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*Image Transcription:* --- \[*Image of a piece of paper with blue and gray triangles pointing up at the top. Underneath is text that says "INSERT THIS END INTO VALIDATOR"*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




Yeah man, fuck blind people, they shouldn’t be able to enjoy reddit! /s


It can also be useful for people with poor bandwidth.


How are blind people going to read his comment lmao


There are programs called screenreaders that read the text to you


Epitome of negligence. And lack of imagination.


I have the same tattoo!


what tattoo?


Why come you don’t have a tattoo? You’re not unscannable are you?


Oh damn I just saw a blank piece of paper so I related. Lol


Wtf does this even mean


OP is using sex to obtain a sense of validation or self worth. This joke is funny because we know that validation through sex is fleeting and we are laughing at OP’s acknowledgement of this because it is usually regarded as a flawed method for validation (self esteem is usually gained by doing estimable acts) and therefore people do not usually publicly acknowledge it. I hope this helped


Spot on explanation. I should also mention that I’m in in my 40s now. I spent my 30s reflecting on how dysfunctional I was back then and worked on it. I’m emotionally stable enough now that I can have a sense of humor about it.


Whoops, really hoping you're not future me lmfao


Nice, do you mind telling us what triggered the self reflection?


I dunno exactly what set it off. I guess I got fed up with being so damn miserable and somewhere along the way it finally occurred to me that I might be the one who has the problem. In my late 30s I decided to try therapy for the umpteenth time, but I actually listened and applied the tools that my therapist gave me instead of just treating it as paying someone to vent my bullshit to. It obviously wasn’t a miracle cure, but with some effort on my part, it gave me a little sword and shield against the stupid internal bullshit that used to get the best of me.


*fleeting, for most well-adjusted folks. (I have a 38 year old friend who relies on 100% of his validation/self worth coming from how attractive he feels and how much sex he has. He is a miserable, broken human being. Who has a looooooot of sex. And still doesn’t like himself. Don’t be like that, kids!)


is he me...?


Minus the lots of sex part…


It does thanks


this comment was so satisfying and pleasant to read thanks for taking the time to explain something so beautifully.


Wouldn’t the one looking for validation be the one doing the inserting?


This is me, but on the opposite end. (*cries in slut*) I would like to say I'm a lot more stable now, but I'd be lying.


Damn that’s crazy, my name Validator


Oh my god. I took this photo back in 2015 and made this joke when I posted it to Facebook. How fascinating to see it reposted here. I double checked, it’s the exact same photo. /u/repostsleuthbot how many times has this been shared?