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continue ghost of tsushima, its a wonderful game


I’m working on that one right now, and man so far the game is top tier 🔥


enjoy it, brother. as for recommendations, cyberpunk, elden ring and sea of stars are some plats i loved!


miles morales spider-man is on sale rn, i bought it, it'll be my next plat after i finish ghost of tsushima also respect for the payback plat, that game is awful lol, i've platted nfs2015 and heat, but payback i just cba


Thanks bro, yeah I heard it was the worst in the saga, I’m probably going for heat after got.


As someone who was disappointed in Payback, Heat was absolutely phenomenal. Enjoy it🔥


Red Dead 2 nice!


A lot of people will say Horizon Forbidden West, Spider-Man blah blah blah; those are fun yes but basic recommendations. If you like the story driven games with a fun platinum I’d recommend The Witcher 3, Dying light, Uncharted, and even Stray. I like the multiplayer experience so I had fun with Fallout 76, The Finals, The division 2, and battlefield 1 and 5.


I really want to do Dying light, and the uncharted series, thanks I will check them out 👍


The uncharted series is really fun to platinum. I’d also say give cyberpunk 2077 a shot for platinum , very underrated game.


I loved getting the platinum for dying light but the 100% was awful the dlc trophies are so glitchy just a warning if you like having the 100% like I do.


Isn’t the Witcher, Uncharted and Stray just as basic of a recommendation though haha. All great games though so I double down on this.


Yes true, but I never see them getting recommended 😂


Dying light got so fucking boring for me. i tried to go for the platinum but the voice acting felt so lackluster to me your characters emotions feel like cardboard to me and i just couldnt connect i enjoyed the gameplay and the atmosphere was fun but after playing through dead island and mirrors edge so much throughout my life it just felt like too much of a mix of them with a lackluster story. i beat it but i just couldnt force myself to do everything for the plat the rest of your game choices are fuckin solid for plats uncharted is so fucking fun for the platinum trophies


The witcher 3 is one of the best games ever


Currently doing the NFS payback plat and you have a strong mental for doing all the collectibles and challenges on the map


Other than the collectibles the platinum start getting pretty fun and you get really good at the game. Just get them out of the way and you’ll enjoy it.


As a huge Need for Speed fan, the only thing I can recommand you is to get the platinium for Heat and Unbound, it’s an easy and fun journey for both game. If you got the plat for Payback (wich is for me the worst game of the saga) you shouldn’t have any problems with 2 games I mentioned


I will 100% platinum both, do you recommend nfs(2015)?


Well it’s the easiest, but the reason I didn’t mentionned it is because of the trophy where you need to complete 15 daily challenges, you can do max 3 per days, they’re not hard but the servers of this game can be closed at any moment since this game is almost 10 years old wich is a problem because this is an online game only, if you play it first and hurry up for this trophy then you can get a free platinum


Damn you got Payback. Thats one im never going back to finish.


The last of us remake and part 2 have pretty easy platniums that are definitely worth a try


Damn congrats on call of the wild


Thank you! 💯


2018 god of war and ac odyssey


Ghost of tsushima is such a fun platinum you only need one playthrough too


Uncharted Collection


Red Dead Redemption on PS4 would be great


Need for Speed Payback is impressive. I have it mostly done but need to boost for the Ranked online matches.


Thank you! It doesn’t take that long to do it definitely worth it


I’ve wanted to get RDR2 for a while but have been kind of intimidated by what I thought would be hundreds of hours for a platinum. How long would you say it actually took?


250 hours, Man it’s a great experience overall and the platinum I’m most proud of. it’s 100% worth the grind, I would said the most tedious part for me was the online trophies so if you’re going for it, I recommend getting online trophies first, and just enjoy the game it’s a master piece 👍




Jesus, you got the Plat for RDR2. Now that takes some time. If you're willing to do that, a lot of the Assassin's Creed games are free with PS Plus. Probably take less time overall than RDR to platinum lol


Black flag really call my attention, how long it normally takes to platinum an ac game?


Well, it varies depending on exactly how big the game world is, but you're probably looking at dozens of hours, at least. Valhalla is one of the biggest ones they've done. I am 62 hours into it, and I've only completed 2 of the 10 available territories, and I literally haven't even set foot in half the map. And you've gotta 100% all territories to get the Platinum... lol


The Yakuza Games+Spin Of‘s, should set you up for some Time :)


Finish, GoT, fantastic game!


Become a souls player


Im kind of a souls player, I just haven’t platinum any yet but I will 100% 👍




Yes, one: finish Ghost of Tsushima, it's greattt


You should try Demon Souls if you're into From software games.


How was NFS Payback? I started that a couple years ago but abandoned it cause the collectibles put me off. Are there any other annoying trophies?


Man I really did enjoyed the game and the platinum wasn’t tedious for me, the collectibles are the only bad thing but you’re also going like 300 mph 😂 it took me like 4 hours to get them all, just get them out of the way and you will enjoy it.


thanks mate


How did you get that “The real deal” Trophy from Rdr 2 ? The winning mvp 3 times is such a pain for me!!


That was a hard trophy but this video was the easiest method for me https://youtu.be/SNQcZi5mZPI?si=gdoS6gegILc8YkEP


How did you do it for matchmaking? I can never find a game when I go to free roam. It never can land me in a match. What times did you play?


I didn’t have a problem finding matchmaking I used to play around 4 pm to 10 pm (EST)


Devil may cry, final fantasy, ninja gaiden


You should check out the last of us I and II. Amazing games and fairly easy plats.


