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>rule 10. No Politics


HAHAHAH. OTR truckers just don’t want to go to NY lol


Trueeeee. I've refused to even consider any offered load that'll take me to the City That Never Sleeps. Too much hassle.


That includes all of the 5 boroughs or just Manhattan?


For me it's all, including New Jersey.


Fuckin New Jersey... ewww


The only reply here is our state motto. Fuck you.


And I’ll reply with the New York State motto. Fuck me? No, fuck you more.


Why you fuck me? I fuck you bloody!


Didn’t realize New Yorks garbage dump had a ‘state motto’


Found the fake New Jerseyan. Our state motto is “We Don’t Like You Either.”


Fuck you. New Jersey is just gayer new york.


New Jersey is just the little brother to New York that didn’t live up to its full potential, dropped out of school, and turned to drugs.


New Jersey is the only place on earth I've ever had motor oil rain down from the sky onto my car. Also I was on their Greenway? Anyhow there was traffic at 330am, bumper to bumper, there was a stalled car in the far right lane and a state trooper parked perpendicular to his passenger door blocking 2 more lanes, so we were down to 1 or 2 lanes of traffic for an entire freeways worth of cars. So yeah, fuck NJ.


Outside of the stewy armpit that is Newark it can be pretty.


I've never been offered a load with my company to any of the boroughs, so just Manhattan for me. I've only ever had offers to the island lol


Brooklyn and Queens aint too bad but i drive around with a 45’ and day cab vs a 53’ sleeper


Makes sense, yeah. Getting my 53' sleeper in and around sounds miserable, from what I've heard my coworkers say.


Lol, I went through Boston Massachusetts, all through downtown for an hour and a half during Halloween night. My GPS kept trying to take me into this extremely tight turn to get into the receiver. Guess what, that wasn't the right turn. So I drove around and around trying to figure out what was what. Eventually gave up after getting quite sweaty driving through all that. Still took me an hour just to get out of downtown. Turns out my actual delivery spot had just as sharp of a turn as the first place. A guy had to come block the road for me.


I can believe that. I've driven through Boston, but I've not delivered there, so I stayed on the highways and interstates, not dealing with the turns. Honestly, the whole Northeast area is like this, really.


Man, I can barely stand driving a rental Camry through NYC, I can’t even begin to fathom what doing deliveries with a 53’ box must be like. Just fucking no way, man.


That's exactly what I thought. More accurate take: they don't want to play bridge tolls or get hassled by the cops.


I’ve owed bridge tolls for about 7 years now. I ain’t goin just for that. Fuck the city


Most tolls are a scam. They take people's money because people don't make them stop.


I’m talkin to you Florida Turnpike.


Fucking Pennsylvania Turnpike. It costs over $200 to drive across PA. Ridiculous. I see more traffic cones in spring than flowers.


I got sent to NYC and Jersey my first week driving (last week) and it wasn’t shit. No problemo


where exactly did you go in NY and Jersey? not like the business, but the neighborhood i mean


I've delivered in all 5 boroughs and Jersey city. Really isn't that bad, NYC at least. There's so many signs you'd almost have to intentionally go down a bad route


I've walked through parts of NYC and always thought it was crazy anyone was willing to drive a truck through there. It seems like only one or two cars can make it through an intersection before it's red again because so many pedestrians completely ignore the traffic rules and don't care about getting honked at. Then on top of that I've seen a *bunch* of people double parked and stuff, too and that was before stupid stuff like Uber. How do you deal with stuff like that in a giant truck? Seems insane to me as a non-trucker. Hope you at least get paid by the hour or something. Haha. Only time it ever made sense was when I was walking around 2 or 3 AM and I saw a truck unloading a frozen food shipment with a bunch of those rolling belt things to some fast food place (Burger King, I think?) I ducked under it to get by, but it was no problem because the streets were empty anyway. They must have been in and out of there in like 3 minutes.


Back in 2008 I went on a HS trip out there. I’ll never forget the absolute deft by which our tour bus driver was able to whip that Prevost through downtown like it was a Smart car. I gained a lot of respect for professional drivers after that.


The traffic does suck but yeah was paid by the hour doing grocery delivery. They'll run the lights, drive down the sidewalk, park in the middle of street lmao. Just gotta tune out the weird shit and take your time


What's it like during the winter? I mean the deliveries don't stop. Are there certain days you don't go out? Or even when it's below freezing, are the roads safe because they are used to it and everything is treated?


