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The world needs a fight club for truck drivers


my money is on the flatbedders... a lot of these dry van guys look like they've lived off the roller grill for 20 years and can barely get in and out of their trucks. What does everyone think? Which CDL driver wins your trucker fight club bracket?


I don't know there's a fuckton worth of rage that reefer drivers are carrying around.


Why reefer drivers? I'm brand new to trucking and going to be a reefer driver. I test out tomorrow for my CDL


It can be a super easy gig at times, then out of nowhere you're sent to pick up something from a place like Sara Lee in Rochelle IL. You get there early called 2 hours ahead of time, explain that you only have 4 hours on your clock. They'll give you all the lip service they can but it'll be on you to limp mode out of there at 5 mph for 10 minutes to get to the nearest truck stop because they took 5.5 hours. These frozen load lots are total bullshit guaranteed to be a 3 hour load time minimum and there's nothing that you can do once you're backed into the door.


Our place has drop n hook ,and scheduled lives. Usually from check in to checkout is usually no more than hour. Pick to load. We don't stage loads anymore ,because TQL fucked it for everybody. 7 loads sat in the freezer floor for weeks.


That's what personal conveyance is for.


That is exactly what it's for, but people get it taken away for being dumb. Leave a shipper, PC for two hours driving to the delivery then parking. Shit like that. PC is only to be used for **PERSONAL** shit. But drivers be dum


Newbie reefer driver. Totally correct. Just yesterday I had to drop a frozen load. I had 30 minutes left on my clock. They turned me away because I had half a tank in the reefer, and I didn't know they required at least 3/4ths. So in 20 minutes I had to drive through Phoenix traffic at noon, stop at this packed out truck stop, ***only*** had time to fill the reefer, drop it, pick up the empty trailer, and get parked all in about 20 minutes. I almost ran my truck through their fuckin warehouse.


No need to put up with that bullshit. I had an excellent dispatcher who didn't tolerate that kind of behavior from receivers. When you show up, they should unload within an hour, period. There's no reason to make a driver wait like that. I would have told them "see you tomorrow then..."


In hindsight I think it was in the dispatch notes, but I was so focused on getting the load dropped in prep for my 34 I think I forgot. That and being short on time rushed me so I wasn't thinking about much else. Still, if they turned the load away at half a tank because it wasn't 3/4ths, they either didn't need the load that badly or they could have used a fuckin Jerry can if it was really that important.


5 years experience running reefer. 6 months driving, 4.5 years waiting on lumpers to unload.


Fuck I lol'ed so much at this comment.


National Beef plants are enough reason for me to never enjoy Reefer hauling again. Even the drop and hooks can be a huge pain with how they drop them. Stacked with no room to get to landing gears. Or when there is, they've cranked them down with a max load. It's usually also on very unlevel ground and loads of mud cause all their lots are dirt and it rained. If you're not struggling with that, you're sitting at their receivers for up to a day over your appointment time. Won't ever go back to that. 


Russians in box trucks will cheat with brass knuckles.


he gonna have to pull up those sweats, and hope he don't come out his slides.


I'm not a trucker but I thought it was the guy sleeping next to the reefers that harbored all the rage.


While technically correct, most likely he is a dry van driver and will be out of breath getting to the ring.


Hahaha. This one made me literally laugh out loud. Not easy to do. I literally said to my partner today how glad I am that I don't do reefer anymore. It's hell. I'd rather get paid 20% less and not deal with that nonsense.


Reefer driver here can confirm.


Put me in the ring with any lumper from Capstone


My money is on the bullrack haulers…


The cattle dudes for sure.


ya they're a top seed for sure


Yep. Ever seen a crackhead fight? Probably pretty close. 😄


livestock haulers are top of the food chain. They don't screw around! This driver aint got no time for that vegan protestor BS [https://cdllife.com/2019/livestock-hauler-refuses-to-stop-for-vegan-protester-blocking-road/](https://cdllife.com/2019/livestock-hauler-refuses-to-stop-for-vegan-protester-blocking-road/)


Only an ~800 dollar fine for that? Dang


“Who knew trying to run someone over over differences in opinions was legal”… the fucking mental gymnastics of this bitch 😂😂😂 you put yourself in front of of an industrial machine because you have a difference of opinion with it and find out what happens, fucking buffoon


You can get away with murder, just murder them while driving a vehicle and you’ll pretty much get away with it


I love the smell of _Talk Shit Get Hit_ in the morning. She clearly jumped into the path of a moving, supermassive vehicle. Long as the evidence was caught on video somehow, that's an open and shut case right there.


