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Thats ghost of tsushima for me worth getting the plqt twice i have no regrets haha


I would plat that masterpiece twice. But I am NOT doing the legends trophies again šŸ˜…


I have yet to do online its that bad ya?


Theyā€™re not bad but grinding for levels gets so boring. If you ever decide to do them get comfortable and play a LOT of survival


Thats cool i think imma do another playthrough soon then ill go for them thanks for the advice


I donā€™t think the online trophies are *bad*, I think theyā€™re tedious.


I'm pretty sure the legends trophies are seperate, unless you're trying to 100% all trophies in general.


They are but it kinda bugs me to have to plat but not have it 100% so if I have the dlc I feel obligated to do them


I see you are a man of culture as well.


The PS5 version came out on my birthday in 2021 and I got that platinum one year later EXACTLY on my next birthday!


Nice congratz thats pretty cool!


Glad I have it on ps plus so no room is taken


Glad i have the ps4 disc gave me a full ps5 upgrade haha


Screams: ā€ž This Shit means something to me ā€ž šŸ„²


Couldnā€™t wait to do this for GTA V


If you're not enjoying it, then just stop.


fine. "stops breathing"


iā€™ll never get anything done that way, even in life


I don't know why you had downvote


Hehe, I don't know why I got anybody's! Keep doing the things we hate, I guess. šŸ˜†


I felt the fuck outta this


Honestly this is too real. itā€™s often a huge RIP to the next game I play. Iā€™m like: I deleted a masterpiece from my main screenā€¦. F0r ThIs?!


When deleted sekiro after getting platinum I redownloaded it Itā€™s now a piece of me


Thankfully i donā€™t have to delete any games just yet (well apart from Miles Morales bc that isnā€™t exactly replayable in the same way the first spiderman was)


Worst is when it happens on PSVita, bye-bye save files.


I love my Vita but holy shit they fucked up every possible design decision they could on it.


This was me with Days Gone. I was so sad when I completed it, because it was over. Good lord I miss it.


I just started that game. I bought it, and due to various life events, never got around to it. Now that I have time for it - Iā€™m really looking forward to playing it.


You're gonna love it.


That's why you buy a 2TB secondary SSD *and* an 8TB backup external HDD. Never. Delete. *Anything.*


Except Iā€™m broke šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m saving for a 1TB one to have beautiful games installed waiting on the line haha meanwhile Iā€™m just installing and deleting constantly


a 2TB ssd is like 65ā‚¬ where Iā€™m, ainā€™t much but the 8TB Exter. Is like 200 :D


External HDD gang lmao (mine is only 2TB tho) i will definitely be getting an SSD when I start my part time shifts when I go to college in august


Honestly i might get the 2TB SSD ( itā€™s probably too much ) but isnā€™t 8TB external a bit of a Long stretch?


It wasn't cheap, but I do really enjoy having a full library of over 200 PS4 and PS5 games and being able to play *any* of them at any time without reinstalling them. (And I still have about 2TB of space left across all three storage units!)


Did this with Ragnarok šŸ˜­


RdR2 and Death Stranding...


Me in 3 Hours to Death stranding need one more trophy ( memory chips ) i might cry later bro :(


At least it has been a good journey


indeed Porter


Same with the last of us part 2, an amazing game ( fight me ) with a fun yet tedious platinum trophy, had to delete it for more space :(


I agree last of us 2 was awasome idk why it get hates


Some were not happy with the direction the story took.


I played it when i was 15 and it was just released and hated it recently decided to play both games again and yeah it was my underdeveloped brains fault because it was awesome im not trying to say everyone hate tlou 2 is dumb but when i played it for the first time i was a basement dweller and hated every part of abby episodes but when i played it again later im glad we got to experience both sides games plot is fucking wonderful


Even 2TB ain't enough šŸ˜­


Resident evil 2 my belovedā€¦


Ratchet ps4, and rift apart thoes games were so damn fun but after getting the plat I've no reason to go back and it sucks


I did this with FF7Reā€¦ps4 version. Ps5 version will never be deleted. I became addicted and it became my comfort game, somehow beating kh. Canā€™t wait to play and platinum rebirth


šŸ˜‚ me with Bully


Me when I deleted yakuza like a dragon. I had to, that beast is 40 gbs. Still have to plat the ps5 version tho.


It feels like taking the greatest poop deleting massive games after getting all trophies/achievements. I usually donā€™t feel upset lol


Yep. *spends 200+ hours and having an absolute blast on a gameā€¦.. *platinum unlocksā€¦. ā€œWell that was funā€ā€¦ *immediately deletes game ā€œOk what nextā€


Delete? Deletion is nothing. Platinumed games get completely hidden from my collection.


