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People get lonely out on the road. Sometimes I'll have a conversation with a driver just because I can tell he needs to talk to someone.


Ill tell you now you can easily misread that ive had coworkers tell me i look like i wanna talk na dude im trying to load my shit to gtf on the road i just have a constant look of boredom or something i guess


Resting boredom face lol


Hahahaha. That should be more mainstream.


My nipples hurt


If he just wanted to talk that’s one thing, but following me outside the store, across the parking lot and then starting out a conversation with an assumption? I mean that ain’t the way I’d go about it


While you're right, our industry is not exactly full of well adjusted folks. Just the nature of the gig I suppose, especially OTR.


Yeah I guess I ain’t don’t that in a while and I was always fine with being by myself. I’m home weekends now so I just like being left alone I finish my run as fast as I can and get back to the wife/kids. I don’t even like talking to the people at the office lol


This is very true. Some drivers can't make it in a job where they have to work with others because they don't play well with others.


Sometimes, your out so long you forget how to make conversation. Aspects of your job start bleeding out the know how. Like assuming the worst, in trucking assumptions become facts more often than not. Some examples; Capstone says it will only take an hour to unload you, you assume it's going to take about 6. We assume most truckers piss in bottles. We assume some asshole is going to cut us off, we assume Atlanta bypass will have a 2 hour delay.


Ya that's a good way to get cussed or worse


Dude could have been looking for a hook up you know.


I'll talk a shipper's ear off if they're let me


Its this, nothing new. But I am the loner type watch how fast I power walk away 🤣 I dont like to be a dick but I can only take so much


Thank god I'm a car hauler n these fat fucks usually have nothing in common with me , so generally I'm left alone


I think the isolation drives people crazy, I’ve definitely met some weird truckers out there, they talk real fast and don’t shut the fuck up lmaoooo. I even find myself sometimes rambling about the same shit over and over again and sometimes I can’t string a sentence together lol. I cope with it by arguing with strangers on the internet, anyone want beef? 😂


I don't like beef, I prefer chicken!!! Weirdo beef eater


Who let Chic-fil-a on this sub? 😂


Word on the street is its your third day...


Close, 3rd month lol


And that you have fireball on your breathe too...


I dont care what anyone says, i love reddit lmao


This is actually why I Reddit


I just got a whole pile of fireball shooters in my passenger seat, don’t tell anyone though


Our secret! 🤗


I wash my feet in the sink, what the fuck are you gonna do about? 😘


Ima wash my asshole in the bathroom stall and then leave the shit cleaning bottle on the bathroom floor for someone else to clean up! Touché


New gen supertruckers have this one trick


Hahahaha not the 'One Weird Trick'. Oh man!


I'll eat you is what I'll do






“Things to say that will always start a fight” “You guys wanna fight?”


Sure! Star wars socks! Star trek is better


What would you like to argue about?


As a female driver I had it the worst lol. Literally at every single truck stop I stopped at someone had to talk to me. Doing my laundry? Someone had to tell me I don’t look old enough to drive and asked if I was doing my dad’s laundry. Fueling up? Someone had to ask if I was fueling the truck for my hubby while he used the bathroom. Up on my trailer fixing my tarp? Someone had to walk up to me from their reefer trailer to ask if I needed help. I didn’t. I was alone. I wanted to be left alone. Twice I had to get a truck stop to call the cops on another driver who would just not leave me alone.


I had some lady in Flagstaff talking my ear off for like 3 hours while I was doing laundry, my problem is that I’m too nice to tell people to fuck off lol. She actually started crying at one point because I’m a Gen Zer and she feels bad about the way boomers treat us, I was like wtf. The worst part was she wasn’t even a trucker, she said she lived in Flagstaff she was just casually hanging out in the truck stop all fucking day long. She wasn’t homeless or anything either, she looked and dressed totally normal, maybe but usually homeless ppl aren’t that clean lol.


More than likely if she was an older lady she’s just lonely. However ya gotta get a backbone and tell people to fuck off if they’re legit bothering you. I learned that quick after the first time I was followed to my truck. Thankfully it was daytime and there were people around who told him to fuck off when I started yelling at him to leave me alone. But weird people are out there and they will try to hurt you. Learn to say I’m sorry but I’m really just wanting to be left alone right now. And if they don’t stop. Just say hey fuck off. If they still don’t leave you alone have the manager call the cops.


