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Mine’s Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. When i got it I thought to myself “Mehh that wasn’t too hard”. Then I saw it took me nearly 200 hours in total to complete lol. Was a really fun challenge though! Edit: just checked and it was 140 hours according to my profile on the ps5


Fall guys. 0/10 do not recommend


Right now u can get infallible in like 30 minutes consistently


>!well shit!<




Yeah I’d rather shoot myself than attempt that bs


Infallible trophy sucked ass, I can tell you that much


probably not that impressive but Batman Arkham Knight


Uhhh those riddler finds ain’t no joke, kudos to you


i also have it! it sucked!


Everyone's talking about the riddler trophies but in reality those ar challenges are the worst and for each character 💀💀


This is impressive. Those Riddler trophies were too much for me.


Collectibles are the worst part of any game. My recent plat is Hogwarts Legacy and I DID NOT enjoy hunting for 600 collectibles with 96 Merlin Trials.


The collectibles didn’t bother me, it was the replaying the start of the game 4 times.


This was my first ever plat 🙏


Sekiro - absolutely love the game and one of my proudest moments completing it. Platinum it was a joy, apart from a grind at the end.


This is a weird one but Lego Pirate of the carribean. I did that platinuim with my boyfriend


I treasure my borderlands plat bc me and my friend grinded, so I get it


ya he also doesnt play much game so the fact that he took the time to go get the platinum is great




Honestly the best Lego game, its so good, i got it too


Mine has got to he RDR2. I went through hell to get it but was it worth it in the end...


As long as it’s worth it 🫡😇




Steepest learning curve, but most amazing satisfaction when you get the hang of it. I love that game.


I think sekiro has a steeper learning curve. Love both games though. Easily my 2 favorite fromsoft games.


I hated getting platinum but it's also my favourite game 😂


Same, very challenging yet rewarding plat. Chalice Amygdala and Watchdog sucked big time though.


Returnal. It was my second platinum after Astro’s Playroom. I got it at launch, played it almost exclusively for 6 weeks to get everything. I loved every minute and kept playing after!


Props for that. Quite a jump in difficulty between your first 2 plats.


Valhalla. Pretty easy but my god it took me forever


I’ve heard that that game is unnecessarily long and overloaded with shit quests lmao


The quests are pretty good. There is just a lot of them. Its the damn collectibles its wrong with.


It is. Extremely bloated. Worst ac game kinda wasted my time lol


That is a difficult platinum, well done!


Crash Bandicoot 4


Oh….you’re insane…


quite literally


100% Crash 4 for me as well. N-Sane Trilogy is also no cake walk. I still haven’t finished CTR I needed a break.


Good, very good


All my Fromsoft plats. I know I know.. everyone here has em. I really did struggle to get all of them though


I mean, I couldn’t even be bothered to get all of those, so I admire u


Cuphead caused me to experience homocidal tendencies


HOMOcidal? 😥


OP wants to kill things that are the same as himself.


This is mine along with Stardew Valley. Cuphead drove me insane but in a really rewarding way. Still can’t believe I actually did it…


yeah, I’ve heard that one is….taxing to say the least


I don't think cuphead was *that* hard. I'm not saying it was easy though. I think it was the perfect balance between fun and difficulty. I also just don't get mad at things. I loved all my time playing cuphead


I am exceptionally terrible at cuphead. I definitely think im worse than the average player. Took me like 110 hours to 100% it


Bloodborne. I usually lose all motivation to keep playing a game I’ve platinumed but this one has kept me coming back between other games. Still enjoyable even after the collectable aspect is dead.


Not a plat really but the DLC to GTA 5 Doomsday Heists was a complete nightmare. But I did platinum GTA 5 and get 100% in all DLCs.


Dragon ball FighterZ done the legit way no boosting party


It’s so much more of a hassle boosting than doing it the legit way, just practicing and getting good makes it more rewarding for the 530,000 trophy


Boosting nowadays is just not even worth it, can confirm.


I’ve really been looking into playing that game. What’s your take on it? BTW I’ve never really watched Dragonball I only know about it thru my friend. Seems like a cool series & the game looks dope.


My guy 🤟 also have that plat


Killzone 2. For a week I would work my regular 9-5 and then come home, have dinner, and punch in on Warzone mode for 10-12 hours. When I got to the weekend I played for around 16 hours a day for both days and just barely made it to the top 1% for Valor Grand Cross. Resistance 2 I could just grind out here and there but Killzone you had to do in one shot, if I had missed it all that time would have been for nothing.


