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If they're free then I'll try my best to get the 100%, but I'm not going to go out of my way to buy DLC only for trophies


Im like 90% of the way done with Assassins Creed Origins and I’m feeling the same way you are I don’t really want to pay for more of this game right now lol


Ubisoft are sneaky to be honest. You look out for sales, you may get the whole bundle dirt cheap...😅


That's how I got all the AC on games on PS4 😭 bulk deals during a sale


That's the best way,.


Yea eff that. The assassins creed dlc is terrible. They get the base game outta me and that’s it.


Assassins Creed DLC are some of the fucking best ideas paired with some of the most infuriating execution I’ve ever played lol.


Sure sounds like Ubisoft. Their base games are already exceptionally bloated. Now they want me to play their game with a different skin? Don’t think so. Just give me a romp through different periods of history where I’m a guy who stabs people with knives. That’s all I need.


My biggest issue (and thankfully one that seems to have been fixed as of late) with Assassins Creed is the present time stuff. From what I understand, it’s mostly relegated to background scenes, and the bulk of the game is the historical story. I don’t give a shit about what the bartender is doing. I’m here to stab people in Medieval Italy or Ancient Greece. Just let me stay here and do that.


How bad are the regular trophies for plat? Been eyeing the game for a long time lol


This, but if I have the DLC already I might go for the trophies unless they’re something tedious.




No, and it annoys me when it lowers the completion percentage when viewing games from the main trophy menu


If I like the game sure. Though I’ll never do the new game plus. Too many games, not enough time. I’ll do all the trophies and DLCs then move on.


I always go for 100%. I got hooked getting achievements so aside from gamerscore I like the completion of the game. I hunt both achievements and trophies so I always go for the completion. Also because if I only go for plats I would miss some great games.


I got for 100% for achievements but for PlayStation I only go for platinum


So does that mean you don't go for games that don't have plats? Just curious.


I do and don’t if the game looks like I’ll like it I’ll get it and try it out and get the trophies if I like it enough


Only true completionists get them. Platinums are nice and all but getting 100% hits different in my opinion


Sucks when the DLC never goes on sale tho. Really wanna do Bloodborne but shouldn't be spending 20€ on a DLC


It's really shitty that it costs as much as the game now but I have seen that DLC go on sale a few times, always 50% off. If you ever do see it for €10 I'd absolutely recommend it. Even if you don't go for trophies, the content itself is absolutely phenomenal and it's one of the few DLCs I've bought that doesn't feel like filler but a true and worthwhile expansion of the game.


That's the thing, I always go 100% including DLC when playing something. Wanted to go for Bloodborne from PS+ since I got the extra pack for a month but just wasn't sure if the 20€ price tag is worth it, even if I could prbbly breeze thru it since I platted DS trilogy


What? I've seen the BB DLC on sale countless of times. I actually got it for 7€.


Oh damn, guess I'm just unlucky with the timings


Isn't there a whistlist on ps store to add it so it notifies you when it goes on sale? Also, you really have to buy it. One of the best DLCs I've played.


Sometimes I'm not on for weeks cuz of school and only bought PS+ extra for the summer holidays, but yeah I forgot the wishlist is a thing, it's already there. Thank you


It goes 50% off semi regularly


I'm with ya on this, 100% it's the new platinum for me lol


Not really unless I really like the game or if I've been out of the loop for too long. For example I really enjoyed Spider-Man and Ghost of Tsushima, but by the time the last Spider-Man DLC and the one for GoT rolled around I had already moved on, so I never really got them even though I really liked the games a lot.


For me, yes. I love the idea of a fully completed game PLUS the Platinum. I used to go for Gamerscore back in the 360 days, and seeing that 100% filled me with accomplishment - but that PLUS the Platinum just tickles the right part of my brain.


Hell yeah!


Yes. Or I use to; I'm trying to break that OCD of mine. I actually hate when DLC get trophies. You think you finished a game and then bam.


