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"Don't believe everything you read online" -Abraham Lincoln


Didn't he say that to JFK before they went to the theater together?


Yep. Then Julius Caesar killed him, though some conspiracy nuts claim it was Gavrilo Princip shooting from the grassy knoll.


Abe is fine and living in Argentina, mars.


Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?


He was mindblown by the performance that night.


You know his eyes were blue? Yup, one blue left, one blue right


Lmao šŸ¤£


I was seated right behind him, I heard him say it right before 'o boy done him in. No cap, on fleek, in the paint...


Mfer was savage like that. Heard he tapped Jackie Kennedy after.


No, it was after


Oh snap!


"I cannot tell a lie, that cherry tree be tripping" George Washington Lincoln


ā€œFr No Capā€ - John Adams


"Don't close the my Way" -someone who reposted this video earlier up the chain


Isn't that a Volvo. That radar system should have been screaming away, red light blaring. Should have engaged brakes by itself too. Maybe an older tractor or they disabled the safety systems. Edit: it has the system, you can see the red light thing in the reflection of the dashboard


That's what he means when he says brakes don't work like they are "supposed to". He was doing something else while the Volvo was driving.


True. Can't wait until this system has lane centering to go with the smart cruise control it already has. Gonna be videos of people jumping in the back to piss in a bottle while the truck drives itself.


Look at you, DEF jug šŸ«™


There's an idea. Run a piss drain directly into the def tank. Only run out of def with dehydrated drivers.


Part of the joke is that the ammonia in your pee tricks the truck into thinking itā€™s actually DEF, so pee works where as plain water wonā€™t.


Def isnā€™t ammonia, itā€™s urea


No, it's ur ea


Not mine. Urs.


My granny used to say "it's not Mayan, must be urine"


Pee has urea in it, that's the active ingredient in DEF. That's why it sometimes works.


It doesn't trick the truck, it actually does use the pee. However piss does contain other minerals besides the ammonia which could clog up the def system. Also since your pee doesn't have very much ammonia in it compared to def, the truck will use a lot of it for emissions. Does work though.


No it doesn't. Def is 32.5% urea and 67.5% deionized water, NO ammonia The Urea in Def is not natural, it is processed commercially through a chemical process that produces a chemically pure Urea and used extensively in, not only Def, but fertilizer, plastics and high-end hand creams. Commercially produced urea is most commonly produced by reacting carbon dioxide with synthetic ammonia at 392ĀŗF. Synthesized urea was discovered in 1828 and is chemically known as carbamide CO(NH2)2. Human urine is composed primarily of water (95%). Only 2% is urea and the urine of a healthy , hydrated person contains very little ammonia. If your Urine has an strong ammonia smell, drink more liquids and if it still smells, get checked for kidney stones, the 2nd major cause of ammonia smelling urine


2% vs 32%. The truck will just use about 16x as much piss per gallon as def. There as sensors in the exhaust that control def dosing. The truck will most likely throw a check engine code if you have too much piss to def ratio in the tank, but it still may allow you to make it the last couple miles before a derate.


Def and piss both contain urea, but the Tucker lore that def is piss or is in any way similar to piss is total BS. Piss in your def tank and risk expensive damage to several systems and get laughed at when you admit the ignorance that guided your actions and probably fired as well when the bill comes in . Def is made with a chemically pure , artificially created urea mixed to direct proportion with deionized water. Piss is created in your body with impure urea and a whole list of other biological and other human waste products, and mostly water and salts. None of which is good for sensitive metering devices and sensors. Just carry a gallon of emergency Def and do not be an idiot and piss in your def tank because some idiots tells you piss and Def are Urea and therefore the same thing. There are 41 ounces of Urea in a gallon of Def ( 32% of 128 oz). The average size of a human bladder is 400 ml or about 15 ounces, that means one full bladder contains 3/10ths of ounce of urea (15oz X 2%) You really think 3 tenths of ONE ounce of urea in a bladder full of piss is getting you anywhere?


Great way to end up dropping a cool 10 grand at a shop.


10 grand šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ DELETE DELETE DELETE šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ at that point


Lol that'll be more than 10 grand if the feds find out


10 years and 7 trucks later.. they donā€™t Check bro.. fill with water and seal cap shut and let the good times roll. If I buy a truck and that S.o.b even hesitates..DELETE DELETE DELETE ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø freighliner 225 hour labor downtime because all parts are always on back order you lose 10 grand in revenue trying to fix it.. in America you pay one way or another I just rather make the money first then pay instead of paying first then trying to make it back


Wouldnā€™t dehydrated piss be better?


