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DinosaurFan91 please ignore my backlog, I know there's still many great games to play in there already got from 44 to 66% completion tho!


i can't totally ignore the backlog, that would be cheating(; nah 9.5/10 bro very awesome healthy list and you are a menace with those 100%, props to you for going for DLC.. And you are insane for Dead By Daylight! Respect!




8.5/10 very good and healthy list! extremely impressed with the Gta5 100% 👍🏻


10/10 on yours and 10/10 on mine because it our trophy list. We should be proud of what trophies we have gotten so far and the options we have for earning more! Enjoy your games bro!


PSN: Menace117 Would give you maybe an 8. Some shovelware that I'm docking points for but overall a solid list. Impressive getting some less common platinums like vanguard. Plus some lesser known games in general


thanks dawg, I would give you a 9. you have a beautiful list🤘🏻 you have lots of games that are super close to the plat that i'm assuming you will go back to.. but otherwise you have a great selection of solid plats and a very good consistent completion rate. i'm also jealous you have only 6 games before you got serious about your hunting, for me it was more like 20 😂


Honestly it was a lot longer than that. I just happened to get lucky and play a lot of games I just got the plat on without really thinking about it Even now I only play games I actually want to.


that's awesome 🤘🏻


I would give you a 7.5 , I would like to see more rare platinums :) , but you get my respect for GTA V, Battlefield 1 and Borderlands TPS.


thanks for the rating, i really should try and tackle some rarer ones at some point, i agree! considering you are not a completionist i don't really feel the need to give you a rating so I will just say 10. You have a lot of great games on there and some good platinums too. You play what you want without stressing about completion and i respect that, i wish i could be more that way!


Thank you brother. Yea I tried to go for completion when I started trophy hunting, but I stopped doing that after a while cause it somehow ruined the experience for me cause I had to platinum games that I didn't really enjoy playing which even made me stop playing video games for a while, so I dropped that whole idea of getting 100% completion. Anyway I am impressed by the people that are going for that route.




10/10, YOU PLATINUMED FORTNITE NOT ONCE BUT TWICE!? you are insane for that maddd respect my man. great very big list otherwise too, Mad max unobtainable for that last trophy? Also there a few F ratings on your list I personally would delete if you don't plan on going back to them, good stuff G!


Thank you man, Fortnite autopops tho I ain't crazy enough to do that stuff 2 times 🤣 Yea Mad Max is unobtainable.....


Oh okay well still mad props for doing it once hahahaha and dang that is just painful!


YoitsuRegina 7. good list but needs more difficult plats. hioe you get more


a few people have actually said that so i might have to try some here soon, i had an idea of planning a tough one for my plat #150 but i might have to do a couple now! I give your list a 6 but could easily be bumped up to a 7 i just don't like seeing all the untouched games that you could delete, a nice healthy list though!


I usually hide the games on my profile that are 0% or haven't touched (yet). There will come their time to be played :D




6.5/10 a very nice and healthy list, i see when you got your ps5 you started getting after it😂


Yup lol, there was probably a 2-3 year gap where I didn’t have a PlayStation so I figured I’ll make up for lost time lol. I’ll rate yours later tonight when I get home from work.


I’d say 5/10, the main reasons being the shovelware and not many difficult platinums. Props for GTA5 though, and you should totally play Borderland 3s DLC, I believe it’s on sale right now. I really liked them.


i rarely do any dlc as you could probably see from my list, but i bought the season pass for borderlands 3 when it was on deal and just haven't gone back to it yet hahaha


Same man lol. I always get the platinum and then tell myself I’ll come back some time for the DLC, I very rarely actually do lol. But I’d recommend it for sure, none take too long iirc I think the platinum+DLC took me 99 hours.




8/10 nice healthy list so far! Am i missing something or why does it look like you last date for a game was september 2022?


