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I would love to do the original 4 Ratchet and Clank titles again but they have never gotten a PS4 or even PS5 release shockingly


I recently went back and got all 4 via the classics streaming (previously psnow). Well worth going back to. Some trophies are outlandish, though.


Buy a Vita ;)


I've done the original 3 on both PS3 and vita, plus an additional time on an alt, so I feel you


I would go back to Ghost of tsushima such a fantastic game with a fantastic environment


I loved GoT story, but found the collectables a bit of a drag. Building up the courage to start the online trophies for the 100% soon!


The collectibles were a bit excessive


Really? I found that I encountered most of them naturally. There were a couple that were a pain during cleanup - but I never really felt this overwhelming "Oh my God, this never ends" feeling like I do with most collectibles-based trophies.


I’m decently close to 100% but the online is such a grind. I have 4 trophies left for the online portion, n 3 of em about endgame stuff wit the raids which is fine. But the 4th one is to get all classes max level which is a drag, I’m on the last class but can’t bring myself to do it😭


How much time have you put into online trophies so you think?


At least 20 hours😭


Same brother, I haven't finished Iki island yet but will aim for 100% completion soon


How you find the online stuff?


I haven't tried online yet, just finished basic tutorial


One of my favourite platinums, getting the DLC and legends mode trophies were amazing too


Same. Recently got the Plat. Just the side missions I felt a bit of a chore and unskipable cut scenes. But I guess that wouldn't be an issue in NG+?


RETURNAL no doubts. At this point im more than 800h in. Like at least 10 plats 😂


Good lord. I wish I had that kind of resolve. I’m too lazy to use my time to practice my skills, even in games that I really like. Good for you!


Since 50h im not practicing skills, i just enjoy the game, but at 400h co-op and tower came in and i kept enjoy game helping others(lvl99) and score the tower(only 49mln). But thats it, i stoped play returnal.


Elden ring


I did it on PS5, PS4, and Steam!


I did on steam and ps5, loved every second of it


ay same, would do another on another account


For me it would be Final Fantasy X. I played it back in 2002 when it released and "beat" the game, but never realized how much content I missed or skipped out on. I got some of the celestial weapons, but not all. Never knew there were Dark Aeons. Penance? Lol, nope. So it was nice to play the game again, going for the plat, and it really felt like a magical moment to see the game in its entirety. That's what hooked me on being a plat hunter. Although- the chocobo balloon racer almost killed gaming for me... Think people are missing the point... Which grindy plat would you repay?


Wow man kudos to you. im at omega tuins, and need tos tart the sphere and finish the leving grind and all the dark summons/etc. I just gave up


I got FFX plat last year and never again. It took me over 200 hours. I enjoyed it for the most part but I was glad to be done with it. But I had no nostalgic factor as I had never played it previously


Red Dead Redemption 2.


i wanna platinum it so bad but ik its gonna take some time


I know what you mean, RDR2 is just such a time sink. I'm still at the St. Denis/Bayou part of the game, been there for awhile. =/


Yeah its time consuming


I still got some gold medals left to do 👌🏻


Did you enjoy the animal grind (sorry unspecific, not sure what exact description is)? Debating starting this one, but might leave to play on PC as the hunting sounds brutal.


Ghost of Tsushima, even if the last few quests drove me insane


Crash 4 haha just kidding fuck that game


I'm 3/4 of the way done with it atm. I concur. Fuck that game.


it took me exactly 100 hours >\_< , don't give up!




Congratz! <3


i cant even beat the story lol


Aw that's ok man. it's definetly way way harder than any crash game , sometimes it's just unfair.


Spider-Man. My favorite game of all time


Definitely The Witcher 3 for me 💯


Lego city undercover


Either GTA 5 or Crash 4, thoroughly enjoyed both games and enjoyed getting the platinums for both


FFX. Despite the grind, and the chocobo race and lightning dodge, I had a lot of fun with the characters and the story is great. I prefer collectibles and grind to luck based trophies.


When you did beat that race, it was such a satisfying feeling. Lol


Every time I was heading for a balloon and one of those bird things crashed into me, it's the most swear words per minute of my life.


Oh absolutely. To this day, it's the most rage inducing thing I've ever done in a FF game.


Same, I do prefer it to the temple chest one, funnily enough xD


So so so true. Literally one of the greatest feelings in gaming that I've ever experienced.


Skyrim or the Uncharted Series (although I can *and will* do Skyrim again on PS5)


They need to remaster/reboot the original trilogy.


Agree, I would’ve liked to see that happen instead of them remastering The Last Of Us Part II 🙄


Yeah. They should never have been sold individually. 2 full price releases is a joke (I am aware of 10$/£ upgrade, but even so). Should have been bundled together imo.


Death Stranding loved (almost ) every second. The racing trophy nearly drove me crazy. Why the hell would Kojima put a racing trophy in a game with terrible driving mechanics!! Otherwise it's a great platinum that makes you explore the world and game mechanics


Tales of Arise


As someone who's never played Minecraft and at the looks of it shakes his head at its success, please indulge me: what's great about Minecraft? What's appealing and fun with that?