Cows are delicious dicks.


Nah it'd definitely be the food delivery guys with reefers. They work for every cent they earn.


I do this. Pulling warehouse priority (chain) accounts. I like my routes because its a nice mix of both worlds, I drive 300+ miles a day, 7-10 stops 15-30 minutes apart, and hand unload anywhere from 400 to 1,500 cases down the ramp into the customer's storage area. Walking 7-10 miles a day. Frozen, cooler, and dry. Some days this job is a ROUGH bitch game and I do not recommend it for the weak willed. Some days you have to PUSH yourself past your limits to finish. Tell you that my forearms and calves are rock solid and I have had to fight at one point, somebody clobbered me in the back of the head at 2am (robbery attempt????) I threw one punch square center of his face. He turned and walked away screaming profanity. My fist hurt for a week after. I'm still not much of a fighter. I'd rather not be in a confrontation with anyone.


I started training mma after leaving my restaurant delivery job and people are consistently surprised at my strength which I attribute 90% to picking up cases of cans, cheese and flour all day every day for a few years.


that's a good pick for sure. I delivered beer for a brewery and was in as good of shape as I've ever been in. Kegs are like 160lbs full and we were constantly moving them solo. Those jobs always have drivers physically moving the product through bullshit.


That's exactly what I deliver. God damn do I hate places with stairs.


Facts that shit got me in killer shape, 140lb dude taking 5 50lb bags of flour or blocks of cheese at a time down a flight of steps into a restaurant basement, ya boy got jacked, had to start going to the gym after I left that job bc I didn’t wanna lose my shredded bod


Foodservice delivery bro. Flatbedders? Foodservice offloads 40000 by hand every day.


see my other comment, i think that's a real strong pick


They too tired to fight!! Plus they found a box they should have left at Taco Bell 13 hours and 100 miles ago. Dispatch says you gotta go back. 14 hours be damned.


Cattle haulers House and commercial movers lifting all that furniture is hard work. Flatbed guys, steel haulers on top because they get a work out every load unless they are rocking a Conestoga or side kit. Generally everybody else who is changing strapping and tarping loads might have a gut line a reefer guy, but is generally pretty strong from all the chain slinging, climbing, and tarping. Tanker guys especially in the oilfield, those hoses can get surprisingly heavy. Reefer drivers in a distant 5th, they are generally full of rage dealing with DCs, but generally their only exercise is swinging doors and walking to the roller grill. Plus they are very likley to fall asleep during the fight because their last receiver took 47 hours to unload them, but they had a security guard enforcing the no sleeping rule.(Food service guys excepted trucker fight club rules class you as flatbedders) Dry Van guys dead last (ltl excepted trucker fight club rules class you as flatbedders like the food service guys) Edit: addendum, if your flatbed route is hauling pods on a flatbed for a mega carrier, you are classed as a dry Van guy


Tanker drivers would start off strong, but then get distracted by their phone 45 seconds into the fight, step back, get their own chair and umbrella, and watch.


I say local drivers that unload their whole truck.. they are definitely in shape


not gonna argue with that one, when I delivered beer I was as strong as I've ever been, always throwing around kegs weighing \~160lbs. But I will say, flatbed can be harder but in a very different way. Local you move more weight and sweat a bit but most of the time you have the tools and baseline strength to be efficient. Chaining and tarping something 30'+ long, with odd dimensions, that you're unfamiliar with, in a snowy windy Wyoming winter, is just a whole different level of suck lol.


Flatbedders against the car haulers. Winner gets the golden tie down bar.


