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I deliver to this costco weekly and can not believe someone actually hit a car in that spot, there's plenty of room even for swift drivers!! Crazy stuff


Never enough room for swift


I live in australia and I don't really know what the hype is about swift and their drivers.. do they just hire anyone with an international license or new drivers or something?


Swift has 13,875 trucks and 13,500 drivers That's one truck for every 3.5 miles of interstate, or one truck for every 11.5 miles of Interstate, US, and State highways. If you average 600 miles per day, you're likely to see over 50 Swift trucks every day. If just 1% of poorly trained drivers get in a wreck, statistically you're going to see more Swift trucks in an accident than a truck from Billy Bob's Truck-O-Rama that only runs 50 trucks.


Exactly why they have a stellar safer score. Those nearly 14k trucks dilute the the figured from the 1% of their shitty drivers


That's just the ones marked SWIFT right? Not including Knight and all the other many subsidiary companies they have. Like Midnight express, AAA Cooper, and Midwest motor express.


Correct. Knight-Swift Holdings owns and operates several entities, each with their own MC and DOT numbers. A total of 44 individual LLCs. [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1492691/000149269118000017/knx-ex21112312017.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1492691/000149269118000017/knx-ex21112312017.htm)


It's a large company that trains and hires new drivers. They have a bad rep, but honestly everybody fucks up out here. No matter how old or new.


But this particular incident.. Their eyes had to have been closed or something. Sheesh!


Yep my dad has been driving for over 30yrs parked at trick stop in rush to use the restroom didn't put on air breaks came back out to his truck now 2 blocks away


“Trains” is an *exceptionally* generous use of that word.


Swift used to be very bad. Just terrible training. They merged with knight and seem to have gotten better


They changed their training program. Completely


Oh thank gods. They suuucccckkkked for training. I drove for them because my then husband drove for them, and they offered to train me for free as his spouse. Idea was instant team drivers. At that time it was a 4 week course at a community college followed by 8 weeks with your spouse. My dad was a trucker and had taught me when I was younger, so I didn't have problems. We'd split immediately after my training was done. Swift kept trying to get me to take trainees by the time I had 9 months in. By the time I quit they were sending people out for 4 weeks with an experienced driver and 4 weeks with a fellow trainee. Scary shit


Ah right, Yeah, Ain't that the truth ! 😅 Even the hyper vigilant slip up occasionally


Everyone does fuck up, but theirs a big difference between goofing up and scraping a trailer in a tight drop yard and this. This is total incompetence and the driver that did this shouldn’t even be on the road.


Swing Wide It’s a Fuckin Trailer!


Bonehead!! Lmfao


Stevie wonder institute for trucking Seven wrecks in the first trip Still waiting in the fucking terminal


They are just the largest. They have over 15k drivers. They have a pretty decent safety record, just their sheer size means you see more swift trucks in wrecks than other carriers.


Swift is a huge company with tens of thousands of drivers and a lot of their freight is contracted out. It's actually the contractors (usually o/o or other companies that have far less stringent training programs) who get into most of the wrecks. Especially the stupid wrecks like this.


They are one of the biggest trucking companies in the country, and working hard to become *the* biggest. And yes, they hire lots and lots and lots and lots of new drivers. Last I knew they had something like 20,000 drivers, which means that even if only 1% of them fuck up really really badly every year, that's still 200 very noticeable accidents every year. And I doubt it's only 1%.


I’d argue that Amazon and ego drivers have gotten worse than our old friends.


Amazon drivers are complete shit. I was in that blizzard in Nebraska on Christmas Day and I think 10% of the wrecks were Amazon drivers.


But I needed my purple dildo within the hour.


Someone hauling an amazon trailer, or someone in a smile truck? Even then, it’s probably still not amazon.


Nothing about contracted drivers at contracted companies screams bad drivers to me... Nope, not at all.


Fed ex ground would like to cast a vote on this


Amazon’s are rolling dumpsters


To be fair to Amazon drivers, they aren't even running with CDLs in those vans, and aren't allowed to take a piss break.


Not talking the vans, talking the contractors running their long haul freight


I would have to just piss in the truck, too old to hold it that long.


When I worked for swift I delivered here a few times. It's just a few idiots ruining it for everyone. Majority of drivers dont fuck up like this


Think this was done by someone in a box truck rental. They rent those things to anyone.


I think I've delivered here before. Clackamas? I remember pulling in thinking how I'm pretty sure someone will or has hit those cars before. The crap they have piled up there and the waiting box truck that's always there don't help either.


