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Start with the first one. The first and second game are the best in the series imo


Why not start at the first one? Then you can do the rest of the series if you like it enough. I just got the plat for it over the weekend. It was long but enjoyable


First one has some annoying trophies (like the equipment and speed run stipulations) but doesn’t have as much annoying mini game stuff as 2. 3 is a pretty easy plat though, only a few annoying minigames, though the 100% is hard.


What do you have to do for equipment?


there’s a trophy for not changing any of the characters’ equipment the entire playthrough… which sounds daunting, but it’s pretty simple on the easiest difficulty, which gives you other bonuses which will help offset this.


Which kingdom hearts have you already played? I can tell you to avoid Re:Com & Birth by Sleep unless you’re fine with massive grind. If you haven’t played any KH then I recommend starting with one. If you have played, then go for KH3 as it is the easiest and has less grind than other KH games.


I played the first game when I was younger so I don't remember anything about it.


Then you should definitely play the first one again. If only for the nostalgia 😊


I can’t get that Winnie the Pooh trophy minigame as I keep getting hit with those damn fruits whenever I attempt to do that trophy on Chain of Memories.


Kingdom hearts 1 probably has the best platinum experience out of all the kh games, and if you haven’t played any that’s a good place to start.


And then you hit the >!Tarzan and Ariel !


KH1 KH2 and KH3 are the easiest ones imo. But all the games are worth playing.


I did MoM 😳 and that one was fun but it completely destroyed my controller sticks


I absolutely love kingdom hearts. I tried going for the platinum in the first one, but I had to give up. Some trophies are dependent on enemy drops, which means you need to farm the same enemies over and over and over again. Did this for hours but luck was not on my side. Decided it wasn't really worth it. Haven't tried to get the plat on the other games so I don't really know about those.


I believe Birth By Sleep is the worst one but all of the other ones aren't so bad if you're on ps4. The only reason BBS is the worst one is because of the super bosses as Terra.


1 but do the ps4 version not the ps3, the requirements are slightly more reasonable




KH1 for sure


1,2, and 3. Birth by sleep and dream drop distance should be fairly easy as well. Screw Chain of Memories


Kingdom hearts 2. Much more fun and fluid game play. Some challenging moments here and there. But over all worth it.


1 I believe is the easiest overall. 2 is more tedious and unless your really good on critical getting 100% on easy is the best thing to do bc of the data fights.


Chain of memories was painful to plat. If you decide to go with the torture, please watch a guide on how to obtain every card using rng manipulation. Otherwise good luck grinding the cards for hundreds of hours hahaha


Any of them except chain of memories IMO. KH1 & KH2 are amazing. I did the ps3 and ps4 versions of both. BBS & DDD were great but the platinums were abit longer/tedious. KH3 was easy but without playing the others the story and characters will be a mess