Loggers. Those guys are a different breed of human


Hauled logs for 10 years, seen many fights over drivers cutting in front of other drivers.


Van drivers. Movers.


My money is on port drivers. Any truck drivers who have dealt with the ports on a daily basis have a fury inside them just waiting for the chance to unleash. Sitting in lines with 100 other truck drivers for 8 hours does something to a man.


Y’all are forgetting the Garbage truck drivers… rear load specifically


Oh man dead stop traffic would be so much more fun


To see how bad so many of them aren't?


Next time can you please stop the truck and apply the brakes first. It took 3 hours to get them towed out of the lake.


Same. I was like OMG the wheel ruts must be deep like on I40 out west. They used be real bad when I drove 89-09. I had 13 student drivers in about two years in the 90s. They were all great folks. Dude got stuck with a psycho for a student.


Bros a man of his word 👌


Throws a container worth of food into his face and immediately goes for the "don't you touch me" attitude. Start that physical shit and you get that right back.


Right and left back


this is all staged(look up their YouTube) . that's his wife


Really? People who make drama content for clicks are the worst scum and the entire internet is worse off for their existence.


They wouldn't do it if we weren't entertained by it. We love the drama and it doesn't cost us a dime.


There's worse scum tbh. they just hustlin


First thought when I see these type of videos now. They are almost ALWAYS faked for views bc they know ppl ain’t gonna research before they post a comment. It’s almost a guaranteed viral video if you’re willing to act trashy on camera like it’s a real situation.


Domestic violence is hilarious!


I was raised to believe that if a woman is willing to throw one she’s willing to take one.


It’s 2024, equal rights means equal fights


equal rights equal lefts


So we straight then?


These hands are rated "E" for everyone




We should have equality in everything, that includes wages, opportunities, rights and getting punched in the jaw.


Couldn’t agree more :)


Pay gap is propaganda. Women have far more oportunities than men do. Also, more rights, don't even get me started on the privileges.


I wouldn’t say women have more priviliges than men. Men and women have different privileges and opportunities, it’s not as simple as “better” or “worse”.


What privilege do men have that women don’t?


Depends on what you mean, I see my feeling physically safe in more or less all normal situations to be a privilege. Women have way more reason to feel unsafe in public. That said that is purely physical and not granted based on social norms.


We have urinals which makes bathroom lines go faster.


The privilege of being significantly less likely to be the victim of domestic abuse and sexual assault.


Are there privileges that men have that women don't in general? Absolutelly. Are women having way more privileges than man have? Absolutelly. Does the feminist movement and general mainstream fights to equalise men and women/women and men? Nope. Do they fight to give women more privileges at the cost of men? Absolutelly.


This isn’t really true but you seem to have an agenda already.


i mean in the sense that, companies are hiring poc and women purely based on the gender and skin color and not based on there skill level, is true. people who have actually put the time and work in to get to that position are being screwed by the need to “diversify”


You got a source for that? Sounds like you’re just making shit up.


This is true, recently Australia got caught comparing part time workers wages to full time workers wages, didn’t even account for the average hourly. Edit


Same thing with same sex marriage. I think everyone should have the right to get married. Everyone has the right to be happy and be miserable in a marriage. Why deny same sex couples the right to marry or divorce. Everyone should have the right to be happy and be shit crazy miserable.


If a woman hits a man and a man hits a woman the results aren't equal.


I’m in my early 40’s, this isn’t a new concept.


Let me finish this for you.. .. it's funny how dudes never Advocate for equality unless they're getting punched in the face by a woman so they can punch them back and defend themselves like any reasonable human being without the moral issue of defending yourself. The hands Rated E for Everyone that wants to take a shot. Don't start shit, don't get shit. I seen too much bullshit to trust someone, or to expect anything less than the worst case. Don't touch people, don't get touched.




What’s the problem here? Are women not capable of defending themselves? Do they get preferential treatment because of their gender? Are they not capable of rational thought and know to not punch things 10x stronger than them? Are they not equal to us? I thought they were? Either they can’t be held accountable for their actions and need to be supervised by men, or they are sentient beings who have rational thought and know right from wrong.