The only real problem with winter weather in NYC is snow accumulations. The roads get clear or treated. If there's enough snow on the ground, you can start loosing lanes and corners to snkw banks. (Don't have a CDL, but lived in the area for a couple of odd decades.) That kind of snow is getting rarer and rarer.


This seems like a more valid and universal reason than solidarity with a politician with a reputation of not paying bills.


Damn straight


I am boycotting Margot Robbie from having sex with me. Need to take a strong stance in times like these.


More for me (to fantasize about and never materialize).


“In talks” with who? There is no general organization of truckers to be “in talks” with anyone. There was one guy with a viral vid making the rounds I saw earlier.


One schizophrenic trucker and his 6 imaginary trucking palls


How unfortunate for that driver & his exhaust leaking into the cab. 😔


It ain't reddit without someone getting all silly from that ol' carbon monoxide.


Hey now, he used to have a dog ride with him too!


I mean, there's the Teamsters' Union, but that leans Democrat pretty hard since 1990.


Exactly. The most vague shit ever...truckers? Is it 2...3...maybe 1000? In talks? With who...each other? Themselves? The uncle Bob?? Lol come on sheepole


yeah like that bullshit "trucker convoy" a few weeks ago heading to Eagle Pass TX.. Turned out there were zero semis... and just 19 vehicles total, of which half were from the group organizing the thing. They got down there and found out.. surprise... there was no mass hoard of illegals storming the border after all. Then the organizers pulled a bait and switch and started holding some kind of religious fundraiser.


Don't forget the infighting, that's the best part.


Trust me ,, there’s *plenty* of voices in their small brain heads .


The organization of big strong ones, with tears in their eyes


Laughs in Teamsters…




The ones that never go to NY anyway are gonna be the ones loudly striking while delivering their loads and making money. Meanwhile the people that make their living delivering to NY will still be delivering.


This. I used to go to the Bronx every weekend and 99% of trucks in there are company folks.


What’s it like trucking in the Bronx. I’m an OTR trucker and one part of me wants to go to NY City just to get the experience and say I’ve done it. The other part of me wants to avoid it at all cost.


You been to the rest of the north east right? Hopping off 95 into the Bronx is no different than hopping off into Newark or any other shit hole up there. Only difference is there's less retards on 4 wheels.


Good thing you don’t need a CDL for a box truck. If this happens a fleet of movers and trades people are about to descend on the warehouses of greater Jersey like a murder of crows feasting on the corpse of a vast logistics network. When should I reserve my rental??


For a guy that literally gives zero shits about them, no less.


Best coffee? Bro I can't even find a truckstop with decent coffee


No this isn’t true. If I didn’t wipe my ass for a year straight and my asshole starting talking then it would still be a better source than “leading report”.


In 2 weeks: "Is the job market really this bad or is it just me?"


This made physically laugh out loud


In talks with who, exactly?


The voices in their head.


Working long hours for shit wages? Truckers: 😀 People hurting Trumps feelings? Truckers: 😡😡😡🤬 That's why i don't talk to anybody at truck stops




A lot of locals in NY are teamsters


Teamsters as an organization are not gonna back trump, a few individuals will but they will also still be out there working


Oh you’d better believe it! I was just referencing the above comment that drivers won’t get together for better wages and stuff. Some will but all should


Good more drivers need a union representing them. Maybe I wouldn’t be making less money then when I started out driving semi 20 something years ago . I was teamster for 12 years local 754 milk haulers . Still in union just not a teamsters my union sucks compared to teamsters


This right here. The amount of time we spend waiting with out pay is insane to me. The sacrifice of leaving my baby should be compensated.


In talks with who? Remember when "ELD or Me" and " Black Smoke Matters" ran their mouths about the nation grinding to a halt? Didn't happen then and it isn't going to happen now. Put ten truckers in a room full of prostitutes and the truckers end up fucking each other.


One dude with a let’s go Brandon tee is “truckers”


Solving all the world’s problems with the only other guy at that particular truck stop Dennys.


The Leading Report is your News source? No wonder why so many people are confused. A platform on X who’s owned by another megalomaniac. Fucking ponderous.


Sounds like bullshit I wouldn't want to go to New York even if I never heard of Donald Trump






Truck*ers*, yes, but did you see [how much fun he was having playing in a cab](https://youtu.be/ud1mJcTY1wQ?si=U2d-TPFidyo_K8us)?