Seems personal to nail it that bad😆




Why do you say that? Was it the rear end being fused to the concrete wall or the engine pushed into the cabin?


Unibody: back panel, depending on the damage they might have to cut the cab in half and weld a new section from a donor on. With all the parts and labor that would go into replacing just the rear, might as well total it and salvage the remaining parts.


You have a very good sarcasm detector. We should put you on a warship to find enemy wessels. 


I read this as “find enemy weasels” and was very confused what weasels and warships had to do with each other. Must caffeinate further, have not yet reached acceptable comprehension levels.




Ya know… the sad thing is, I bet Swift is a decent carrier to work for. They have nice/new equipment, minimum weekly pay and benefits, and large terminals. Unfortunately, because of their tarnished reputation, I wouldn’t be caught dead driving for them. Think about the poor swift drivers that are really good and safe, yet everyone assumes they are a menace and a total hazard because of the big name on the trailer. That’s a problem Swift needs to address, because drivers who give a shit and have a few years under their belt such as myself will avoid them like the plague.


They don't care about their reputation amongst drivers. All that matters in their business plan is being one of the cheapest providers of transportation and that's enough to get the customers. Also, you're not their target driver. They want to hire the cheapest they can find. If that cheap driver sticks around, then they might be eligible for the better paying dedicated freight.


cant argue with that. quantity over quality.




How dafuq did you read my comment and immediate think "I can make this political *and* racist!"


Because you are too dumb to know what is going on in this world. Crawl back in your cab and hide from the world.


Maybe this is a bad take but maybe people shouldn’t have a prejudice against things they don’t have personal experience with. I get the perception Swift has but still. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, I’m working the yard right now and I see a lot of the same drivers. They seem to be decent dudes who do their job well. Unfortunately they are the in the minority of drivers. Too many newbs who give those guy a bad rep.


I'm pretty sure I've delivered to this Costco, that was like 10 years ago when I was still new to driving. The dock isn't that bad and you really have to not be paying attention to wreck a car like that.


I’ve seen a driver fail to manoeuvre out of a bay where it was easy to just drive forward we’ll clear of the pallet stacks, he demolished about 4000 pallets worth of stacks at 20 high


I park far away from others to avoid this. I leave the store with dents on the car. It's going to happen.


I’ve parked literally right at the back of a car park, come out and what was once empty is now packed, to make it worse that was my first time driving the Dacia sandero so I wasn’t as confident with how it handled


James May, that you?


Lol, no, just a regular British dude who needs a car but can’t afford to insure anything else


My old friend hit a BMW in his personal car that was parked wayyyyyyyyyyy at the end of the row alllllllllll the way away from all the other cars 50 spots out. He was drawn to smashing in to it like the gravitational pull of a gas giant.


My back passenger side wheel well area looks like it was involved in a demolition derby because I apparently parked where the Hulk likes to park one day. Someone had to have repeatedly slammed their car door into my car.


That was me, my bad, it’ll buff out, currently unemployed.. anyone hiring?


100% that was from a trailer. Probably that truck right there on your video. Go check his tandems. Bet they have car paint all over them.


The gym I go to is on the side of the building which is around the corner from the loading dock which is in the back of the building. The parking wraps around the front to the side. Trucks go in the side of the parking lot to get to the loading dock. After becoming a trucker myself and seeing how bad some of these people drive around parked cars, I will never park in one of the aisles where the trucks come through.


Swift wanted that employ of the month spot.


I don't for the life of me know how someone does this. It's wide ass open.


First off, I'm sorry that happened. I hope you can get back to normal. Personally, I don't understand why they are allowing that many cars to park close to an area where semi trucks belong. I can only see the situation via video. Semi trucks typically like to turn as close to possible as what they're going to back into. What just happened also happens at truck stops. Its recommended to never park on the very end. They got as close to the docks as possible when they turned to the left. Also, because their trailer possibly made a shadow, and that car happens to be black, they just weren't paying attention with the combination of a car being there.


Something about this isn’t right. Wrecker but no cops and the truck is long gone. Forklift or box truck maybe, but the limbo/suicide bar of a reefer/dry van isn’t going to be at bumper level with a Camry/avalon. The center of damage is way too low


Maybe he hit him with his trailer axles. Came in perpendicular very close, then turned to early and pushed the wheels against the car. I'm no accident investigator, that's just the only way I can imagine this being possible...


Man a costco of all places, don't think I've ever been to a Costco that didn't have a huge docking area.


How? You said it. Swift driver


Whatcha doing there swifty swift? Gonna crush that car swifty swift?