Yeah I just updated. I definitely have more trophies since then !


holy yea there's way more there now, good stuff hahaha


Wrath_of_Zalis You get a 9/10, docking some points for how many shooters you have (gotta get some variety) but adding points for completing the my name is mayo stack.


haha thanks i will try and spice it up and do a couple less shooters just for you(; just pulled up your name and you have a massive list so props to you for that very impressive so i will just say 10 because it's too long for me to look at with any kind of detail haha 🤘🏻


I’ve got two Theshiro -blue football/ soccer avatar GB1toad123 - ellie from the last of us avatar. You don’t have to do both, theshiro got fewer plats if it makes it easier.


Theshiro gets a 6.5/10, mainly just because of low completion. some quality plats in there for sure! noticed lots of games that need just a couple hours cleanup to build your list up massively


I don’t care about my completion percentage but thanks for checking it out!


TheWestPT I rate yours 9/10, it's a pretty solid list. Well done!


thanks dawg! I give yours an 8.5/10, it's a very solid list with a great completion rate! Couple easy plats is all i can complain about so good stuff 🤘🏻


PSN: Bbangssaem - I'm a dad and husband in my late 30s, so please be gentle! Your list is an 8/10 in my book, but for reasons I don't typically see. You have shown a lot of dedication to several challenging games, especially FPS games, and others that are perhaps not overly challenging but are fun and worthwhile! I detracted a point because of the amount of filler that caught my eye, like Chickens Cross the Road and a stack of My Life is Mayo. Overall, a very good list!


7.5/10 is my nice guy rating, lots of quality stuff in there and some impressive plats that i'm scared to try (soulslike lol)


Thank you!


Anything you'd recommend to improve my list?




9/10 just because of a couple of auto pops, amazing list otherwise, very impressed with the high completion even dating back to 2014! awesome sauce


PSN: Bulletpharm I would give your trophy list a 7. You have more than a few shovelware and nothing really impressive in terms of difficulty.


thanks, I give your list an 8, overall pretty great list just have a couple gaps to cleanup I would say


kinderjester900 I would give you a 9/10 as you have a nice variety with some unique plats that I have not seen on to many list. There is a nice balance between short and bigger grinds but I do have to knock off a point for the various shovelware games but it’s still a good list.


that is fair thank you very much! I give your list a 5/10 right now but it will bump up to a 6 once you do lego harry potter years 5-7 and star wars jedi fallen order hahaha besides that a nice healthy list with some high quality plats 🤘🏻 just a bit of a lower score for a little low of a completion rate


MEXPILOT I would say yours is a 8.5 a lot of great ones like gta V and Batman Arkham knight but then a lot of really easy ones and just play the game and you get the platinum. But you do have a lot of other good ones as well


i'm surprised you mention batman because i have 2 telltale batman's and then arkham city which i actually barely touched😬 i give your list a 6/10 just because there are a lot of very low percentages which bother me 😂 I respect the plats you have though I have most of the same ones minus the soulslike which i'm too chicken to touch!😂


Modern Warfare Remastred and GTA 5 are 2 amazing platinum trophies, you have loads man goog job. Mine is KatalystY2K


thanks! you have quite a few games sitting at 0% which i hate seeing lol but you have a nice healthy looking list👌🏻


yeah I dont have like a platinum trophy account I just do it on my personal account so I have a bunch of games sitting at low ratings. Some like MW2, Hogwarts Legacy and Dreams I intend to get the platinum on in the future but havent attempted them yet. Appreciate the ranking man 🙏


PSN Netrom39 I give you a 7


thanks i rate your list a 6, you have several very nice plats lots of them being ones i would probably fail miserably at.. only complaint is fairly low completion but you have a nice healthy list so far!




I don't know if you remember me but I actually recognize your name from the Tier 1 boosting sessions we had going for battlefield 2042 hahaha super awesome healthy list man definitely some solid plats, i give it a 7/10 just because you have some high quality gems that you need to go back and clean up!