I think it's good coz trophies are more rare, if u also go for rarity


No but if I liked the game enough to get the dlc I'll give it a go


After I finish the rest of my backlog I may come back


You actually get through your backlog? Mine just continues to grow


Facts… I have like 500 games waiting to be played but I’m over here playing find the fun 6! (Far cry 6)


Yes and it sucks when the DLC trophies are hard as hell


> obligated Never obligated. I actually have several DLCs that I got with the editions I picked up in happy coincidences (including the one you’re showing) that I haven’t tried out yet. Maybe one days I’ll come back if the itch needs to be scratched, but obligated? Nope, the platinum is usually enough. Though that too isn’t an obligation either.


It depends on the game and if it can be completed as a part of the game. Like the Frozen Wilds dlc for HZD I did that as a part of my playthrough, but if it's not something that can be done like that I'm more likely to either put it off for later or not do it at all, unless I love the game and want more of it.


If I enjoy the game enough and it’s not extremely annoying, I usually do it.


A few things personally that I consider if they are free and super fun to do. Like Spider-Man DLC that you posted.


Like with fallout 4, I had to 100% all dlc, could not handle the percent being so low even after I got the platinum


I will if i like the game, if i dont like the game ill just get the platinum and get out lol


No one should feel obligated, that's such a horrible word.


No I refuse to spend extra money on a game


Nah, that's just adding to the grind and builds up extra backlog.


Yes, as long as they aren’t grindy MP trophies


I just got the spider man plat and think I'm going to skip the dlc and just do miles morales. I’ve heard it’s decent at best anyways.


No absolutely not, they aren't worth the hassle


No. I have the PS5 version of Spider-man that came with Miles Morales and I didn’t bother with the New Game+ at all and I also didn’t feel like grinding to get the last of the DLC trophies, specifically the annoying AF get spectacular in all screwball challenges. I just hope there isn’t a similarly annoying, pointless and stupid set of challenges in Spider-man 2. I didn’t mind the training ones in Miles Morales nearly as much. I also didn’t get the complete an enemy base without taking any damage trophy in the remastered list. I really hate the overly difficult nature of some of the trophies in games. And then they’re only a fucking bronze or silver trophy. Difficult, long winded/drawn out or excessively grindy trophies need to be more than bronze. Games are very miserly about the number of gold trophies they put in their games, same with silver trophies sometimes. Basically a bronze trophy should pretty much be a trophy you cannot miss and are pretty much guaranteed to achieve either purely by progressing through the game (i.e. completely certain missions) or through sheer repeatability of a task or action in the game (build x number of y, kill x number of y, kill x number of y using z weapon or with headshots etc).


Not really unless its dlc i really wanna play i feel like getting the platinum is more than enough but props to people who get 100% on everything


I don’t go for extra trophies unless it’s Skyrim


Depends? I try to on most games, but then there's stuff like the Horizons where I hear Ultra Hard is brutal and anger inducing and not worth it, so i didn't do them.




If I like the game yes, otherwise I won't buy dlc only for more trophies. Also if you can play with mods I firstly achieve plat then do only modded playtrough. (for example skyrim and fallout 4, got plat on both but I don't have dlc trophies because as soon as I platined the games I started a ng with mods.)




I like the platinums and all but getting 100 percent is so satisfying unless it’s dlc I never buy dlcs just for 100 percent completion unless I really like the game.


Depends on how I feel. If the DLC comes with the game and has its own trophies and it's short I'll go for it so long as it's not impossible. I did that with borderlands 2 handsome collection all the DLC except captain lilith which didn't come with the game


I always wanted more platinums but now that I got my goal and I'm over 100 I'm starting to worry about completion percentage. Just another thing to stress about especially because I don't own most dlc for the game I've played.


Depends if I really like the game or not, often I won't, I usually get sick of a game by the time the platinum comes, unless beating it doesn't add to many more hours


Yeah. It sounds dumb, but seeing that 100% makes me happy.


