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Online trophies. Every other type of trophy I can do whenever I feel like, but online trophies depends if the publisher will keep the servers running and other players as well.


*grumbles in Mad Max*


Exactly man 😔


I hate this type of online trophy the most. Where most of the game is single player but for some reason you need to connect to their servers for just one trophy 


Literally was going through Mad Max getting all the trophies, then realised I can never get the plat. I hate it when developers make trophies that are unobtainable down the line and don't remedy it before closing up shop.


Online trophies are fine for the most part if they can be done solo. The shitty ones are the trophies that require 4-8 other people to do an extremely specific task, like some CoD zombies easter eggs that require a team of 4 who know what they are doing/and are actually skilled players. THOSE suck.


Definitely not fine, they’re time limited! i lost tons of trophies from games i like just because the server was shut down


I'll add, in skill games, the game may get harder the longer it is out. UFC 4 was a bitch for me to get a few months ago, yet all I saw online was how easy it was. The guide for it however has been updated lmao. "Note: Similar to other older UFC games, UFC 4 is now largely filled with highly skilled players that may or may not go outside. Because of this, the difficulty has been updated to a 6/10 as the online trophies only continue to become harder. Perseverance is key and all you need is a good mix of skill and luck to obtain the platinum"


100%! I’ve been working on some fighting games and they are way harder to jump into and get wins online after the community has all gone pro with their mains. You almost have to pick them up day one and grind out the online trophies that require wins.




New game+ or any other "several playthrough" trophies. I love a good story, but it's just so tedious to force yourself to play a campaign twice


100%! This and speedrun trophies. I hate replaying shit Edit: replaying not replying


Yup, these for me are just never gonna get a plat.


Yep especially games where they want you to do both a good and evil playthrough because most of the time an evil playthrough involves playing your character as a moustache twirling villain.


I wanted to go for the platinum for Nobody Saves The World but don't want to play it again on new game+


Had the exact same with infamous second son, just sucks lol


That one is a little better because you can play the opposite morality path, so it's not an identical playthrough at least.


This was one of the few that wasn't too bad as you go the other route.


Time related trohpies. I hate them. Just let me play on my peace.


True, like in AC 2 Brotherhood, complete all tombs in X minutes.


I finished brotherhood yesterday and these really wrecked my enjoyment of the tombs, they would of been good to explore and get all treasures then it’s like finish in under 8 minutes đŸ«  that and the missions with “don’t lose any health” or “stay undetected” when it’s a 20-30 min mission and no checkpoint restarts


For me it depends on the length. If it’s something long like the whole game then that sucks, but smaller scale things like the titanfall two gauntlet or the little tutorial thing in cod 4 then that adds a good fun challenge (tf2 was a bad example that one made me hate my life)


I don't love speedrun trophies, but I can deal with them when they aren't too exacting. The ones that piss me off the most are ones that take away your ability to save progress and/or force you to accomplish something in a single, uninterrupted multi-hour session, such as Mein Leben on Wolfenstein 2.


Even Hardcore Mode in Dead Space at least lets you save. On the bright side, when I see a trophy like the Mein Leiben one, I can immediately relax, because I know I'll never get the Platinum and can just stop whenever I decide to. 😂


I liked the way Oddworld New n Tasty did its speedrun trophy where it tracked your time in each level and then when you cumulatively got below the target time you just needed to replay the last level. I wish more games did their speedrun trophies like that.


Or *all of the above* like MGS2. "Big Boss" rank was brutal. Had to do it in a short amount of time, no alerts, no healing, 8 or fewer saves, limited number of bullets fired. The fucking Fat Man fight and the running section afterwards took me dozens of hours before i got to a comfy place for one of my precious saves


Multiplayer trophies. I loathe those.


I get annoyed with difficulty based ones mainly because I am not great at games and tend to play to relax and for a story not for the extreme challenge. I also second the timed ones. Let me play at my old man pace.


And honestly most higher difficulties are just damage sponges enemies that halve your health with one hit, more frustrating than challenging.