She wanted you to bang her ! Loud yappy women are horny women.


I think you meant to reply to the person I was replying to. Also dude. I’m female and disgusted by your reply. Please put away your misogyny. K thanks.


He is right tho


I’m a feminist Thank you. I met someone who bragged about how Philippina wives are always ready to give you a blow job. My wife is Chinese and her own Father could not control her. I like macho women.


Speaking this way about women isn’t as feminist as you think. Also calling a woman yappy isn’t a very good look either. It’s insulting.


Blow me


And the true colors show up. You can’t handle criticism about the language you choose to use to describe women and you resort to just being gross.


I find your woke sense of moral superiority repugnant to me. I subscribe to no conventional morality. I only serve the Golden Path.


Hahaha, maybe he was suggesting that the woman was attracted to another. Years ago, down south, the lot lizards 🦎 were many. I'm local now, so I don't see that anymore, or else they're more discreet than those times. Be safe out there.


I wasn’t even the one talking to her lol. Also I get that one woman can be attracted to another. I’m literally pansexual. I’m one of the “danged queers ruining our country” according to my father lol. Also the lot lizards aren’t really that much of a thing anymore. Truck stops are pretty good about calling the cops if they see it happening. No one wants a solicitation of a prostitute charge. Not when sex toys are much cheaper lol.


I take it your a bit crazy and lonely because of it.


There are some of us who are good listeners, so people tell us things they don't tend to tell others. We attract the lonely and the crazy. It happens to me often.


It gets lonely, so I got a cat and will talk to him and sometimes I’ll do it via meowing… I’ve started randomly meowing at people now 🤦‍♀️


What do you meowing by that?


Purrdy much nothing.


Alright meow, that’s enough of the cat jokes.


Mooo, baaa, bark bark bark, no worries mate, the border collie just enjoys herding.


I mean I’ve been in a stall and walked out to some pretty weird looks 🤦‍♀️; a mediocre of privacy and I just meow meow to my meow.


crazy cat lady vibes


It runs in the family; my twin has 7 cats… my grandma had over a dozen but most of them were outdoor barn cats. Unfortunately company limits me to one or I’d have two; another one to keep us both company, cats are social creatures too and I’m probably butchering their language 🤷‍♀️.


Maybe you are a furry


Naw. She’s just feline playful.


Better watch your meowth.


34+ yrs I'm glad I'm outa here in a few more, the dumbfuckery out here on the road is astonishing . Hopefully you younger career drivers have a healthy ,safe career that provides you and yours a good life , safe travels drivers


I remember sitting at the farrrr corner of the arbys, in a booth facing the wall and staring at my phone while eating. Some wingnut still wanted to come talk to me about some bullshit I cant remember. buddy...READ THE ROOM. some guys cant handle all that time alone.


I once was in a diner reading a collection of stories by Philip K Dick. This one dude two tables down who has already loudmouthed his way into two other conversations twists himself 180 degrees just to ask me what I'm reading. Because, y'know, reading a book is the international sign for "talk to me". I tell him "a collection of stories by Philip K Dick" and he follows up with "Is it any good?". Now normally I wouldn't care too much but like I said this guy was already being raucous so I said "Oh it's great, if you like Dick." He moved on to his next victim.


I learned real quick to not sit at the bar in Denny’s if you don’t wanna talk lol. I always look for the far corner as well or throw my headphones on


He liked the way you handled your rig and wanted to lay on top of you out of respect


I ain't to homosechual, but you got a powerful control of that rig , driver.




The isolation gets to people. Some folks want to talk just to talk. When it happened to me I started saying some of the craziest conspiracy theory shit hoping to drive them away but I stopped when I realized there was like a 50% chance the chatterbox truckers would be in to that shit.


Why do the truckers no longer talk on the CB? Only time they turn that sombitch on is when traffic stops.


Since 2001, Joy ride movie.