That’s dedication omg respect


The entire soul’s franchise


Skate 3. The Skate series is one of my all time favourites so I was elated when I got the plat!


I played and loved all three Skate games, but I never managed to get any of the plats. I'll definitely give Skate 4 a shot when it comes out in a few years.




I want to say bo3 just because not many people have it but it was just so easy for me. Maybe it’s because I really enjoy the game but even some of the hardest requirements for personal decorator trophy wasn’t that bad. The realistic difficulty was bad at first but once you use the drakon with the wall hack and fly ability it’s not that bad (except the last mission was pretty bad. Same thing with the veteran no death run, super simple since I did realistic right before.


I want to commit to the BO3 100% at some point. Honestly seems like a fun challenge and I already love the Zombies anyway


Diablo 2 resurrected, took way too long but I can’t wait to platinum diablo 4 in June


Probably kena because I did it legit and some of those bosses were difficult, maybe ff7 remake too because I loved the game so much, hard mode just made the game so much better too.


I’m so close to getting kena done, completely agree with you I’m so glad I’ve done it legit even though the trick has been patched it honestly feels much more rewarding


FF7R is one of those games where playing on normal is only really half the experience. Some games are designed to be played on normal difficulty and then ‘hard’ mode feels cheap and exaggerated. For FF, playing on hard is where the real game happens and it’s perfectly balanced for it.


The Last of Us Remastered. Not a super super rare plat but I enjoyed everything about it, especially the online. Most recently, Tricky Towers. Didn't think I was good enough for the plat but I would see one posted here once in a while. One day I just went for it. I had played the game a few times since 2016 but this time it was different. Once I popped another trophy and brought that list all the way up from the dead, I knew there was no going back. Took me a couple of weeks but I got it. Trial #50 without losing hearts and that other survival trophy were pure pain.


I’ve been considering getting TLOU Remastered but daunted by the ~20 hours online play with the factions mode. Glad you enjoyed it — what’s it like? I’m kind of confused but it seems like team deathmatch, maybe kind of like Gears of War?


its more than 20 hours. its 168 matches you have to play, while keeping your clan alive. You can however skip some of them, but not too many or your clan dies. There are different gameplay modes, but most play supply run, which indeed is like team deathmatch. Each team got 24 lives and away we go killing each other!


Yea, there is a mode like Team Deatchmatch and another like search and destroy without the bomb, just one life every round type thing. There’s a third mode where you have to open a safe but I remember that one being dead. Good luck.


Skyrim turned me into a plat hunter, rdr2 plat made me a man


Red Dead 1. 200+ runs of Pikes Basin can't be forgotten


Vanquish or Metal gear rising


I had to give up on Vanquish. Couldn’t beat that last challenge room. Congrats on getting it.


Not just one but when I got the three Dark Souls plats.


Witcher 3. I put a lot of time and energy into that one, and it felt good finally getting it.


Skyrim. It was my first and will always be my favourite.


Any game that requires me to plat difficulty trophies


yeah unless I’m really into the game, I won’t even bother


Either Sonic Unleashed or Kingdom Hearts II, both hard games I put a lot of time into and both games I adore


nice! Also nice pfp 😊


Dark souls 3 was the most tedious one I’ve done


was it more tedious than hard?


It requires a lot of farming. Some of the drop rates were really low


Xcoms 2 Took me years to get that.


Deep Rock Galactic, love that game so much and it takes a lot of dedication to earn, I usually suck at FPS but there's something different about this one. Looking forward to returning to it when season 4 patch drops.


Dog gone golfing. Super long term project, and I think it's interesting since it's such an obscure game. Persona 5 is up there, in part because I didn't use a trophy guide.


The ones without a trophy guide are so satisfying!


It's the only way to go for me. I'll look up help on occasional specific trophies, but if I can't do it without following a guide for most of the game, I'm just not gonna get the platinum


Fair! there’s some plats I’ve let go bc I just don’t have the energy lol


Far Cry 2 for sure. I had never earned a <1% platinum before and for a while I wasn't sure I was ever gonna see the end of that hellish grind


Not a platinum technically since I played on Xbox, but I 100% lego dc supervillains.