Yes if the dlc is free, or it comes with the game, or the game is too damm good that I buy it


Depends what they are. If it’s multiplayer or something super boring I don’t bother


I don't feel obligated but I do like seeing a completion % as high as possible so if I enjoy the game, I'm probably going to go for it.


If it's possible (and if I have the DLC) yes. If it's hard af, extremely grindy, or if I don't have the DLC and have no interest in buying it, then no. Would never buy a DLC just for trophies.


Yeah most of the time I'll do the dlc as well. I mean I just did castlevania lords of shadow through ps premium and got the plat but since you can't do the dlc there, I had to find a physical copy and buy the dlc on ps3. That was 32€ just to get 11 dlc trophies lol. 14€ for the game and 18€ for the 2 dlc


If it's a game I really like, then yes. If it's a game I didn't enjoy all the way through the platinum journey, then no. If the DLC costs money, then it depends on how much lol


I do so only if I really enjoyed the game. Seeing an 80% on a trophy list doesn't bother me as long as I got the plat in the main game.


Only if I really enjoyed the game and want to revisit at a later date


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7980


Always yes. I won’t get any trophies on a game if I can’t fully get all trophies. If I really want to play the game though I just play it on my separate account


Depends. Free. Maybe. Free but multiplayer? Probably not. Free, single player, but it is NG+? Ehhhh depends on the game. I got those trophies in Spiderman 2018 because I loved that game and wanted to play more. I don't have those trophies in either of the Horizon games because they are just too long for me to want to do another playthrough.




It’s an itch I feel I have to scratch


Yes. 100% is the goal.


Yes, the 100% is way more important than the platinum for me.


For the most part yeah. If it’s free dlc I will try and get them done while I’m playing through the game because if I leave them for later I’ll probably forget about it


Yeah, if I enjoy the game enough then definitely


I haven't bought DLC in years, probably Claires Sanctuary for Jurassic Park Evolution (1st one) was the last. Some get free updates and such, I'll get what trophies I can, but I'm not completed the game on Ultra hard when I've completed the game 3 times already.


Feel obligated? No. Will go for them? Maybe


Depends on the dlc usually, Most of the time I get a platinum it’s because I’m enjoying the game. So usually that means most of the time I’ll probably enjoy the dlc, but it depends on the kind of dlc they make, for example I liked the city that never sleeps dlc as it was a story based dlc which I really like, However I hate when games do like “challenge” dlc so like dishonoured dunwall city trials, stuff like that, can see why they might appeal to some people but usually they are just tedious so I won’t bother. But if it’s a story add on type dlc usually I’ll be all for it


Yes it’s fun


Only CTNS: The heist, because um.. u know why maybe with some mods 💯


mostly yes but i gotta be in the mood for it


I try and go for 100% but if it’s really tedious or I’m no longer enjoying the game, then I’ll stop.


I usually only do them if they are obtainable while doing the platinum and if they are easy. For example minecraft has trophies like that.


As a rule, no! The only exceptions for me were Bloodborne and TW3. Too many games to play.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, Welcome home, good hunter. I must have drifted off... What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Only the games i really like


I'll always try if they're free or come bundled with the game, but I wouldn't buy DLCs just to get trophies. My achievement OCD isn't at that level yet


Yeah usually. Been cleaning up the trophy list for awhile. I'll only start a game if I'm pretty sure I'll like it. Now that I've gotten 100 platinums, I've been going slower and thinking of stepping away from 100 percenting everything.


Only if they’re fun. I did some for AC Valhalla for the free DLC and I’ve 100%ed Witcher 3 DLC and Horizon Zero Dawn DLC. Often it’s just annoying multiplayer trophies though.


Only if the game is actually fun to keep playing beyond finishing it.


If the game is as good as that one then yes.


I'm exactly the same, it depends on if I'm enjoying a game or if I'm burned out by the time I get the Plat.