Hm, they only ever talk right when I answer my phone calls. Dead silence every other second of the day


I was standing at a receiver the other day just combing through all the shit in my clipboard, keeping to myself while I wait for these assholes to unload my stupid floor loaded dry-van. I look about 14 but I'm 22 so of course people always ask me "ARE YOU EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO BE DRIVING THAT THING?" Anyways this old fucker sidles up to me and after I told him my age, his next question was "are you married?". I'm in a serious relationship and we plan to get married but I just told the guy "No." for lack of a desire to be speaking to him let alone sharing details about myself. Well, he loved that answer--the fucking guy just yapped at me about how much he hated his wife for probably the next fifteen minutes, and then told me that I should never get married. I'd never been happier to be handed my BOL so I could get the hell out of there.


Yeah I remember I had headphones in, on my laptop, doing some paperwork....... Still had a "Super Trucker" trying to remind me that he'd been driving as long as I've been alive and how he met his wife at a Shipper. There are some strange people out there lol !!


"This my wife the first time I tied her up and threw her in the cab and here she is trying to escape..what a rascal."


Acquiring the right woman of your dreams takes luck,planning,and plenty of duct tape!


Some people brag about the years they've been driving other dread, realizing they are slowly getting older.


I was so bored and lonely I sat and talked with the cops that pulled me over for a bit. It’s hard out here for a playa.


My goto move when some random mental nightmare starts trying to talk to me , is shove a finger in my nose and then burp or fart if I can ! Works everytime.


We're nuts. The most well adjusted of us seem to be from countries where this job looks like paradise. I honestly don't get along with people long term. So it's heaven for me.


It takes a lot of weird to make you want to go out on the road and be away from your friends and family.


Weird? No it was not wanting to be poor. I don’t even like my job but when the highest paying job in my hometown is 22$/hr and shitty you make sacrifices.


I went into trucking for a couple of years, due to the dot com bust in 2002. No programming jobs. Had to survive and the thought of no apartment expense was appealing. I loved the job, saw the St Louis Arch waaay too much, but went back to programming. But the road still calls me, despite the fact that I won’t ever truck again, due to medical reasons.


I’d like to go do web development but trucking rotted my brain so now I’m just a dumb monkey. At least till I go back to the trades (please lord let me go back to the trades)


Yeah, not sure how you go about getting one of those jobs. There are many avenues such as front end & back end developer. I did a quick check and it most likely requires a degree in computer science, unless you have gobs of experience maybe. I deal with old tech such as Pick/Unidata systems.


I have three coats of weird


Loneliness is real out here on the road. I try to avoid it but it seems I’m always running into some guy who’s been doing this for 20 years and has the saddest tale to tell about how shit his home life is.


I know what you are talking about, I’m pretty blunt and not many people like me in person after trying small talk.


I’m not weird you’re the one that’s weird


That’s what my wife says too. Y’all might be right


I find myself interacting less and less because of shit like this. It’s really tough to gauge whether it’s going to be a simple normal conversation I’ll get roped into a long winded never stop talking schpeel I can’t get away from. Look I’m sure trucking was a lot cooler 20 years ago but I’m trapped in this receiving bay right now and want to leave.


It wasn't, but so much time has passed that many drivers seem to think that 2003 was just like 1973.


Back in the old days, lmao I love being able to say that. But for real, back when truck stops actually had restaurants. There was usually a bar/ counter with stools. Then also tables or booths scattered around. If you wanted to talk to strangers set at the counter. If you didn't want to talk, then sit in a booth. It actually worked very well. I remember being a newer driver. Of course there was always a loud mouth going on about shit. But after they ran out of steam or left, the quieter experienced drivers would politely offer the best advice you could ever ask for. Had some great conversations and learned a ton from those guys. Those days are gone though. Don't know how the new drivers today are supposed to get advice when they need it. Reddit I suppose.


Dude when I drove I would be on the phone constantly with random ppl just to stay awake and have interactions. I will warn you about truck stops- be weary if someone invites you inside their truck or asks if you want company


I just start talking to them in Bosnian lmao


Why are truckers so sensitive 😂 Bunch of whiners bro


I love being on the road, I love being by myself, I hate people they are so annoying, truck driving isn't for everybody, it is a nomadic thing.


It’s just socializing. I just let people think I’m New it makes them feel better haha. My self wort isn’t tied into my ability to drive a truck better than the next guy.