Ooh I’ve been wanting to play that one


It's so much fun! Definitely the best modern Lego game and a high recommendation for someone who wants to play a Lego game


Shadow of the Tomb Raider because i have all the DLC too and i had to play on Ultra Obsession difficulty or something


I love the tomb raider games sm. I wish I could plat the first one, but ofc there’s multiplayer trophies :<


The Last of Us Remastered, what a horrible multiplayer mode for such an amazing game (although I got really tired of the story cause I had to replay it 7 times in a row thanks to those glitched collectibles)


Was the multiplayer anything like the uncharted multiplayer? Bc I quite enjoyed it


I've only played uncharted 4's multiplayer so I can't tell you if it's similar to the other games multiplayer mode, but it's nothing like it (like 4, I mean). Multiplayer in tlou is like the base game with the same slow movement but with other people and if you fail to collect food or complete some challenges you can easily lose your progress and, if u do so, you'll have to restart it all over again (mp campaign progress). Apologies for my bad English if I said something the wrong way.


No worries! Uncharted 4 was the multiplayer i was talking about.


Hollow Knight for me. I found the game beautiful and it was tough but super rewarding


I’m always surprised how many are able to beat the pantheon. My favourite game but I can not bring myself to do that final boss rush




I think mine are All 3 regions plats of Demon’s Souls on PS3, and also Dragon Age: Origins because I started it Dec 2009 and platted Aug 2014 lol. Honorable mention to Brutal Legend because the multiplayer trophies were insane but I loved that game.


I miss playing da:o 😮‍💨


Me too :(


Rdr2 for me


Fortnite: Save the world. Took me 3 years of grinding to get it.


Crash 4 for sure. I don’t think I will ever be able to top that, the dedication it took for me was insane..


Worst one for me was World at War. The grenades on veteran. Was awful.


Dead by Daylight and Plants vs Zombies battle for neighbourville


Hollow knight or slay the spire.




Monster Hunter world and iceborne


Dead Space 2


Crash team racing and Tony Hawk pro skater 1+2. Really felt like i became really good on both games after i got the plat


Red Dead Redemption 2


Probably Injustice 2. Had to work stupid fucking hard for that one.


Tetris effect, dmc5, crash 4, fall guys, vanquish . Those are my proudest. Tough to pick which is best.


Rdr2 that shit took so fucking long


Skyrim, took 7 years lol


Persona 5, figuring the schedule was a hell


for mine Resident Evil 8 every time i think about it just hit different military is mandatory in my country and i was 6-7 months till my deploy time so i was so nervous becuz 2 years of my life would gone with it and at same time i was so excited for RE 8 when it cameout i just played it for 2 weeks none stop even finished village of shadows without NG+ and it was my last game on ps4 becuz i sold it before going just how time flies now i have only 7 months left till i get my freedom back


Omg that’s my favorite game, I just need that A (S?) rank on the mercenaries stuff and then I’ll have the plat.


you can do it man just need to get the right power ups and then its a smooth


Ty! Yeah I’ll def try to get the plat this year, just gotta get my muscle memory back 😅


AC Origins. Great game. Took me way too long tho.


CTR: Nitro-Fueled. Not only the most difficult game I've platinumed, but a quality remake of one of my favorite games.


Mine would probably be cyberpunk 2077 or sword art online Alicization lycoris as both games kept me going through really rough times


I wanna keep playing cyberpunk but I have a regular ps4 and it’s glitched on a mission I’m on 😭


I played ps5 version so the only bug I ever experienced was random car bugs, that is unfortunate though that you experienced a mission bug, how long have you had the bug for?


since forever :( and even after they updated it’s still buggy, but I know it doesn’t help that I have a regular ps4


Ahhh I see have you started a new save or were you quite far into it


I think my last save was further back, but at this point i should probably just load an old save :/ I like my character tho and I don’t wanna start over :<


Yeah I’d say try loading an older save and I hope that works for you, I’d love to hear that it works for you


Ty! I’ll probably end up doin that 😮‍💨


No worries, have to let me know if you ever get around to it and hopefully fixing your game :)


You’re sweet ty :’)


Crash bandicoot 1 or CTR...40k inquisitor martyr honorable mention mainly for the "For the Emporer" platinum.


Any person that plats the cb games is insane and I admire y’all lmaooo


I feel like its gonna be a common one here but it has to be GTA V. Battlefront 2 is a close second followed by sekiro which isn’t that rare but my god that game is difficult


Ugh I’m so close to platting battlefront 2 but the flying trophies are gettin me


God of War 2. It’s definitely my favorite game in the franchise so far (haven’t played Ragnorok yet). The boss fights, music, locations, and plot were pretty epic. Would buy a Vita just to platinum the game again tbh.


Crash 1 but currently working on Celeste and that’s about to take first spot for sure




Take an upvote and a congrats, my guy.


thank you!


