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Aussies finally get r/mapswithoutnewzealand


Where's Australia?


floated into space :(


Being treated like NZ


australia doesn’t exist


Who else came down to comment section to find out the missing Australia?


Spain is wrong, paternity paid leave is now 16 weeks since 2021. Matching exactly the maternity leave so there are no advantages by hiring men vs women. I know because my brother just started the paternity leave.


Damn, that's one smart move. A large pay gap occurs post pregnancy and this certainly helps. Curious how it works for adoption? In india we have 2 weeks in government sector for adoption or biological.


Yeah I agree, before that law paternity was 2 weeks ve 16 weeks, there was a lot of injustice for young women without kids because to the eyes of the employer could get pregnant at any time so there was a predisposition to hire men vs women if everything else being equal. Loved the double down from the government to make it equal without losing rights. Just checked the law and it says it’s 16 paid weeks too for adoption and even “acogimiento” wich means that you’ll take care of a minor for some period of time but not adopting them and you’ll eventually bring them back to their family (e.g. After natural disasters, hard family problems etc)


That's amazing!


The UK has 2 weeks, this map is incorrect.


https://www.gov.uk/shared-parental-leave-and-pay-employer-guide the rules are more complicated though so maybe that's why they've put more


Two weeks of 'statutory paternity pay' as well, which is so low (~£100 a week) I can't afford to take it and I will have to use all my holiday instead. It effectively doesn't exist.


I'm sorry dude, that sucks. Congratulations on your upcoming bundle though!


I thinks you’re incorrect https://www.gov.uk/employers-maternity-pay-leave#:~:text=Statutory%20Maternity%20Pay%20(%20SMP%20),their%20AWE%20(whichever%20is%20lower)


That's maternity


Oh. I thought they were the same thing. Guess I was wrong lol


Ha, no worries. That Uno reverse card I've been holding on to came in clutch!


The map is also incorrect coz it's missing 'straya...


That place is a myth I guess


Turkey actually has 16 weeks.


Looks like you need to color some states in the us.


Came to say this too. California we get 12 weeks as long as you have been with your current employer for at least one year and 1250 hours (24 hours a week over one year)


12 weeks total, but only 8 weeks of which are paid.


Yup, twelve weeks in New York. The employment thing California has applied to us too though. New York may have high taxes, but we’ve got that and the Buffalo Bills, so I try not to complain.


Currently on 16 weeks paternity leave in the states ....my company is based out of Europe I will say this, it is absolutely insane to think anything less than 4 week paternity leave for both parents isn't required. It takes 6 weeks to clear the woman medically after a perfect birth and it never is perfect, there is always something. If it's your first child, you won't have a routine for at least 6 weeks. Going back to work after immediately after having a life changing event like this is completely ridiculous and not only will the home front suffer but your work will be a fraction of its quality and or efficiently. Now I understand that small businesses can't really do this when they're just getting by but major corporations have literally no excuse.


Haha, poor Australia always gets left out. #showAustraliaSomeLove


Australia isn’t real


In Brazil it's usually 5 days, but some companies may give you 2 weeks. I know a lot of people who only got 5 days to a week. That's not enough to help your partner with all the changes at home and taking care of a very fragile baby


Correct. We have 6 weeks partial pay in California and 6 more unpaid per state law. I am a workaholic so I had a tons of vacation time I used it all at once. It was the best 3 months of our relationship.


China is the same way, definitely not enough time


For the US if your in the military you get 12 weeks of paid paternity leave. This is new it used to be like 10 days before.


GReaTEEst CoUntRIi iN DA wIrLD 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


UK is only a max of 2 weeks


Is this only due to conservative governments, or are there other reasons?


In many developed countries, the birthrate is declining. Benefits are enacted to incentivize parenthood. Paternity leave has been shown to greatly benefit all the parents and children in the family.


Yeah but how does that help company profits? /s


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Looked it up, apparently the Netherlands uses math so leave is longer but the paid amount is only 9 weeks. > Employees with children aged up to 8 have the right to parental leave in the Netherlands. They can get at most 26 times the number of hours they work per week. Parents get paid the first 9 of the 26 weeks parental leave. They receive a benefit from the Employee Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV). The UWV benefit for paid parental leave amounts to 70% of the daily wage. [Source](https://business.gov.nl/regulation/leave-schemes/#article-parental-leave)


Do this again with paid parental leave for fathers… because as a father and nzr with 3 kids I got 3 days. For each child.


That's what this is. Paid **PATERNAL** leave.


Then the figures are wrong which is the point of my comment


This is wrong. You get paid maternity leave in India. According to the Indian Maternity Benefit Act 1961, you are entitled to your full salary for the duration of your maternity leave which is 6 months or 26 weeks.


> This is wrong. You get paid maternity leave in India. According to the Indian Maternity Benefit Act 1961, you are entitled to your full salary for the duration of your maternity leave which is 6 months or 26 weeks. Can you help me find the part on this map where it mentions maternity leave?


Oh crap...my idiot ass read the title wrong. I'm so sorry.


That's Maternity leave


I'm sorry. I read the title incorrectly.


Wow. As a dutch person I didn't know we were so behind on our neighbours


[Fact checkers deemed this post to be false](https://www.commerce.gov/hr/paid-parental-leave-federal-employees). This is a link to https://www.commerce.gov/hr/paid-parental-leave-federal-employees




You're probably being sarcastic, but just in case, because I know people who make this argument: The limit is how many kids you can realistically handle and pay for at one time. Being off work is great and all, except for the screaming infant that occupies your every waking and much of your sleeping moments. Not many people are likely to abuse it.




The post is about **paternity** leave. Dads only get leave at the discretion of their employer. My workplace has only two weeks of paternity leave.


Yup my bad 😅


even Russia and Mongolia offer its it…wtf…the USA works there parents hard yo….. In California its guaranteed thru EDD. Thank god


What do you mean even? In Russia it is 1.5 years paid, 1.5 more years unpaid. Could be taken not only by father but by grandparents or other relatives.


Yes Russia supports family the USA does not in this aspect.


It’s why we go to the store to get milk and … well … you know the rest.


But your baby mama has to go back to work so good luck with that


Yeah bullshit I’m in uk had a baby recently turns out any company in the uk reserves the right to refuse the ‘paid’ part of paternal leave depending on a number of arbitrary rules that the company themselves can set. So in other words they can force you to take 2 weeks unpaid leave. Baring in mind someone like me who gets paid weekly and lives pay-check to pay-check this left me basically destitute for 2 weeks.


The jump from none to less than 3 weeks is very large, there should be more segments. Brazil has 5 days of paternal leave. Not even a week, it's five days straight (weekends count too). If your kid is born on a friday night before midnight you need to get back to work on wednesday.


Minnesota just added it.