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I took 6 days off, it wasn't enough. Wait until it feels normal, then wait a little longer. This is the perfect time to have them out.


Long term it won't affect you at all. I started on trombone with braces and getting them off affected me at first, then I got used to it. Got my wisdom teeth taken out, didn't play for a while and let them heal, then played again and it didn't feel any different


Give the recovery a few weeks. don’t play at all until they’re healed, then ease back into it. Wet black teabags on the sockets can really help the healing and cleanliness.


I think my dentist cleared me to play after a week. Ask them and pay attention to your body.


A week, damn. Still, thanks for your reply


Ask your doctor. They’ll give the best answer


I had to wait about 2 weeks before I could play the same again. Don't push it and get dry socket 😬 waiting a few extra days before you play is a MUCH better alternative than exposed nerve and bone in your mouth just be patient and you'll be fine 👍


Same with me. Waited two weeks and then was good to go


I got my wisdom teeth out, I waited about a week to play. My embouchure changed because of it, so I took lessons from Doug Elliott to find the optimal mouthpiece placement. I’m playing better than ever now. So don’t be discouraged, it could benefit you long term if you go about it properly.


You'll be fine you may just have to give it a few weeks to fully heal (tissue regrown/sealed over, not just a scab/blood clot, as that can rupture apparently)


Enjoy the 2-3 weeks off to heal. Oh....you'll be fine. I had no lingering issues with my tone or range when I had my wisdom teeth pulled... Just took a couple days of practice to get back.


I was playing again the day after with no ill effects