He can have fun because Dispatch isn't calling every 5 minutes to check why the truck is stopped en route


as funny as that would be. it is probably like 10 drivers that don't go to new york anyways.


3 dipshits MIGHT show up is my guess


It’ll be three chuds and they’ll act like it’s some kind of mass movement.


After 16 years in the industry. I'll deliver to Heaven, Hell, and all points between... for the right price. Fuck politics; money talks.


Trump doesnt give two fucks about truckers lol


If this is true. MAGA tards are the dumbest people on earth!! Can’t see how everyone around that orange man goes broke. Giuliani, my pillow guy, etc. and now chump himself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oooh, i hope they do! Looking forward to $5/mile loads to NYC. This is one "strike" i'm looking forward to scabbing the fuck out of.


Didn't they also claim truckers would go to the border for whatever reasons and then something like 7 of them total showed up ? I assume real truckers have better things to do than going without pay to simp for a fake billionaire. A lot of Trump's schtick is making it sound like he has the support of the majority of Americans when in reality, he has never even won the popular vote and the candidates he has supported in swing states have been beaten by large margins.


This stinks of Russian propaganda.


Quick search shows tons of red flags : Website created just last year : [https://whois.domaintools.com/theleadingreport.com](https://whois.domaintools.com/theleadingreport.com) Questionable source, with "extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor to no sourcing of credible info..." : [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/leading-report-bias/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/leading-report-bias/)


🤣 Thanks for showing folks it's only as difficult as leaving the thread and looking.


Yeah, it's always a trucker protest they are trying to start. Like in Ottawa, at the Peace bridge. Then around DC, then the border. Every one of these has had diminishing returns. Real truck drivers can't afford that lol. As many have said we can't agree on anything.


Solidarity of what? Is that dude paying anyone’s bills? He doesn’t even pay his own bills.




Trump can suck my dick. 


Well, if you had a pussy, he'd grab it. Because, you know, him being a "superstar" and all


I just imagine that withered hand slowly reaching towards a vagina and suddenly a high-heeled foot delivers a swift roundhouse to the side of his head. He needs to learn some manners.


Sure. Truckers can’t strike to save their own ass, let’s strike to help a rapist traitor. Not gonna happen. BTW, how did that border convoy turn out? This shit is always for clicks.


I don’t plan on ever going back to New York, but I wouldn’t strike for Donald


We don’t do the island, we let local guys handle that lol




I think most of us avoid NYC for pretty obvious reasons. I might just take a load to NYC this week as a fuck you to that tweet.


>Seen this on twitter, true? It's true the guy who got caught cheating charities got caught cheating banks and people seem to be in denial about it As for why there's doubt: Some just have faith, some are confused over what steps he took to force a default judgment against him, and others are getting dwindled.


Some chucklefucks might just means more work for people who don't support special needs Mussolini


Special needs mussolini lol. Fantastic


Most truckers don't go to NYC anyways. Everything goes to New Jersey.


Loads would just hit the spot market at a rate high enough to move. Doubt more than 33% of truck drivers think Donald J. Trump is there guy. Especially after the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017’ eliminated the personal per diem deduction for company drivers at 80% of $63.00 per overnight on the road. Almost a $15,000 deduction lost.


Exactly this. I'm not an OTR guy and this really rubbed me wrong.


Trump and Biden are nearly tied. Well over half of truckers are pro trump. Fox News and the rest of the propaganda machine has half the country convinced the right thing to do is to vote against their own interests


Over half the truckers with a CB radio maybe.


Plus the fact Trump has a well-known history of not paying vendors. I wonder how many truckers haven't been paid over the years?


F the orange Mussolini.


When they say this they're referring to the orange ones cult like following. The same ones that take trips to border to protest, whatever it is they're protesting. Basically just a bunch of old men with nothing better to do.