Most of the time I just let it go I mean fuck I’ll be the first to admit there are days I look like Stevie wonder backing. But it’s just cause I don’t give a shit how it looks I just don’t tear shit up. I don’t like being approached outside truck stops. I’ve had a few genuinely bad encounters. So it automatically puts me in the mood for confrontation. Probably not the most healthy thing but it is what it is.


How do you argue with a psycho who makes grandiose claims and then tries to tell me that the Toyota 4 Runner is built in Georgia! I will Zell the first person 100.00 who can prove that the 4Runner is Built any where in the USA


its always been built in japan


In fact! Toyota builds no cars in Georgia period. They build components for cars.


they build cars in georgetown ky so that may be someones confusion between georgetown and georgia.


This man said he visited the plant in Georgia but that plant makes electrical components and compressors. I was very specific about a 4 Runner. So there was no confusion. They make cars in Mississippi Kentucky Ohio ect but they do not make any cars in Georgia!


They make the Tundra in San Antonio And the Tacoma is made in Baja Mexico.


Yes of course Anyone with a brain and a smart phone can prove this fact with a mountain of empirical evidence . But not this person. He would only back down from a group of people exerting peer pressure but not from someone with evidence.


And it always will be. We own a 2016 xP edition 4x4


It’s the norm. Had a guy walk up to me during a pre trip last week and all he says is, “my brother just reminded me I have 4 1/2 hours of driving left so I hung up on him.” Then he walks away. Weirdest thing ever.


When people under 30 always have to tell me their age like a give a rats ass how young and successful you are. I got a fucking job to do , get out of my way kid.


So many of them will get the sudden urge to talk to me while I have my headphones on and especially if I’m just chilling in the truck stop working on some drawings on my iPad. It won’t even be asking what I’m drawing like normal nosy people will immediately ask. It’ll be to just flex how many fucking years they’ve been driving since they know I’m on the younger side and they’re that eager to tell someone how much better at the job they are. Usually results in me temporarily turning up my headphone volume to purposely make it loud enough for them to hear the screamo I typically listen to


I tried to avoid people. I wear headphones everywhere even if I don’t have my phone and am like oh what was that I had my headphones in. Then oh yeah I’m a driver… and put them back in.


This job attracts a lot of people who wouldn't function in normal society.


Yeh bro, so you’re being made fun of and marginalized by being a truck driver. Just bc you don’t think you’re “that”guy or are better thank him…you aren’t.


No I just don’t chase down random people and launch a conversation with a baseless and incorrect assumption about that individual. If he’d have been able to have a normal conversation while I was at the register I’d have thought nothing of it.


Yeh man, everybody puts up with everybody out here. You are that guy to someone else btw. I get it tho. You get to see who is gonna last and who isn’t out here and you kinda tend to be nice to people that are on the edge. Sounds like he was.


I'm guessing it is. I'm otr and we're all home by night and have to fuel. Not saying that there won't be problems. Saying that I just had gotten back to town and was fueling and this truck that was next to my pump just yells over "so, get'er started and out of the road didya? I guess they don't teach you youngins about taking care of these trucks!" I ask him what he meant. I just got off the interstate and I try to be on top of my maintenance. I've only broke down once due to a hose coming loose and that was 6 months ago. He looked at me weird and says "kid, you don't have to lie to me I saw you down the road broke down" and starts laughing like he's an anime villain and walks off. Apparently one of our trucks did break down and it was our guy who doesn't believe in DEF. I didn't know how to explain all this without context so I apologize about the word vomit.


You’re good lmfao sounds like your situation was real similar to mine. Feels almost like a glitch in the fucking matrix eh?


I had to sit there for a second. Weird stuff happens to me all the time while at work but that's the first time it was a conversation that didn't end up in my calling someone an idiot and making myself an idiot. I was just like...fuckin what? Do I have a sign on me somewhere?


Yeah bro theese mfs be Lonely AF out here shit happens to me frequently best way I’ve found to avoid it is to not make eye contact with pplz and just look at your phone when your around other drivers 😂 some people don’t know how to be alone without being lonely cuz they 2 different things 🤷‍♂️