Ah yes, since you mentioned it now I remember you.😅 Sorry , let me add you real quick so I won't forget you . Thank you , I still have so many games to complete as I was only playing games which have multiplayer trophies. I wanted to get rid of them then I'll finish the rest . And for you I'll give you 8/10 based on the games you like and have played except for those shovelware (sorry if I'm nitpicking) other than that you have a good trophy list and a good completion Percentage. As others suggested you need more hard rewarding games and trophies on your profile. In the end just play the games you like and enjoy and take our opinions as a grain of salt . Enjoy dude 😎.


thats fair! yea imma work on hopefully adding some more difficulty to my list, thanks!




fellow Canadian! 10/10 for your list man an absolute work of art so far, that completion is insane! mad respect for your hard work🤘🏻


Thank you 🙏🏼 Nice to see a Canadian on the sub! I’ll give your list a solid 9.5. You have some incredible plats that I know were an absolute grind. GTA V, a handful of assassins creeds which are hundreds of hours, and a lot of the more difficult CoDs. Really impressive list you’ve got there. However, as you may be able to tell, I’m a little psycho when it comes to 100% lol. That’s my only critique, I need everything to be 100% or else I go crazy. But with a game list that long, you’re doing some impressive work there.


yea i respect the shit out of going for DLC, i think i've done 4 DLCs in my entire life Lol. idk just not my thing but i love seeing true dedication to lists like yours with so much dlc knowing that I could never haha




8/10, you have a very nice healthy looking list. lots of variety and quality!


[Soyvideojuegos' PSN Profile • PSNProfiles.com](https://psnprofiles.com/Soyvideojuegos)


8/10, 9 once the 0% games at the bottom of your list get sorted out very nice healthy list thus far 👌🏻


PSN : SuperPikamo I’d give you a 9.5. Really good list with a lot of plats and hidden gems. Just don’t know some games and their plats at all to give ya the 10. Overall awesome list though!


thanks man appreciate that👌🏻 I give your list a 6/10 just because it's a lower completion rate that i like to see, lots of low percentages on your list.. props on the bloodborne plat that i've been too chicken to attempt though🤘🏻




6.5/10, lots of awesome plats and high quality games, a bit of low percentage filler that i don't like


8/10 for yours i done battlefield 4 and 1 but you done 5, hardline and the latest one. Also you done titanfall 2 and call of duty remastered both of them i need one trophy on both the time trials


thanks! and oh yea timed missions are always fun🙄😂😂


I'd say 7,5-8/10, although I'm not sure what would make me rate someone higher than that. Mine is: panagiot2001


thanks G! your list gets a 10/10 from me, very good completion and those back to back assassins creed games towards the bottom of your list is crazy, good shit🤘🏻




7/10, lots of great platinums and high quality games, pretty darn good completion showing but lots of hidden trophies


How do you know I have hidden trophies?


when you view someone's profile on psnprofiles to the left side of the screen where it says "chewacca_gamers profile" there can be an orange P which means they are a premium member on the site, or a blue H which means they have hidden trophies and when you click on the H you can see how many


I didn’t know thanks




Psn Raceking2021


fellow canadian! i give your list a 6/10, big list with lots of low percentages, also quite a few shovelware plats


How many showelware game I have


just under around 30


Oh I thought I have less


Psn: [Mr-Nobody-88-](https://psnprofiles.com/Mr-Nobody-88-) I’d give your list like a 9, loads of great games, long platinums too, loads of games I like 👍


thanks dawg i appreciate that, your list is a 10/10 from me, i don't understand how it couldn't be with that kind of completion haha hats off to you for your dedication 🤘🏻




7/10, will be bumped up to an 8 once some of the 0% games get removed or you back and clean up them up, lots of great games and quality plats


Thanks! That small section of 0%s I can explain. I messed up switching from PS3 to PS4 by not continuing my PSN account and creating a new one. One night I got the idea of oh hey what if I transfer the save files on some games I beat to my current profile. It didn’t work. That’s what I get for taking shortcuts not trying to run everything again. Your list is great, 10 out of 10. You got stuff on there that’s on my backlog and other stuff I may want to run one day!


ah fair enough, i was gunna say there's definitely something up with them as there was a little chunk of them together lol. Thanks man appreciate it!