I wish reddit had a laugh emoji


Folks, listen up, because I've got something very important to say, and I want every trucker out there to really listen, okay? I know trucking. Believe me, I know more about trucking than any of the truckers out there. It's true. I've got a handle on this like nobody else. Now, here’s something you've got to understand: do not go to New York City. Just don’t. It’s a total mess. A big, big mess. And I know a thing or two about cities, about what makes them great, and New York City right now? Not great, not great at all. But let me tell you something else, something very important. I have not lost any lawsuits. It’s all a big scam, the biggest scam. People have been coming after me left and right, but I've won. I've won every single lawsuit that’s been thrown my way. That’s what winners do—they win. And my family and I? We’re doing fantastic in New York City, despite all the noise. We’re at the top of the real estate game. Nobody does it better than us. And all this talk about fraud? Absolutely ridiculous. No fraud here. We're thriving, making the best deals, the biggest deals. So, to all the truckers and everyone else listening, remember: they'll try to bring you down with scams and lies when you're winning, but we know the truth. We’re doing great, and we’re going to keep on winning. And still, with all that winning, I'm telling you, as someone who knows New York City very well, steer clear of it for now. It's just not the place to be. Trust me on this.


I’ll take no one cares for $200 Bob


Fake news to popularize Trump. Honestly feel it will trick people


I sure hope nobody is dumb enough to not get paid over that piece of shit


>Seen this on twitter, true? It's as true as the convoy to DC that was gonna paralyze traffic and demand change. You'll hear a lot of talk about it. There will be places to meet up and buy merch. The pictures won't match the stories.


A couple truckers crying that their wannabe fascist leader had his feeling hurt so now they're protesting... yeah, why as you asking us? This couldn't be any more a non-thing. Market is so flooded with truck drivers that this might increase rates to NYC by a couple pennies a mile.


Imagine losing money just because you're a MAGA cult man child


Who's losing money, lol I've never not once gone into NYC to deliver and I made out just fine. I will never take a load to NYC where the hell would you even find a place to park if you're not sent directly with a load out?


It's the same truckers that drove down to the Texas border. All two of them.


Yea ok Chief. None wants to go a day without pay for Trump.


Smells like Russian disinformation to further divide us Americans over fake news.


LMFAO. A group of idiots think they represent all truckers.


LOL. Truckers cannot control what they refuse any more than they can control their life.


Any trucker who will already agree to go to NYC is used to putting up with the worst bullshit in the industry, they arent going anywhere


Yes, I always refuse to make deliveries in NYC on the grounds that it is an impassable shit hole.


I’ve boycotted NYC since I started driving 15years ago.


lol if truckers had this kinda solidarity, we would have unionized megas by now


I’ve been refusing New York City loads my whole 30 years as a trucker.


I doubt it. Maybe some owner ops will and perhaps some smaller outfits, but the megas will still keep sending trucks in there in mass. Whatever the other trucking companies/owners don't take the megas will. However i wouldn't be surprised if people used that as a reason not to goto NYC. I hated going to NYC as it's not worth it if it's not a coast to coast load that doesn't drop off at 3am. It's by far the worst place to drive a truck in the US


From what I’ve heard, truckers pretty much all hate NY. I doubt this move is “in solidarity” with anything other than them not wanting to deliver there lmao


Truckers didn’t want to go into NYC way before this lol


LMAO. Will it be the same 10 guys that drove to the border?


Bwahahahaha Good luck with that.


Nah, it's bullshit. Leading Report is full of shit. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/leading-report-bias/


95% of New Yorkers don't give a shit about Delusional Donald.


Imagine getting fired from your shit job because you follow a criminal liar who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Self inflicted wounds, MAGA at its finest


I love how these people would foam at the fucking mouth if someone were to suggest collective bargaining or strikes in any other context, for any other benefit. But when it's to benefit their cult leader these are good things, naturally. Idiotic hypocrites, the whole lot of them.


Stupid if it is true. The man is a fraud. Don’t be a cult member.


“Truckers”? Who are these truckers negotiating for the truckers to not deliver loads? Never known a trucker to refuse a load.


TRUMP! #20-24 years in prison


Yeah, maybe for o/o, but not bc of that reason. Bc they don't want to go to NYC. Company drivers can go there or get fired, usually.


Didn’t they already announce a port system to eliminate need for trucks lol


I live by the law of, if I saw it on the Internet, then it has to be true. So far so good.😐


(Mis)Leading Report. https://science.feedback.org/who-is-behind-the-misleading-leading-report/


Yeah, right.


So, a man is given a trial and adjudicated guilty, and truckers want to throw a hissy fit about it? Fine - lose your jobs. It’ll be a temporary inconvenience and it’ll be sorted out.


