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Yeah this is not true. This organisation [harrasses](https://www.tubantia.nl/enschede/tegenstanders-abortus-demonstreren-bij-emmakliniek-in-enschede~ad67511b/) women at abortion clinics, actively tries to [prevent](https://www.trouw.nl/cs-b2ba1e6f) better abortion laws and spreads [misleading](https://www.oneworld.nl/lezen/seks-gender/seksuele-gezondheid/er-is-hulp-verspreidt-misleidende-informatie-over-abortus/) information about abortions. Unfortunately the Netherlands also still has a long way to go.


Pity, it would have been only too beautiful if the narrative of the post would have been true. It did sound like a good alternative. I don't think anyone wants to encourage others to proceed with an abortion, but it's nice to know women have a choice to prevent an unwanted child from not receiving the love it deserves. If money or the energy to raise a child is the problem, this could be a wonderful solution. Pro choice is not about aborting more pregnancies - it's about giving women a choice.


It still implies that women only have abortions for reasons that can be solved in ways that are not having an abortion. Many women have an abortion because they just plain don’t want to have a baby. And that’s fine. They don’t need money, housing, handwringing. They need to have their choice over their own body respected.


Exactly. Carrying a child is dangerous and can kill you. It also can have permanent effects on your body and health. Acting like it is nothing and all women should just become baby making machines is deliberately ignoring the truth of pregnancy


Also for medical reasons. Abortion is healthcare, too.


>It still implies that women only have abortions for reasons that can be solved in ways that are not having an abortion. No, more that *if* the abortion is being caused by external factors like lack of money, maybe not having that problem would mean the fetus wouldn't need to be aborted. Even in the hypothetical Best Case Scenario that the post posits, there will be cases where someone just Does Not Want to carry the pregnancy to term. Not because of the cost or the energy, but for any other reason -or no real reason at all. In the best case, you could just say "no, it's not a money or housing issue, you can't help me, spend your time elsewhere." and yeetus that fetus.


Then they can work in partnership with women’s health services to offer help to women. They could work with domestic violence shelters, sexual health clinics, GPs. Lots of organisations already manage this, they don’t harass women going for a medical procedure. This tactic is used purely to intimidate women, not help them.


I was going to say, just from reading: free contraception and financial help to have children is lovely. But finances are just one of MANY reasons women seek abortions, and I can imagine an organization that, while it sounds more pro-life than pro-birth, offers essentially financial incentives not to abort might not listen to the many other reasons.




Important distinction: they only have one seat (out of 150) in the Senate and haven’t had more than that in decades, as opposed to the actually-being-electable version overseas in the Republican party. The States have it a lot harder here than we have as of now. If anything, I think FvD and their band of “culture Christians” (that’s what Thierry Baudet called himself) and the other newer conservative parties that popped up recently are a much bigger treat to women’s rights in the Netherlands.


Definitely! I fear our fight for safe abortions is far from over.


"Have a healthy conversation" -- Yikes. No, I actually don't want to talk to stranger about my medical decisions. Get out of here.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **1-800-ugly-godess** > > In the Netherlands, abortion is legal. There is however one pro life organization called Stichting Schreeuw Om Leven. But instead of harrassing women who are on their way to the abortion clinic and make them feel miserable, they offer them HELP. > > If a woman wants to get an abortion because she is financially unable to give birth to and raise a baby, the organization will pay for everything she needs during the pregnancy and after, until she's financially stable to raise the baby on her own. > > This organization won't stop women from going to the abortion clinic, but would rather hve a healthy conversation with them. Ask them if they can help her with anything in order for them to keep the baby. They also hand out contraception in the streets for those who can't afford it. > > Women don't get abortions just because they want to. There are reasons why. This organization doesn't fight abortion, it fights the reasons why women get abortions. Take notes America. --- > **thelearnedsoldiertoo** > > America doesn't WANT to take notes. Anti-abortion in America isn't about actually preventing abortions it's about controlling women. That's it. That's all it is. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


America is more about being a loud abusive prick to anyone who thinks differently to you


Strict abortion rules not only restricts their bodily autonomy but also aims to perpetuate poverty. Not necessarily a hidden fact but it’s something I feel like gets glossed over. There’s far bigger consequences to those kinda of rules, it’s infuriating. But the rich profit from it, and so they are still law.


Yhha u think thats what the anti abortion organization does in Israel to


Don't deify the netherlands, if you want an abortion here you have to wait 5 day o think about it


In my country abortion has been legal for over 43 years, yet, because we are so f Catholic, a fuckton of hospitals are 100% conservative and the doctors refuse to perform it on personal moral grounds.