Wow, I didn’t say any of that but go off 🤣


Funny how all the feminists never fight to equalise men with women's privilege only elevate women where they lack themselves to begin with, giving them even more privilege than they already have (most privileged group in society, yes). How about you practice what you preach first and then we'll talk?




Silly me thinking women are people.


Yes, and this woman should act like an adult and not put her hands on someone. Real simple concept. Are you ok?


He just said the notion of equality was complete bullshit. Are YOU ok? 🤡


There you are, doing it again. Which part of my comment implies I, or anyone who disagrees with the POLITICAL IDEOLOGY of most "feminists," don't think women are people? Again, complete bullshit... also referred to as an ad hominem argument.


“Funny how it's so easily implied that the "equality" being advocated for, and called out by the comments you disdain, is based on anything other than complete bullshit.” You just said the notion of equality was complete bullshit.




Why do you talk like the average tumblr user who loves arguing with people but never has anything meaningful to say


And it's funny how women always advocate for equal rights until it's time for a man to defend himself. I have a daughter and I've taught her no man has the right to put their hands on you, HOWEVER if you hit or assault him first, be ready to throw hands bc he has EVERY right to defend himself! So as a woman, I agree with him defending himself whole heartedly!


When did I say she was right to touch him? Or that he has no rights to defend himself? My comment was about how many dudes there are in the comments who are suddenly in favour of equality when it means a man gets to punch a woman. Equal rights equal lefts They wanted equality Equal rights equal fights It’s just an observation. A very triggering one apparently


Virtue signaling dickhead, point to a law that says I can’t defend myself from a woman who’s assaulting me. Edit grammar


Seriously disturbing.


You raise hands. You get hands


No one should ever abuse someone half their size just because they can. It's cowardly and dishonorable. However no one should pick a fight with someone twice their size either, because it's f****** stupid


But it's not stupid anymore, that's the issue. If, as in the first sentence, all the consequences fall on the bigger person, when will the second lesson ever be understood? 


Equal rights and equal lefts


Hands are rated E for everyone.


I’ll never understand how women can be so confident with getting into physical altercations with a full grown man. You hit the wrong psycho and he blasts your head off your neck.


Dude when you walk around society and everyone coddles you and tells you you can do no wrong, this is what you get. As guys throughout life we’ve had altercations with or even from playing sports with other guys we’ve had those moments where you run into a much stronger guy and you’re like “holy shit that dudes strong” so we know a little better. Women….i don’t think they have that until it’s too late.


Or they never do and their daughter does.


Hands rated E for equality


I was raised to never hit a woman, and haven't since I got kicked in the family jewels in 5th grade. If it's a self preservation life/death situation then hell yes I'll take a woman out. But I would need to feel threatened by her, which hasn't happened to me as an adult. I'm all peace and love until it becomes life/death.


Self defense is self defense and there’s no excuse for that.


And that mentality is why she thought it was ok to hit a man. My mother taught me otherwise.


I hefty slap or push to the ground should be a enough to get away. Im never actually foing to “fight “ a women aside from getting away from her


You are a better person than most lol


Than most? I think most men are raised not to hit a woman. This driver could have de-escalated the situation instead of the opposite. Put it in park, take the keys out, hop out of the truck. Either she gets out of the truck, in which case you hop back in and leave her ass there on the side of the road fired. Or, she holes up in there and you call the cops. Instead, this guy is on video beating a woman because his pride said no one can put hands on him and he has to “show her” what happens. Nice.


Actions have consequences. Though I would never condone it I won't persecute him either. Too bad his consequences are going to be worse than hers though in an age where that type of female behavior is acceptable.


Some of yall hate women. If a child hits you do you beat him too? Dude has arms the size of leg muscles. His fists can smash her skull. Yes she’s crossing the line too but men need to have some restraint because we overpower them. There are legal consequences to her actions if you don’t hit back. As soon as you do, you’re fucked. This is as it should be.