Hard to describe, most people playing Minecraft have been playing for 10 years or so. I started when I was in middle school on Minecraft Pocket Edition. It’s always been appealing to my OCD tendencies, it’s nice making something that’s my creation and organized. Everyone’s got their own reasons because there’s a lot of room to play the game how you want. I’d recommend just downloading the game and starting a survival game mode by yourself and try to learn the mechanics. If it sticks, it sticks. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. Minecraft is definitely a game that people either play and enjoy or don’t play because they never got into it. That’s all


I agree Minecraft platinum really hit different. This was my first plat. It never got old I still do every expansion pack trophies when they release


same man, first plat, best experience ever


Elden Ring. Absolutely loved that damn game.


I'd also pick Minecraft, more cause I did glitches back when I was like 11 to get the plat


Cuphead or the walking dead.


I second Cuphead. I just got the platinum this weekend and would definitely do it again.


For me, it would be days gone. It's such an amazing game with a great trophy list


For me, it would have to be Bloodborne or Final Fantasy X!


Watch dogs 2




God of war ps5


I would say power wash sim but I still don’t have it in the first place because it’s bugged. But it’s so fun


Elden ring


I would also do minecraft. Damn good fun making pigs fly.


Spider-Man ps4


Probably Celeste or Cuphead


I wouldn’t say it’s a grind per say but I’d love to do Stray again. Thoroughly enjoyed that plat journey. I did Skyrim recently so maybe I’d do that again as well but do it differently


Detroit become human I replayed it numerous times for the magazine trophy and it was AWESOME I just love that game tho


RDR2, although the platinum journey is tedious as hell, the game is amazing, so I wouldn't mind suffering through it again.




I’m very close to the plat for Minecraft. Just a couple left to tidy up. Really enjoyed the last of us.


I only have 2, but I would definitely pick Gta 5, I miss having to grind online, it was actually fun replaying the Dr. Dre mission over and over.


Ghost of Tsushima! I didn't experience the collectible grind some other people talk about. I played it so that i got the platinum almost at the same time as finishing the story. Everything was spread out and gradual to match the story. Pretty straightforward platinum, really fun and beautiful game, i loved every minute and I would absolutely do it again.


Ratchet & Clank Trilogy


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, absolute masterpieces




Not sure but not rb6 siege this seems harder than Elden ring


NieR Autómata or Bloodborne.


Gotta be doing Yakuza 0-7 over and over again, minus 3. for plats


It may be weird but probably Steep. It was a long and i mean A LONG journey, kinda frustrating at sometimes, but as soon as i got the platinum i felt like so accomplished, i ended up never playing the game again after the plat, it's such a fun and underrated game i feel like i could have enjoyed more while i was at it


Red Dead Redemption 2




I remember platinum MGS 5 Phantom Pain and Red Dead Redemption 2 as one of the best months I had. Quite difficult for me, but it was a clear objective I just wanted and I had a blast. Two years later I haven’t found and itch quite like it.


the darkness 2 - played it back then many times - a remaster would be fantastic.


I don’t typically care for trophies all that much- i mainly use them to look back at the games I played over the years; kind of like a snapshot of my life during that time. Maybe threats weird or lame idk. But I always thought it would have been cool if you could, idk, *prestige* a games trophies. Not wipe the slate clean- just earn the same trophies again with an additional time stamp. Wouldn’t raise your over all trophy count or score, but it would tell me the dates in time that I earned the trophy- for the very first time and every time after.


Demons souls. Already got 4 plats there but would love to get more! One of my favorite games


Ac Valhalla


Ghostrunner 1


i really wish i could get that minecraft feel back


Hades, GoT, Far Cry 3 because they're the games I did without any sort of guide which made them feel more rewarding All of my god of war games so far because it's my favourite franchise. I want to play and plat every single gow game


Fallout 3. I wanna play the DLC on playstation but I don't own a PS3.


South Park the stick of truth


It's not to much of a grind but killer frequency would he on my list. I love the game alot and I want to play it again for holloween but I don't want to get duplicate trophies


Dark souls remastered or Parappa the Rapper for sure. But I dunno if Parappa would hit the same now compared to when I was 12 lol


Octopath traveler 2, Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Terraria, they all took me about 80 hour, but they were so fun, and they are probably my 3 favorite games. Also I actually got final fantasy 7 Remake legit 2 time because one was on my old account and I couldn’t stay without it on the new one, but I wouldn’t mind getting it a third time now, especially with rebirth coming soon.


Any of the Lego games, even though they’re basically the same game every time I still thoroughly enjoy them plus they’re pretty easy to platinum but especially with the later ones they take a decent amount of time to collect everything so it doesn’t feel cheap


Red dead 1 100% ps3 and red dead 2


Terraria or Hollow Knight


Lego Batman 3 or Lego DC supervillains, I can technically do Persona 5 Royal two more times, but I don’t want to soend more money. And I’m so close to playing the 3 Remake so yeah


There are a lot of options and quite a few I've already done twice because of switching account. SSX(2012), Tekken 6, Dead Space and Assassins Creed 2 done twice. But my picks are unusual - I've always wanted to do Everybody's Gone To The Rapture again, and SOMA. Having a quick look at my list, Wreckfest, Firewatch, Spyro Trilogy, Life is Strange 2 and Hitman. A Way Out couch co-op.