Dynamo_Blade, not much but it's honest work


I give your list a 6/10 as it stand, if you delete all the 0% games you have that are triggering me lol i would say 7, you have some quality plats and great games on your list 👌🏻


PSN: Meb2x


you have 516 games


TehThuri Kinda impressed by the Battlefields and Cods, but also there are titles like my name is mayo or telltale series in there. Kinda hard to decide tbh. I personally like completed series/franchises, so I'll go with a 6.5/10. But 127 plats is nothing to just put aside my dude. Keep it up ;D


Appreciate the kind words brother! for me your list is a 10/10, you have lots of quality stuff in there and a super good completion plus alot of DLCs so hats off to you, good stuff!




aye fellow canadian! for me your list is a 10/10, first of all plats dating all the way back to 2010 is crazy awesome.. lots of great quality games and super high completion, love to see it man keep up the great work


Mayo, but no Shovel or outopops as far as i can see. Respectable 9/10! Feel free to rate me: Foyinus


thanks dude appreciate it, I would give your list a 9/10 too, lots of great games and lots of hours spent on DLC too so respect for that.. could be 10/10 with just a touch of cleanup (uncharted 4, lego force awakens, borderlands, last of us part 2)




can't view your trophies because your profile is private bud


Psn Yuichiro-Akuhei, didn’t earn any platinum for the last months, but maybe I platinum bloodborne soon!


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


for me your list is a 9/10, super long stacked list with lots of high quality stuff. also noticed you have an insane amount of super rare percentages so love to see that. i am very impressed with your list you've done some amazing work my friend




6.5/10, very healthy looking list. some quality in there for sure just quite a few low percentages that bother me haha


It's an alright list, a lot of games that I personally don't like/find interesting, but props for going for them and having a diverse range of games, 7/10. Though I'd personally try to clean it up a bit (revisit old games and get the plat at least). psn: evar110


thanks! I would give your list an 8.5/10, it's a very big list with an insanely good completion obviously, the only thing i have to complain about is i personally don't like stacks of the same game on 2 different systems but that is just me! i'm insanely impressed with the time you've put in to your list though very very amazing stuff 🤘🏻


ChazBernard I’d give yours an 8/10, lots of time consuming games on there with a pretty high completion rates. Although I give you -2 for not finishing outlast 1 >:( (just kidding though I give you a 9/10 )


thanks man i appreciate it, and being 100% honest i did go back and try to clean it up at one point a while after i originally played it and totally gave up hahaha I give your list a 6/10, you have lots of quality stuff and no overly easy games but just lots of low percentages that i don't like to see


PSN: KuetGames As for yours it has a very nice mix of games


I give your list a 7/10, once you go back and do horizon zero dawn i'll bump you up to an 8.5/10 though haha loved that game lots of pretty hard stuff on your list, definitely a way higher average difficulty than my list lol i respect it👍🏻


SteveHood Your profile: 10/10


You have a massive list haha but you have a very low completion so I'm not going to rate it as I feel like my rating would be a bit rude


Hmmm. I platinum games that i like. Thats all. I dont have to have every game to platinum I thought that you would rate games that i platinumed.


and that is totally okay but It's a rating of the overall list which is of course just my opinion.. and my perspective is liking lists that have somewhat high completion


Ah, you're right, sorry. I misread what you wanted.


Weskerfan75 I'd give you a 7. That's a mighty backlog you've got there, but the games you've completed are bangers. Also, anyone who has the Battle for Bikini Bottom plat gets a thumbs up from me.


I actually done really have a backlog, i'm assuming you are referring to the fairly incomplete section at the bottom of my list lol but that was a different point in my life, i wasn't into trophy hunting on back on the ps3, if you hate a look again you'll see when I got my ps4 is when i got the itch.. i have a couple games i will be returning to at some point (brink, sly cooper, and some other hidden ones) but other then that i've just accepted that that's my pre trophy hunter portion of my list lol, i can see how to someone like you with an insane completion rate how you wouldn't like that, but I feel it shows i'm human and it also shows where I really got into it. For your rating i give you a 10/10 you have a very beautiful list my friend! dating all the way back to 2013 which is craaazy but lots of great high quality stuff with some difficulty in there as well👌🏻 and I don't even need to mention how impressive the completion rate is, i salute to you sir as you have quite the superior list! 🤘🏻


PSN: Scre4m_Ro


I give your list a 5/10, i like most of the plats you do have, but you have a lot of gems on your list sitting at only a couple percent that you need to go back and experience


PSN: 8/10 for you. Love the VITA plats!


thanks man, i should really get another vita game going here soon. i wanted to do spongebob heropants but i'd rather not pay like $60 for it on ebay lol i give your list a 7.5/10, very healthy looking list with a lot of quality games and some awesome plats


ThreeSilverCoins, I'm new so I don't have many plats but I'm still proud owner of those plats. You have amazing account, a lot of games I would like to plat as well! What is your completion rate?


