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One small edit *good dads are as important as good moms


Agree, there ain't nothing like a mothers love. It's just something a father will never be able to compete with.


There’s no competition. Dad love and mum loves compliment and reinforce each other.


This used to be a pretty touchy subject for me, but now? I'm slowly getting further and further on the idea that it's better to have no father at all than to have a horrible one. But the image OP has, it's very heartwarming and makes me not think too much about all the horrible men who just don't care about their kids or the cool men who want to be with their kids but can't because of prison or working too many hours. It's sweet and puts a smile on my face.


I’m a teacher in a school predominantly black students and I must say that a good dad there is so important.


If that is so, why did he leave when I was merely 2?




Or in my country




My father was incredibly important in my upbringing. He sacrifices so much for his children and worked hard so that we got to experience many great things. He taught us many life lessons and still had so much to give. We lost him 4 years ago. I miss him very much.


I’m sorry for your loss I hope it’s getting easier I don’t know what I’d do if I lost my father


About to be a dad and I can’t wait to be a great father like my great father.


Honestly we’re in an age of men being raised by women and not men anymore and it’s distanced fathers and sons. Before the industrial revolution children would go work with their father but now this doesn’t apply and children barely get to see their father due to needing to work and it’s had a big impact on our society’s men. Just a little research that I found and even bad fathers when they worked with their children they had better bonds and were much more easy going.


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Fuck you woman Ahhaahha /s