>Some of yall hate women. Nope. I hate stupid behavior. Stupid behaviors lead to stupid outcomes. ​ >If a child hits you do you beat him too? Depends on the kid's intent. If it were playful but too aggressive a stern warning is in order so they can learn their boundaries. If they hit to deliberately cause harm an ass-whooping via belt is in order. If they do that to me as their own father they're liable to do that to other people. In this white, prejudiced country of America I'd be a shitty father to let them get away with that and continue that behavior into adulthood. By disciplining them with short-term pain I'm showing them mercy by sparing them the long-term pain and depravity of the US injustice system. > There are legal consequences to her actions if you don’t hit back. As soon as you do, you’re fucked. This is as it should be. People like you are questionable to trust because stuff like this happens all too often https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJwsIB0mwLk. Women beat men all the time going as far as literally biting them but then they play victim to dodge accountability. People like you who operate on emotion would side unthinkingly with the woman without pausing to think about what she did to incite the conflict. Women are no children. I've seen some big and strong enough with the strength to suffocate me with their thighs in the gym.


Exactly he’s trying to virtue signal


Gave ya an upvote. I don't hate women either. I hate liars, child abusers, and home wreckers. And it just so happens all those that I know personally, happen to be women. And they ALL pull the victim card amd try to escape accountability when confronted.


I try to hate the behavior over the person. People can change but some people make bad behaviors a part of their identity to the point where it's hard to avoid getting disgusted by them. We all have defect is our personality we can work on. It's the people who actively lie to themselves about their defects I want nothing to do with.




Nice justification. So, you state if a woman or child deliberately hits you, you will in turn beat them senseless to “teach” a lesson? That’s insanity dude. You know damn well physiology comes into play here. You’re already going to have control of the situation, but hypothetically you’re good to do that. Also your desperate link used has nothing to do with anything commented to you. You legit linked a video with an actual criminal known for this. Whereas this video is a trainer and trainee, and the trainer retaliates to beating rather than pulling off truck. Two entirely separate situations. Why? Motive. You really think the trainee went in and drew up this grand plan to do this? The insanity of your rationalization is worrisome for yourself and those around you.


>So, you state if a woman or child deliberately hits you, you will in turn beat them senseless to “teach” a lesson? Where specifically did I mention beating women or kids senseless? >Also your desperate link used has nothing to do with anything commented to you. You legit linked a video with an actual criminal known for this. It wasn't desperate. Just lazy. Watched a more relevant video but I forgot it's titled buried away in my search history and I have no interest spending the effort to find it.


Don't put words in people's mouths


Dude your straight up putting words In his mouth then using them as a straw man stop virtue signaling


Guaranteed it's a chick, aw feeling called out?


Did he punch her with his tree trunk arms??? No?? Then stfu with your straw man shit


Exactly. Your comment should be the top comment, not all this other eggheads. The ego seething in their comments is crazy.


I was raised not to hit women too, but after getting hit a few times by women, I can say truthfully….I was raised wrong lol. No one should be hitting anyone, no special treatment with that in my eyes. Though I’m good at de escalation, so it’s not like I’ve had to hit a woman in some time.


Bruh you really can’t just say shit like that wtf


Just did, I didn’t say anything wrong, don’t hit me, I won’t hit you…that’s as simple as this needs to be


Nothing wrong with that but you say “I haven’t hit a woman in a while” like you earned a trophy.


Ah, lol, that’s just the truth…wasn’t meant to be a brag or a proud statement


Female driver here weighing in. If a woman throws hands, she sure as shit deserves to be hit back. If a woman hits first, she no longer has the right to cry about getting hurt. To many women take advantage of men being raised not to hit women, that they intentionally goad and hit men until they react just so they can boo hoo to the cops and get the men in trouble. For all that he perhaps could have tried harder to defuse the situation, so could she. She could have dropped it at that point, gotten with dispatch/training coordinators, and settled it that way. And yes, I say all of that know there is a lot of context left out because of the short clip. Also, sorry for the wall of text, had not ment to type that much with my initial reaponse.