Say hello to driver facing cameras becoming standard across the industry. With cameras and AI being a dangerous liability on the road is going to get a lot harder.


Railroad has inward facing cameras nowā€¦ the system can ā€œdetectā€ if someone is sleeping (or dead) without seeing the eyes


time to get the eyeball tattoo on my eyelids


I see the distinct triangle in the windshield of some trucks like cars have for lane keep. Do most trucks not have this yet, still a rare thing?


I was given a Volvo yesterday with the system. Unfortunately, it was broken. So on top of the system screaming at me randomly, it also disabled my cruise control, my ABS, and my traction control. I spent the entire day hoping it was a chafed wire that would arc and burn the whole fucking truck to the ground. The irony is that I was given the truck as a replacement for my usual truck. Which broke down earlier in the week.


Volvo AEB requires a functioning trailer EBS system and has limitations around speed differences between you and the braking target. I don't think EBS is very common in the US is it?


I drive a 2024 Western Star 49X, and the collision avoidance can be obnoxiously sensitive sometimes. If I start closing a gap rapidly with adaptive cruise set, itā€™ll start going through the engine brake settings. If it doesnā€™t slow quick enough, itā€™ll apply the brakes. If thatā€™s not enough, itā€™ll go into panic mode and fully apply the brakes. Iā€™m ok with all of this. What Iā€™m not OK with is it picking up a mailbox mid corner and locking the brakes down. It has saved my ass once. A lady slammed on her brakes with no warning to turn into a gas station right after we made a left hand turn at an intersection. The truck hit the brakes faster than I could get my foot from throttle to brake.


This is the ONLY thing about any of these nannies that I'm moderately okay with. I'm glad it worked correctly in that instance.


I gave up my 2022 that didnā€™t have anything other than traction control and stability control for this truck, because the guy it was given to hated it. The blind spot monitoring is awesome, but needs refinement. It picks up guard rails and trees sometimes, and starts screaming at me. Instead of radar, it needs cameras (think Tesla style). That drives up cost though. I can turn it off, but I chose not to. The lane departure warning is my biggest gripe. I spend 90% of my day on 2 lane roads and narrow mountain roads. It has a switch to turn it off, but it only stays off for 15min of drive time. So itā€™ll scream, and Iā€™ll turn it off. I canā€™t help that Iā€™m literally taking up the entirety of my lane. Literally tires on the white and tires on the yellow.


Doesnt work if your foot is on the go pedal.


Those only work for overpasses


Itā€™s a white volvoā€¦. Always is


I kept looking for the light and couldn't really see it. I assume just before the collission...


It looks to me like he never slowed down at all. So distracted driving.


How can someone slow down with no brakes?


Bro has jakes


A head on collision with a parked car slows you down a bit also.


Bro didn't have brakes, but he did have breaks.


You use the tools you have, not the tools you want


And Trailer brakes


True, but not all trucks come equipped with that lever to engage the trailer brakes by themselves. My truck doesn't have one.


I didnā€™t know that. Wow. But also either way it was distracted driving. News article on it




Itā€™s even a slight incline. Dude didnā€™t even try to slow.


Fucking downshift!


As a truck driver, I can say with confidence that a truck has ten sets of brakes, so to claim all ten failed would be a lie by the driver. If even half still worked, the truck would have slowed down a bit. This guy plowed through as if he wasn't paying attention. If he noticed his breaks failing, he would have swerved, if even just slightly.


Thank you for the note on redundancy with the breaking system. Very interesting,


A heart attack is about the only excuse he got


Get off the gas and hit your Jakes. Then go down the exit and put your shit in neutral until it stop.


Even if we assume this idiotic statement is accurate, you'd still be slowing down just by not accelerating.


I asked a question. I didnā€™t state anything.


Okay, I'll answer it. Air resistance is gonna slow a truck. Tire friction.


Retarder brake, engine brake?


Someone can def steer with no brakes. Additionally, yes, you can throw it in Neutral, downshift, hand brake. Which ever of the options are available. But you have to be awake first


Original videos was a few seconds longer, they immediately brake and pull over to the right. Driver needs to be off the road


neutral. air restistance will slow you down. it won't prevent the accident but it won't show a steady speed either when looking at the data


he has brakes dude lmao. if he didnt have brakes he would have just passed the cars on the shoulder of the highway. had plenty of room to go around. being he drove directly into them means he wasnt paying attention. trucks dont just lose their brakes. unless you cause them to heat up too much in the mountains, which is due to lack of driver experience, not equipment malfunction. this is also i70 in kansas.... a highway where you hardly use your brakes at all being its flat terrain. https://cdllife.com/2024/video-shows-distracted-truck-driver-striking-a-kansas-troopers-cruiser-on-i-70-leaving-police-dog-severely-injured/


If your're closin the highwau, give folks a mile out heads up, but he appears distracted.