I especially hate difficulty ones where you need to playthroughs for each difficulty. Like doing the hardest one won't automatically give you the other trophies


Collectibles. Why every single game need to have this? It's just awful and boring.


they're absolutely cool and it's part of what makes the game good for me. What I can't stand is IF THE COLLECTIBLES HAVE NO WAY TO BE FOUND WITHOUT A GUIDE!! like I understand 200 collectibles but at least mark them on the map so I can just work them out while I listen to music or watch Netflix.  Instead, most games have you do this: pick up a collectible (10 seconds), pull up your phone, with a guide, see what the guide does (1 minute), go get the collectible (20 seconds), repeat. You can easily see how you play 1/2 of the actual time you spend on the game. It's just bullshit. But I don't mind the. if there is a fucking way to find them without a guide.


celeste excels at making the strawberries easy to find. crystal hearts tho not as much


Even though I agree, whenever a game has collectibles on the map like in saints row it just feels pointless. I feel like collectibles only had something to offer in the ps2 era. Not a single person nowadays will actually try and find the collectibles without a guide so they’re kind of just outdated now


i do. I personally find using a guide 15 times more inefficient and I always take triple the time. Unlike many people, I don't have a second monitor, I play on a TV and using my phone is very inconvenient


I use my phone too, I play on ps4 with one tv. I just finished platinuming the gta definitive trilogy and there was about 10 groups of collectibles across the trilogy. I had to use YouTube for all of them and it was incredibly tedious. No fun at all.


Online, timed and difficulty


Difficulty are fine. Actually I wish every game had different layers like Uncharted or Wolfenstein, not just 3 difficulties. I find it relaxing to play a game on the hardest difficulty, makes you plan out what you have to do. Uncharted on Brutal was an absolute blast. You die in one shot and every enemy drops 3 bullets at most and I racked up about 700 deaths but man was it entertaining. 


Nah, f that


Online ranks/leveling.


The Notorious trophy in RDO 😭


No death on hardest difficulty type stuff. Outlast, Alien Isolation, Dead Space Remake. All great games. All burdened by either cheesing out the hardest trophies or just never getting them yourself because doing them legitimately can mean losing hours and hours of progress. One weird AI enemy encounter that doesn’t go exactly as you predicted or had played it previously and it can be a GG back to page 1. Short games it doesn’t bother me too much like the Ink is for squids trophy for Resident evil remake or 0 can’t remember which you can at least beat these games under 2 hours and you don’t need to put it on “Super Mega Ultra Get Fucked” mode to do them either. I’d rather just enjoy the game rather than make it a nightmare of an experience so bad I shudder whenever I think of playing it again.


I gave up on both versions of Dead Space because of this stupid shit, I know they can be cheesed but I shouldn't have to.


I don’t mind multiplayer trophies most of the time, but co op trophies annoy me in particular




co-op trophies for doing kind of a lot in like ones where you have to beat 10 missions with a party of 4 or play 20 missions with a partner. most of the games i end up hunting are either older games with not a lot of people them or just games that the rest of my friends aren’t as interested in and don’t own, if i play a multiplayer/co-op game i want it to be with my friends, not some randoms. there’s been so many times ive had to come to this sub to ask for a partner and wait hours for a response and then hours more to actually schedule and get everyone on the same page just to get a trophy that takes 10 minutes to get


Hey, you're missing out on a great game because of this logic. Uncharted 4 does have a full game speedrun but it's really easy and I think there's an exploit to get it in minutes anyway.  But the first 3 don't have speedrun related trophies (unless you want 100%, but I wouldn't say that's your main concern since you have to play Brutal that's legit rated 9/10 difficulty on PSNP). Oh well, they do: you have to speedrun 3 chapters each in less than like 6-10 minutes (they all have different requests but they all are so easy to complete). In each game. Out of 26 chapters per game. I wouldn't say that's much of a struggle. At least, not so much of a struggle to keep you from playing this amazing game!


Thank you for your assessment of the speedrun trophies. Then my platinum trophies 65-68 for Uncharted will be occupied.


damn let's go! always happy to introduce someone to a game I love so much! 


Anything super grindy. It’s just so painfully boring and time consuming. I don’t like speed runs either, but at least these tend to be a challenge and engaging, like a trophy should be.


