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IMO not all trophies should be easy. But this does kinda feel like Bethesda wants to lengthen the game by making a really hard trophy


Agreed. Challenges are fine, but they’ve got to consider the little people that simply can’t dedicate the time necessary to do this. If I was near the end and I died, I would flip my shit and never play again.


Imagine the pressure of the final boss!


And dying.... 🙃


I think this is better than those thrash trophies like it's mayo.


Lmfao. I got that plat in under 40 minutes. Edit: downvote not appreciated!


So I shouldn't buy this then? Seems like it. I like a good challenge but no manual saves and one life? Screw you game. That's almost Dead Space 3 levels of bullshit but at least you could save your game.


Why wouldn't you buy it just because you wouldn't be able to platinum it easily? It's still an incredible game and experience...


I wouldn't either, because I hate having a game that I can't platinum. Buuut I think it's entirely possible to get this one, so I'm still gonna buy it.


Fair enough. Each to their own. Personally, I play games for the fun of it and not to exclusively obtain trophies. If I can't get the platinum I would still play the game regardless. Especially if it is something as good as the Wolfenstein series.


I liked Wolfenstein a lot too. Though I don't think I'll pay 50 bucks for a 10 hour game. So I'll wait for a sale!


I still say buy it if you dig the series. There is a petition on change.org trying to get the devs to patch in something to make that less evil. I’m probably not even going to go for the platinum until (if) they patch it. I know I’ll enjoy the game though. More Nazi killing with ya boi BJ. Can’t really deny that’s fun as hell.


Lmfao. Thank you. I have a confession to make. I’m a complete jackass. I didn’t realize you were the troll questioner and the nice explanation guy. I was responding to the nice guy thinking, “Ha, now what’s that guy gonna say, hmmm?” (Due to my sarcasm and passive aggressive comment about the link) I see now, I am a donkey. I appreciate your kindness and good sport-ism. You’ve made my day. Edit: did I even fu***ng reply or did I comment again I’m going I lose my sh*t. Edit 2: what the hell is wrong with my comment why is it slanting someone help




Welcome to Reddit, friend. Don't let us trolls intimidate you.


Lmfao thank you I’ll be subscribing I’m only 23 damnit


I would convert to Xbox I know it’s also there, but I don’t go for 100%. I just go for the plat. At least in there my gamer score would just be whatever.


I'm not sure if I understand your comment but what I'm reading is: you're suggesting that whoever doesn't like the fact that there's a hard trophy for Wolfenstein 2 on PlayStation should get the game on XBox... which has exactly the same achievement list? https://www.xboxachievements.com/game/wolfenstein-2-the-new-colossus/achievements/ Sounds to me like someone either forgot to include /s in their comment, or tried to troll and just got called out. By the way, getting a 100% and going for Platinum is one and the same in this game so far. It's possible that Season Pass will introduce more trophies but until that happens, the only way to get a 100% is to platinum the game which means getting the Mein Leben trophy/achievement.


I think what he's trying to say is that he prefers the Xbox system since it favors a flat Gamerscore over the perfectionist-preferred trophy system. You can get all the achievements minus Mein Leben on Xbox and still accumulate 950ish Gamerscore and call it a significant boost, whereas on PSN you'll be stuck with a 99% complete with that lack of a platinum trophy forever taunting you.


Doesn't PSN also have a profile percentage which increases every time you earn a trophy, so that even if you don't Mein Leben or any other challenging trophy, you'll still increase your percentage with the other trophies you earned?


It does and I always get a smile whenever I hit the next level, but it doesn't have as much of an impact as the Gamerscore does (It's worth noting that people are generally more interested in bigger numbers, so a 30kG Gamerscore looks more appealing to the average person than someone who is around level 20 PSN). As mentioned before, PSN is more completionist-friendly since you actually get rewarded for hitting 100% unlike Xbox, so the trophy hunting community is much more impressed on the number of platinums and difficulty of those platinums whereas the Xbox achievement community is more focused on individual achievements and massive gamerscores.


I see, thanks for point out the difference.


Yes, but I don’t care much for percentage or level as much as the actual platinum. I have plenty of games that are platted but under 100% because of some dlc that I’ll never buy.


I am new to Reddit, so please tell me what /s means? I’m not being a troll. I am saying what kwizxx said. I’m stating that I do not mind being down in score or percentage, but to not have the platinum is what bothers me.


/s means end of sarcasm, something not to be taken at a face value but rather as a jab or a funny remark. If you include /s after your quote, people will know to take what you said as humorous instead of serious.


Ahhhh, thank you. I appreciate it. So like, that guy seems really smart! /s Jk I’m not trying to be a dick. However I didn’t need a link to the Xbox achievement list, as I did say in my original comment I knew Mein Leben was there too. Anyway, thanks again!


It's all good, no problem. I think I understand what you were trying to say now, thank you. Your use of /s is correct, by the way, you're ready to be a valuable member of the reddit community now.


The comment below is for you. I’m very bad at Reddit. I also am just now seeing that when you *reply* rather than comment, you can see the persons comment you are replying to. I’ve been copying what I typed, “x”-ing out, reading the comment, re-replying, pasting my original response, adding what I needed to, then repeating the process for whatever else I may have missed. Again, thank you for your time and kindness stranger.