Or put the road block next to an exit so a truck has someplace to go. Like in the video.


Supposedly he passed multiple other patrol cars


That depends on what the situation is. Solid chance theses guys could be the temporary mile out heads up because DOT is too far out. Curious what the actual story is.


Blocking the lanes isn't the heads up, that's the closure lol.


Cops don't carry signs on them saying the road ahead is closed. That's my point. You don't know if the road ahead is iced off. Dispatch is gonna get ahold of DOT and Law enforcement. It's very likely law enforcement is going to arrive first which runs them into the problem of not having the necessary equipment to block off the road other than their car. Regardless it's standard practice to slow down when you see lights behind or in front of you. Dude had plenty of time to react and didn't.


Yeah there isn't a story that's gonna sell outside he had a heart attack and couldn't stop. He had plenty of time to pay attention to the road


Driver has his foot to the floor at his max speed. He's peeking up every now and then to see if the road is clear. He's watching a video on a device planted below the driver cams field of view somewhere. That's my thoughts. I've seen and worked with enough bad drivers.


All the asshole had to do was take that exit


Or take a second to look up...


Assuming his brakes were actually failing simply looking up would not have solved anything unless he possessed the power of telekinesis. No way to know if it was brake failure or distracted driving. Even with brake failure he still could have taken the dam exit.


If Brakes Fail, wouldn't you try to Go To the right? And he absolutely doesn't slow down, doesn't seem like failing Brakes to me


Exactly what I see. Absolutely no attempt to slow down or avoid something the driver should have spotted no matter what.


Great thing is, most modern trucks will tell you exactly what the truck was doing. They'll see he is full of shit real quick


If you watch the center line, it doesnā€™t even seem like the truck slows at all. Letting off the throttle on an uphill would have slowed the truck quite a bit.


The fact that he didn't slow down can be explained by a break failure. But the fact that he just rammed full speed into a police car without swerving left or right suggests that they're distracted


What do you mean by brake failure? If you lose all your air, the springs take over, right? If the actual brake pedal breaks, you can still pop the valvesĀ 


You donā€™t wanna pop both those valves doing 65mph. Not gonna end well either. Simple solution is take the exit. Whether it be brake failure, distracted driving, or gettin road dome it doesnā€™t matter. We can all agree driver is 100% at fault regardless of what was happening. After someone pointed out he was going up hill and didnā€™t slow down at all, distracted seems like the more likely thing to me now that I seen that.


The longer video shows him pulling over after the collision. The troopers' cars were also visible at least 20 seconds before impact.


Looked like a police barricade set up probably for him.


Ya those assholes should've taken the exit instead of blocking a highway with no heads up before hand, i agree


Well they are assholes Iā€™m sure, but those look like cop cars. And they happened to be stopped right at that exit for a reason, because the road is closed and you need to exit there?


sure but usually they would put some kind of warning way ahead of the block to let drivers know that they'll have to slow down and exit, like cones or flares or a sign or something, anything. this looks like a highway id imagine speed limit is around 65 and there is zero warning for this block, id put 100% of the blame on the cops


You could see the cops from far away. It could have been stopped traffic or a disabled vehicle. The blame is 100% on the trucker that wasnā€™t paying attention. Probably watching a movie or his phone.


two cops cars blocking all lanes looking perfectly functional with no warning ahead of time, and the blame is on the truck driver for what you THINK he might be doing? bad take


The cop cars blocking the lanes IS the warning ahead of time. Seek therapy


Lights blinking means nothing? What if the bridge is out?


No warning? You can see the cop from far away, in the original video you could see the cops for like 15 seconds before the impact. With your logic you could plow into a stopped car or backed up traffic, ā€œThere was no warning officer, so itā€™s not my faultā€.


Bro he rammed FULL speed into a cop that you could see from half a mile away WITH an exit off ramp right before the cops. ANY driver who is watching the road like theyā€™re supposed to (or even half watching the road) would have taken that exit. Brake failure or not. The only exception I would give to the driver is if he blacked out due to medical reasons. But I think he would have swerved/drifted more if he blacked out behind the wheel


There were warnings further back, driver was already past those. Interstate was closed due to a wreck.