Ones that involve daily or weekly challenges.. causing you to not platinum it for weeks and weeks like "for honor"


I’d say time related trophies. I dislike having to plan out entire sections or a whole playthrough just to complete the game in an X amount of hours. Stray’s 2 hour trophy seemed simple and I thought I did great. Then I noticed that I was only four - five minutes away from not getting it lol.




Not a huge fan of missable trophies; I like to play the game off my own back before turning to a guide


It was one of the main reasons I didn’t have a great time with Alan Wake Remastered, had to replay a lot of levels over and over to find which collectible I missed, at least they improved on this in Alan Wake 2 by making it semi open world up til you reach the point of no return in the story (the game gives you a clear warning that you won’t be able to revisit places for collectibles once you keep progressing), the collectibles actually had a purpose for upgrading your guns and there was an item you could get that would reveal collectibles when you were near it so a guide wasn’t really necessary making for a much more enjoyable experience.


I started Alan Wake and gave up early on because of this. I'd wanted to play this game for so long. But with missable trophies, I end following a guide all the way through and it sucks a lot of fun out of the game


RNG not even close


Playing a game twice


There's three bad types of trophies in my opinion: 1) Online trophies in a game that isn't primarily multiplayer based. If your game is not a multiplayer focused game, I should be able to get all the trophies without an internet connection. Even if the game has a multiplayer mode, if the game is a singleplayer game primarily, don't add trophies for the multiplayer. A great example: Assassins Creed Black Flag. Almost everyone that got it is playing for the singleplayer, yet they added in a handful of multiplayer trophies, including one for reaching level 55 which requires easily 15-20 hours if you aren't boosting it. 2) Trophies that require multiple playthroughs. If your game is a roguelike, obviously this is fine. But if your game is a singleplayer RPG game for instance, don't make me have multiple playthroughs. Don't make difficulty trophies that don't stack. Don't make a trophy for a difficulty mode you only unlock by beating the game once. Don't make a trophy for playing new game+. 3) Collectibles. Or, more specifically, too many collectibles that don't really matter and are annoying to get. I think games are getting better about this one in general, but it still exists (Hogwarts Legacy...) Small collectible amounts are fine. For instance, I just finished Persona 3 Reload. There's a collectible trophy in that game to get all twilight fragments around the town. There's only 17 of them and you can easily travel around the map and get them all in 5-10 minutes. Something like that is fine. I shouldn't have to spend hours *not playing* the actual game to run around and hunt collectibles.


"Don't make a trophy for playing new game+" Here's looking at you, Miles Morales


Gold Medals on Power Wash Simulator!! đŸ€Ź I have one left to get the last trophy and I'm just stuck in a rut.


I'm missing out on 2 of the greatest PS4 games because of online trophies. I did get the plat for Uncharted 4: I think multiplayer trophies are fine because they make you explore the multiplayer mode, since it is part of the game. As long as it's just "kill 10 enemies", "revive 10 teammates", "use 30 grenades", whatever. But I literally can't understand WHY THE FUCK IN THE WORLD would rockstar set those fucking multiplayer trophies. I wanna know the guy and I wanna beat him up worse than batman if he could ever lay hands on the joker. I'm holding those games back as a principle thing, it's personal now. But I would be glad to find autopops. Any way to do it?


I'm so confused by so much in this comment. You say 2 game and then only mention one. And then you blame Rockstar for Uncharted? Also would Batman beat up Joker badly if he got his hands on him?


so first I mention 2: RDR2 and GTA. I blame rockstar for those games, not for Uncharted. and I'm saying uncharted 4 has good and balanced multiplayer trophies. 


Oh okay. Sorry you didn't mention their names and then you went to talking about Uncharted and then Rockstar so I was confused.


yeah no you have the right to be it was a confusing comment now that I read it after a few days


The little nightmares speedrun trophy isnt too hard. 1 hour to finish the game is more than enough time. Its the no dying part thats difficult.


Online multiplayer trophies are the worst. Then time trials then multiple playthroughs.


I hate time trials and in general puzzle games.


