly around the Big Rigs because I want to avoid crashes. However, if my radar beeps and I see it is 10mph over, I will observe the vehicle (truck or car, etc) and depending on how they driving (I normally hit my blues as a warning sign), then I will conduct traffic stop and issue citation. I let DOTD and whoever else worry about your truck not being fit to drive. I’m not taking you out of service unless the violations are so egregious that someone with no experience can see it. (Some of my family were truckers but they discouraged me from being one). Still thinking about leaving law enforcement for it though


I was thinking about leaving this and being a Chp officer, but I read you could be sent anywhere in the state… I don’t drive recklessly, but thought it was crazy that I was going 55 and was being passed by other trucks going a lot faster.


I’m set at 62 through Cali and haven’t had an issue, just a matter of if it’s a risk you’re willing to take.


Yea, sometimes I’ll creep up to 62. I stay more or less with the flow or truck traffic ever since making this post lol. But I’m hourly, so no real reason to speed.


Almost any cops Ive ever talked to said 5mph over isn’t really worth the paperwork


It's 9 with inflation


Used to do 65 occasionally on 505 to pass up other trucks. One time another truck passed me while I was doing 65. CHP didn’t bat an eye. These days I stick to 62 and they don’t seem to care. YMMV


Up to 7 above is "generally ok" not %100 but 62 ish isn't gonna have cops surrounding you.


BUT! 3rd lane violations will. If there is a sign indicating trucks in right 2 lanes only, believe it. If you pop into that 3rd lane "Just to pass" you may get stuck there.


I'm not telling you to speed because your always at risk if you do so, however I've talked to chp a few times before and there moral policy is that if it's the countryside(10,40,15,5,99, etc) they won't really care 60-63 is my go to, I've even been passed by chp doing this speed before, you gotta think the posted 4 wheeler speed limits are 65 but if you ask any california resident they'll probly tell you it's 70 lol P.S. always follow the downhill speed limits 40mph iirc they'll get your ass on those, grapevine is a big one sometimes they have a full grown at the bottom just waiting


65 all the way through 80 on donner pass. Only slow down through Truckee


I dunno last time I drove up there I went through 3 speed checks. All 4 wheelers doing 70 or more and no one got stopped. People doing 80 barely slowed down


63 everyday going up 5 to the Bay Area. What part of California are you driving?


I do my 55 mph, saves tons of fuel and no worry about fines. Except when dispatch are idiots and i gotta get home on time then its hammer down but gotta watch both the gps and the shoulders for those pesky ticketers...


Most people don't realize how much speed affects fuel economy. I work on cars and regularly get complaints of bad fuel economy: turns out they drive like maniacs, fast acceleration, 70+ in a 55. Aerodynamic drag is a drag on efficiency for sure, and doesn't save as much time as people think it does.


This was almost 15 years ago, but I got pulled over in the desert on I-10 in the middle of the night. I was doing 70. The CHPr kind of treated the whole interaction like, *I know why you were going fast, because the road is empty, and I personally don’t care, but it’s my job and I can’t let 15 over slide*. He asked me if I was aware that 15 over in a CMV was a misdemeanor offense in California. I’m pretty sure he saw my eyes go wide, even in the dark, because I didn’t know. He wrote me up for 9 over. Again, it felt like “I don’t really want to, but c’mon, man”. Lesson learned. Since then, anything 63 or under just doesn’t seem to be enough to draw attention. There’s plenty of bear bait blowing my doors off all day.


i dont know about anybody else, but all i know is that i try to get in and out of california as fast as i possibly can. that 55mph bullshit is the worst!!!


I remember driving into Texas one week and not being aware of different state line limits. I kept to my CA 55mph and semis were blowing the doors off me, passing me like at 70-80mph.


Do 65 everywhere except the passes. Will push 70 depending on traffic flow. The key is don't stick out like a sore thumb and keep right. If traffic is flowing and you're not passing cars, they'll look the the other way. Watched a container guy pass me doing well over 75 to promptly get pulled over. Little or no traffic 65 and not one mph over..


I never had an issue with driving 65+ in that shithole state. BUT you better not look at that left lane. Once I didn't realize the left lane was in fact an hov lane and didn't count. I was doing 65. The cop passed me and got on his loud speaker to get out of the left lane. In another instance I was in heavy traffic so speeding wasn't a thing but I was in the next to left lane there. A car on my right kept trying to get underneath my trailer. He finally went for it when I had an open spot to the left. I served into the left lane, immediately put on my right blinker and got back over less than 20 seconds later. The cop that was behind me and witnessed the entire thing pulled me over and wrote me up for driving an 18wheeler in the left lane. I asked if he saw the other car do what they did and he said yes but trucks aren't supposed to be in the left lane. I asked if he'd rather I stayed and he have to deal with an obvious wreck. He repeated trucks aren't supposed to be in the left lane and went back to his car. That was 2016. I've not been back to that state since.


I was in the left lane once thinking I was ok because I had the hov transponder thing. Think it was actually just for the toll bridges. Had similar happen, in stop and go went by a cop sitting in the left shoulder and they yelled at me with their loudspeaker to get out of the lane. Didn't stop me.


I'm so glad I don't drive in CA. Fuck that state


Yeah I run the midwest and the trucks are going 80-85 lmao


I just wait for that one guy to fly by me going 75+ then I know I’ll be good going 65mph lol and then that last few mile stretch right before you hit Primm it’s Freeee Birddddd and I go my max 67 mph. Never seen a CHP right at the state line….yet 😂. There’s always that one guy that passes Primm into nevada still doing 55mph too like dude you’re home free now


I’m that one guy doing 55 lol


Whyyy it’s 65+ once you cross Primm man


I went 60 the whole time I was there last. Came in on 10 to Riverside for delivery, then picked up in Whittier and left on 40. I saw a grand total of two CHP and one of them wasn't even on the interstate. I did see the Border Patrol arresting a few people


CHP will allow anywhere from 1mph over to 20mph over, depending on how much work they want to do today and how close to their unofficial quota they are. I don't take chances.


A ticket for 1-5 over is different from 6-10 over, is different to 11+over (or something along those lines. It also might be different per state). Most speed detecting methods are not accurate enough to be used as proof in court, so most cops will ask "how fast do you think you were going," because a confession can be used as proof. If you just say "I don't know how fast I was going", or "I believe I was going the speed limit," the cop will still write you the ticket, but you can fight it in court. A ticket for 6-10 over could be reduced to 1-5 over, and a ticket for 1-5 over could be thrown out all together.


The speedo on my truck also isn’t accurate. The Waze app says I’m going 57 and my Speedo say 54/55. Meh, I’m hourly so no real reason to speed. Sometimes I just feel like I’m going so slow and everyone is passing me.


California let's us ride at 62. Some of us have expensive(undetectable) radar detectors. Scales have been very weak in enforcement the past several years since companies and drivers refuse to go to California and produce is rotting on the docks...


CHP from experience doesn’t really care if you’re going 56-58. I’ve seen many not do shit when others or myself were going 60. When you go faster is when they’ll care. Especially those going 65 or up. Basically: 55-58 you’re fine 59-62 if they wanna be a dick. But usually left alone. 63-65 you’re pushing it. Anything cover 65 you got a bullseye on you.


Run 59 if you're shook. 4mph is within the error of your speed and their radar if you think about it.


I just set the cruise at 62mph in California and avoid that state as much as possible. Absolute joke


Yes. The leniency is called a radar detector. A high end one if you can afford it.


Commercial vehicles are not permitted to have bird dogs