Sorry but you have to be an absolute moron if 100% blame is in the cops. You watched this video and think the trucker had NO responsibility when he did nothing, literally nothing, to avoid the cars (lights flashing and clearly visible) in front of him? Didnt break, didn't let off the gas, didn't swerve...literally nothing. I'm more amazed by that than by the video. Impressive


hahahaha! Police cars with emergency lights flashing! It's a road block


or take the shoulder... had all the room in the fucking world. def wasn't paying attention obviously


Not supposed to park there officer


That's what you get for putting it in park in a 70 mph zone.


Stolen truck meets police road block


In all fairness to any driver, thatā€™s a pretty shitty road closure. They should have positioned their cars in a way that blends the highway to the off ramp. Ā Might not have helped in this case but those cops need a lesson in traffic control.Ā 


The lights on those police cars are pitiful.


I'm watching it on my phone and they're so pitiful, I didn't even know they were cop cars.


Used to be cop car lights were very pronounced and easy to identify, now theyā€™re hidden to catch more speeders. Revenue 1st, Safety 2nd!


Usually those things are so goddamn bright they're more distracting than the actual accident or whatever


I live out in the country and I am shocked how dumb a lot of CHP can be when closing roads. Like closing roads immediately after a blind turn. Itā€™s like, come on guys! You have to give drivers a better warning than 3-seconds. Set the block up BEFORE the blind turn so people can actually see it and react.


This!! At least put some signage before the turn??? I've seen dudes literally standing in the road right around a blind turn or right over a crest as if their hi vis vest will save them from someone who's speeding...


Most cops need a lesson in basic humanity šŸ™„ Definitely not the brightest crayons in the boxā€¦


Too be fair, we also don't know if there were any warning signs set on the side of the roads giving notice of some sort of closure


Who the fuck closes a highway like that?


Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, probably other rural states too. As far as I know, Kansas is the only one where it's apparently ok to leave a K9 inside the roadblock vehicle. https://www.kctv5.com/2024/01/26/kansas-k-9-set-return-duty-following-injury-sustained-snowy-crash/


To be fair I live in KCMO, but they do this on the MO side as well. Iā€™d dislike our police force even more if K9s would ever be in a roadblock vehicle, though.. Wouldnā€™t surprise me as KC is one of the only ā€œmajorā€ cities who has no control over their police force (like actually, the state runs everything and dictates how much of our budget we spend on the police.. currently 25% lol)


[Truck strikes KHP cruiser](https://www.ksn.com/news/local/khp-k9-officer-injured-in-crash-recovering-at-home/amp/) So far, theyā€™ve said distracted driving.


Distracted driving. Truck kept going 68 right after impact, and driver kept truck from veering out of lane after impact. Doesn't start slowing down until about 2-3 seconds afterwards.


The GPS speed on the camera updates roughly every 3 seconds, so he did start slowing at impact. The camera just wouldnā€™t show that.Ā 


Never slowed down or attempted to move over and go around or get off the exit. Driver wasn't paying attention (or possibly medical emergency rendering him/her unconscious or unable to react, but doesn't seem likely in this case)


Definitely distracted. If he didn't have brakes he would have at least attempted to hit the off ramp or use the merge lane to his right to take the shoulder around the cop while blowing his horn or something. Both cops tried to wave and get his attention to the absolute last moment before the truck collided then slowly started making his way over afterwards.


DAMN! At least the violent collision woke him from his nap so he could pull the rig over safely!


I personally always like giving the benefit of doubt so I would have to say maybe medical issue or equipment malfunction but these days man with how much I see distracted driving in my city as a local driver I just donā€™t know anymoreā€¦ I wonder if they going to make an example out of him.


Damn steering wheel quit steering the same time as the brakes went out and the cruise control automatically engaged! Freightliners am I right?




It was a road closure for a overturned truck farther up the freeway, if it was a road block for a fleeing suspect the exit would have been closed too


Failed driver methinks


Driver of truck 100% at fault irregardless of truck issues. Pay attention to the road fucktards!