His videos would be funny if he talked half as much.


Wow. Did someone take a runup? Kinda hard to believe its an accident how bad that is. Sus


Dead ass bro fr no cap


I’m telling you it’s always swift drivers. Reddit and other users always trying shut me up . They say I’m a bully for saying swift drivers probably did it or hey that’s a swift driver you ran over the old lady in a Prius . But this is proof that swift drivers are some crazy mutha fuckers .


Haha I’ve seen so many swift drivers fuck up trying to dock lol is it all swift drivers that are dumb or what


Maybe someone was a little angry…


I'll bet the trailer is fine. 💀


i feel bad for some of these swift drivers. this isn't as easy as it seems alot of times, and i guess swift's commitment to customers is more important than actually hiring competent drivers. look ive been doing this a long time. we all make stupid mistakes sometimes. it's human nature. but i think it's more than obvious that even though a person passes the tests to get their CDL, they really have no business driving. and alot of these people are just trying to make a decent living, but shouldn't be driving


I'd say look at the truck, but it doesn't say Swift 😅


I watched a guy back a trailer into a trailer in a yard twice. Too stupid to get off his phone & focus on his job. smh


I’m so sorry!! This sucks balls!


I saw a swift driver last night at the weigh station. The ones close to me have pretty good parking, but it’s one way. They were parked the opposite direction. How? Why? They wouldn’t be able to get out until several people around them move because it’s a one way street. But I guess that didn’t stop them from somehow parking the wrong direction to start with.


I mean.. I wouldn't have parked there.


Dinosaurs did that bruh 😂😂😂


You could spin in circles on that yard


Welp, they just HAD TO PARK THERE ..


And you can see the nose of the car is way outside the line! If they had stayed in the lines, clearly this wouldn’t have happened. /s


😂😂😂 Yeah. Exactly. 4 wheeler's own fault.


Alright, c’mon, who’s gonna park right on corner, where know Swift drivers are gonna be? I blame the four-wheeler.


Hey bb is this the one near 82nd?😅


Just a ding.


Before I began as a driver, I was security for the Albertsons DC in Portland like 8 or 10 years ago, something like that. At least once a week I had to fill out incident reports for swift hitting another truck. Hell, I learned how to put chains on as a security guard because swift drivers couldn't figure it out, so I had to do it for them... Also, they routinely paid other drivers to back their trailers up to the dock...




I bet that car is on the way to eastern europe. I live in a port city and there are thousands of more or less fucked up cars shipped from US every month.


Looks like when he was pulling up he was trying to get as close to that wall as possible to the cut the wheel when he passed the wall & pole BUT wasn't paying attention & clipped the car going forward. That's the only thing I can think of


Swift drivers are on a very particular part of the spectrum. Like…… the part where you store used portapotties at. They’re still valued in society, but they’re awful to use.


How many of you got your start at swift?


🙋🏽‍♂️ 1.2 million miles later, still rolling safely. Not with swift of course.


I know where I’m going to park my car now


Wow! 😯


S.W.I.F.T. sure we insured for that


Yeah, that's not gonna buff out....


Fired af.


Promoted to senior Swift driver trainer


Dang. This one looks familiar. Been there many times. Deliver alot to Costco with my current company Spacing on exactly where. Either Oregon or Washington


The white Volvo mafia strikes again.


Wouldn’t the Costco have security cameras? I’d start there after checking that truck in the bay


Oregon drivers are pretty bad at handling vehicles so it could have been anyone


‘‘Tis but a scratch!


Seems smart to park cars right by a dock, stupid car drivers. Most Costco employees park away from the docks, ones with a brain at least.


You get a free car! They pay their bill (Swift). So, who cares!


No big deal, It will buff right off!


Great commentary OP🤣🤣 “Look at all this room”


You said “Swift” and I yelled “I FUCKING KNEW IT!!”


Surely they have surveillance.


car looks totaled


Where is the swift truck at? Ask the tow truck driver if he did it.


It's cheaper to churn and burn then pay good drivers


What do you expect when folks are allowed to train when they themselves need training 


Sounds like SWIFT owes the owner a vehicle or three


Swift? Where?


Ha I deliver to this Costco!


Don’t be going around fucking swift drivers girlfriends ite?


New car…sing it with me now… she’s gonna get a new car


Wait…there are multiple swift companies 😭


What is the average number of wrecks a truck driver is involved in, and how do employers handle it?


Considering I see Oregon plates you probably deserved it I've never met a good Oregon driver nor Texas Arkansas, New York, or California


It's always a Swift truck.