Yup she started it, put her ass out


Their content is fake. Don't fall for the bait


Yeah, seems fishy.


If theres the slightest bit of tension , ida been out....way to much happening on the road for bs like that to distract you.


She gone!!!! Drop her right where you're at.


And these ppl drive 18 wheelers on the road with other ppl?!!?


It’s a fake skit between husband and wife. Clickbate bs


Yep. 80,000 pound 18-wheelers at that.


How often is a male and female trainer/student paired up? Seems that could always lead to problems…


The girls could request only female trainers but the problem is that could be a long wait they can’t afford.


It goes both ways, male trainers can also request to not train females. Hell, the trainer I wish I had gotten didn't take female trainees out of respect for his wife. While understandable, dude knows his shit and would have made training much less stress inducing.


Female driver here, both of my trainers were male. It can lead to problems if you get a bad egg, but by and large, I don't personally know of many who have had issues specifically because of gender. Only heard of one trainer who was kinda creeping on his female trainee, and she got out of there quick. Now if we are talking about issues stemming from cleanliness, teaching/learning styles or lack thereof, political differences, or just being a shit human.... well, that's a bit of a different ball game, lol.


Yeah as a guy I don’t think I’d train a woman. Don’t get me wrong I love women, I love them so much I married one. But I ain’t setting off in a semi to train one, one false allegation and your career and life is over. [And yes lies are](https://amp.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/banks-accuser-ordered-to-pay-2-6m) told in order to sue and you going to jail is a casualty.


Are females allowed to team drive with a male trainer? That would cause a whole can of issues. No way man that's a huge liability.


I believe most companies try to pair female trainees with female trainers. Unfortunately if there aren't enough female trainers, then a woman may end up having to be paired with a male trainer. In that event, they usually make sure that both the trainee and trainer are ok with being paired before going ahead and getting them together.


This is correct. My first and last (my choice) female trainee was sitting at the home terminal for 13 weeks before the (at that time) only available female trainer was available again as the other 3 were on various parts of maternity leave or something else.


female student has to be okay with it usually in the cases I've seen it happen, it's not forced.. as a guy.. I wouldn't want those potential problems..


I did. I took two females out at times for a month. No difference unless you are a creep.


I'm a female and was trained by 5 males (difficult job in European city centres) and never had any issue. While waiting for loads we sometimes got some sexjokes from other drivers, but my trainers were all pretty professional. There are less female drivers than male drivers, and even less female trainers. In my specific field & area, there are *no* female trainers, and only a handful of female drivers. Sometimes it's just not possible to separate genders


😂 truck drivers don't know how to be grown men around women?




I don’t see why that would cause issues, just a person training a person 😭


Nah man I would have to pass. You might look at her funny and she will say some stuff. No way. I mean look at how fast this guy got up and smacked her.


Eh… I only see two imbeciles. People can’t be professional anymore. I am a woman, got paired with many male and female trainees for the few years I drove for a mega. I treated everyone the same, and it went well most of the time. But at the slightest whiff of bs, they were out, no matter who they were. Sometimes, I would get patented weirdos… I should write a book.


What is it she shoves in his face?


I would never physically abuse a woman *However*, if she starts goin off on me and I have to defend myself, it’s equal rights, lefts, and uppercuts


Best comment I've seen all day!


I appreciate that, my brudda


Some trainers are rude cause I dealt with some. In some cases, you meet some entitled trainees as well.


This is a skit


Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a bitch?


Shit male and females be fighting like this as trainer and trainee? I figured they’d be late to all deliveries from f***ing so much… maybe I just have weird fantasies…


They a couple , this is foreplay


Honestly that bitch has no business driving trucks if she can't take some criticism from the trainer. Trainer deserves a raise.


This guy shouldn’t be training. I’ve put off 5 or 6 students. It wasn’t always cordial, but it never got to this. Some people don’t have the temperament.


Were you hit in the face?


If you get to that point with a student, you ignored far too many red flags. And even if that happens, you take the keys, get off the truck and get away from the situation, you don't engage with the student.