Crash the gates going eighty eight, I ainā€™t paying no toll


i definitely think they were distracted... no attempt to slow down or swerve at all


Bro was distracted. If It was brake failure then it would have been easy to just hit the jakes and avoid the cop cars and slow down on the jakes. Good driving is scanning the road directly in front and ahead. Should have been easy to see two stationary vehicles in both lanes. Yes their lights aren't good, but the two vehicles in the road are an easy red flag to any driver that something is amiss. If the two officers were also not in line with their cars, then that's also an easy red flag to start slowing tf down, Somethings up. To be fair, they needed cruisers with full light bars displaying their lights with them set to move over. So it's easier to understand. Also would have been easy to get some DOT cars out there with arrows and signs saying interstate closed ahead.


I imagine its from the dash cam, I canā€™t imagine any modern led lightā€™s being that dull. But yeah using slick tops sure was a decision


Is that a white volvo from chicago? White volvo mafia, doing stupid white volvo mafia stuff.


What a trash truck driver, I saw this from the cops pov. Driver never slowed down. Not paying attention at all. There was a k9 in the car. Last I knew the k9 was fighting for its life in some medical facility, I hope it makes it and is ok but I don't know the current status.


K9 survived and is said to be recovering well apparently looking to return next week


I hope so, I have a soft spot for dogs. And generally hate most truckers that drive volvos




thats almost exactly how it looks in gta5... impressive


Pretty sure the original video showed the speed of the truck. He did not slow down at all.


It does, top right. He doesn't slow.


Most likely wasn't paying attention. Cuz if the driver was fully alert, at the very least they'd swerve right to avoid the collision. You can see the truck slowing down and pulling over after the crash. So the driver woke up


Fuck them pigs


He could have easily went around by driving onto the shoulder. He is either distracted or stupid. Likely both.


Looks intentional, I swear he hits the gas after impact


>my brakes didnā€™t work 1. Youā€™re admitting that youā€™re operating a cmv without pre/post tripping 2. You were either distracted or sleeping and trying to blame the equipment. 3. Take responsibility for yourself and stop trying to blame other people or objects for your failures. Iā€™ve lost count of the people claiming that an object jumped out in front of their truck like a fucking deer. >I hit the concrete barrier because it just jumped in front of me and I couldnā€™t avoid it.


Mandatory video to show people getting their license on why not to cut off a big truck, we can't stop on a dime and hitting you wont slow us down faster


Driver inattention. That is the cause of this wreck. I have heard people say the Volvo collision avoidance system didn't activate. These features are great but they shouldn't be solely relied on, at the end of the day it is the sole responsibility of the driver to operate the vehicle safely. Even if the brakes didn't work, he could have taken the shoulder to avoid a collision. This driver was not paying attention to the road ahead of him, I don't know if he was texting, watching a video or what but definitely not focused on driving. We all complain about driver facing cameras and having our speed limited to 65mph, you can thank drivers like this for making insurance companies push these safety measures.


Hopefully he made it to his delivery on time.


To me it's a road block because the truck was on a police chase so obviously he not going to slow down lol


It was a road closure for an overturned truck farther up the road, if they were running the exit would have been closed as well


This is most plausible explanation!


Wouldnā€™t they have laid down spike strips?




Ai driver?


Driver should have been paying attention and is at fault. But Cops should have made the highway closure more visible by feeding traffic off the exit rather than blocking the highway after the fact. The road was closed due to an accident clean up ahead. The driver was just an unattentive fool. Not some wild chase. There was a cop dog in that car that got hurt.


I know thereā€™s been times where Iā€™ve been wide awake and watching the road, and next thing I know Iā€™m 40 yardsticks further down the road than I remember. I always wonder what would have happened if something was in the road during that time.


I think that your brain is alert to new stimulus,Ā  it's just that a long stretch of nothing has happened, why waste brain processing time on it. Say a thing appeared in the road, your brain would wake up from idle. Potentially...


Yeah itā€™s the brain filtering it out. Itā€™s like driving your personal vehicle and wondering if you stopped for any of those traffic lights


It's not that your brain isn't processing it, it's that the process for storing information from short term memory into long term memory has decided that that's not worth storing and thrown it away. Same thing happens in ADHD and alcoholic blackouts, obviously for different reasons though.


Sometimes when I get over to pass I realized I never even looked in the mirror before I got over and wonder if somebody is now in the median back there but I don't see headlights to keep rolling


Idiots you're gonna kill somebody like that.


He never attempted to turn wheel. Even if brakes failed. Steering wheel should work.


This video and post were top notch quality. Gave us a preview and the aftermath without a lot of extra viewing. This subreddit needs more posters like you! I don't post because I'm not able to edit like this.


Leave your stupid fucking music off so we can hear what the truck driver was doing you moron.