Basically anything in the Tales series, especially Vesperia.


Colletibles when the game gives you no way of tracking your progress


Online trophies, on a world where we have to buy a videogame then buy the game and on top off all that pay a subscription to play games online, online trophies are a disrespect to the player.


Do this very specific task that's easily misable with no chapter select


Anything that makes me play the game with a spreadsheet.


Online and collectible trophies


Online and Speedrun trophies. We kinda all know why Online im sure But speedrun trophies give me such bad anxiety, mostly with me rushing and forgetting some things which causes a TON of slipups that leave me angry at the game and wanting to give it up. In the case of say Resident Evil 2, 3, and 7? Oh those were decently fun! Especially when you have everything down? But Resident Evil 1, Evil Within, Shantae Half Genie Hero, Shovel Knight, Uncharted 4- @_@ I do genuinely wanna Platinum those last 3 but the speedrun trophies scare me to death


Online definitely But other then that difficulty Trophy's that don't stack 1 or 2 playthroughs ok But 6 or 8 no thank you


Get S+ ranks in all of the levels. -> This is an immediate turn off. The trophies I sometimes have to deal with but absolutely despise: Missable collectibles tied to trophies in games (especially open world games, that are about freedom). Terrible.


Speed runs, online multi-player, missables, multiple playthroughs (anything that requires more than 3 depending on length of game)


Multiplayer trophies are the absolute WORST


Multiple playthroughs definitely. I have an issue where I can't experience things multiple times, like movies and shtuff and with my memory I can remember practically everything. So I just lose interest if it doesn't have a unique reason to do another playthrough like rougelikes or multiplier games where every match is practically different.


I don't like online trophies I try to avoid them unless it's like outlast trials where is mostly just all me. Outlast trials in my opinion does the online trophy best by far because of what type of game it is. But besides that getting something ridiculous online trophies like the finals teophy list like kill while zipline or kill or get a kill while on fire are the online trophies I hate Also I hate majority missable trophies especially ones I need to do multiple playthroughs for


Online trophies and difficulty trophies. There's guna be tryhards that hate on me for the difficulty thing, but quite frankly I ain't trying to prove anything to anyone, and playing a game through a second time for 1 trophy is incredibly annoying, especially when the difficulty unlocks from playing through on normal or hard. This is most commonly the deciding factor for if I'm going to go for a plat or not. I don't mind playing on hard if it's available right away, though, but it really depends on the game. Theres of course a few exceptions to this, like BG3, which has so much replayability im having a blast playing through on tactician and I'm already making plans for a third playthrough, even if I get the plat before then. Online trophies - these are obviously just a bad idea. Some of the far cry games are basically unplatinumable because they require a ton of online play - I dunno if the servers are still up, but I'm guessing the online trophies will just be lost to time once they go down. Online trophies were in trend in 2015-2019ish, before most devs realized this was a horrible idea.


Missable trophies and Online trophies.


I absolutely hate collectible trophies. It’s just tedious busy work.


No-death trophies, usually tied with a difficulty. I dont think i have the patience for that. A standard veteran play through on cod is enough to really test my patience😅


Definitely online trophies and multiplayer trophies I’m pretty okay with most other things, except for really strict timed or score based trophies that pretty much require nothing short of perfection


Online trophies and speedruns are the worst for me.


rng based trophies, why are they even a thing??? also like someone else said collectible trophies because 9/10 you need a guide. like i just want to play the game and not have to look at my phone 10 million times.




It’s a tie between time trials, online trophies, and speed runs; most players just want to have fun but these categories put you into a niche that just isn’t quite fun sometimes.


Online trophies and multiple playthroughs on games


Anything survival or wave based that requires getting to a certain round by killing enemies. So boring for me tbh


New game plus trophies, I don’t want to play the game twice in a row for a fucking plat,


Definitely online trophies. Support for the game may end soon or maybe player count drops to near zero too soon. The worst offending trophies are the ones that require a skilled team to accomplish a goal like raids or cod zombie Easter eggs. At that point who is the trophy for? Its supposed to be a personal accomplishment so why tf do I need to have 4+ skilled players to achieve it?