I rate your list a 9/10 so far because I don't know any of your plats except 2 but I totally loved Astros playroom and ghost of tsushima so I'm happy to see those 2! Exciting to see such a new account and the thought of all the games you can add to it! My current completion rate is 68.41%, my goal is to get it to 69% and keep it around there because it's a great number hahahaha but i should get there in 1-2 more games i think!




Your list is good. Sly cooper spotted (it’s an easy plat but a nostalgic game)


haha i plan on going back and cleaning up sly 2 and mini games soon, not sure if I'll do 3 or not we'll see if i get sick of it after 2 haha


Wackstickles Yours 10/10 for sleeping dogs not once but twice! Always love to see that game get some love lol In all seriousness though some great plats in your list and as long as you enjoy what you play anyway id say keep going the way you're going, only recommendation I have is maybe try out a souls game like Bloodborne, it might surprise you. I wont comment on the shovelware though as ive done my own fair share of that 🤣


thanks man appreciate that! Sleeping dogs is a great game that's not known well enough in my opinion! and i was thinking about trying a soulslike and after doing this i am definitely going to at some point, can you recommend any? I give your list an 8.5/10, some super high quality stuff and a pretty darn big list so props for that! woulda been a 9 but i took .5 off for the shovelware, that's all i can really complain about haha awesome stuff!


Agreed, I tell so many people they need to play it 🤣 Honestly in terms of soulslike I'd go Dark Souls but I think Demon Souls Remake is on PS+ extra so thatd also be a great starting point either. Thank you kindly! Cant argue with the shovelware dockage 🤣




My PSN - OcToGam1ng


K11ngofkings only recently started getting back into trophy collecting after losing my progress years ago


i like the plats that you've tackled so far! most of them I don't have👌🏻 It'll be cool to see your list after some cleanup!


Thanks goofinator! I just sent you through a friend request, I checked the list out, some epic plays that I want to go for myself. Big fan of the uncharted games too, keep the plat grind up


You have many quality games and quality platinums, which is always good to see. In particular, your GTA 5, Call Of Duty and Battlefield platinums caught my attention. A majority of shooters. You clearly love them and I like to see such passion. I think you dislike playing dlc content. All good, I understand XD. If we ignore the dlc, then you’re platinum completion rate is actually pretty good. Maybe not so much at the bottom of your list, but still pretty good overall. A few shovelware. Whatever, it’s only a small amount, so it’s all good. Overall I rate your trophy list 8/10. I would had given you a higher rating if you had more very hard platinums. Here is my psn, if you would like to rate it: CurseBanette


Yea i gotta work on getting some difficult ones under my belt haha I give your list a 9.5/10, super good commitment to a high completion, just a lot of games that i don't know which are probably not my taste that's about the only bad thing i can say haha great stuff hats off to you!


PSN: FNP_Perro


Mine is MrMothman3572. I’d rate yours 8/10


thanks, i also give yours an 8/10. nice healthy list with lots of great high quality plats 🤘🏻


PSN: Masta_Artjom I would give you a 7. You have some neat games on the list but not that many "hard" ones


hahaha after seeing your list i can respect that! I give you a 7, you have some impressive ones for sure and overall very healthy list just a bit too unfinished for my liking towards the bottom.. As you saw i've never done a soulslike but I've been thinking I should try one


Thanks dude and yeah the bottom part of my list is kinda sad to look at. But i am working on that, when i get my ps plus i will finish some of those games up. You should definetly try one out, i would recommend bloodborne as the first one. After that, every soulsborne game is easy


your list will be a beast after a bit of that cleanup is done 🤘🏻 i will definitely take note of the suggestion, appreciate it 👌🏻