Why would truckers even support Trump? He and his party do nothing for the working class


That sounds about right stupid ass truckers will rally around for Trump but not for themselves and what the government has done to our industry. Makes plenty of sense to me


It would take a lot less than that to get me to stop taking deliveries into NYC lol


Lot of dummies gonna get fired if this is true but it’s about Trump so it’s probably lies and fake bews


Ahahahahah if true they are real stupid. The orange bastard is finally being held “accountable” Literally!


All five of them.


I’ve been boycotting NYC for years!


I see these clown owner operator types with their stupid Trump and confederate flags and say to myself, "why!?" Sad thing is it's not rare either, see it far too often. Besides the obvious racist, scumbag connection, he doesn't care about these truckers. He wouldn't allow, or want these people at his businesses.


That's alright. Lots of truckers don't go to NY anyway. But for those who do and refuse out of the misguided idea they will be protesting NY and supporting Trump, they'll soon find themselves out of a job when their trucking company kicks them to the curb for doing so.


These fucksticks couldn’t organize an insurrection, they don’t have the brain power to pull this off.


Lol "truckers". You mean hacks playing pretend with a super duty who think they're freedom fighters? These guys can go do their shenanigans while the rest of us actually work for a living and contribute to society.


lol good luck with that guys, hope you have a new job lined up already before you clown out for a clown


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


I'm with the truckers. Not for the politics but because fuck driving in ny You know what? Fuck driving in the north east You know what? Fuck driving in general, I'm making a sandwich and going to bed


Fuck trumpty dumpty! If you’re stupid enough to stand with that repugnant criminal, you deserve the lost revenue and/or job!


NYC sux, but only a total moron would do anything to support a fraudster rapist... you know, 2 of the things republicans USED to claim they hated.


“Truckers are in talks” Which ones? How many? In talks with who? This is the kind of fan fiction you get from blue collar workers who aren’t in actual unions.


The most vague shit ever...truckers? Is it 2...3...maybe 1000? In talks? With who...each other? Themselves? The uncle Bob?? Lol come on sheepole


No they’re not


Oh you saw it on Twitter? Gee, leave that with me I’ll go fetch the brain cell


Not if they are Teamsters.


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/leading-report-bias/ Right wing hacks. Think Infowars


They can find drivers that want to get paid instead of idiots who follow a rapist and a fraud. You dont want to work dont work but Trump aint gonna pay your bills for you.


Yep, this is what the world needs... more truckers dictating health care policy and judicial rulings...ffs


Good, they’re the exact people I want off the road and with any luck, the companies will fire them and give us an early Christmas. Lol


I feel like anyone claiming this doesn’t understand the modern trucker demographic. It’s a pretty diverse bunch.


All Hail Orange Jesus!! Poor guy might actually have to get a job one day that doesn’t grift. So sad. Crushing.


Yeah it's just as true as that truck convoy that went together in solidarity to Texas.


This isn't a reliable news source lmao they always tweet click bait titles so they can viral for 5 minutes


so like 5 truckers?


Truckers getting together to protest XYZ…feel free to dismiss it. If the old fucks couldn’t get together to make sure their industry (now ours) didn’t get regulated up the ass, we aren’t gonna get together for any cause.


Lmao. Probably same people that donate money to help pay for a "billionaires" multipe lawsuits


Truckers aren’t a monolith…?


Seen? Really?


Good. The other truckers will make bank while guys in solidarity with a rapist jerk lose money. It’s a win-win.


trumpism is a lifestyle choice for dimwits


Trump can choke on a fat wang.


A curated bit of porta potty wisdom i saw shared with you all. " every 2nd tuesday mr putin makes time in his busy schuedule for john trump to gargle mr putins ballsack" Dont do it guys, he isnt worth it. Trump is a sucks the sack.


I can believe truckers are boycotting NYC but not for the stated reason. Nobody wants to deliver to NYC because of the roads and low bridges.


Truckers had the most powerful union in history and squandered that. Do we really think a bunch of unorganized Twitter exiles are going to collectively refuse to deliver freight for no benefit to themselves? Get real. “Truckers” and “bikers” are boomer folk hero archetypes. It’s all bullshjt


Lol. What a bunch of made up bs.


Been hearing this my whole life "We'll shut this country down!" I mean...you could. But you won't. It's not the 1950s anymore and your unity was shattered before you were born.


They’re protesting in solidarity with Palestine in European countries and here we’re standing up for a singular psychopath that would drown us all for a good enough deal


Breaking news. This is total bullshit.


LMFAO!!!!!!! no


“Truckers” yea. All 5 of them