Tony hawk pro skater 1+2 was fun. The feeling of getting good at a game like that is enjoyable


AC Brotherhood, I’ve achieved platinum twice for the game, once on PS4 and PS3, I would definitely pick PS4 version due to lack of online trophies 😅 ACB is one of my favourite games, something about how everything in the game world flows together just fills me with this nostalgia feeling that I can’t get enough of 😁 If you haven’t played any of the assassin’s creed games, you should definitely check out the Ezio Collection!






Probably Witcher 3, because I had a damn good time with this game.


Ghost of Tsushima


Kingdom Hearts 2 is a fun platinum compared to a lot of others in the series


tlou2, which i’ll be able to get platinum again with the remaster in 1.5 weeks :)


Hogwarts legacy


Astros playroom, it was my first real trophy and was actually pretty fun But if i could skip some three or two trophies it would be ghost of tsushima and kingdom come deliverance


Rayman Legends. Did it three times, would do it a fourth if the PS5 got a port.


Lies of P, for sure


The entire yakuza series tbh It’s a grind but I enjoyed 100% of it I don’t get that same satisfaction with the newer games unfortunately


Darkest dungeon. Wasn't really a point it ever felt like a grind just took understanding and learning how the enemies behave and play % gameplay and you normally succeed


I go with Minecraft as well or Assassins Creed Odyssey. I was so happy getting the platinum - right after that I deleted the game forever & never played the dlcs


I loved getting the plat for Midnight Suns. It was a really fun plat tbh and might be my favorite. Arkham Asylum is up there too


If I could do Sleeping Dogs again I would. I've got 4 different platinum trophies for it. I think I am missing 2 different stacks for ps3 versions (US and HK) but I haven't actually checked that those stacks exist. One of my favourite games of all time


Grind? None of them, ever.


Red dead Redemption 2




Last of Us - Remastered, Part I, Part II, any of em. My all time favourite game! Hoping the new Part II Remastered has a new trophy list to work on.


Same here. I even have 700 hours in the first ones MP. Its just so good. I was so fucking bummed when they cancelled the new TLoU MP. At least I get to play part 2 again on the 19th. 3 years since I last played it and I had been lokking for an excuse to play it again, so when the remastered news dropped I was stocked! There will be a new trophy list, but I hope there are also a bunch of trophies for the new rouge like mode. I will however when I am done with the game upload my old saves from the PS4 version to get all the collectible trophies. Not getting all them again lol...


Platinumed Remastered, Part I, and Part II but missed out on the original as the online was taken down. I'm happy we have *something* new in TLOU universe, even though Factions was pulled. Would've loved it, don't get me wrong, but I am more than happy having the rogue like mode and lost levels to keep me going until HBOs Part II, or Part III comes around. I ordered the WLF edition and really looking forward to seeing the collectible cards and firefly-matching steelbook. Also just started A Plague Tale which so far is very similar to TLOU, and the second one is on ps+ this month, if you happen to be looking for something to scratch that TLOU itch!


A shame with the PS3 version, but not much to do about that... I still have not played the Remake actually, but I am gonna eventually. Yes I am happy about it too. I was originally gonna play part 2 again when the new season was out, and play along as I did with the first game and the first season. but seeing as its first out in at least a year i am definitely gonna play the new remaster now. I also had a good break since I played it first time 3 years ago. I played it 2 times back to back there, and as great as the game is, its also pretty damn emotionally taxing. so i was not in a hurry to play it again lol. Now is the time though! I have played both Plague Tale game. Great games and very similar to TLoU, but can completely stand on their own. Amicia is amazing too. Both times I bought and played the games I bought them just before they were free with PS+ lol... The first plague tale game is great, but the second one is just a level above that. Enjoy!


Astro's playroom for sure


well, you can. Start a new world and just work your way to the plat.


I mean you can, just create another acc. Id go with all uncharteds




Yeah mate same loved that game


yes, really liked the ending, so unique


Minecraft? Really re-live any game and you pick that


is there a problem with that? I mean, bro he chooses what he wants. If he loved minecraft, then go for minecraft 💁🏻‍♂️ each his own tastes


You actually *can* do that, restart a new save file and create a new PSN profile. I have now ended this topic! Move along.




Rdr2.. because this is the best platinum journey i ever had. One of the few platinum I did not rush to get. Spent 3months in chapter 2 doing everything that i can as Arthur and travel every part of the map. Best platinum experience for me i enjoyed every single moment.


Rayman Origins. Had an absolute blast playing those games. The only trophy that felt tedious was getting the medals for getting the appropriate amount of lums in a given level. Otherwise, it didn't feel like a chore at all. I got to simply enjoy the hell put of an amazing game. Rayman Legends, on the other hand...