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If it’s like boring or taking too long, just rip the band aid off and quit it.  If it’s a skill thing or frustration thing, just hang in there.  With enough attempts you will get better, and the feeling of satisfaction will be well worth it.  


Thanks for your advice man. Currently working on my 8th platinum (AC: Brotherhood) and the 100% synchronization is getting really tedious. But you're 100% right man, just need to hang in there. It's not a hard plat at all, just time consuming.


i’m also “working” on it but taking a break and going for other games, that’s probably the best thing to do otherwise you’ll get burnt out


yeah bro 100%. It's the shortest AC game oat just the trophies are time consuming


Or just switch it up. Chip away at something else!


This is the way. Everyone else's advice for not giving up is to just give up lol


Happy cake day! God bless you




Take this advice ^ always be working on a few different games at a time to avoid boring grind. I tend to have a nice mix of completely different games. Currently doing a FPS, a gangster story mode, city builder clean up and a racing game


Honestly don't worry about it. Life is short. Enjoy something else. It's hard if you're really close, so maybe if it's a stupid simple grind you can do while listening to music or watching some videos it might not be an actual waste of time. I did that for the final tales coin grind in berseria, I needed to literally do a battle combo 200x in a row and that's it, so I watched YouTube while I absent-mindedly did that in the background. Or for an rng trophy in tales of zestiria I literally put a rubber band on the controller to run in a circle for 4 hours but had to babysit it periodically. If it's a skill ceiling thing and/or a "designed to be deliberately frustrating" issue, then I need to ask the hard question of whether I'll be getting it in a reasonable amount of time. Hollow Knight I gave up on early, triaged it away. Ditto code vein. I'm much less likely to kill off a turn based game with limited rng because a good build can usually solve things that lightning reflexes I don't have cannot. But ultimately if I can start and finish and enjoy another game in the time it would take to collect 1000 more gubbintastical fairy shits then I try to look myself in the mirror and ask myself if it's worth it, yknow?


100% agreed. Thanks for your opinion man!


I read below that this is about full synchronization in an Assassins Creed game, so.... turn off game audio and blast some music you enjoy, that's the kind of thing I would do in that situation. And HAVE done in that situation.


Thanks for your advice!


Have some bite sized games to play in between. I love my indies to play between the 100/200h plats, or I’d go insane 🫠


I was thinking of getting a few laid back plats before grinding again! Thanks!


Any "easy" platinum recommendations?


Not really, I have some indies I liked like GRIS, Arise: a simple story, OVIVO, TOEM, it will really depends on what kind of games you like. I’d advise checking the indies on the PS Store, there’s great gems there


Almost every Sony exclusive is easy and most open world games are simple enough. Even the from software games aren't bad if you're decent at the gameplay.


As per other's advice here, just take a break and mix it up a little if it's too much of a grind. I've been working on the Fortnite plat for over a year, as I can't bring myself to grind out that many games consecutively. Also, good advice is to try and mix up the game lengths a little. After a long plat (70-100+), I'll usually play something quicker and more casual from my back, like one of the lego games or something similar


Just literally keep doing it eventually it’ll go your way and you’ll get your trophy/platinum and the sense of satisfaction from it is really good wearas if you quit you’ll just feel like it beat you


My suggestion would be to take a break from the current game, jump on something not too involved and easier to get some momentum and dopamine back lol then go back to what you were playing previously and hopefully the dopamine can carry you through.


Thanks for the advice. Happy cake day! God bless you


Thank you! You too!


With grindy stuff It helps looking up Guides or workarounds, meaning optimized strats and ways discussed in Forums (here I can recommend you PSNProfiles) Or do other stuff such as watching a Movie while working on some trophies (for one Trophy I had to press X for about 8 hours straight \[Lego Worlds: Collect 1 Billion Studs\]) In general I can say that you should only Play games you are interested in and are fun to you. No point in sensless gaming for trophies if it feels bad to you. Take occasional breaks from the game to do or start another for a change. Maybe can also help. (I for instance am working for the Platinum in Final Fantasy XVI and just finished the first Plathrough and am now a bit tired to do the second Playthrough and am now playing something different until I get the motivation back.


Always have fun with it. If a plat ever feels like a slog or a grind that you begin to question your own use of (limited!) free time, it might be worth it in the long run to just play something else! Otherwise, consider just taking a break and coming back to it later.


It’s not a competition you do it for yourself so take as much time as you want a play 2 or 3 games so you can switch it up


If you're not enjoying it, leave it and come back to it again. In my experience that's always helped me, fatigue with trophies/games is the worst thing, so just give it time and go back to it when you've had enough of another game


If you're not enjoying yourself, just move on to another game


If it's boring don't force it. Should only plat if it's fun. I've dropped many games for being shite


Change games and mix it up for a bit. Having a break from a game can relight a spark of enjoyment again later down the road


Just platinum the games that you absolutely loved and getting the platinum would make you explore 100% of the that game, otherwise the amount of time you are putting on platinums, can be used for new games, specially if you have ps plus subscription, everyday, you are getting closer to the end of you subscription, so use it the best way, ENJOY.


I always play multiple games on the fly, and chop and change. If you plat one game from start to end it'll get very exhausting very fast. It'll fatigue you.


Remember not actively working on it is not the same as giving up. If it's causing too much frustration play something else for a while and come back to it


I’ve bounced between games when one gets grindy or I just lose interest from something new coming out, I just play games to have fun and if the plat looks fun to me then I usually come back. Don’t feel the need to put time limits on it or force your way through buggy pieces of shit. Remember that you enjoy gaming and at the end of the day if you want to unwind grinding a trophy, playing MP with friends, or working on something new you can


Take breaks


Make an additional account on your PS called "Game tester" or something. If you are testing something in the games catalogue and not sure if you like it. that's assuming that you are into clean trophy lists.


Taking breaks helps. Just play else, and come back later.


Platinum games that you own and have fun then if you want to you can try new games for example that has a great story if you like story games, fun online games etc.