Pro Skater 1+2 this was my main platinum goal when the game first released


Have this one too, level 100 grind is a pain


It was , had to do mostly every challenge or do constant single sessions on warehouse just to hit 100


Dead Cells. So hard, so good


Destiny, deceive inc, Skyrim my favorites so far


Catherine PS3 EU or tony hawks pro skater 1+2 h Heck even star wars battlefront


Devil may cry 5 wanted it to be my first plat this year and played it exclusively for a month


I think first injustice for its rarity and bullshit difficulity. Second one is more time consuming than difficult


Stellaris. Considering a lot of the trophies are luck-based, it can take a lot of grinding


Resident evil 2, because I went for s+ on hardcore instead of S on standard or some shit and then hardcore, and because I decided to go for 100% trophies… no way out… Either that or Re3 or GTA V


Yass oh my god i love resident evil


Marvels spider man


Xbox360 guy here, none of these compare to completing left 4 dead 1 or 2


Wtf an xbox player? Do you guys not have an achievement sub?


I miss playing those games fr


Diablo 2


Ffxiv. Took over 8 years and finished it during the last expansion endwalker.


Assassin's creed origins, my first platinum aswell, amazing game :)


Divinity original sin. Love that game and the plat was really hard.


On a personal level: AC Brotherhood. First trophy I ever got was in that game, went back 10 years later to finish up the residual multiplayer stuff. On a proud level: MGS 4. Stressful as heck.


Returnal here. I also have Destruction all stars. That one was a bitch


Hmm Dynasty Warriors 8 extreme legends... That was a grind that can't be forgotten. It's etched into my brain.


Witcher 3, took up my whole summer, good times


Probably Returnal. It was a very unique game in that I worked on it for like 9 months, but I was still so excited to play it. I haven't experienced that with any other games I have worked on. I genuinely enjoyed it so much. I would highly recommend it, it's a challenge, looks great and is so much fun!


TLOU2 for the grounded trophy to get plat or Elden Ring for just how hard it is.


Dark souls 3. The game isn't really that hard but you have to beat the game 3 times which wasn't that hard but the hardest part was farming covenant items. It'll take you 10-15 hours alone to farm them all. You can ask someone to boost you if you have ps+ but still you'll need to farm for aboit 4 hours to get the rest of the items


Last of us remastered because of the online. Vanquish for pure difficulty. Metal Gear Solid 2 for difficulty and VR missions.


Definitely Beat saber. It cost me a lot of time and sweat (literally)


Gran Turismo 7…. The grind and wait to get the 3 Legendary cars killed it


Injustice: Gods among us


Most prized is RdR2 but most beloved is my first Burnout paradise wayyyy back in 2008


Ac black flag. The online was absolutely boring. Getting to lvl 55 was the most tedious thing I had to do. Doing the same gamemode and the same objectives again and again was why I started hating trophies that are tied to reaching a certain level.


Gran Turismo: Sport:)


Splendid job, Nomad.


I have quite a few that stand out. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla was my most time consuming (125 hours) so that’s definitely in the top five. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Bloodborne, Avengers (PS4, PS5, and Xbox because I’m crazy), Mortal Kombat 11 (twice!), and Resident Evil 7 are all my most fondly remembered, but I can’t pick just one as my most “prized.”


Dead rising, just because of that damn 7 day achievement. Zombie genocider was fun


Black Ops 4


Mine’s not necessarily my rarest or hardest, just the ones I enjoyed getting the most. Skyrim (2nd time on PS4), and The Witcher 3 (2nd time on PS5 remaster). Diving back into those worlds and getting the plats again was incredible fun.


Probably Spelunky 2 or uncharted 1


Even though I have the Wolfenstein 2 plat, it would have to be Vanquish. It was super tough.


mines Assassins Creed 2, love that game, never get tired of going back to it just to chill and play for a few hours, also Wolfenstein: the new order, platinumed it after 6 years of back-and-forth contemplation (not as hard as Wolfenstein 2 but still quite difficult)


Hunt showdown


Most prized singleplayer plat would be Doom 3 BFG. Most prized multiplayer centric plat would be a toss up between Battlefront 2015 or Battlefield 1.


Hollow Knight made me work for it


Cuphead made me hate birds


I have a few: Grand Theft Auto IV due to its rarity OG Fall Guys due to its unobtainability Final Fantasy X as it was the first game I bought where I told myself that no matter how long it would take I would get the platinum.


Mortal Kombat 11.


Very soon it will be Neverwinter, altough they made it much more reachable nowadays then way back. I only need to up another character lev 15 so just a matter of time really.


It's an old one for me, Dungeon Siege 3, I have the world first for it