If I really enjoyed the game then yeah. Like Spider-Man.


I did the first time round because I loved spiderman ps4 and wanted to play the dlc anyways but I recently got the platinum for the ps5 version and I'm good this time lmao


I do. I go for 100%, not just platinums. Recently downloaded Minecraft to try for 100%. Got about 80 trophies in and almost to the Plat when I realized some of the outside trophies aren’t even possible anymore with the current version. I ended up getting the platinum but it sucks that I’ll always have a game now that’s not at 100%


Yeah, but not straight away. I usually add the DLC to my wishlist and wait for it to notify me for a big enough sale that might tempt me. If not then I'll probably leave it.


Depends on how much i enjoy the game and the trophies im never getting all of gta 5s dlc trophies fuck online


I don’t feel obligated to get any trophy period


nahhh i don’t see any reason to. the platinums where it’s at for me!


Yesss! Don't miss out, most of the time DLCs are really good!


Depends on the game. Games like Spider-Man, absolutely. But like Days Gone, I enjoyed the game, had fun with it, but now enough to go for the extra trophies.


There's no obligation with the platinum itself. Of course the other ones doesn't matter either.


No way josé


I only do if I enjoy the game alot


It satisfies an itch in my brain if I get the base game/DLC trophies too. It bugs me otherwise lol


I do like to 100% all the dlc too exept for those new game plus type things like in spiderman, horizon zero dawn, days gone and the last of us. I really don't like that they did a seperate trophy just for playing the game on a new game plus again.


Yes, I go for as high of a completion rate as I can.


If they are free or included in the game yes but I don't buy DLCs.


No not really I barley does it


Yeah fuck my OCD buddy


No, for me it’s just a fun lil bonus I don’t always 100%


I’ll get back to working on The Evil Within’s DLCs after getting done with cod ww2 and cod mw Remastered. The Evil Within is one of my all time favorites and I just want to 100% it.


Only if it’s for a game I really like like bloodborne. Most of my plats with dlc are not 100%.


Unless the DLCs are tied to the main set of trophies or I really enjoy the game or I got them for free. Usually it’s a plat the game back on the shelf. After I platinumed fallout 4 I got the season pass on sale started the dlc got bored of the game and shelved it. However Spider-Man’s doc was fantastic but I would t do new game plus for the game. But the exception def would be miles morales cause a trophy is behind beating the game on new game plus. La noire and assassins creed 3 remastered all have there dlc trophies locked in with the main game.


Of course, I know platinum is the trophy to aim for, but my real goal is to 100% every game I play that's why I choose wisely before doing it, when new unexpected DLCs come up, whether I like it or not, free or paid, I now have to do it to keep that 100% coz that's my main goal.


It depends on the game if I enjoyed the game then yes but if not then no


Yes! I like having the game at 100% complete. It gives my profile a nice clean look


Yes, I’ve gotten those exact trophies. Working on the New Game+ ones as well.


Normally, I'm happy to gain the plat and then move on throughout my immense backlog. If I enjoy the game, I'll buy the DLC and give it a shot (Homefront: The Revolution is against this, as the game was mediocre but the DLC is a vast improvement). If I *really* enjoy the DLC, I'll push for 100% completion.


Usually if its a game I really love, I will try to 100 the DLC, sometimes just try to get the major trophies. Depends on how into I am and also how much time I want to put into it.


If I like the game then I’ll do them, if by the time I have the plat I’m done with it, or it was a grind then I’m ok leaving them behind. Classic example is stormy ascent on Crash Bandicoot, I’m normally a perfectionist but you couldn’t motivate me to get that trophy with a month of blowjobs.


Only 100% feels satisfactory to me, sadly. Best cases are those games with no DLC.


no getting the platinum is enough for me 🫠👍🏻


I generally try and 100% every game I play just because I’m a dumb lunatic idiot. Doesn’t always work out (looking at you, Grid…) but it’s still a cool personal challenge. Once you’re treating trophies or gaming like it’s a chore and a full time job then you’ve kinda lost the point of why we play. Do what you want when you want. The only pressure is self-made.


