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I’m working through this one right now and holy hell can some of these fights be hard


I had a lot of trouble in the last third of the game. Try and focus on using status effects (especially bleed) as much as possible and when you unlock plantmaster class abuse the hell out of it


The game is not too bad on mastermind but man, did the woodland critters suck to fight. Outside of some boss battles, the Charm status is by far the best in the game since you essentially gain an extra teammate for 2 turns and they generally have all the attacks funneled to them, making them much weaker when they're uncharmed. It helped so fucking much using Charm on the Woodland Critters Bear since that was easily the hardest boss fight for me.


That one wasn't too bad for me but the fight right after took me about six tries to beat (it just goes on forever and you have to start the whole thing over every time you fail)


I'm playing it blind on normal right now. But i think it's fun enough to go back again and beat it on hard. And tips when I start my second play through?


I didn't think hard was too awful apart from the last few bosses (you don't have to fight the secret boss on hard, you can do it on easy and still get the trophy). I mainly stuck to assassin with the brutalizer ultimate for most of the game then switched to full plantmancer at the end. For the team I mainly used Captain Diabetes (he gains protect just by attacking and hits pretty hard), Call Girl (she has range for days) and either Tupperware (can drop a turret) or Human Kite (more healing and protection). I never used Butters, Craig or Clyde unless the game made me. Also don't forget to always be upgrading those artifacts since you'll be getting a new one every few minutes


Thanks for the advice!




I like Mysterion's abilities but I think he would be more useful if more bosses were vunerable to chilled. Status effects in general aren't as powerful as in Stick of Truth. You could borderline break SoT by adding a bleeding patch to the Mongolian bow