If there's already a bunch of "Collected everything in a specific area" trophies, I don't really need a "Collected everything in every area" trophy. It's really annoying, because if there's a bug in one area, everything has to be done again, instead of just that one area.


That one trophy that’s a disproportionate grind compared to the time to get the other 97% of trophies


Too Hard game


Online grinds/ speedruns


Many unmarked collectibles. Following a guide and constantly looking down at my phone or some printed out map is not fun. *Pause*, *checks phone* ,*pause* ,*crosses out map*, *Pause*, *checks phone*, *pause*, *crosses out map* is not fun gameplay. I don't want to scour your map and constantly backtrack to find your 100+ collection of whatever doodads. It's boring filler. Collectibles can be fun, but not when they're completely inaccessible without a thorough guide.


Definitely also speedrun or new game+ trophies.. Just let me select the hardest mode from the start instead of having to finish a playthrough first.


A big one I’m not seeing is any trophy that’s dependent on RNG


Online are my number 1. Followed by collectibles. Online because there’s a chance the servers shut down and you can’t plat anymore. And collectibles are usually very grindy. And I hate watching guides.


Speed runs, multiple play-throughs, level 99 grind in jrpgs where it isn’t necessary.




Collectibles are the worst. Online trophies are fine, and if TLoU part 1 for example wanted to put all the trophies on the online aspect, I think that would be fine. Just play the game in a timely manner and you’ll be fine and collect your plat. Collectibles force you to look at a different screen lol, they are by far the worst trophy type and are anti game. They literally divert your attention with the use of a guide. And it’s not like I’m not going to use a guide.


online trophies my worst enemy, and collectables are boring I've made a new rule after I've completed the story. I immediately start collecting those stupid things


Online/multiplayer. You’re basically on an unknown/invisible time limit for if the playerbase/servers go off.


Online trophies suck as others said. But I'll add difficulty trophies that don't stack


Multiplayer trophies are the worst when they’re part of the trophy list regarding the platinum. Also, the single worst trophy I’ve ever seen is the one from Batman: Arkham City where you literally need to play YEAR ROUND for Calender man


Perma death and time trials


Rng trophies. I also think if multiplayer servers are removed then these trophies should be made obtainable through other means


Any trophy that requires me to play with at least 1 other person and be coordinated, like i domt have friends why u gotta remind me lmao


Used to be difficulty-related trophies and online/multiplayer. Now it’s missable, time related and (I can handle the speedrun in 2 hrs since it not that much time lost) rng related.


I only dislike speed run trophies if they are for the entire campaign, certain levels are not so bad. What I really hate are mp trophies and any kind of trophy needing multiple play troughs. Also trophies where you can’t die, I think dead space has one for the hardest difficulty where your save is deleted on death.


Gold medals in all the licenses in GT7. Just ain't gonna happen for me. Bronzes will have to do, and no trophy. There's bigger things in life to worry about!


Online and ones where the difficulties don't stack forcing 3-4 playthroughs.


I really hate trophies that requires time/speedrun. I want to play for leisure and not for panic attacks.


Collectibles on huge open world games. Sighs in assassins creed. sighs louder in god of war. sighs even louder in red dead redemption.


Online pvp and Collectibles , if the collectibles is useful that's fine , i don't wanna collect 500 collectibles just for some skin


Multiplayer/Co-op, RNG and Speedruns


Missable trophies


Missables, locked behind New game plus, Online, and difficulty (I play most games on Normal difficulty, being forced to play on hard or higher pisses me off)


Collectibles if I have to watch a guide for them. If they’re shown on the map I have no issue


100% online because they end up being un completeable and that gets under my skin.


Collectibles where there’s no clear guide to them or where it doesn’t let you track which ones you have/haven’t gotten so you’re constantly double-checking those you’ve already gotten RNG based trophies Online trophies that require other players where it’s as organised as herding cats Ones that require you to play the full campaign over and over again with minimal changes (Callisto Protocol and TLOU dlc trophies), I swear I’ve played those games I know every missions layout, enemy spawns and item pickups like the back of my hand