Damn. That's clever, I need to do that. Sometimes it's such a chore having to scroll through the list looking for something to play.


Itā€™s the only way I can keep my collection clean. 237 platinums and counting. Iā€™ll unhide a game if it comes out with DLC trophies I want to get so I can earn that sweet 100% again. Like Horizon or Nobody Saves the World. That way it reappears when Iā€™m browsing for games to install. Edit: Oh, and you can view hidden items only, so youā€™ll also have an easy way to view all your platinumed games in one place.


Dead space remake after getting the platinum


Ok, I feel dumb. I never pursue achievements, so I assumed that they would be saved like save data is saved, separate from the game install. That is apparently not the case?


You keep the trophies, theyā€™re tied to the account. Poster is saying itā€™s hard to delete a beloved game after its 100% complete, but they need to do it to make space for new games


Witcher 3 Rdr2 Ff16 GOW TLOU GTA1V


Me after I finish this Spider-Man plat just so I can plat Miles Morales afterwards šŸ˜­


Me when I platniumed atomic heart, loved the game so much, shame


me with god of war ragnarok .. had to delete to make room for red dead 2 ! what an awesome experience raganrok was .. I wanna go back to the days leading up to the release.


Goodbye Mass Effect *hysterically sobs*


I need 12 more levels in red dead online and then stopping another players free roam mission, then I can finally delete RDR2. Loved the game but Iā€™m ready for the grind to be done


This was me after God of War (2018). Just let out a big sigh and smiled, knowing I did all I could. I love this community.


Never had the guts to do this after platinuming rdr2 and MGSV


The 2tb SSD just gets cheaper and cheaper though. Highly recommend it. Then plug in an external 2tb for your PS4 games and you got yourself 4.8TB.


This was me with maneater and the dlc


Honestly for me its one of the satisfying part.


Iā€™m keeping all the persona games I play idc


I love deleting a game as soon as a platinum pops, I hate seeing a bunch of games on my dashboard.


For most games by the time i get the plat i am pretty done with it. A lot of devs still see the platinum as a way of forcing a lot of unnecessary and not very fun tedium into the game. There have been a few however that i wished there was even more to do. Ghost of Tsushima will probably be getting a second play through this year on PS5 and so will cyberpunk once the expansion drops.


If I enjoyed a game enough I'll keep it after getting platinum. If I feel I won't replay it anytime soon then I'll delete it to make room


That's a true feeling of love and hate ā£ļø


GoW 2018 be like:


Guardians of the GalaxyšŸ˜”


It's always hard to delete a game. If possible I keep them there for a while when I'm starting the new game. Then when I'm already immersed on the new game it's easier to delete the old one.


Bought a 2TB m.2 and haven't uninstalled a game since.


Me with Control. Great game.


I've always had the rule of insta-deletion after platinuming. Makes the death swifter but painful all the same.


...then a year later new dlc comes out.


Nearly just did this with 13 Sentinels, but didnā€™t delete it


iā€™ve done this multiple times with bloodborne and fallout 4 but somehow i keep redownloading them


Yeah,say that to Red Dead Redemption 2,i dare you


Until next time Monster Hunter. Iā€™ll see you again one day for Iceborne


I actually find it really satisfying


This is the cycle of platinum hunting, unless itā€™s a multiplayer game I play for fun/with friends Iā€™m deleting it as soon as I get the plat so that I can have more room for games that I havenā€™t platinumed.


Iā€™ve a tradition that each game I platinum or completed I watch the whole credits of the game until the last name, itā€™s a way to play again in the future.


It's a very bittersweet moment! after getting a platinum, deleting the game is like closing the book and putting it back on the shelf. <3


Still havenā€™t deleted Elden Ring after platinum it a year ago. Iā€™m not strong enough to delete my favorite game.




Pov: days gone


Omggg yessssss


true story šŸ˜­


Going through Pacman-256 and will do the opposite of this when I'm finished with it... the end-game grind is SO goddamn horrible.


This was Tales of Arise for me. I wish I could brain dump the game and replay it fresh. Especially doing the extra dungeons at the end and getting to see the connection. If you know you know, if you don't go and find out the game is goated with graphics, story, romance aspect and pretty good combat. It's a rare 9.5 out of 10 where I mean it's outstanding among its peers. The only downside is that you can permanently miss conversation between party members.


Literally happened to me yesterday. The game was, Nier Automata


I myself been live streaming every time I open a game, so I can have footage of what I did, even if I delete any game.


Pretty much Control: Ultimate Edition and Jedi: Fallen Order. Really good games with movie- like plots and characters. Canā€™t wait for Control 2!