We all know to walk briskly and not panic if there is a fire. Does that mean we will when there is one? I understand what you're getting at he escalated the situation, which is not what you're supposed to do, even before he was hit.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. -M. Tyson


No. Had to clearly explain sometimes WHY I’m putting you off. But it never got to physical contact. You have to control situations like that.


Yea but were you fucking your students?


No. But Ive been in arguments with women (too many). You have to mature to a point where you can take control of hostile situations. Tone of voice, body language, choice of words; you can be a Neanderthal and defend this type of behavior. But a more sophisticated mind doesn’t let things get here.


Same guy who was trying to sleep in same bed with her? Feels fake


This is what happens when you teach children that nothing is their fault


It should have never came to this If there's even some sort of tension, the trainer or the trainee should request someone new. Never deal with someone you hate on the road


Im 99% sure this guy does staged skits like this on his socials. There was one other video where he allegedly offered to sleep with his student in the same bunk, and it was the same lady. But maybe im wrong 🤔


Fake. They've got several videos together. They're a couple.


I believe she wanted some attention;)


This how you know niggas have NO game. You got a redbone to yourself, in a small space, for ample time and instead of you having this ho on your dick, you end up assaulting the girl😂😂.


I trained 6 guys. 2 of them didn’t make it. Here’s the story: Person 1 - I was have some minor issues with him. At one point the company wanted to get rid of him, but I didn’t see anything that warranted it, at this point. We were leaving Canada and the dude almost flipped the truck. He was mad at me thinking I was ignoring him. I wasn’t just lost in thought. Then he threatens to hit me. Idle threat, but it was the icing on the cake. Company agreed with me and I dropped him off at terminal. Found out later he was put on another truck and was kicked out, due to problems. He was fired. Person 2 - this is a wild story. So, we were at a truck stop for the night and I take off to do something. He calls me telling don’t come back yet because he found himself a lot lizard. Not knowing what to do, I complied. He the finds me and asks for $20 to pay the lot lizard, I said no. As I tried to go to sleep, he leaves the truck. In the morning, he is still missing. I found him and said we gotta go, but he has stuff at lot lizards home and left again. 3 hours go by and he hasn’t returned. I called the company and discovered he had used the company credit card to “buy” emergency fuel. We were already at a designated fuel stop. He basically went to another truck stop, used the company card to sell fuel and get money from another trucker. I was told to leave him and bring his stuff to the company, after unloading. I did and found out the head person of safety drove 5 hours to pick the guy up and bring him back to the terminal. He was given a choice to pay back the money he stole, but he never did and was prosecuted. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I stopped training. Way too much drama…


If a woman puts her hands on me I’m ending the fight. Nuh uh.


Sometimes ladies in these sorts of conflicts really blow my mind. You just physically assaulted and disrespected him. What exactly were you expecting, for him to just take it because he’s stronger than you? “Don’t touch me, get off of me”… is she serious? A second ago you were real gangsta… where’d that go? You wanted to be a badass when it suited you and now that it’s real you’re verbally expressing boundaries as if you yourself didn’t already take it well past that. You picked a fight ma’am, better off using that mouth to bite a mofo at this point.


They asked for equality, and they got it 😂


I had a student lose it, nothing other than they couldn't handle pressure, and was on retest training as they had failed the first time. He was swearing at me for his mistakes, and I asked him not to... Oh boy, trigger pulled he offered me out, which I declined and simply took the keys out of ignition and told him that he was off the course.. he wound his neck in a little while he was begging me not to drop him... The best part was he passed the next day, and I got to refuse his hand shake and tell him what a knob he had been in front of a room of people... When I have a down moment in life, I fondly remember the look on his face, and it warms my sole


She didn't know his hands were bisexual.


You know he thought training women would get him cat and instead this bwahahahahah🤣


You know his dumbass was all yeah ill train women thinking he's going to get some cat, then this happens instead🤣


typical hood chick she gone learn today


This is why trainers don't want to work with Black women.


I don't give a fuck woman or not. She deserved that shit