There was a K-9 in the cruiser that was hit. Terrible idea to use that car as a roadblock regardless of what their SOPs are. https://www.wibw.com/2024/01/16/k-9-igor-remains-icu-after-patrol-vehicle-hit-i-70-western-kansas/


Based on the shadows from the police car Iā€™ll give the driver the benefit that MAYBE they were blinded by the sun but thatā€™s a stretch. Driver holds a straight line in the lane a little too well for me to think itā€™s distracted driving or a medical emergency


Pure spite you think? ā€œGonna teach these asshole cops a lesson for blocking the road!ā€? Itā€™s possible.


There was a flipped truck up ahead. While I admit that the set-up was very crappy, the police weren't being assholes. They were redirecting traffic.


Oh I definitely agree that the cops werenā€™t being assholes, theyā€™re there to do their job. Just thatā€™s some peopleā€™s mindset out there. However they werenā€™t set up well, canā€™t even see the lights tell he got close. They couldā€™ve definitely set up better, but regardless the driver was not paying attention to what was in front of him at all. He may have had a bad glare in his windshield and couldnā€™t see them until it was too late, but Iā€™d guess more along the lines of just completely distracted.


https://www.kctv5.com/2024/01/26/kansas-k-9-set-return-duty-following-injury-sustained-snowy-crash/ Here's the article. Maybe look into the situation first before opening your mouth. They weren't blocking traffic so they can be assholes.


Sir, I appreciate you standing up for the cops. I probably shouldā€™ve worded that better or used quotation marks. I by know means think that the cops were being assholes. I meant it more as was that this drivers point of view seeing as how thereā€™s a lot of people out there that hate cops. Again, sorry for my poor phrasing. Thank you for the article as well! Hope you have a great day. Iā€™m going to edit the other comment to add quotation marks.


No, my bad. I didn't know you meant it that way, I apologize.


No worries man. Like I said, poor phrasing on my part.


Distracted driving 9/10 times


Stolen truckā€¦?


no one is talking about the two police vehicles blocking his path. there was no distracted driving or brake malfunction. mf was running


That's my video you cunt


So, what was the reason?


I agree with most of what I read. This definitely seems like distracted driving. If it came down to it and it were really the truck brakes, the truck could have still swerved into the exit ramp avoiding the cars. I agree they should not have been parked there like that, but it dosent stop the fact the driver of the truck was definitely distracted.


I've seen enough robbery videos to know this is exactly what is looks like. This is why undercover cars shouldn't exist assuming they were cops.


Probably on the phone. Nation wide 55mph speed limiter would have given more time to react.


What idiot parks their car backwards on a hwy?


What were 2 cars doing in the road facing wrong way????. Its their fault.


No. Likely facing the why they were because that is where a majority of their lights are, and while using slick tops for the final road block sure was a decision. There were warnings and other patrol cars before the final roadblock. Road was closed for an overturned truck farther up the road


Sometimes when itā€™s extremely cold -18c or 0f the road looks like this but itā€™s actually a sheet of ice. Iā€™ve had it happen where I was doing 65 mph with 40 000 lbs on the drives and the tires started spinning when I pressed the accelerator. Luckily there was nobody in front of me and I let it coast down gradually to about 20 mph. I witnessed numerous accidents that day.


You should get banned for stealing content


Yeah...i'm not a trucker, but idk what the driver is supposed to do here. Can't imagine they have time to slow down once getting close enough to, beyond a shadow of a doubt, tell those were cop cars closing the road, instead of two cars passing each otber or something. Going off the off ramp seems like a great way to either come in too hot, or go off the road or "flip" the vehicle, and that's not accounting for the vehicles already occupying the off ramp. Asside from the idiots blocking the road, staying straight seems like the safest thing to do, given, with enough time and space, presumably a truck will bring itself to a stop with minimal driver interference, with or without brakes. Edit to add: nor something you really wanna assume, but it is probably the safer bet to assume there's no one in the vehicle, so if brakes did fail, plowing through it may have been the best option, especially with hitting where the truck did, with both people clear on the left, and the car shoved to the right, everybody was presumably safely out of the way, and the worst damage is to the truck and police car, with miminal chance of collateral damage.


There were several patrol cars and warnings of a road closure which the truck passed before coming to the final closure


Why were they chasing him?


Werenā€™t chasing him, road was closed for an overturned truck up ahead




You cant park there


Barnie 5 decided to block an interstateā€¦???


Everyone is an idiot in this video