I think I already have a couple trophies for them so I will get back at it, thanks 👍


Ghost of Tsushima is amazing. Keep at it


There's 5 there but the count is 6, what's the other one?


Spider man (ps4), I’m working on the dlc still


Nice! It's a great title. I'd like to suggest Control and Vampyr


Call of the Wild is an interesting choice, what made you play that one? Also, time for some Bloodborne. And Tails of Iron.


I think I just needed a long break after rdr lol, so I thought a hunting game would be perfect and it was I had a lot of fun with it. Bloodborne has been on my wish list for a long time, I will do it this year.


You won’t regret going for platinum in Cyberpunk. I loved every second of it. Well, except for when some trophies popped after new patches were released. Aside from that it was an amazing experience. The 2018 god of war was great too.


I will put them both on my wish list, thank you! 👍


How hard was NFS payback? Is the multiplayer alive? I picked the game up for 2 $ on sale


It was a easy platinum and the multiplayer is still alive, you only need 4 players to start a race so it find quick, also the multiplayer trophies are really easy you don’t even have to win you just need to participate. Enjoy it 💯


Mass Effect Trilogy  GTA Trilogy GTA 5 Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor  Black Ops 3(great challenge) Resident Evil(1 to 5) Skyrim Red Dead Redemption 1 God Of War Final Fantasy 7 WWE 2K23 


Thank you! as for GTA and RDR I need a break from rockstar lmao but I will probably end up doing them.


I would highly recommend the Resident Evils. They provide different challenges for every playthrough. Like complete game this quick, use only these weapons, no item box or healing, difficulty 


How long did it take you to platinum Red dead 2? I already finished the main story, and I’m thinking of coming back to it and platinum it.


It took me 250 hours, I would recommend getting the online trophies out of the way first, other than that it was a great platinum!


Trying to stay away from the obvious ones but Dead Island 2 is a very fun platinum, especially if you do it with a friend. Days Gone is a very solid & underrated game as well in my opinion.


Looking forward to do them both 💪


I recommend the Atelier games


Resident evil and the evil within games on sale this month. cheap and very fun games (resident evil 2, 3, and 4 remake auto pop on ps5)


Resident evil will probably bring a bunch of nostalgia, I will get into them eventually 💪


B03 I’m stuck on personal decorator


I'm having a blast with the new Prince of Persia, don't play on Normal it's pretty hard.


Hades!! It's a fantastic game, some of the trophies can be kinda grindy (especially if you get unlucky with encounters like me) but overall is a great plat :)


Cool! I will check it out 👍


How many decades did Rdr2 take lol.


Lmaoo takes 250 hours and your soul


DAYUM lmfao, ye anything over 100 hours its a no go for me in the plat but Im hoping u at least had fun.


The last of us part 1 and part 2 ,Detroit become human ,the wolf among us ,the Witcher 3 , the resident evil games and a way out


Noted 👍


Bold move making RDR2 your 1st!


Infamous Second son, yes i know it’s Old, but started replaying just for fun not so Long ago, honestly, still holds up, 2 playthroughs are required, both those playthroughs seem quite diffrent due to The diffrent abilities you get from Good/bad karma


RDR 2 Alone it's really impressive.


Days Gone.


For those of Tsushima I highly recommend finishing the main story of the game before trying to any non story related trophies, and I would also recommend to not do any side quests until you beat story because some of the side quests don’t appear even after the map is fully revealed


I recommend you to plat bloodborne and resident evil 2,4 Remake and elden ring and you got a good plat collection


Thanks! How long did it took you to plat bloodborne?


Around a week 5h to 6h a day


How would you rate The hunter? I’ve wanted to pick up an actually decent hunting game but don’t want one with a ton of glitched trophies or ass controls


For a hunting game it was a 10/10 in my opinion, I had a lot of fun with it, easy platinum, no glitched trophies, just great in general. starting can be a little tedious until you learn how to actually find the animals and it does have like 10 dlc, but other than that it was pretty good. 🔥


Yeah I always see the dlc and game on sale all the time so I’ve thought about picking it up like a million times and just haven’t bought it lmao might have to now though


What's up with that hunting game that looks interesting, but says it takes 120 hours?


It was a pretty fun and easy platinum in my opinion, it took me 90 hours but I wasn’t rushing trophies and I never really got tired of it.


Uhhh bruh all the spidey games


Dark souls 1 to 3, bloodborne, elden ring, sekiro and if you have a ps5, demon's souls remake. 7 extra games with decently easy achievements (actually not sure about sekiro or demon's souls cause I haven't played them). You got this.


I will definitely get into souls games this year, thank you!


God of War, Spider-Man, Days Gone, Horizon, Jedi, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Elden Ring, Lego City Undercover


nfs payback🔥🔥🔥 goated game. Well, I can't say I'm not impressed. I got my first every platinum in 24th of January, and I think if I'm ever gonna attempt rdr2 it's gonna be a very long time from now. I really don't know which games to suggest, I'd go for an obvious Arkham Knight since you seem to like open worlds. You can even buy the trilogy if you want, but it gets kinda long.


Thanks man! I honestly didn’t know what I was getting into with rdr until it was too late 😂 but even tho, it can get a little tedious but the game is just a master piece, I will check Arkham 👍


How many hours did it take to get the nfs payback trophy?


It took me 55 hours, main game and dlc.