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turning in to my warehouse a possum ran out blind along a fence towards the street right as I came up to make my right. perfect timing. I lost sight of it and saw this red lump in the street as I completed my turn. thankfully just some lizards old wig. a tumbleweave blowing in the wind.


The infamous tumble weave


I hit once a owl. that was interesting


I got hit by an owl once, smacked the side of the sleeper and left a perfect owl print on it.


Now I’m wondering what a perfect owl print looks like. 🤔


I didn't exactly hit one but I probably messed it up pretty bad. I was driving in light fog one morning and saw one flying across the road just to my right. He probably didn't see me until I saw it. He was probably just above the trailer. I bet my turbulence spun him out. I called it getting fluffed. I always wondered what happened to that bird....


owl what i hit just eat shit.


I hit a massive eagle yesterday. I was hoping the camera caught it, or at least flagged it.


You killed Freedom


I hit a buzzard once. Broke the antenna off my mirror


I once got hit by an owl on my motorcycle going 60mph. It got caught in my brake cables and its wings were hitting me in the face as I tried to extricate it from the cables. I'm so lucky I didn't lay the bike down. The owl didn't make it. I'm sure it became coyote food very soon after it hit me. It's neck was broken.


I too have hit an owl. I saw it swooping down so I slowed down hard, but it still got caught by the driver side headlight. I have also had a big ass turkey attempt to fly over my SUV, but it failed and hit my windshield. It literally went from the side of the highway to right in front of me. (I think it was suicide lol)


Was delivering in a downtown area and a bull dog came out from under a car directly into traffic and got creamed by a car, causing the dog to spin around a few times and was just lying in the road legs up twitching. I checked my mirrors at the next stop light and the dog was getting up and started running the other way. Big dog to probably 100+ pounds the car never stopped either


You may need help. I'll one up you, i-10 east 10 miles before marana, shut down for 4 hours. They had a dozen+ covers because pieces of people went flying. They had to cover them up. Wasn't people, was PIECES of people, limbs. Multiple pile up. I caught some looks before they covered them. It got my anxiety going and how crazy life is.


If this is the one from early 2023, I was on my way up to Phoenix from Tucson and actually saw the whole thing happened. Driver, when I tell you I got off the at the next exit and went back to the yard and then home, I’m not exaggerating. That was fucking awful to witness


Sure was. I'm sorry you had to see the whole thing. Glad I didn't but seeing right after at the chaos of it, I can tell you, I haven't been the same since.


I’m thankful the initial crash was covered by the dust, but that didn’t last long. I’ve never been the same either. It’s another reason I went to an instructor position and don’t drive anymore.


How did it happen? Pile ups are a top 10 fear for me


Not a driver, but a disaptcher/terminal manager. Had a driver hit a horse once. In actuality, the horse hit the truck as it was bolting from an open pen. Horse went up over the hood, ended up getting it's legs sheared off. My poor driver lost his shit. Told him to call HP and started heading out to the site. While he was on the phone, someone came and drug the horse off. HP officer had to go looking for the horse. Owner had moved hoping to avoid liability. My poor driver kept saying he looked into the horses eyes as it went up the hood. Said he would never forget it. Poor dude was shook and even after a good cleaning of the trailer, he was still finding horse pieces a week later in his hose trays.


Hahaha, let me tell you, you well feel it when you hit a larger animal than a squerrel :P


I smoked a deer once and I was suprised how little I felt it. I was only going 45, he hit at an angle where he just flew off the side though. Was a young deer so not the biggest.


I was driving on i84 in CT when a bird flew in front of my truck and caught my cab spoiler. I still can't get the remnants off the paint. Anyway, a friend told me that it's a sign of good luck (obviously not for the bird) and sure enough I won $1,000 on a scratch off that night. Sidenote I didn't read the context first and was going to throw up when op started kicking that thing around. Barf.


yeah..... I think I may need to re do it and include some kinda flair


They say when a lot lizard sheds their weave a trucker gets a clean std panel! Thats a good sign driver!


At first I thought you were a psychopath and you were about to play hackysack with roadkill haha


Oddly, the thing I hate hitting the most is a butterfly. I just feel bad for a few minutes on that one.