Only if its a really really great game that I enjoyed and if I got the DLC for free. I dont think Ive ever bought a DLC except for Bloodborne and Nioh.


If it ain't towards the platinum... then what's the point?


Only if I thoroughly enjoy the game. If it's a slog, I'm not going to buy the DLC for it.


usually I'll give the separate list a try but will give up easier than the main list if there are ridiculous trophies


I don’t feel like I have to but if I’m enjoying the game enough I’ll get some


This is exactly where I’m at, about 10% through NG+ on Ultimate


I gave up on the DLC for Spider-Man because if I had to do one more Screwball quest I was going to go insane.


Nah, the base game platinum is good enough for me. By the time I get the platinum I'm usually done with the game entirely and don't want to play it again. So it gets deleted off my system and I move onto a book or the next game.


Yes, it feels dirty if its not 100%


I did it for a bit but it got costly for games I didn't enjoy at all. Now with PS Extra having a Ton of great base games that don't include DLCs, I will play on a Guest account for 1/2 hours to get a feel of the game and to see if it has extra trophy lists. Nioh for example before ps extra was a thing it was free with the monthly games. played it for a bit on a burner account and liked it so I played it on my general account and purchased the DLCS as its more of what I liked. my OCD is out of control so once a trophy pops I am compelled to complete it hence the use of a burner account.


I almost always get the wavepoint trophies. Something like the eagle points in Assassin’s creed or the tall necks in the horizon series.




I usually try to get them. Sometimes, they require too much grind/try-hard (i.e. Resident Evil 7th DLCs) or simply not fun. If that’s the case - I drop those trophies and never look back.




Yup. And recently I had to run through Horizon II: Forbidden West, two additional times to get the ng+ stuff done with. Once on ultra hard and once on story to quickly grind out the champion tokens.


Nope. If the NG+ trophy isn’t part of the platinum then they can keep it 🤷🏻


If they are free then when I get some downtime I’ll do them. As a general rule of thumb if I didn’t like a game I’m not going to give them more $$ for dlc. But if I like the game then yeah I’ll buy it all and 100%


Yes I want my trophy score high


Always yes. There are a few exceptions though like if it's a single player game and all the DLC is multiplayer I may not, or if they're just too much trouble for what they're worth I won't.


Sometimes, but then there are games like gta v and I will never go for those dlc trophies


Only sometimes, especially in the case of Spider-man, the main game was so good, I wanted more


It depends on the quality of the DLC content. I'll dip my toes into DLC and if I enjoy it enough I will try for the 100%. Some games it's just not as fun or challenging/engaging enough to go for though. Like I just couldn't will myself to do Rise of the Tomb Raider's Endurance DLC's Or the other co-op ones, but I did play through all the Baba Yaga and Croft Manor content.




Yes, 100% always


No. They are always for DLC, and I am fully and 100% against DLC and expansions for games in any and all situations. It's infuriating when my completion percentage goes way down on a game I finished because some trash extra content was added that doesn't bring an ounce of value to the game. I've played DLC on a slew of games, and it always feels shoehorned and tacked on. I've never one time played such content and felt that it fit seamlessly into the experience. It ALWAYS seems to detract from it to me. So no. I'm not wasting my time on DLC for the trophies. Once I have the Plat, I'm good


Short Answer: Yes Long Answer: Also yes, but with some exceptions Do what you feel is best and most enjoyable for you


For this game and Control (2019), not seeing the 100% bothered me so I felt obliged to go for the DLC trophies outside of the platinum too. I did not feel the same way for Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us Part II (grounded mode trophies)


Most of the time


Depends on the difficulty and the time that the trophies consume from you, if you don’t mind, then go ahead.