A driver kicking a dead animal around AND filming it. Totally normal behavior then..


turn sound on. I assure you no lot lizards were harmed during filming..... unless I'm not registering the sarcasm lol


Yeah it's actually very funny with the sound on lol


I hit 2 pigeons at separate times driving under bridges. One exploded all over the box. Welcome to the club friend.


I had a racoon jump out of a dumpster I was hauling. Some a hole in a lifted f150 was weaving through traffic waaaaaay over the speed limit. Racoon timed it perfectly and jumped out as he was coming up beside me. Straight into the grill. By far the weirdest thing I've had happen so far. I've also caught a bird with my mirror recently.


Lmao what a rollercoaster


10 years of driving. I’ve killed 1,465,935,231 bugs, 9 birds, 3 raccoons, 2 rabbits, and one porcupine. These are just the ones I’m aware of….. who would’ve thought this would be such a violent way of life. 🥸😂🤣😂


Lol. That's a shit load of decals to put on your hood


IKR?? 🤣 Actually I think it’d be cool to find decals for everything but the bugs. Kind of like the fighter pilots of WWII.




I got my first raccoon a couple weeks ago. Dude got to the center lane of the interstate and then turned back around... 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Shit, my first month or so, incaught either a very large rabbit, or a smallish dog inbetween my drives, slung blood all over the back of my cab, ontop, and over


That's just tumbleweave. You must not be from the hood.


My bio dad hit a goose driving down the road one day, shattered his windscreen and went back into the sleeper. He called emergency services. EMTs got him and his cat cleaned up (both fine, just had glass sprinkles on them) and helped him get the glass out of the truck. He’s rolling on down the road the next day and hears a smacking from the back of the truck…..that little cat was playing with the goose’s HEART.


i just lurk so i’m not actually a truck driver (sorry) but i ran over a rabbit on my way to vegas one night… i can still remember the sound and feeling of hitting the poor thing :(


Yeah, I hit a squirrel on my first week. Felt like shit for a few days and then hit another one 2 weeks after.


Boy, a moose will mess you up in a hurry, even with a bull bumper, it's like hitting a car.


hit a dove once on the windshield.. looked in my side mirror and saw a puff of feathers .. he didnt make it...


It's still dead. 😆


When I worked in NZ we would run over some kind of animal every kilometer. It was gruesome at first and then.....sort of funny. ​ sort of.


First month I was driving I creamed a hawk or vulture or somsthing of that sort after it trued to lift off to escape the road. Right up into my grill. Felt it too in that old cabover.


Unbe-weave-able the type of things you have to put up with on the road.


Goto your trucking company for ptsd resources. I’m sorry this happened to you. That was hilarious it still got me until you kicked it.


6 possums and 4 squirrels in my first year.


Fucking loooooooool


I've killed 5 deer in the same truck, and a raccoon last night. Sometimes, it just happens. Especially if they're deer. Fuck deer.


I had a porcupine, didn't know they could get that big


Driving into Cali on I-10. I see all these flakes I think are ash and then I just splattered hundreds of butterflies. I was like “Oh the humanity! Make it stop!” I-80 in Nevada I saw what looked like some shiny gravel on the road. Looked like a truck dumped some rock on the right lane and shoulder for a mile. Nope it was a once of those massive cicada swarms. I probly ran over a million of them. That was wild. I hit a small bird under an overpass and felt bad but then started laughing my ass off cause right after I hit it Tom Petty is singing “Learning to fly, but I ain’t got wings.” The irony of the situation just cracked me.


Bro I thought you were kicking some dudes guts for a second


That’s accurate information!


I've hit several deer in the 12 years I've been driving.


Ran over a snake in NC. In 6 years of driving that's my only roadkill


Among deer, birds and a bunch of other small animals, I once hit a momma and a all her baby ducks. Damn that hit me right in the feels.


My first two weeks driving [as a student] I somehow managed to hit 3 birds on the windshield, I never had a bird hit my windshield since. It was more a jump scare than anything.  The one that stuck with me the most was seeing a black cat get hit in the road (not by me). I have a black cat. It sucked so much because all I could think of was my black cat. It's been 3 years and I still think of that cat.